1、llow to select the Sansui hi fi equipment you need: A buyers guide, L976-t977 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 Thirty years experience as high fidel- ity specialists stand behind every piece of equipment shown on the followingpages. Thirty years in which Sansui has acquired an enviable reputation for unvaryi
2、ng qual- ity and advanced engineering design. Our initial product, a power trans- former designed to meet exacting pertor- mance and reliability specifications, estab- lished the standards against which every subsequent Sansui product has been meas- ured. Consistently meeting rigourous qual- ity sta
3、ndards has repeatedly led us back to re-think the basic design of electronic com- ponents and electro/mechanical systems in terms of the specific role each plays in the accurate reproduction of music. The result of our fresh approach has been a series of innovations placing Sansui, year after yeax,
4、in the forefront of state-of-the-art audio engineering - attested to by an impressive list of world wide patents and the high esteem of hi-fi experts and en- thusiasts ever5rwhere. Developing expertise in manufactur- ing techniques alongside advance design has consistently enabled us to rapidly in-
5、corporate the latest technology into our full range of equipment. From the moderately- priced, to the top of the line components, you can always be certain youle getting the highest reliability and accuracy in sound reproduetion for your money. No mass-market TV, portable radios or kit- chen applica
6、nces - we concentrate our efforts and abilities exclusively on quality hi-fi audio equipment. Each group of products in this catalogue covers a range of prices, indi- vidual equipment varying aceording to power capacity and incorporated features. What they all have in common, however, is a high stan
7、dard of fidelity and they bear the respected Sansui name. TheDefinition Series Uncomprcmising, When a musiel lrerlomme must be reprodud to the most qitiol standads, the Defid- tion Series - 8A5000 and 8A3000 Power Amplifiers, CA3000 Control Preamplifier and AU20000 Integrated Amplifier - can deliver
8、 flawlessly the entire audio spectrum. When the Sasui reseuch tms perfect technologil refinements which make significant improvements in audio quality and practical versatility, we wut to see (and hear) those improve- ments translated into actual equipmeut : thats why we build the Definition Series.
9、 Eventually, their technical advantages will appeu in more populaly-priced components. For today, for usels who require the latest, most advmced stereo equipment for critiol music reproduc- tion, here they ae. Designed into every circuit, mm- sive power reserves (what we like to call abudant power h
10、eadroom) effort- lessly provide total musical resolution, transpaency and definition, with power souce ineguluities eliminated and triple protection circuitry, over m ex- tremely wide dynamic range. As you would expect with such exeting standards, each Definition Series unit is individually tested f
11、or complete perfomance to design parameters before leaving the factory ; tests results ue remrded on a technical data sheet, fmished with the equip- menl. In every detail, Definition Series components ee designed and con- structd with all the cue lavished on any fine professional instrument. RadioFa
12、ns.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 The power amplifiers Input: a semiconductor cfucuit built uound a differential amplifier using tso well-matched transistors and a buf fer amplifier delivers a completely corr stant quality response. Output : 3 Ddington-connected ampldier stages for high cwent gain in each channei, w
