McIntosh-MAC4300V-rec-sm(1) 维修电路原理图.pdf
《McIntosh-MAC4300V-rec-sm(1) 维修电路原理图.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《McIntosh-MAC4300V-rec-sm(1) 维修电路原理图.pdf(38页珍藏版)》请在收音机爱好者资料库上搜索。
1、MAC 4300VAM/FM RECEIVERCONTENTSSection 7 - Control Logic. . .Remote ReceiverSwitching Logic-fEtrI RFl-Jt t-0 t-.Irtrtlr rVVVVVl( tv/re1l!ll!l 03 0IrI tooooooo, l g eglllclnloth MAc43oov REcEvEFPerformance Specifications .2-3Mechanical Views .3-4Notes .5Block Diagrams - AM/FM Tuner Section. 5-6Pre-am
2、p/Ampl if ier SectionSection Locations .7Section 1- lnterconnection Diagram . B-10AC Line lnoutFront Panel and Trim Parts List . 11lnstallation Hardware Parts List . 11Section 2 - Signal lnput. . 11 - 13lnput SwitchingPhono Pre-ampTape SwitchingSection 3 - Preamplifier. .14-17VolumeEqualizerLoud nes
3、s/BalancePreamp MutingSection 4 - PowerAmplifier .18-20DriverPower OutoutPower GuardSection 5 - AM Tuner. .21 -23Section 6 - FM Tuner .24-27Front EndMultiplexProgram lnput DisplayFrequency DisplaySection 11 - Tuning Voltage Regulator.39-41Signal DisplayStatus lndicatorslR SensorSection 12 - AM/FM Tu
4、ning Control .42-44Section 13 - Output Processing andPowerSupply .45-47Speaker lmpedance SwitchingSpeaker SwitchingLow Voltage RegulatorsSection 14 - Back-up Power Supply . 48Power RelayAlignment Procedure .49Repacking lnstructions. .S028-3331-33Section 8 - KeyboardsProgramTunerFunctionSection 9 -Se
5、ction 10I nput34-3536-38llltlnfusli s e rv i c e M a n u a IRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库PerformanceSpecif icationsAMPLIFIER SECTION FM SECTIONSTEREO POWER OUTPUT USABLE SENSITIVITY100 watts into I ot- 4 ohm loads is the l3dBF which is 1.22uV across 75 ohmsminimum sine wave continuous averagepower output
6、per channel, from 20 to 50 dB SUIETING SENSITIVITY2OrO0OHz, with both channels operating. Mono 17dB which is 2.0uV across 75onmsPOWER BANDWIDTH Stereo 37dBF which is 20uV across 7520 to 20,000H2 ohmsTOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIOO.O2% maximum at any power level from Mono 75dB25O mi.
7、l.liwatts to rated power per channel , Stereo 70dB20 lo 20,0OOHz, both channels openating.FRESUENCY RESPONSEiNTERMODULATION DISTORTION Mono *0, -1.OdB from 20 Io 15kHzO.O2% maximum at any power level from Stereo +0, -1 .gdB f rom 20 to l SkHz25O milliwatts to rated power per channel,for any combinat
8、ion of frequencies from 20 HARMoNIC DISTORTIONIo 2O,000H2, with both channels operating. Mono O.Og% at 100H2O.O8% at lkFREOUENCY RESPONSE O,12% at 1Ok+0, -0.5d8 from 20 to 20,0001-lz at rated Stereo O.OB% at 100H2power. 0.08% at 1kO.120 at 10kINPUT SENSITIViTYphono z.smv produces rated output INTERM
