ALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUALALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUAL ARCAM ALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUAL Issue 1 Serial No. 001 - (Paul Newton July 96) Circuit Description Input/Output Selection The Alpha 9 integrated amplifier has 6 line level inputs and optional phono input selected by use of the motorised listen switch, SW201. The use of the record switch SW202 allows recording of one source whilst listening to another. The Processor/Tape 2 switch, SW207, allows tape monitoring of a 3 head tape deck connected to the Processor/Tape 2 sockets. It can also be used to allow input signals to be routed to an external surround decoder for processing before being routed back to the Alpha 9. Tone Control & Preamp Out/Power Amp In The tone control stage on the Alpha 9 is based around a dual op-amp Z2. The first half provides a buffer stage for the tone controls and the second one with its frequency dependent feedback is used as the tone control itself. The output of the tone control then passes through the balance control RV201 and then onto the power amp stages and the preamp out buffer stage formed by Z203. The tone controls and balance pot can be bypassed by use of the direct switch SW205. The Alpha 9 can be driven from an external preamplifier source by moving the internal switch SW206 to disconnect the Alpha 9 preamp stages from the power amp. Power Amplifier The signal from either the Alpha 9 input sockets or an external preamp enters the power amp stage via C12 and R35. Q11, Q16 form a long, tailed pair driven by the current source formed by Q18 and Q19. Q6 is the Class A stage driving the quasi complementary output stage of Q4, Q5, and mosfets Q1, 2. The Alpha 9 and Alpha 9P utilize an auto bias circuit to maintain the correct quiescent current (IQ). The circuit works by monitoring the voltage across the 0.22 ohm resistors R1, RA1 and comparing it to a voltage derived from the - 44v rail via R24. Both these voltage are fed into the inputs of comparator Z3. If the voltage across the 0.22 ohm resistors increases the output of the comparator goes high impedance and Q15 is turned off. This causes capacitor C72 to discharge and reduce the bias on the base of Q17 which reduces the IQ. Conversely if the voltage across the 0.22 ohm resistors is low then Q15 is turned on more and C72 charges and increases the bias on Q17 and so increases the IQ. Under signal conditions a low frequency, variable mark/space ratio, waveform can be seen on the collector of transistor Q20 as the bias is being automatically adjusted. Z1 is a d.c. servo used to maintain a low d.c. offset at the speaker outputs. Power Supplies The Alpha 9/9P is powered by a toroidal transformer with 2 sets of secondary windings. The main windings are used to provide +/-44V D.C. after rectification and smoothing by diodes D201-204 inc. reservoir capacitors C201, 202. The second winding is rectified to provide an unregulated supply voltage for the motor driver ics, Z402 (for the volume control) & Z403 (for the listen selector).This unregulated supply is also smoothed