13、ith eight large pou,er transistors for each channel (8A3000: 6 power transistors three-in-parallel) in an elaborate fou-in-parallel OCL complementary symmetry pushpull con- figuation, give linear input amplifica- tion and reserve power for negligible distortion. Power transfomer: toroidal coil windi
14、 ngs on a seamless ring and a I win positive/negative dual power supply fomat with separate windings for left and right channels result in a power transformer which gives an improved transient response with low heat gener- ation and precise power regulation (BA3000. 5000 and CA3000). r afull 600watt
15、s in mono. . The output hansfonner also functions as a bandpass filter cutting subsonic signals to protect speaker cones. . Temperatue-sensored cooling fan. . Three protection circuits: AS0 (area ol sale operation) detection cfucuit monitors and limits cwent flow in power transfor- men ; themistor s
16、elf-restoring temperatue detection ctcuit; overload detection cilcuit with quick-acting f uses. . High-accuacy meters, with logdith- mically compressed scale covering0,ol to 300 watts and decibel scale; precise, positive controls plus block diagram of instrument interior printed on cover. BA 3X0 All
17、 the desigr featues of the BA5000, but with a porver output of 1?0 watts per channel, min. RMS, both chamels driven into 8 ohms over a20 to 20.000H2 band- width, $ith no more than 0,05 7a total hr- monic distortion; 340 watts, min. RMS in mono. . Fou jumbo heat sinl(. coupled di- rectly to the power
18、 transistoN eliminate the need for a coolingfan. . LED Pou.er/hotector indiotor on front panel glows red when power is sB irched on, luns green to indicate sale opertion; tuns red to wm of potentially hdmlul conditions. r BA3000 has all the safety featues, subsonic filters and distortion-Jree toroid
19、al coil winding power transfomer described above. BA 5000 tiA:rffx) The Preamplifier and In- tegrated Amplifier cA 3000 Stereo Control Premplifier. Featues advaned space-age design itr every link of the circuit chain, for unprecedented acca- cv. RIAA t 0,2dB Equalisation. Capable of meeting all the
20、strenuous demands of con- IpmporarJ disc recordings which fearuc exuemeh wide dJ,mmic range, the CA3000 hmdlps an pxupmply wide frequency rc- sponse covering all musil signals with low distoltion, no clipping or noise. . High input impedan and low output impedanre. r hrouAh newl) develcoed unil ampl
21、ifipr cilcuits: a differpntial amplifier al input, and an emitter-follower or SEPP buffer amplifier at output. o Phono equaliser featues apacked diff erential dual FET mplifier (with a matched pair of low-noise FE?s) atthe initial stage, and Class-A complementary SEPP amp at output. o Full controls
22、and comections for any combination youre likely to need. AU 20000 Integrar ed Srprpo Amplif ier,lelivering a continuous 170 watts, min. RMS, per chamel, both channels driven into 8 ohms, over 20to 20KHz bandwidth-with no rrore than 0,05 Tototal hmonic distortion. Eight-uansist or equalLer wil h ,lif
23、f,- rpnrial amps at initial stagp gives rn im proved dlmmic response, foran extremcly accuate RIAA equalisation cuve. . Tliple protection circuits: tcmperil- tue, DC voltage and ASO detection. o Selectablephono sensitivity/impedance, and a versatile tape monitor circuit make the AU20000 flexible and
24、 capable of handling a vriety of record- ing and playback combinations. cA 3000 AU 20000 The Professional Series Sansuis Professional Series of in- AU 11000 tegrated amplifir and stereo FM/AM Integrated Stereo Amplifier. tuner. Introduced more than ten yeas Dependable high-power oxtput with ago, the
25、 original AU series has esiab lowd-istortion: 110-watts (RMS) per channel, Iished a tradition of consistently repre 0,08 % distortion. P.u.+lql Psh-plJfy:lrt senting the latest and most advincld !:1fl,9tr-:1t-!h-1.1-19st dl/l1mc ranse techniLr deveropments ud appricatins LX*ir-*:t:ilT$iia reproducti