9、ODULATION DISTORTIONTape, Aux 2S0mV produces rated output Mono oo8oPower- Amp 1.5V produces rated output Ster-eo o120/oSIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO, A-WEIGHTED CAPTURE RATIOPower Amp 1OOrJB below rated output 15dBTape, Aux 90dB below rated outputphono 8Odt with 10mV input ALTERNATE CHANNEL SELECTIVITY55dBM
10、AXIMUM INPUT SIGNALPhono 90mV SPURIOUS RESPONSEHigh level 9V loodBINPUT IMPEDANCE IMAGE RESPONSEPhono 47k ohms, 4TpF SodBTape, Aux 30k ohmspower Amp 22k or,m STEREO SEPARATION45dB at 100H2DAMpING FACTOR 50dB at l kcreater than 40 35dB at 1okTAPE OUTPUT SCA REJECTIONPhono 250mV with rated input 65dBT
11、ape 250mV with rated inputTuner O.BV at 1O modulation (FM)PROGRAM EOUALIZERt12dB at 30, .150, 500, 1500 and1 0,000H22RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库AM SECTIONSENSITIVITY35uV (External Antenna)SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO50dB at 30% modulation6OdB at lOOo modulationHARMONIC DISTORTIONO.5% maximum at 3O% modulation,
12、O.2% typicalFRESUENCY RESPONSE*O, -6d8, 2OHz Io 4,00OHzADJACENT CHANNEL SELECTIVITY40dB minimum, IHFIMAGE REJECTION65dB minimumIF REJECTION65dB minimumGENERAL INFORMATIONSEMICONDUCTOR COMPLEMENT118 Silicon Diodes7 Varactor Diodes41 Light Emitting Diodes4 Seven Segment LED Display96 Bipolar Transisto
13、rs45 Integrated CircuitsAC POWER OUTLETS4 Black, switched, l Red, unswitched,1000 watts, totalPOWER REOUIREMENTS12O volts, 5O/6OHz, 60 to 480 wattsWEIGHT34.5 pounds (15.6k9) net, 48.5 pounds(22kg) in shipping cartonlL A -lcauTtoN,o*r, vi I v?fi,f!.,*.llnvl IvSPEAKEBS 3CLCB6llllllllllffiSPEAKEBS 2CLC
14、RllllllllffiSPEKEAS cLcallqplllllllg)ffilllrlnfosh MAc43oov BEcETvEB.rlr.v vVCFfrAPE OUT,troF,VIOEO SELECTOR*Lo o8*,ro oR-#L F#IloLtrf*lolIIHHl-co oOoFig. 1 Rear viewMechanicalViews1431s(36.5 cm)Fig. 2 Top view18-e/ro (47.1 cm)6-i/r o (15.4 cm)III5-1lt(13.3 cm)- :-:-:-:-f!*l o o o o o o o o o El.l 3
15、tt 6 :!i il t8 d 9r :lo! v V o :l fllrlnlosh urcsoov nEcervrn *.1,.*EiffiFig. 3 Front viewSECTION 1PARTS LISTSymbol PartNo. No.CAPACITORSc1,c2 061276LIGHTING DEVICESDS1,D52 058101DS3 058078FUSESFl 089007178122RESISTORSRl 134427DescriptlonCD, .0047uF, 400V, UL/CSAINC, 12V, 150m4, FestoonLED, Red, SLP
16、144BFuse, SB, 54, 125V, MDL-sFuseholderPOT, Tuning47Ktsv -r5vRr5Rt7t5v -t5vt5v -t5vc2THERMISTORSRTf 144151 Thermister, 5 ohmSWITCHESSl,S2 153017 Thermal SwitchRAI,SFORMERST1IIONT PANELf,AR15 LISTSynrbolNo.159200 Power TransformerFLAT.vvoroo.gflANOOEDS3AND TRIMPart DescriptionNo.1O4O17 Felt Washer, K
17、nob046A12 Glass, Display046826 Front Panel018228 Handle, Front PanelO9O2O7 Knob, Balance090218 Knob, LoudnessO9O221 Knob, Equalizer (5)100119 Machine Screw, #1O x 7/9,Phtlips (For wood Sides)01?246 Pushbotton, Black01?268 Pushbutton, Red046809 Tuning Knob030196 Wood Side, Left, Secure W/100119Screws
