1、Service ManualTHEFISHERTHEFISHER-60o:CTEj,0,0,ro,():=.lRe.eBALANCE.11I1111lI-FM-190X-190RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库CAUT ION:This is a FISH ER precision high-fidelityin-strument.It should be serviced only by qualifiedpersonnel -trainedin therepair of transistorequipmentand printedcircuitry.EQUIPMENTAND T
2、OOLSNEEDEDThe following are needed to completelytest and align modern high-fidelityinstrumentssuch as amplifiers, tuners and receivers.MiscellaneousAdjustable-line-VoltageTransformerorline-voltageregulatorLoad Resistors (2) -8-ohm,50-watt (or higher)Stereo source (Turntablewith stereo cartridgeor Ta
3、pe Deck)Speakers (2) Full-range, for listeningtestsSoldering iron (with small-diametertip).Fullyinsulated from power line.TestInstrumentsVacuum-Tube VoltohmmeterDC VTVMAudio (AC) Vacuum-Tube Voltmeter(AC VTVM)Oscilloscope(Flat to lOOkcminimum)Audio(Sine-wave) GeneratorIntermodu lat ion AnaIyzerSweep
4、 (FM) Generator (88 to 108 mc)Marker GeneratorMultiplexGenerator(preferablywithRF output-FISHER Model 300 or equal).Many of theitemsbelow are includedjustas a re-minder-they are normalprocedures, for experiencedtechnicians.Shortcutscanbe takenbutoftentheycause additionaldamage -to transistors,circui
5、tcom-ponents or the printed-circuitboard.Soldering-Awell-tinned,hot, clean solderingiron tipwillmake it easier to solderwithoutdamage to theprinted-circuitboard or themany many circuitcom-ponentsmountedon it.It is not the wattage of theiron that counts -it is the heat availableat the tip.Low-wattage
6、 solderingirpns willoften take too long toheat a connection -pigtailleads will get too hot anddamage the part. Too much heat, applied too long, willdamage the printed-circuitboard. Some 50-wattironsreachtemperaturesof1,000 F-otherswillhardlymeltsolder.Smalldiametertipsshouldbe used forsinglesolder c
7、onnections -largerpyramidand chiseltips are needed for larger areas.When removing defectiveresistors,capacitors,etc.,theleads shouldbe cut as close to the body of thecircuitcomponent as possible. (If the part is not beingreturnedfor in-warranty factory replacementit maybecutinhalf -withdiagonal-cutt
8、ingpliers -tomakeremoval easier.)Specialde-solderingtipletsare made for unsolder-ingmultiple-terminalunitslikeIF transformersandelectrolyticcapacitors.By unsolderingall terminalsatthesame timethepartcan be, removed withlittlechance of breakingthe printed-circuitboard.Always disconnectthe chassis fro
9、m the power linewhen soldering.Turningthe power switchOFF is notenough. Power-line leakage paths, through the heatingelement,can destroy transistors.Transistors-Neverattempttodo any workon thetransistoramplifierswithoutfirstdisconnectingthe- AC-power linecord -wait untilthe power supply filter-capac
10、itorshave discharged.Guard againstshorts -it takes only an instantfora base-to-collectorshort to destroy that transistorandpossiblyothersdirect-coupledtoit.Inthe timeittakesfora droppedmachinescrew, washer or eventhe screwdriverrtoglance off a pair of socket terminals(or between a terminaland the ch
11、assis)a transistorcan be rllined.DO NOT bias the base of any transistorto, or near,the same voltage appl ied to its collector.DO NOT use an ohmmeterfor testi ng transistors.The voltageappliedthroughthe testprobes may behigher than the base-emitterbreakdown voltage of thetransistor.OutputStage andDri
12、ver-Replacementsforoutputand driver transistors,if necessary, must be made fromthesame beta group as the originaltype.The betagroupis indicatedby a colored dot on the mountingflangeof the transistor.Be sure toincludethisin-formation,when orderingreplacementtransistors.If one outputtransistorburns ou
13、t (open or shorts),always remove all outputtransistorsin thatchanneland check the bias adjustment,the controland otherparts in the network with an ohmmeter beforeinsert-ing a new transistor.Alloutputtransistorsinonechannelwillbe destroyedif the base-biasingcircuitis open on the emitterend.When mount
