Philmore 205 电路原理图.pdf
《Philmore 205 电路原理图.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Philmore 205 电路原理图.pdf(12页珍藏版)》请在收音机爱好者资料库上搜索。
1、.,i!F .iri?1fi I N S T R U C T I O NM A N U A L philnore 5 TUBE SUPERHET RECEIVER KIT MODET 205 t- .l Llke any other piece of electronlo equipnent, the ultinate I perfornance of the Superhet Reoeiver lfode1 20! depends upon three factore I the exoellence of its lnitial engineer- i.:cg design, the gu
2、ality of its ofupolrents, anrd the care with which it is assemblad. PEIIMORE UASUFACTURISG C0. is justly proud of the nanner in rhich tt bar lundl.ed the first tno; the rernainiag factor - G8,re in assedbly - ls entirely ln your hands. To insure the perfonnanoe designed lnto this receiver, PEILIIORE
3、 provideo you rilh one of the most oon- probeneive iastruotlon nanuals evei prepared for the kit bullder. Each step bas been tested thorougby. For naxfunrm ease of assenbl.y aod tbe ftnal pleasurable thrill of bulld- lng an instrreent that works properly thc flrst time it is poserod, PtrIIilORE trge
4、s you to follol ell ingtruotlons in I the order given, rithout migsions or nodlftoatl_ons. l- l _ _ pNlnorc mANUFActuRrNc co., rNc. o RTGHmoND Hnt 18, NEw yoRrc u.s.A. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 CIRCLIT DESCRIPTI0NT This sensitive superheterodyne receiver operates from !0 to i s
5、 c a p a b l e o f r e c e 1 v i n g a 1 t A M b r o a d e a s t s 1 a t i o n s i n t h e a r e a . The transn,itted strnnrnetrical ffi signal is reoeived and hoterodyned with the local oscillator and changed to an interrnediate freguency (m) of l+55 kc in the converter tube V-1. ltris signal is co
6、upled across transformer I, amplified by IF anplifier V-2 and coupled to the urultipurpose diode detector-AVC-audio arnplifler tube V-. The diode detector section of Y-J rectifies the signal. so that only half of the slmrnetrical IF envelope, which contains all the transnitted audio infornation, ren
7、ains. Curent pulses flow in the circuit comprlsed of the lK ohn resistor and 250 nxnf. capacitor, the resistance and oapacitance being so proportioned ttrat the capacitor charges to the peak value of the rectified voltage on each pulse and retains enough eharge between pulses so that the voltage acr
8、oss the 100K ohm resistor ig smoothed out. The DC component of the audio signal is removed by the .002 nfd. capaeitor so that only the variations in signal voltage romain to be anplifled by tha audio section of Y-J. The anplified auCio signal ls coupled to the poxer anpllfier V-h for suffieient anpl
9、ifioation to drive the Loudspeaker. Automatlc volume control AVC is derived from a portion of the average DC eonponent of the audlo slgnal developed across the 100K ohm resistor and is used to vary the biae on V-l and V-2. Since the voltage is proportional to the average arnplitude of the aignal, th
10、e gain of the reeeiver is reduced as the signal strength bieomas greater, thereby keeping the galn at a constant 1eval. Rectifler tube V-! changes the altarnating l-ine voltage to pulsating direct current. These pulses are smoothed out by the electrolytic filter capacitor K and the 2K ohm resistor a
11、nd supplied to the plate elements of the tubes. pARTS LISTr Veteran kit-builders work nith the firn oonviction that every step is -r Effi1-ffint as every other etep. The flrst etep te to unpaok the kit oarefully and cheok the comnonents against the list of parts. PART NO.STBOL QIIA-ITIlY DEICRIPTTON
12、 Cabinet-Cover -FrjroU- rr-r01 s Canacitors Fr-ra. Fr-1O F T-rol+ FT-r05 Fr-to6 Reslstors Ft-ro7 FT-r0B Fr-7o9 r?-r10 rT-r11 Fr-rr2 Fr-1L7 FT-r14 Chaesis Assembly FT-rL6 Fr-tL7 M rr-r18 Fr-r-.g a I I Cabinet Rear cover with attached heat sinlc 1oo r,f . (roo pr) arso 2!0 rmf. (z5o pr) aisc .oo2 mfd.
