Tandberg-62X-tape-al 维修电路原理图.pdf
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1、January 1967TANDBERG TAPE.RECORDERModels 64x and 62xAlignment instructionforheads and electronicsPrefaceThe models 64x and 62x are improved versions of has been introduced to improve the frequency re-the earlier models 64-62 and this alignment instruc- sponse and the signal to noise ratio.tion is an
2、 appendix to the service manual for model The oscillator has been redesigned and fully transis-64:-62. lt covers the special head alignments and torized. Certain minor changes have been introducedelectrical adjustments necessary for model 64x and in the equalization circuits, mainly changes of com-6
3、2x. ponent values. A microswitch is further introducedin the bias circuit to reduce the bias in 1.7/e i. p.s.The models 64x and 62x have the same operation tape speed. This switch is operated automatically byfacilities as 64-62. A new, and separate bias head the speed selector mechanism. See fig. 3.
4、Ti.d.*.qr=r=rErlEr/TANDBERGS RADIOFABRIKK A/S OSLO NORWAYRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库1.0 AlignmentIt is important that the contact between the tape andthe heads on the tape recorder is good. To obtainthis contact the tape should be run through the taperecorder 5-10 times at normal speed to have thetape p
5、olished before measuring the frequency re-sponse and the signal to noise ratio.1.0.1 DemagnetizingDemagnetize the heads and adjacent parts beforealigning the heads.1.0.2. The mounling plate lor the headsThe height of the mounting plate for the heads (15.4)is aligned by the adjustment screw at the re
6、ar of theplayback head. Move the operating lever slowly tonormal forward drive with a tight tape inserted. Alignthe height of the mounting plate for the heads untilthe tape runs equidistant from the flanges of the tapeguide (79,2).1.0.3 The adjustable tape guideSet the operating lever in normal forw
7、ard drive withtape inserted and depress the push-button lll. Alignthe adjustable tape guide (79.3) until the tape runsequidistant from the flanges of the adjustable tapeguide. Repeat Adjustment of the oscillator and bias headcircuits.2.0.1 Insert one 10 ohm resistor in series with eachbias
8、 head half to ground and connect a V.T.V.M.across each resistor.2.O.2 R 609 and R 612 is turned up to 1 oclock posi-tion while R607 and R610 are set to approx. 11oclock. Rel. fig. Set the tape recorder to stereo recording andthe speed selector to 7tlu i.p.s.2.0.4 Use a calibrated long wave r
9、eceiver, frequencymeter or frequency counter for the indication andadjust the oscillator frequency by C 610 until f/osc.= 85.5 kc/s.2.0.5 Set the tape recorder for mono recording CH 1and the speed selector to 7tlz i.p,s.2.0.6 Adjust the oscillator frequency with L601F/osc. will then be 85.5 kc/s.2.0
10、.7 Set the tape recorder for mono recording CH Readjust L 601 to compromise if necessary. Theosc. frequency deviation between mono recordingCH 1, CH 2 and stereo should be less than 2 kc/s.The deviation should be indicated with frequencymeter, long wave receiver or frequency counter.2.0.9 Ad
11、just C 602 and 604 to max. reading on theV.T.V.M. (between 100 mV and 400 mV).3.0 Head alignment and track control with TandbergTest Tapes, Model 64x3.1. The playback head3.1.1 Connect one V.T.V.M. to each CATHODEFOLLOWER output.3.1.2 Height alignment:Play back the test tape No. 1. This is a full tr
12、ackpre-recorded tape with 1000 c/s recorded atTt/zi.p.s.tape speed. The record level of the exact areacorresponding to track 3 is reduced 30 dB. Adjustthe height of the playback head until minimum outputis botained on a V.T.V.M. from track 3 (ch. 2).3.1.3 Azimuth alignment:Play back the test tape No
13、. 2. This is a full trackpre-recorded tape with 10.000 cls al 71lz i.p.s. tapespeed. Adjust the azimuth position of the playbackhead until maximum reading is obtained on bothoutput meters.3.1.4. Lateral alignment:Check the lateral position of the playback head bypulling the pressure pad (59.5) away
14、from the erasehead when the test tape No. 2 is played back. Theoutput level should not decrease more than 3 dB.Adjust the lateral position of the playback head, isnecessary, by turning the head mounting plate. Re-adjust the azimuth position.3.2 The record head.3.2.1 Adjust the horizontal position of
15、 the bias headuntil the head is in center of the record head. Ref.fig. Adjust the height of the bias head until the taperuns freely in the groove in front of the bias head.3.2.3 Height alignment:The record head is set in a preliminary position whereapprox. 0.1 mm (.0025) of the lamination fo
16、r theupper track is visible above the tape. The position ofthe record head can be inspected by using the ironpowder method (Magna-See). Record all four trackson the tape and dip the tape in the solution. Thepattern on the tape will show il the position of thehead is correct. Readjust if necessary.3.
17、2.4 Azimuth alignment:Connect a signal generator to the HI-LEVEL inputsCH1 and CH2, and two V.T.V.M. to the CATHODEFOLLOWER outputs CH1 and CH2.Make a stereo recording in B-test al 7t/z i.p.s. of a15.000 c/s signal. Adjust the azimuth of the recordhead to max. reading on the output meters. The out-p
18、ut level should now be approx. 100 mV with theplayback volume controls to max., readjust the recordgain controls until this is obtained and check theazimuth position of the record head.3.2.5 Lateral alignment:Check the lateral position of the record head bypulling the pressure pad (59.5) away from t
19、he erasehead during the recording. The output level shouldnot decrease more than 3 dB. Adjust the lateralposition of the record head, if necessary, by turningthe head mounting plate. Recheck the height andazimuth position of the head. Ref. para. 3.2.3 and3. The bias head.3.3.1 Heighl alignmen
20、t:Connect two V.T.V.M. directly across the recordingheads. Set the tape recorder to stereo recording at71 lz i.p.s. and turn both playback volume controlsdown to 0.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Adjust the height of the bias head by the heightadjustment screw (ref. fig. 1) until max. reading isobtained on b
21、oth V.T.V.M. Check that the tape runsfreely in the groove in front of the bias head andthat there is sufficient clearance between the biashead and the mounting plate for the record head.The height position of the bias head is not critical,and if the clearance between the bias head and themounting pl
22、ate for the record head is insufficient,raise the bias head slightly.3.3.2 Horizontal alignment:Connect two V.T.V.M. to both CATHODE FOLLOWERoutputs, and connect a signal generator to the Hl-LEVEL inputs CHI and CH2. Set the tape recorderto stereo recording al 71lz i.p.s. and turn both play-back vol
23、ume controls to max.Record a 1000 c/s signal.Untighten the fixing screw for horizontal adjustment(ref. fig. 1) and move the bias head from the extremeIeft position towards the recording head until max.reading is obtained on both V.T.V.M. The output levelshould now be approx.5V, readjust the record g
24、aincontrols until this is obtained and check the horizon-tal position of the bias head. After one has assuredthat the horizontal position is correctly adjusted,tighten the adjustment screw making sure thatthe head is not being moved. This is eventuallyindicated by a loss of the output level.A fine-a
25、djustment of the bias current is obtained bythe pot.meters R609 (CH1) and R612 (CH2). AdjustR 609 and R 612 until max. reading on the optputmeters are obtained.3.4 The erase head.3.4.1 Height adjustment:The erase head is set in a preliminary position whereapprox. 0.25 mm (.01) of the ferrite core fo
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- Tandberg-62X-tape-al 维修电路原理图 Tandberg 62 tape al 维修 电路 原理图