14、inga replacementpower transistorbesure the bottom of the flange, the mica insulatorandthe surface of the heat sink are free of foreign matter.Dust and gritcanprelentperfectcontact.Thisre-duces heat transferto the heat sink. Metallicparticlescan puncturethe insulatorand cause shorts -ruiningthe trans
15、istor.Siliconegrease must be used between the transist-or and the mica insulatorand between the mica andtheheat sinkforbest heat conduction.Heat is thegrea,test enemy of electronicequipment.It can shortenthelifeof transistors,capacitorsand resistors.(UseDow-Corning DC-3 or C20194 or equivalentcompou
16、ndsmade for power transistorheat conduction.)Use care when making connectionsto speakers andoutputterminals.Any frayedwireendscancauseshorts that may burn out the output transistors -theyare direct-coupledto the speakers. There is no outputtransformer -nothing to limit current through the tran-sisto
17、rs except the fuses. To reduce the possibilityofshortsat the speakers,lugs shouldbe used on theexposed ends -at lea,st the ends of the stranded wiresshouldbe tinnedtopreventfrayedwireends.Thecurrentin the speakers and outputcircuitry:is quitehigh. Any poor contactor small-sizewire,:,n causepower los
18、ses in the speaker system. Use 14 ojl16AWGfor long runs of speaker-connectingwiring.DC-VoltageMeasurements-Thesebasic tests of thetransistorcircuitryare made withoutthe signal gener-ator. Withoutany signal input measure the circuitvolt-ages -asindicatedontheschematic.The voltagedifferencebetween the
19、base and theemittershouldbe inthemi llivoltrange -a sensitiveDC meterisneeded for these readings. A low-voltage range of 1volt,fullscale -or lower -is needed.Audio-Voltage(gain)Measurements-Theschematicandprinted-circuitboardlayout diagramsareused.Input signals are injectedat the proper points -foun
20、dmostquicklyby usinglayoutoftheprinted-circuitboard instead of the schematic.An AUDIO (AC) VTVMconnectedto the test pointsshouldindicatevoltagesclose to those values shown in the boxes on the sche-matic.Many ot the signallevels in theinputstagesare only a few millivolts-theycan not be read on theAC
21、ranges suppliedon most Vacuum-Tube AC/DC Voltohml!eters(VTVMs).Even with a l-voltrange a signallevel of 100 millivolts(.1 volt)willbe the first1/10of the meter scale. A reading of 1 millivolt(.001 volt)willhardly even move the meter needle.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库DIAL STRINGINGPROCEDURE Hook one end
22、of the springover the bottom eor in thefrontnd drive-drum(with the drum rotatedto its extremecounterclockwiseposition).Stretchthe tensionspringuntil the loop on the free endsticksout of the s lot in the edge of the drive-drum.NowInsert a lengthof stiffwire, aboutl-inchlong(0pieceofstraightened-outpa
23、per clip will do nicely)throughthe keep the springstretchedwhilestringingthe dial cord.Placethe pieceof stiffwire in the outer groove of thedrive-drumibridgingthe slotin the drivedrum.Tie a small,non-slip,loop in the end of the dial cord.iThreadthe loop in the dial cord throughthe openingint
24、he driveo/lrum slot,under the spring,and hook the loopover the top ear insidethe drive drum. Wrap the dial cord around the clrive-drum(counterclock-wise)about*of a turn,in the innergroove,ond then aroundthe top guidepulley. Stretchthe dial cord to the left end of the dial,aroundth.nwoguide pulleysan
25、d then back to the fly-wheeldriveshaft.Wind 3 full turnsof dial cord aroundthe.driveshaft(asshown in the upper detaildrawing). While keepingth dial cord taut rotatethe drive-drumtoTOINNEAGROOVEoTO OUTERGROOVEits extremeclockwiseposi tion and fit the clioI corcl intothe remainingpulley.Set the dial c
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- Fisher FM190X tun sm 维修 电路 原理图