Tandberg-3600XD-tape-pl 维修电路原理图.pdf
《Tandberg-3600XD-tape-pl 维修电路原理图.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Tandberg-3600XD-tape-pl 维修电路原理图.pdf(22页珍藏版)》请在收音机爱好者资料库上搜索。
1、IiffiiUffiXX;, rpi,J*;1.|oi 1, ,; ; , :. 1:.: -t: : :.tfil:f,R, ,1, ,trQT .:.,.r, ,. . .:. .: :,:. .!.,.,:. .:. ./tgtssqrirvr ; Fr.iqs-Xlffil:rt,.rl:iil;,:i,tfffiRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库INDEXModel3300 x3400 x340CxAssemblvChassis assemblyTape path assemblyHead assembliesPressure ro11er arm assemblyLow
2、er mounting plate assemblyClutch assembliesMotor assemblvTransformerSwitchesPrinted circuit boardsup to serial number 43OOOOOChassis assemblyTape path assemblyHead assembliesPressure roIler arm assemblyLower mounting plate assemblyClutch assembliesMotor assemblyTransformer assemblvSwitchesPrinted ci
3、rcuit boardfrom serial number 43OOOO1Chassis assemblyTape path assemblyHead assembliesPressure rol1er arm assemblyLower mounting plate assemblyClutch assembliesMotor assemblyTransformer assemblySwitchesPrinted circuit boardsPaoe4and58and9t_o1l-L2 and 1,376 and 1720 and 2t20 and 272223and 9and 13and
4、L7and 2Land 216Band910111-4 and l-518 and 1920 and 2L20 and 2L2223ta6B1011L2L620202223GRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库INDEX - continuedModel3500 x360OxD3600 xDAssemblvChassis assernblyTape path assemblyHead assembliesPressure rol1er arm assemblyLower mounting plate assemblyCutch assembliesMotor assemblyTran
5、sformer assemblySwitchesPrinted circuit boardsup to serial number 42OOOOOChassis assemblyTape path assemblyHead assembliesPressure ro1ler arm assemblyLower mounting plate assemblyClutch assembliesMotor assemblyTransformer assemblySwitchesPrinted circuit boardsfrom serial number 42OOOOLChassis assemb
6、lyTape path assemblyHead assembliesPressure roller arm assemblyLower mountjng plate assemblyClutch assembliesMotor assemblyTransformer assemblySwitchesPrinted circuit boardsPage4and5Band9101114 and 1518 and 1920 and 2L20 and 2l2223Band9101lL2 and 1316 and 1720 and 2L20 and 21-222?7Band91011L4 and 15
7、18 and 1920 and 2I20 and 2L2223MECHANICAL PARTSParts belonging together are arranged in order with the main partDescriptions of the associated parts are indenled an.l descript iunsfurthr indented.* These parts are not available as replacement parts,Chassis assembl y.rlrsr rurlvweu uyof the sub-9roup
8、the associ.ated parts.of the parts arei99-l9Ol - I t,JOX993907 -:1300X27.J169 -.J3OOX27118:j - 3 OOX3.J337( -3 IOOX99tCO5 - IIOOX9)3936 -35OOX223ra6 -3300X263688 -35OOX227499 -33OOX289550 -3500XCI1SSIS NSSDIqII-YCovcr, h(.adsCover, pressurc r()l1er armButton, push, (over lockSpr inqWindow, turqutris
9、e, plas1 icPlate, deckP1ate, cleclScrew,3x8mcskhdScrew, 3 x 13 m csk hd, t)1aclScrew, pIate, 1,/,1r No. 6 1an!c h(lScrew, platc, I,/4 N(). f) f 1an._lc h( ,tr lac: ktJIII42Ii-jO()X andsu;rp) icclsuppl idjj( )t )xJ50( )X3 3()0X35(X)X3lo()x35)( )XSpeed changeJ3().)xJ5(X)X3 3)OX ,J.(x)X ,35OOX,.15()0 x
10、,. j -loox ,l;()ox,index 93.J3471-2349602623229939069939442962s43077 3A3001 9530258O3LAa27313ll231,31122A5ar431 0102A26 39742936r624O99330242231 01 02A31 3172lo1 0002a60a7297063262944304642993977309C6c)20962226304522479s234623994s25309060997c422A567PA24939242AA4L 5227 499307a62?026a42274992A6A9A2432
11、5.J30906O30r 56730906O22479s2469r22326623036rJ309()602L49252 80038861 000302 89630L2L530733730301 B993900993928993944.99394s213767303244309060274r622944202AAt7A29+1248610039939O1- 3300 x-3300 x-330()x- 3300 x- 3soox- 3300 x- 3 300 x- 3 300 x-3300 x- 3300 x-3500 x-35()0 x-3300 x- 3soox-3300 x-3300 x-
12、3300 x- 3300 x- 35c)CX-3 loox-1300 x-3300 x-3300 x-330()x- 3300 x- 1300 x- 3300 x- l30ox- 3 3OOX-33OOX- 33OOX-3300 x_ 33OOX-3300 x- 3300 x_ 3 3OOX-ai300 x-3loox-3300 x- 33OOX_ I 3OOX- 3 300 x- 3300 x-3300 x- 3 300 x-3300 x- 3300 x- 3300 x- 3300 x-33.JC.x-3300 x-33oOX- 3300 x- 3300 x-3300 x-3300 x- 3
