1、PnoroFAcr- FolJ.rlgsfHsCt lrJtr- (/llnJ|Ilrrg=g9l-E$-fil(o=r9do()49- -4-oGENERAL I NFORMATIONGrundig Majestic ModelsTK830, TK830E, and TK830U taperecorders canrecord andplayback on l/ 4“ tape. The two-track systemis employed so that thefull length of tapemay beusedtwice. The recorders can record and
2、 play back in both directions.Tape speeds are 1 l/ 2 and 3 3/ 4 ips, giving a playback time of approximately one hour forstandardtape at 7 L/ 2 ips and two hours at 3 3/ 4 ips. Electromagnetic changeover from Track Ito Track II takes approximately 1. 5 seconds at l i/ 2 ips and less than one second
3、at 3 3/ 4 ips;thus, virtuallycontinuous track-to-trackrecording canbe made. Threetypes of high-impedanceinput connections with push-button selection are avallable.Two recordingand twoerasing headsare used, offset forthe respectiveTrack I and TrackII positions. The Trick button (Loudspeaker/ Eraser C
4、ut-out button), together with the Temp-orary Stop/Safety button and Recording button depressed, enables a second recording to besuperimposed upon a previous recording.Supplied by:Majestic I nternational Sales Corporation743 West La Salle StreetChicago 10, lllinoisoaF*g6d(.) g96i=ODGJbr$f!6=G) fie5L
5、lttF(aGRUNDIG MAJESTIC MODEI.STK83O. TK83OE. TK83OUThis moferiol compiled and pvblished byHOWARD lA/. SAfrrS 117 (110-127), 150,200, 220, and 240 voltsConsumption:Approximately 85 wattsConsumption:At b0 cps, approximatelY 90 watts.At 60 cps, approximately 100 watts.5 x 20 mm, Din 415?1, surge resist
6、ing.AC fusesl U? volts-l.6 ampsl 150 volts-l.25amps; 200-240 volts-l.0 amp.HT fusel 0.125 amp.TK830V60 cpsSuitable for 60 cpe AC only; 1l? (110-12?), 150,200, 220, and 240 volts.Approximately 65 wattsFuseg:5 x 20 mm, Din 415?1, surge resisting.AC fuses; l1? volts-I.6 amps; 150 volts-l._amps; 200-240
7、 volts-l.0 amp.Microphonel l. 5 millivolts/ 300K, contact I of Fuses:lnput socket.5 x 20 mm, Din 415?1, surge resisting.AM-FM tunerl 5mi1livolts/250K, contactlof AC fusesl ll?volt-.2b amps; lbO volts-.0lnput socket. amp; 200-Zl0V-.09 amps.Radio-TV-Phono; 100 millivotts,/ lmeg, contact HT fuse; 0. 12
8、b amp.3 of input socket.TK83OUExternal speakerl 12 ohms, contact 1 of output AC voltages:socket- Suitablefor 50and 60cps, convertibte. AConlvAmplifler;0.6vo1t/ 5K, contact3ofoutputsocket 11? (110-12?) 150 200 220 and 240 volts7 /2 ips-130 secondsAutomatic Stop Swttch:ElectromagneticTape Run System:R
9、ecordingandplaybackin bothdirections, oper- AC Voltages:ated by track buttons.Frequency Range:At 7 l/ 2 ips-50 to approximately 15r 000 cps Consumplon:At 3 3/ 4 ips-50 to approximately 10,000 cpsRecording Level Indicator:Magic eyeRemote Control:PAGE 2Foot svritch222 for start, stop, and backspacing
10、HT fusel 0.125 amp.onczEIo3Drtttta=n3o(ll|FlaoGoxoG,toIlIxoGocFIG. I TOP VIEW OF MECHANISM WITH TOP PLATE REMOVED.FUNCTION OF CONTROLSSpeed SwitchSet the Speed swltch before the recordlng isstarted, although its positlon can be altered while thetape ls moving. Never switch durlng fast renrind fromfa
11、st (? / 2 ips) to slow (3 3/ 4 ips) tape speed. How-ever, swltching from slow to fast speed is possiblelto the rlght for 7 l/ 2 ips, to the left for 3 3/ 4 ips.Recording Level Control. TheRecordlng Level knob controlsthe qualityofthe recording.lnput SelectorThe three discs on the left side of record
12、er areused to select any one of the three different inputs.The marking above the buttons corresponds to theappropriate sockets at the back of the recorder. Anyor all of the lnput leads can remain connected to theinput socket at the rear of the recorder at all tlmes.To select one of the lnputs, pull
