Nagra-IVSJ-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
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1、RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库TAPE/DIRECT,LINE&PHONES:switchingof the playbacksignal o ofthe directsignal on theline outputs,headphonesand loudspeaker;switchinactive on TESTTAPE/DIRECT,METER:switchingof the playbacksignal or of the directsignalon thecircuitof rIleter14; this switchcannotbe lockedon TAPEPOW
2、ER:powerselectorswitchi.e. built-inbatteriesor accumulatorsorexternalpower supplyconnectedto plug 48Main functionswitchSTOP: recorderat standstillTEST:power soppliedto all circuits,exceptrecord and eraseRECORD:power suppliedto all circuits and the motor;record and erase onthe 3 tracksPLAYBACK:the re
3、cordedsignal can be heard on the headphonesand is fedto the line outputsof connectors41, 42,43,45and 46 when switch1 is onTAPE(or onDIRECTif the outputsignal is reintroducedinto the directchain. see 42)PLA YBACK with Loudspeaker:playbackof tape using loudspeakerLIGHT;meter14lightsupmomentarily:remai
4、nsilluminatedwhenthebuttonis turnedto the rightoMain attenuatorCHANNEL2: in steps of 10 dB for channel2,IowertrackVernier attenuatorCHANNE L 2; in steps of 1dB for channel1Main attenuatorCHANN.E L 1: in steps of 10 dB for channelI, uppertrackVernier attenuatorCHANNE L 1: in steps of 1dB for channel1
5、dBscale:forthemicrophoneinputs,in relationto thesoundpressurelevel 0.OOO2pbar=0 dBvoltage scale; effectivevoltage appliedto the line input, which gives a readingof OdB on the AVERAGEscale of meter14REF.OSCILLATOR:switchedonwhenthebuttonis depressed,thereferenceoscillatorsuppliesa +10 dB signal to th
6、e direct amplifieron eachchannel,after the attenuatorLINE/MIKE:line or microphoneinput selector,channel2LINE/MIKE:line or microphoneinput selector,channellFI LTERS:6-positionfilter selectorswitch for channell:HPhighpassL1N.linearWE IGHTINGA, B, C, Dweightingcurves A, B, C and DMETERFUNCTION:six-posi
7、tionselectorswitch for meter 14lEVEL.AVERAGEFAST: on the AVERAGEdecibel scale, average valueof the soundlevel, fast characteristic,red needle for channelI, green needlefor channel2lEVEL.AVERAGESLOW;thesameasAVERAGEFAST,butslowcharacteristicLEVEL, PEAK: on thePEAK decibelscale, peak value of the soun
8、dlevel,channelsas aboveBATT.: on the BATTERIESscale, batteryor accumulatorcheckRed needle:batteryvoltage per cell (VOLTS/CELL)Green needle:voltage requiredby the motor,with the same reductionfactoras batteryvoltagePILOT8oCUE:Greenneedle:on thePILOT0 to100% scale, overall frequencydeviationcausedby t
9、he pilotand CUE signals,100% on the scale correspondingto adeviationof 40%Red needle:on the PILOT +4 to -4% scale, frequencyshift, as determinedbythe built-in OFMS frequencymeter, betweena signal recordedor played backon the thirdtrackand an internalreferencePosition M:Green needle:same as PILOT&CUE
10、Red needle:on the 0 to 100% scale, currentthroughthe motor,100% on thescale correspondingto 250 mACDFll TERS:filter selectorswitch for channel2. identicalto IIMeter:indicatessound level and checkingfunctionsaccordingto the positionof selectorswitch12IIPILOT:indicatorwhich showsa whitelonewhen freque
11、ncyand amplitudeof the pilot signal are correctISPEED&POWER:indicatorwhich shows a whitelonewhen the followingthree conditionsare fulfilled:-power supply voltage higherthan the maximumadmissiblevalue-motorregulationwithinthe correctoperatingrangetachometricspeedfluctuationsnotexceedinqthemaximumvalu
12、eIIPHONES:connectorfor monoheadphones,impedance25 to 600nCHANNEL,PHONES&L.S.:channelselectorfor listening with headphonesand loudspeakerLEVEL, PHONES:adjustmentof the headphonesvolumeTape speed selectorswitchIS=38.1 cmls7/,=19.05cm/sII3% .=9.525 cm/s1h=3.81cm/sIBIAS: 5positionbias selectorswitchPinc