18、030195 Wood Side, Right Secure W/10O119ScrewsJt2-toovT2 CONROLlOpFRt2-lzv zRt342V 22tARt4TAPE 2lliPurlO, FRil220XINfiI AI,I.AI ON HARDTAREPltI t.t5liynrlrol Part Description ,)e-5No. No.1701?4 Cable, 7 Pin DinI 70148 FM Dioole Antenna046823 Hardware Package017218 Plastic Feet, Secure W/1O0159Screws1
19、01016 Screw, #1O x 1-1/4, Slotted(To secure unit to a 1/2 shelf)101017 Screw, #1O x 1-1/2, Slotted(To secure unit to a 3/4 shelf)100159 Screw, #10 x 3/4, Phillips(For Plastc Feet) Jr2-6104033 Washer, #10, Flat (For use with101016 or 101017 Screw)r2+tCONfROLT t-)2l- -rv 22ilSignal lnputR2l.Rl62-211Si
20、gnal lnputc0 swrTcHPC BOARD O468t4INPUT SWITCHINGTUNERswTcHR3422MR35rooR36tooTUNERCONTROLL Jt-t4R J t-r5r,il-6RzZ2ZOKilo4:l )JFR2322ilroNlToRL J2-IR 2-4L 2.2R J2-3t2-4|5v i,5y#urz-zi* |-rsvffiJrz-li IlOr FRil220H-r2 CONTROLr-r I!2-tzv izyT2-,tf t-+2Rl4TAPE IOUTPUT-t5vTAPE 2I NPUT., NJ8* -.ov.ov I I
21、-RllTROL-t2v ;2i1112TAPE 2OUTPUTL Jr-tR Jr-rL IJl- R IJl-0L JI.IR ,rl.tL J8TRlt.lINPUT SWITCHING PCB 046814SECTION 2PARTS LISTSymbol Part DescriptlonNo. No.DIODESDf-010 O7OO47 SIG,75V, 150mA, 1N4148Dl1 070003 Ge, SIG, 45V, 10m4, 1N541Dl2-D15 070047 SIG, 75V, 150m4, 1N4148TNTEGRATED CIRCUITSICI 13309
22、4 Dual Operational Amp, NE5532NTRATSISIORSo1-017 132193 N, JFET, 2N439213PreamplfierR52.2RPC BOARD 046918LOUDNESSPC BOARD 046918EOUALI ZERnerRr8470K6oxr.o!3ffillfiffilncfnssnreGND i,J2-3MONO swtfcHc4470J4HEADPHONESR94.714Rt9470KR43680R38680R40t00Kc25lO/FNP,? -52-J2-tlalctVOLUiE CONTROLt4t35863tO215P
23、C BOARD 0469t8EOUALI ZERlGll-lncrR54oox R57R22470KC4O .Zz PREAMP otfR PRE OUT- PREAMPK ourR6rooK6xInzc |IupNE-FlOUTPUTMUTEEIfEl nssl-Elnsolil t22R674,7Mct7.0336EOR43680R38680c50roo- r5vR23K5roox4-t5vR5Sc44R69470R62tooKc t415cl6.o33J2- 416SECTION 3PARTS LISTSymbolNo.DIODESD
24、1D2INTEGRATEDIC1tc2IC3-IC6tc7TRAT.ISISTORS8102, 0503, 04o607, gBRESISTORSR24, R35R36, R4lR46, R51R56MISCELLANEOIJSJ4 117340 Headphone JackIC1Part DescriptionNo.070085 zN, 6.2V, 5%, 500mw, 1N52348O70O47 SIG, 75V, 150m4, 1N4148CIRCUITS133132 CMOS, Volume Control, TC9153P133094 DuaI Operational Amp, NE
25、5532N133028 Dual Hi-Speed OperationalAmp, MC4558CP1133094 Dual Operational Amp, NE5532N132193 N, JFET, 2N4392132223 PNP, MPS4126132223 NPN, MPS4124132223 NPN, MPS4124t32222 N, FET, J108134397 POT, Balance/Loudness134316 POT, 100K ohm/100K ohm,Equalizer134316 POT, 1OOK ohm/1OOK ohm,Equalizer13431 6 P
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- McIntosh-MAC4300V-rec-sm1 维修电路原理图 McIntosh MAC4300V rec sm 维修 电路 原理图