and regulated with a simple stabilizer circuit (zener diode D402 and associated components) to provide a stable voltage for the micro controller Z401. Protection/ Mute circuit The protection and mute functions are carried out by Z501. This performs turn on delay, d.c. offset detection and thermal cutout. It also displays the status of the amplifier with the use of a bicolour LED - Green for ready and Amber for when the speakers are disconnected internally because of a fault condition or on initial power up whilst the 5 second switch on delay mute is operating. If the unit suffers a current overload the protection circuit may latch and the unit will not reset until it has been switched off and on again. If the protection is activated by a thermal problem the unit will begin to operate again when it has cooled down. The thermal cut out operating point is set by the thermistor TH501, mounted close to the output device heatsinks. Disc Stage (optional) RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 ALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUALALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUAL The optional phono stage board available for the Alpha 9 provides amplification and RIAA equalization for both moving coil (MC) and moving magnet (MM) cartridges. Transistors Q2-5 and their associated components provide the extra gain required for moving coil cartridges when required Z1 forms a flat response gain stage with the gain set by R3 and R4. R5 and C2 provide a low pass filter used as the high frequency part of the RIAA de-emphasis. The negative feedback loop around IC2, R7, 8, 9, 10 and C3 provides the active low frequency RIAA de- emphasis. The pcb mounted switch selects between MM or MC. The board is powered by +/- 15V regulated rails from the main pcb and the +15V rail is then regulated to 6.3V by Q1 and D1, D2 to power the moving coil stage. Disassembly For Servicing 1.Remove the top cover and front panel. 2.Remove 2 screws securing the sub front to the chassis sides and 3 screws holding the subfront to the chassis base. 3.Remove 3 screws holding the pcb to the chassis. These can be found close to the large heatsink and also near to the mains inlet socket. 4.Remove 5 screws from the rear panel, one at each end and 3 along the bottom edge. 5.Remove the transformer bolt. The pcb, with the rear panel, transformer and subfront attached, can now be pulled backwards out of the unit. TEST POINTDC VOLTAGE TP1+ 5V TP2+9.6V TP30V MUTE ON +2V MUTE OFF TP40V VOL UP +5V VOL DOWN TP5+5V VOL UP 0V VOL DOWN TP6+15V TP7-15V TP8+44V TP9-44V TEST POINTDC VOLTAGE TP100.5V TP110.5V TP12-2V TP13-2V TP14+2.2V TP15+2.2V TP16+6.8V TP170V MUTE ON +2V MUTE OFF The IQ voltage measured across the 0.22 ohm resistors R1, RA1 or R101, RA101should be about 6- 7 mV. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 ALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUALALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUAL Alpha 9 Integrated Amplifier Parts List Ref. No.DescriptionPart No. C1ELST 100U 25V2N710 C2PEST 47N 63V 5%2K347 C3ELST 100U 100V2N710B C4PCRB 100N 100V 5% RA 5mm2H410 C5PPRO 680P 5% 63V RA2D168 C6PSTY 56P 160V ENCAP 1PF%2F056 C7ELST 10U 50V2N610 C8ELST 100U 25V2N710 C9PEST 15N 63V 5%2K315 C10PEST 15N 63V 5%2K315 C11PPRO 220P 5% 63V RA2D122 C12ELST NON POLAR 10UF 35V2U610 C13NPPRO 220P 5% 63V RA2D122 C14NPPRO 220P 5% 63V RA2D122 C15NELST 10U 50V2N610 C16NPCRB 100N 100V 5% RA 5mm2H410 C17NPCRB 100N 100V 5% RA 5mm2H410 C18NPPRO 100P 63V 5% RA2D110N C19NPPRO 100P 63V 5% RA2D110N C20PEST 15N 63V 5%2K315 C21NELST 10U 50V2N610 C22PCRB 100N 100V 5% RA 5mm2H410 C23PCRB 100N 100V 5% RA 5mm2H410 C25NPPRO 2N2 5% 63V RA2D222 C26NELST 10U 50V2N610 C71ELST 10U 50V2N610 C72ELST 100U 25V2N710 C101ELST 100U 25V2N710 C102PEST 47N 63V 5%2K347 C103ELST 100U 100V2N710B C104PCRB 100N 100V 5% RA 5mm2H410 C105PPRO 680P 5% 63V RA2D168 Alpha 9 Integrated Amplifier Parts List Ref. No.DescriptionPart No. C106PSTY 56P 160V ENCAP 1PF%2F056 C107ELST 10U 50V2N610 C108ELST 100U 25V2N710 C109PEST 15N 63V 5%2K315 C110PEST 15N 63V 5%2K315 C111PPRO 220P 5% 63V RA2D122 C112ELST NON POLAR 10UF 35V2U610 C113NPPRO 220P 5% 63V RA2D122 C114NPPRO 220P 5% 63V RA2D122 C115NELST 10U 50V2N610 C116NPCRB 100N 100V 5% RA 5mm2H410 C117NPCRB 100N 100V 5% RA 5mm2H410 C118NPPRO 100P 63V 5% RA2D110N C119NPPRO 100P 63V 5% RA2D110N C120PEST 15N 63V 5%2K315 C121NELST 10U 50V2N610 C122PCRB 100N 100V 5% RA 5mm2H410 C123PCRB 100N 100V 5% RA 5mm2H410 C125NPPRO 2N2 5% 63V RA2D222 C126NELST 10U 50V2N610 C172ELST 100U 25V2N710 C173ELST 100U 25V2N710 C201ELST 10m 50V RA 32mm2N910 C202ELST 10m 50V RA 32mm2N910 C205PPRO 4N7 63V 5% RA2D247N C206PPRO 4N7 63V 5% RA2D247N C207ELST 10U 50V2N610 C208ELST 10U 50V2N610 C209ELST 10U 50V2N610 C210ELST 10U 50V2N610 C301NCERD 1N0 63V 20% RA2A210 C401NELST 1M0 25V2N810 ALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUALALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUAL C402NCERD 10N 63V 20% RA2A310 C403NELST 1M0 25V2N810 C404CERD 10N 63V 20% RA2A310 C405NCERD 10N 63V 20% RA2A310 C406NCERD 10N 63V 20% RA2A310 C407NCERD 10N 63V 20% RA2A310 C408NCERD 10N 63V 20% RA2A310 C409NCERD 10N 63V 20% RA2A310 C410NELST 10U 50V2N610 C411NELST 1U0 50V 20% RA2N510 C501ELST 100U 25V2N710 C502ELST 1U0 50V 20% RA2N510 C503ELST 100U 25V2N710 C504ELST 1U0 50V 20% RA2N510 C505SUPPR CAP 4N7 250V2K247 C506CERD 10N 63V 20% RA2A310 C507CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA2A210 C508CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA2A210 C509CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA2A210 C510CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA2A210 C511CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA2A210 C512CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA2A210 C601NPPRO 220P 5% 63V RA2D122 C602NPEST 15N 63V 5%2K315 C603NCERD 10N 63V 20% RA2A310 D1ZENER 10V 400MW3C11004 D2RECTIFIER 1N4003F 1A 200V3B4003 D3ZENER 10V 400MW3C11004 D4ZENER 10V 400MW3C11004 D5ZENER 5V6 400MW3C05604 D6ZENER 22V 400MW3C22004 D101ZENER 10V 400MW3C11004 D102RECTIFIER 1N4003F 1A 200V3B4003 D103ZENER 10V 400MW3C11004 D104ZENER 10V 400MW3C11004 D106ZENER 22V 400MW3C22004 D201RECTIFIER MUR420 4A 220V3B420 D202RECTIFIER MUR420 4A 220V3B420 D203RECTIFIER MUR420 4A 