26、on in the industry. . 6rA-ptifi? pr,oo equaliser uses a In 1976-1977, the Professional differential ampMieri; the first stage for Series proudly uphold that tradition: extremely accuate highs and lows. the most powerful, accuate, depend- . Tdple tone control and selectable able stereo components yet
27、 in th; Iine - phono sensitivity/impedance. the very highesi professional level with Iull input-outputfacilities for2 in ttre rigid-sansui standuds of excer stereo tape decks monitoring md tape-tc Ience in audio reprodurlion. tapc dubbing AU amplifier sections deliver ex- AU9900 tremely high power o
28、utput, for clear, iniegrated Stereo Amplifier. distortion-free music reproduction over 80 w-atts per chamel oi power, with all a wide dynmic range i 110 watts and 80 the clean, distortion-free chilacteristics ed watts, AU11000 and AU9900 respec- salety featues of the AU11000. tively, per channel, bo
29、th channels dri- o Stabilised, well-regulatd power ven into 8 ohms, ovet a 20Hz to 20KHz soEce: oversized power (apaeito$, ad- bandwidth with no more the 0,08 % -:uiJ:fl311fli1t,i;,. total hmonic distrotion. Quadrupte protectioncilcuitrypro- *?ll.#:;:ffiS,:fr#*:ilJ tects you entfue system with AU co
30、m- use. ponents: temperatue, DC voltage, ASO and overload deiection ctucuits. TU 9900 An elaborate feedback type stabil- FM/AM StereoTtner. hecision ised power supply section - plus minus specifitions matched perfectlyto the high tlual iupply - gtiaantces itlql circuit quality-cheacteristics.ofthe A
31、U integaated p.foman ,r,1. any signal condi- mps Distortion of only 0,06 7o in mono md tin. 0,08 7_, in stereo reteption results from the Ihc Sansui prof.ssional series use of a wide-band ratio detectorand the meets the m osr e xacti n g specif ications i,fl #?-:tf :il ii3:itril$:fffllT3l for sturl
32、io anrl homc Hi-li installations. modulator lor lower phase deviation. . Sensitivity of 0,9pV (DIN): m ex- tremely high-perfommce FM front+nd. . FM recording libration signal. TU 9900 Arr 9900 ATI I lfiX) TheAII/TU Series Proudly upholding tlre Smsui tradi tion of seative enginering sin its introduc
33、tion more than a decade ago, the AU/TU Series of stBreo integrated amplifiers and stereo FM/AM tuners has consistntly enjoyed the respect of IIi-Fi enthuimts and citic. These, the latest models to join this 6lite series, continue the tradition of advmd tech- nical developments and the finest in wer-
34、oriented convenienes. AU 7900 Iilgrated Stereo Amplifier. High power output - 80 watts per chmel - of clem, mdistorted mwic rep+ duction: so ruat it bemes difficult to distinguish frcm the original live perfor- lrE. NF-tlTe phono equaliser : the devia- tion frcm tl stedild RIAA we is only t 0,3dB ov
35、s the entire rsrge. Superb premp, superb trrwerful mpliiier. o Tape play/dubbing switctr, simultue ous comection of two stereo tap decks. . Tliple Tone Contrcl: bss, beble md midrege witl selectable tmover frequen- qe8. o Directoupled true omplementarr OCL output. . Dual power supply. triple power-
36、cirqit prctction. AUOO Stereo Integrated Amplifier. the technical perfon ad tone quality you expect of Smui equipment in this mediu-prie/mediu-pows (62 watts pe chmel, min. RMS, both chmels driven into 8 ohm, 1000H2) mplifier. Suhstiltial power to drive two IEire of speaker sl6tem, for cleil, distof
37、tion-free total mEic reprG duction, ed tie full rmge of nbols. o 0,1 % total hamonic distortion atful nted output. o lYiple Tone Control: b8s, treble ord midrmge. o Direct-coupled true complementaqr OCL output - 4 power tresistors per cheel in pealel pNh-pul. o Tape play/dubbing onhol for two ster t