13、3OOX_33OOX-330OX-33OOX- 35OCX-3500 x-3300 x- 3300 x- 3 300 x_ 3 3OOX-3300 x- 3300 x- 3 300 x-3 3OOX- 33O(XtiJindow , pl.ast icWasher, plasticKnob, black, plasticP1ate, instrumenlPli+6 ih-frrh.nfScrew,3x12mcskhdFoot, rubberMask, fel.tKnob. lurquoisc, plastic, with rpr in,rKnob, red, plastic, with spr
14、inqKnob. t)1ack, plast ic , with sprin(_rKnob, b1ack, plastic, with sprlnqButton, push, rcd, plasti.Buttr)n, push, black, plaslicSleeve, nylor)Knob, black, plaslicKnob, bIack, plasticButton, push, turquoisc, p)aslirButtoi, push, l)lack, pl as1 icKnob, blacl, p1as1ic, wilh sprrD,iPanel, rosewoodPanel
15、, teakPane1, oakScrew, plate, 5/l| N(, 6 pan lr,l. lrla(lioot, rul)berP1ate, rvith socletsScrew, p1ate, f,/-+ o. 6 pan hclPad, 15 x 5 m, fcltSocket, 5 pin I)IN 1Uo .cgrcr:sLug, plasticSocket, phon(), (l()ubleCover, botlom, rvith feelScrew, p1ate, I/,! o. 6 pan hdFoot, rubber, with housingP1ate, chas
16、sis, r i!r111Plate, chassis, leftBracket, chassisScrew, plate, 1,/4 N(). 6 f Lan.Je hdBracketC1anp, cabIe, nylon, i) ruaScrew, plate, 7,/4ttt2 to, ,Ehru3400 xOLD & NEWChassis assemblv.93921-NOTE!The numbers on this page are indexnumbera, and must not be usd whenordeiing. Plea* reer to the par$ listf
17、or the Ordering No. and O$cription.1tFiS. 2Chassis assembly.309269302sao3r227L37/o2343139s231 0059392330as39223723926I30663230831 32443993t3134-3400 x-34oo.x-3400 x-3400 x-3400 x-3400 x-3400 x-3400 x-3400 x-34Oc.x-3400 x-3400 x-3400 x-340OX-3400 x-3400 x-3400 x-3400 xSSIS ASSEMBLYPlate, instrMentPIa
18、te, instrunentKnob, turquoise,Knob, turquoise,Knob, turquoise,Panel, teakPane1, rosewoodPane1, walnutPanel, oakplasticplasticplastic, with spring3400 xDuropean versionSwedish versionIREBLEBASSINPUT LEVEL nd OUTPUT LEVELsupplied with index 7 and 8PHONO andRDIL)LOUDSPEAKERSU.S.A. version, up toserial
19、No.43OOOOOEuropean version, up toserial No.43ooooi)European version, up toserial No.43OOoOlU.S.A. version, up toserial No.43OOOO1Plate, with socketsSocket. 5 pin DI IBU degreesSocket, loudspeaker, DINPlate, chassis, rightPlate, chassis, leftLoudspeaker, tT 131 15 ohmScrew, plate, 3,/8 No. 6 hex hdBo
20、ard, tone controlBoard, main ampllflerBoard, main anplifierBoard, main mplifierBoard, main amplifier3932 -3400X39s1 -34/oc.X3952 -3400X3920 -3400X1tEAqtaDescriDtionoutput amplifiera3600 xDOLD & NEWChassis assenbly.314Q75 -36OOX)263044 -36OOXD2A9550 -36C)C)XD993921 -36t)OXD99392s -3600XD3O25BO -3600X
21、D310102.4 -3600Xi)307229 -36OOXD3L3294 -360OXD3097458 -3600XD309061 -3600 xrr271367 -360OXD9OOO53 -3600XD2ro757 -36OOXD993933 -36OOXD993934 -3600XD993949 -:16()()XD993950 -36OOXD993927 -36()OXDNOTE!The numben on this page are indexnumbers, and must not be used whenordering. Plea* reter to the Fns li
22、stor the Ordering No. and D6cription.Fig .Chassis assenbly.CIIASSIS ASSDMBLYPIate, deckScrew, 3 x 8 m csk hd, blackScrew. plate, 1/1.1rr No. 6 f lange hd,blackPl ata i nfrrrm6nfKnnh t rr rarrn i arL , Hras t rr sPr r 9Bulton, push. black. plasticKnob, bla.k. P1as1 i cWindow. turquoise, pl as1 ic(ith
23、 al6+rWasherNut, 2.6 mBu1b, 14 V BO nA, with leadsGrorunet, 6 x 4 x 5 mm, rubberBoard, main anplifierBoard, main amplifierBoard, main amplifierBoard, main amplifierBoard, DolbyFor c)ther parts see pages and 51421I44I11111111I36OOXDEuropean versionSwedi-sh versionINPUT LEVEL and CIUTPUT LDVtlREC SELE
24、CT and SOURCD/TAPEDOLBYDOLBYEuropean version, up toserial No.42OOOooIl.S.A. version, up toserial No,42OoOOoDuropean version,fronserial No.42OOOolIJ.S.A, version fronserial No.42OOool11I+1II1I1111uant atOrrlorina NnDesc ript ionTape path assembly3929-3300 x-3300 x-3300 x-3300 x- 3 300 x-3300 x-3300 x
25、- 3300 x-3300 x-33OOX-330()x-3300 x-330()x-33()()x-330()x-330OX-33()()x-3300 x- 13()0 x- 1300 x-330()x- 3 3()(x- 3300 x- 3300 x-330()x- 3 30()x- 3300 x- 3300 x-33OOX-:130()x- I 3a)OX-3300 x- 330OX-33C)OX-33OOX-33QOX- 3 3()c)x- 3-JOOX- l:toox- 33OOX- 3:JOOX- 3:JOOX- 3300 x- I 3OOX- 33()OX- 3 3(-)()x-
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- Tandberg-3600XD-tape-pl 维修电路原理图 Tandberg 3600 XD tape pl 维修 电路 原理图