220V3B420 D204RECTIFIER MUR420 4A 220V3B420 D401NRECTIFIER 1N4003F 1A 200V3B4003 D402NZENER 5V6 400MW3C05604 D403NRECTIFIER 1N4003F 1A 200V3B4003 D404NZENER 5V6 400MW3C05604 D405NZENER 5V6 400MW3C05604 D406NSSDIODE 1N4148 75V3A4148 D407NRECTIFIER 1N4003F 1A 200V3B4003 D408NZENER 5V6 400MW3C05604 D501RECTIFIER 1N4003F 1A 200V3B4003 D502RECTIFIER 1N4003F 1A 200V3B4003 D503RECTIFIER 1N4003F 1A 200V3B4003 D504RECTIFIER 1N4003F 1A 200V3B4003 D505NRECTIFIER 1N4003F 1A 200V3B4003 D602ZENER 5V6 400MW3C05604 F501INS COVER PCB FUSEHOLDERF022 F501FUSEHOLDER 20mm PCB8S004 F501SPARE FUSE 20mm 1.6A ASC12166 FS502INS COVER PCB FUSEHOLDERF022 FS502FUSEHOLDER 20mm PCB8S004 HS1ALPHA9 & AV50 HEATSINKE801HK HS201HEATSINK TO220 13 DEGC/WF005 HS201HEATSINK CLIP TO220 13/8.6 DC/WF006 HS202HEATSINK TO220 CLIP 23DEG/WF004 KP1KWIKSTIK PAD S/A 25 X 12mmF157S KP2KWIKSTIK PAD S/A 25 X 12mmF157S L1INDUCT 2U2 15x25mm AD20187D002A L101INDUCT 2U2 15x25mm AD20187D002A LED601LED RED/GREEN 5MM3D002 ALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUALALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUAL LK401NJUMPER 3 WAY x 125mmL815CA LK501NLINK BANDOL PREFORM 10mm1X010A LK601JUMPER 3 WAY x 125mmL815CA MIMAINS SWITCH SD33P INSULATORE00301 MSMAINS SWITCH SPACERE66901 PL1N2WAY MOLEX VERT MALE CONNECTOR8K6201 Q1TRANS POWER MOSFET IRPF2404K240 Q2TRANS POWER MOSFET IRPF2404K240 Q3TRANS LF SS P 2SA10854A1085 Q4TRANS LF SS N 2SC25474A2546 Q5TRANS LF SS P 2SA10854A1085 Q6TRANS LF SS P BC556B4A556 Q7TRANS LF SS N BC546B4A546 Q8TRANS LF SS P BC556B4A556 Q9TRANS LF SS N BC546B4A546 Q10TRANS LF SS P BC557B4A557 Q11TRANS LF SS N BC547B4A547 Q12TRANS LF SS N 2SC25474A2546 Q13TRANS LF SS P BC557B4A557 Q14TRANS LF SS N 2SC25474A2546 Q15TRANS LF SS P BC557B4A557 Q16TRANS LF SS N BC547B4A547 Q17TRANS LF SS N BC547B4A547 Q18TRANS LF SS N BC547B4A547 Q19TRANS LF SS N BC547B4A547 Q20TRANS LF SS N BC547B4A547 Q101TRANS POWER MOSFET IRPF2404K240 Q102TRANS POWER MOSFET IRPF2404K240 Q103TRANS LF SS P 2SA10854A1085 Q104TRANS LF SS N 2SC25474A2546 Q105TRANS LF SS P 2SA10854A1085 Q106TRANS LF SS P BC556B4A556 Q107TRANS LF SS N BC546B4A546 Q108TRANS LF SS P BC556B4A556 Q109TRANS LF SS N BC546B4A546 Q110TRANS LF SS P BC557B4A557 Q111TRANS LF SS N BC547B4A547 Q112TRANS LF SS N 2SC25474A2546 Q113TRANS LF SS P BC557B4A557 Q114TRANS LF SS N 2SC25474A2546 Q115TRANS LF SS P BC557B4A557 Q116TRANS LF SS N BC547B4A547 Q117TRANS LF SS N BC547B4A547 Q118TRANS LF SS N BC547B4A547 Q119TRANS LF SS N BC547B4A547 Q120TRANS LF SS N BC547B4A547 Q121TRANS LF SS P 2SA10854A1085 Q401NTRANS LF SS N BC547B4A547 Q402NTRANS LF SS P BC557B4A557 Q403NTRANS LF SS P BC557B4A557 Q502TRANS LF SS N 2SC25474A2546 R1RES MO 3W 5% 0R22 KOASPR31Q922 R2RES CF 1W 1R5 5%1E815 R3RES CF 1W 5R6 5%1E856 R4RES MF FU W3 100R 5% NFR251G110 R5RES MF W4 470R 1%1H147 R6RES MF FU W3 100R 5% NFR251G110 R7RES MF W4 470R 1%1H147 R8RES MF FU W3 100R 5% NFR251G110 R9RES MF W4 1K0 1%1H210 R10RES MF W4 1K0 1%1H210 R11RES MF FU W3 220R 5% NFR251G122 R12RES MF FU W3 220R 5% NFR251G122 R13RES MF FU W3 470R 5% NFR251G147 R14RES MF FU W3 470R 5% NFR251G147 R15RES MF W4 1K0 1%1H210 R16RES MF W4 18K 1%1H318 