13、h-wheel6)Fast wind switch:REW.Irewindwith main switch 4 in any positionexceptSTOP, lever 32 in disengage positionfastwindwhenmainswitch4onPLAYBACKwith LoudspeakerISupplyreelTensionroller of the supplV reelErase headStabilizerroller with 50 or 60 Hz stroboscopeRecordinghead tracks 1 and 2e.Recordinga
14、nd playbackhead track 3Playbackhead tracks1 and 2CDCapstan3positionlever controllingthe pinch-wheeland tape guicles:. -lever pulledto theleft:for threadingthetape(rewindpossiblein thisposition)-lever at 45to the edgeof thetape-deck:motorrunning,but tape notmoving-lever pushedbackwards:tape runningTe
15、nsionroller of the take-upreelTakeup reel6)RECORDINGEOUALIZA TION ADJUSTMENTIIIIIIIRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库L-JJl-jI JIJJIJ=.-.LDirect analysis of sound signalsUsed solely as an amplifier the NAGRA IV-SJ is aprecisionsoundlevel meter, which operateswithany calibratedmicrophonecartridge.The soundpressu
16、re measurementsmust be taken in relation tothe0dB referencelevel, which correspondsto apressureof 0.0002ubar, i.e. 20J.lN/m2or 20 J.lPa.This level coincidesin practice with the audibilitythresholdof the human ear at1kHz; at this fre-quency, the sound level can be expressed in phones,the phones value
17、 being equal to the dB value readin relation to the 0.0002 /-Ibarreference.The frequencyresponseof the humanear is notlinear and depends very much on the sound level; asound level meter must thereforeinclude weightingfilters which modify the values measured in accor-dancewithcertaincriteria,so thatt
18、heycan beinterpretedin relation to the subjective impressionfelt by the humanear.There are three standardweighting curves, A, BandC.Curve A is used forlow and mediumsoundlevels, which are the sub-ject of mostanalyses;curvesBandC relate tohigher levels.Curve D relates to contour-linesofperceivednoisi
19、ness,in particularwith noise pro-ducedby aviation:this weightingis used for themeasurementof soundswhichcause annoyancein general.Curves A, B, G and D are shown afterthe specifications.Thesoundlevel measuredis shownon a dualgalvanometer.withone needleper channel.Itsmeasuringcircuitdeterminesthe aver
20、age value ofthe signal onRMSandits peak value onPEAK,withdifferentdynamiccharacteristicsinrelationto theintegrationtime.OnRMSFAST integrationtime is 200 ms: a signal at1kHzlasting 200 ms gives a reading1dB lower than thatwhich would correspondto the steady signal.OnRMSSLOW, integrationtime is 500 ms
21、 anda signal lasting 500 ms gives a reading 4 dB belowthat which would correspondto the steady signal.These two integrationtimes are in accordance withINSTRUCTION MANUALIMeasurementstheGEl standard179 forprecrsionsoundlevelmeters.Naturally,any signal which is shorter thanthe integrationtime will be
22、shownbelowits realvalue.Foranalysisof pulsesignalsor strongtransientsa moreusefulreadingis obtainedonPEAK, i.e. peak value with an integrationtime ofonly5ms.This very fast reading cannotbe usedbecauseit causes visual fatigue:in order to over-come this disadvantagethe measuring circuit holdsthe signa
23、l for about one second, therebyincreasingthe fall time of the needle.Recording and playback of the sound signalsInallcaseswheredirect.measurementis notsufficientfor studyingthe signals picked up by themicrophone,these signals can be recorded on mag-netictapeand analyzedlater in thelaboratory.While t
24、he two tracks used for direct recording arein use, the thirdtrackCIOrecordF Msignals forsynchronization,a commentary,or a measuring-signal fromD.C. up to 4 kHz.The threetracksthus store signals in fully-synchronizedform, whichis an importantfactor for analysis.However, this storageis restrictedto so
25、me extentdue to thelimitationsof presentmagnetictapes.Theselimitationsconcernthefollowingcharac-teristics in particular:the response curveAttenuationat the upper and lower extremesofthe spectrum depends on the speed used.Very lowfrequencysignals, which are difficultto play backwith a small reproduce
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- Nagra-IVSJ-tape-sm 维修电路原理图 Nagra IVSJ tape sm 维修 电路 原理图