38、ap deck6. 6 AU5000 IntEgrated Streo Amplifis. A.ll the featws, nveniens ild sys- tm prctection I in tlrc AU7900/6900 (de- saibed above). Continuous power output of 50 mtts per cherel (both chmls, at l000llz) witl no more thm 0,1 % hamonic distortion. Advmed electronic tchnology at a resomble pri. o
39、Ver*tile TYiple Tone Control. o Comectiom for two streo tape decks, monitor switah for dubbing or copy- ing from one to mother. r High-pruision phono equalier: = 0,3dB RIAA. o Lodhigh filters, tone defeat swit h. o Indelrcndent power supply from preuplifier ud pows driver sectiom. AU4900 IntegEtd St
40、eo Amplifis. 38 watta per chmel (min. RMS, both chmels driven into 8 ohm st 1000H2 with no more tlm 0, 15 % total hmonic distor- tion- o Plu-minw slmetrical power supply. . AdeqEte power to reprodu the full dlmmic mge. o Directoupled, Iow-noise trasiston in extremely auatr phono equaliser cir- oitry
41、. . Elabonte protction thrcughmelec- bonic relay, iretad of fws. o llighmdtowfilter. o Audio muting. o Micmixingfrility. AU39X) Integrated Stereo Amplifier. Sue specifitiom - sme low distor- tion - a AU4900 (above), but slightly redued power: i5 watts per chmel, min. RMS, boti chmels ddven at l000Hz
42、. . CR tJ4E tone controlcirditwith click stops. . Audio muting, high md low filtrs. . Control two sts of speaker systm, or both at otr. o Mic mixing fmility, plus firll mee tiore for auiliary sores. AU29fi) Integrated Stereo Amplifier. Ample power (17 watts, both chmels into 8 ohm, at 1000H2) sd dmm
43、tically lowdistortion, dee tone checteri8e tlre most modentely-pried of the AU Seri6. Its design is ale based on tlp true mplemen- tary OCL power cimit, with dual-trmisttr differential up in tlle initial stage. Dul plN/minN power supply for all mjor cir- its givs you interferenefree, stable toul qua
44、lity at all reproduction levels. o Low-noise pholoequaliser. o Steppedtoneontrols. . Outputs for2 sts of speaks system. . Complete rege of nEols, high fil- ter md loudnes switdres, sr selectoE ed input/output teminale. Trr 79fi) Precision Streo FM/AM Ttrrer. Sereitivity, hamonic distortion ed select
45、ivity: in these thr qitical aeu of tuq perforu, this iretrment perlectly mtahes the chseteristic of the AU 7900. The result is coreistent mEic reprodu(tion from brudet signal so fdl ed clm tlEt yoll find it diffictdt to believe its notfrcm disc, tape - or live. o Low-noise dual-gatcd MOS FET mplifie
46、r ud precision 4-gag frequency- lineu twing prcitor Nsm lMimm sen- sitivity: 0.9pV (DIN). . PLL (ph8elocked loop) integBted- ciruit for the trM multiplex demodulator ates wide stereo sepuation (40dB at lkllz), mintained over yeas of ue. . Automtic noise llq. . Twin tuing meteB: signal strengtl md FM
47、 centred-tue. o Teminals for Dolby* noise-reduction uit md FM 4-chmel disrete dis- cimiEtor adaptor. Tu 5900 Stereo FM/AM Trner. The perf ectly-mtched mponent for AU Series integrated mplifios: tlrc sme neu-ahsolute precision md admed elec- trcniG engineering to deliver brcadet signal with breath-ta
48、king dtrity. You get low noie dual-gated MOS FET mplifier, ud a preision 3-gurg frequency-linee tun- ing epacitor. Youll find it dfficult to be lieve tllat the steM *trEstion ad dist r- tion-free soud you heu i8 not from die, but brdt. o Maimm FM rereitivity of 1,0pV (DIN). o Stereo demodulator ciro
49、it wift PLL (ph6e-locLed loop) IC. o dB FM selectivity. o AM: high-integration IC, bi- resomtor Ja1Jm cdmicfiltq ssre high semitivity ud low distortion. o Dolby* FlW,lchmeladaptor frcility. TUsSM Stereo Ftr signal strength ; tming. . Power protection ciritry ed LED inditor. . Tliple tone control with tmover selectoE. . TVo tape deck teminal facilities. e Dolby* FM/4-chmel adaptor frcfity. o Wide dlmmic ruge from precise phono equalisation system. r Full rmge of controls, omections for three sets of speaker systems. . FM Multipath detection system. 8080 F