13、the notch of the discforward. A white fietd indicates the on positlon, a redfleld, the off posltion of the particular input selectlon.The input selector does not function during playback.Volume Control 0n-Off SwitchThe Off position is marked by a red dot. Duringrecording, this control ls used for mo
14、nitoring and foradjusting the volume in the buitt-in speakers or ear-phones. During playback, this switch controls thevolume.Tape CounterThe tape counter reglsters rt000t to “999“. Thereadlng may be noted while recordlng, ild referenceto any glven polnt on the tape may be rapidly made.After a record
15、ed tape has been logged or referenced,always “zero“ the indicator before playingthe recorderand before the tape ls threaded on the reel.Multi sonic Tone ControlThe Multisonic tone control ls used only whenplaying back through the built-in speakers or throughan external speaker. The left-hand disc of
16、 the Multi-sonic tone control emphaslzes the bass boost, the right-hand disc, the treble boost. By means of the middledlsc, all notes between thetwo extremitiesof the bassand treble notes are controlled.TloIrrtnl.tlPAGE 3FIG. 2 FROM VIEW OF MECHANI SMStop BarTtreStop bar stopsthe motor and returns a
17、ll de-pressed buttons except the track buttons to neutral.Safety Button/Temporary Stop ButtonThis button prevents accidental erasure. Movingthe depressed Safety button slightly forward locks it.The tape will not move until this button is released.The same button also serves as a temporary stop,halti
18、ng the recorder ineither record or playback onlyas long as the button is depressed.Trick Button- Speaker ControlThe Trick button permlts blending of voices,sound effects, or music into previous recordlngs.The same button also cuts off the speakers. Depress-ing the button switches off the built-in-sp
19、eaker. De-pressing and moving the button slightly forward willlock it.Recording ButtonThe Recording button is used with the Safetybutton to place the recorder in the Record position.Playback Buttonfire Playback button places the recorder in thePlayback position.PAGE 4Track ll ButtonThe Track II butt
20、on starts the recorder operatingon Track II, with the tape moving from right to left.The recorderwill either recordor play back, accord-ing to which button has been depressed.Track I ButtonSame as Track tr button, excepttape moves fromleft to right.Fast Wind ButtonsThese two buttons are used to find
21、 thebeglnningof aparticular recording. They startthe reelsturningrapidly. The entlre tape can be wound from one reelto the other in approximately two mfulutes,NOTE: If eitherFastWind buttonsare in use, theStopbar must be depressed before changing functions.In other words, dont go from Fast Wind to R
22、e-cording or Playback withoutfirst depressingtheStop bar. When using either of theee buttons,depress and release them immediately.Voltage SelectorTo set the voltage selector to another voltage,pull out voltage tappingplug (83) in voltage setector (84)and reset so that the voltage closest to the powe
23、r supplyvoltage is visible in the tiny window of voltage tappingplus (83).FIG. 3 REAR VIEW OF MECHANISMOPERATI NG I NSTRUCTIONSoJFe26rE96*=oDGJEF5fld=Hgf- ElFlaThreading the Tapel. Tworeels aresupplied, one full andthe otherempty.2. The full reel fits on the left-hand spindle, theempty one on the ri
24、ght.3. Hold full reel in left hand with loose end oftape hanging down left side of reel. Nowplace the reel on the left-hand spindle. Trrnthe reel slightly until lt falls into place and isheld securely by the ridges on the spindle.4. Place empty reel on right-hand spindle.5. Placetape into soundchann
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- GrundigTK830TK830ETK830UServiceManual 电路 原理图