R17RES MF W4 5K6 1%1H256 ALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUALALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUAL R18RES MF W4 2K7 1%1H227 R19RES MF W4 2K7 1%1H227 R20RES MF W4 4K7 1%1H247 R21RES MF W4 330R 1%1H133 R22RES MF W4 2K7 1%1H227 R23RES MF W4 100R 1%1H110 R24RES MF W4 220K 1%1H422 R25RES MF W4 18K 1%1H318 R26RES MF W4 2K7 1%1H227 R27RES MF W4 5K6 1%1H256 R28RES MF FU W3 10R 5% NFR251G010 R29RES MF FU W3 470R 5% NFR251G147 R30RES MF W4 100K 1%1H410 R31RES MF W4 120K 1%1H412 R32RES MF W4 47K 1%1H347 R33RES MF W4 470K 1%1H447 R34RES MF W4 47K 1%1H347 R35RES MF W4 2K7 1%1H227 R36NRES MF W4 5K6 1%1H256 R37NRES MF W4 6K8 1%1H268 R38NRES MF W4 6K8 1%1H268 R39NRES MF W4 12K 1%1H312 R40NRES MF W4 6K8 1%1H268 R41NRES MF W4 10K 1%1H310 R42NRES MF W4 12K 1%1H312 R43NRES MF W4 470R 1%1H147 R46NRES MF W4 100K 1%1H410 R47NRES MF W4 4K7 1%1H247 R48NRES MF W4 4K7 1%1H247 R49NRES MF W4 1K8 1%1H218 R50NRES MF W4 6K8 1%1H268 R51NRES MF W4 100R 1%1H110 R52RES MF W4 6K8 1%1H268 R53RES MF W4 2K2 1%1H222 R54NRES MF W4 1K8 1%1H218 R55NRES MF W4 1K0 1%1H210 R56RES MF W4 56R 1%1H056 R57NRES MF W4 100K 1%1H410 R58RES MF W4 330R 1%1H133 R59RES MF W4 27K 1%1H327 R60RES MF W4 1K0 1%1H210 R61RES MF W4 33K 1%1H333 R62NRES MF W4 820R 1%1H182 R71RES MF W4 15K 1%1H315 R72RES MF W4 15K 1%1H315 R73RES MF W4 15K 1%1H315 R74RES MF W4 15K 1%1H315 R75RES MF W4 10K 1%1H310 R76RES MF W4 12K 1%1H312 R77RES MF W4 220K 1%1H422 R78RES MF W4 120K 1%1H412 R79RES MF W4 33K 1%1H333 R80RES MF W4 1K5 1%1H215 R81RES MF W4 2K2 1%1H222 R82RES MF W4 100R 1%1H110 R83RES MF W4 4K7 1%1H247 R84RES MF W4 18K 1%1H318 R101RES MO 3W 5% 0R22 KOASPR31Q922 R102RES CF 1W 1R5 5%1E815 R103RES CF 1W 5R6 5%1E856 R104RES MF FU W3 100R 5% NFR251G110 R105RES MF W4 470R 1%1H147 R106RES MF FU W3 100R 5% NFR251G110 R107RES MF W4 470R 1%1H147 R108RES MF FU W3 100R 5% NFR251G110 R109RES MF W4 1K0 1%1H210 R110RES MF W4 1K0 1%1H210 R111RES MF FU W3 220R 5% NFR251G122 ALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUALALPHA 9/9P SERVICE MANUAL R112RES MF FU W3 220R 5% NFR251G122 R113RES MF FU W3 470R 5% NFR251G147 R114RES MF FU W3 470R 5% NFR251G147 R115RES MF W4 1K0 1%1H210 R116RES MF W4 18K 1%1H318 R117RES MF W4 5K6 1%1H256 R118RES MF W4 2K7 1%1H227 R119RES MF W4 2K7 1%1H227 R120RES MF W4 4K7 1%1H247 R121RES MF W4 330R 1%1H133 R122RES MF W4 2K7 1%1H227 R123RES MF W4 100R 1%1H110 R124RES MF W4 220R 1%1H122 R125RES MF W4 18K 1%1H318 R126RES MF W4 2K7 1%1H227 R127RES MF W4 5K6 1%1H256 R128RES MF FU W3 10R 5% NFR251G010 R129RES MF FU W3 470R 5% NFR251G147 R130RES MF W4 100K 1%1H410 R131RES MF W4 120K 1%1H412 R132RES MF W4 47K 1%1H347 R133RES MF W4 470K 1%1H447 R134RES MF W4 47K 1%1H347 R135RES MF W4 2K7 1%1H227 R136NRES MF W4 5K6 1%1H256 R137NRES MF W4 6K8 1%1H268 R138NRES MF W4 6K8 1%1H268 R139NRES MF W4 12K 1%1H312 R140NRES MF W4 6K8 1%1H268 R141NRES MF W4 10K 1%1H310 R142NRES MF W4 12K 1%1H312 R143NRES MF W4 470R 1%1H147 R146NRES MF W4 100K 1%1H410 R147NRES MF W4 4K7 1%1H247 R148NRES MF W4 4K7 1%1H247 R149NRES MF W4 1K8 1%1H218 R150NRES MF W4 6K8 1%1H268 R151NRES MF W4 100R 1%1H110 R152RES MF W4 6K8 1%1H268 R153RES MF W4 2K2 1%1