13、 (.002- uF) aiso .0, llfd . (.o) uF) aisc .05 mfd. (.05 rrF) tubular 20K ohn, Ll+ v,att (red-bl.ack-orange) IOOK ohn, Irli+ natt (brcmn-btaok-yellol) lOoK ohn, L/h uatt (green-black-ye11ow) 1 megohm, l/+ natrt (brown-b1ack-green) ! negohm, 1/l4 ratt.(green-black-green) 1!0 ohn, L/2 yatt (brown-green
14、-brown) ZICK ohn, L/2 vatt (red-greon-yelloru) 2( ohm, 2 natt (red-black-red) Chas s ls -ptn tube socket mounted on chassis Output trangformer mounted on chaaels Condenser bracket mounted on chasgls Chassis bracket 2 a I t 1 I I I I I I I I I , 1 1 I -?age 2 - RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音
15、机爱 好者资料库 PART NO.qUAlTIlY I , I 2 2 I 9 , l+ 2 1 DEiCRTPTION Coils - -r2o P Ft-rzl J FT-r22 E Fr-tz, r Filter F -12t K Fr-t25 Fr-1?6 Fr-127 vr-r29 Fr-r29 FT-0 Fr-ttL FT-2 FT-7 Fr-11+ G Knobs Fr-115 Fr-116 Loudspeaker FT-77 N Poten_tiometer I Antenna coil rith rubber grornmet I J-Iug Local
16、 osclllator coLl 1 2-Iug L$5 kc coil I L+55 kc IF transformer oan 1 1 I hO-gO mfd. electrolytic filter capaeitor with nounting braoket, sor6lv, split locl:naeher and nut ,-56 x 5/r2 sorn ,-56 x 7/r2 seron ,-56 x )/d sorevt 5-56 x 9fi6 scrow 6-12 x /h screr J-56 nut Split locloasher FIat washer Polye
17、thylene sasher 2-1ug ternlnal strip L-1/2tt tunLng knob 1l+t control :nob ,-V2 PM loudepeaker Vo1une oontrol-swttch with tuo oontrol washers and mrt L2B6 12BA5 12AI/6 50c5 ,flil+ Variable tuning condenser Iength insulated hook-trp wire Length spaghetti tubing Iength solder Llna cord fnstructlon manu
18、al FoLd-out prlnt sxnall packlag boxes, and large packlug carton. F T-B Tubes T5ittg FT-40 FT-rl+1 Fr-,+2 Fr-rl+, Tuner Tt_U+ Fr-11$ Fr-1t+7 r r-lJ+B T v-1 v-2 v-t v+ v-, o Printod Matter FT-5t+9 Fr-t5o lJiscelLaneous poly bags, Thr ?hilnorc lAonulocluring Co., In., guotonlaar ooch low redio or oloc
19、llonic ptoducl monufoclurrd by it lo br lrec fron dcfoclivc molcriol ond workmonrhip ond ogt.t lo rcrnedy ony ruch dchcl or lo turnirh o n.w porl in crchongo for ony Pott of ony unit ol ilr monulo d Attach a J-T/+ tire fron antenna coll- P-l (S-f) to IF transf ormer can I-J (lts). V r P.un this wire
20、 through the snall hole beneath tuner O-2. . , ./ Q /,4aconnect a L-./Zn wire fron filter capacitor K-l (lffi) to oscillator coil J-J (ilS). l ./ A.ttach a 2-l/.:rire fron filter capacitor K-I (S-2) to soaket B-7 (ilS). Conneci a 2-t/!4 vrire f ron socket B-7 (NS) to tenninal strip G-I (NS). I4l+ wi
21、re fron socket c-a (ilS) to socket B-7 (NS). a Jn wire frorn socket A-2 (s-f) to oscillator coil J-2 (s-f). a L/2 wire fron sockeb B-2 (S-1) to the center shield of socket B a t/2 rpire from sockei B-J (S-h) to the eentor shield of socket B a I/2 wire fron .ot .,-c-z (s-e) to socket c-t (NS). a I/2
22、wire fron soeket J-, (S-2) to the ce:rter shield of socket, C a L/2 wire fron socket Ci (S-1) to -;he center shield of socket C o 1/+ wire frorir socket )-2 (ils) to socket D-5 (ils). a I/2 wire fron socltet l+ (is) to soeket Ii-J (:rs). ln rire from socket 8-6 (S-r) to l+55 kc coil E-l (S-1). J/an
23、w*e from socket B-! (s-f) 6 455 kc coil E-2 (NS). 1-14 wire frorn socket D+ (s-1) to socket E-, (s-f). (rs). 1s-e). (m). (s-z). G s ( ; attacrr $ /to eL4*aeh Flrtoneet y u*u ff lttactr (tco,nrt $,ryt r Attach a Connect Connect /i fp()7cotnut a Ji+ nire frorn IF transforrner can I-1 (lis) to socket e
24、-6 (trS). take , ,/ sure the nire does not touch the screw on the IF transforoer G- a p-t/2n rire from volwre contro!. F-5 (S-2) to terminal strip G-l (lS). pf Cgr.ct output transfonaer lead i,l-J to loudspeaker N-l (S-1). IFe spa6hetti tubing. /) UgneCT OUIpUE Eranslorltrer leatl !i-2 tu llJuunPEaE
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