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    (v) rrtoNeerl 3 4 5 6 8 9 ORDER NO. ARP-230-O sx-?;0e- MODEL SX.2O2 (SX.2O2LI COMES IN SIX VERSIONS DISTINGUISI.IED AS FOLLOWS: additional service manual. o Ce manuel dinstruction se refdre au mode de r6glage, en frangais. . Este manual de servicio trata del m6todo de aiuste escrito en espaiiol. CONTENTS t. sPEctFtcATtoNs . . . . . 2. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES 3. PABTS LOCATTON . . . . . . . 4. BLOCK DIAGRAM 5. CIRCUIT DESCR IPTIONS 6. PACKING 7. EXPLODED VIEW AND PARTS LIST . . . 8. P.C. BOARDS CONNECTION DIAGRAM 9. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 10. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST I1. DIAL COR D STRINGING 12. ADJUSTMENTS ,. ,. REGLAGE AJUSTE. 12 t 5 1 7 1 9 20 FICINEEFI ELECTFICINIC GCIFIPCIFIATION a I, Mesuno 1 Ljhome, Mesu.o-ku, Tokyo 1:3, Jspen PICINEEFI ELEC:THONICB IUBAI lNC. 1925 E. oomnguez SE., Long Beach, Cahfo.nra go8lO u.S.A. PIGINEEFI ELEC?FIC,NlC EUnclPEI N.V. Keerbenglssn 1, 2740 Beve.en, Eletg,um PICI|YEEFI ELECTFIEINICB AUBTFIALIA PTY. LTE!. 178-1821 tsounde.v Fosd, Bnaesde, Vrcco. a 3195. a.usc.atr YX O DEC. 1982 Printed in laDan AM/FM STEREO RECETVER Modol VoltegR6mrrks SX-202/KUAC12OV only U.S.A. model sx-202/KcAC120V only Canada model sx-202/sAC11OV ,12OV ,22OV and 240V switchableGeneral export model sx-202lYPAC240V only Australia model SX-202L/HEAC22OV only European continent model with AM,LW band runer sx-202LlHEZAC220V only West Germany model with AM-LW band tuner o This service manual is applicable to the KU types. For servicing of tlte other types, please refer to the RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 1. SPECIFICATIONS Amplifier Section Continuous Average Power 0utput is 25 watts* per channel, min., at 8 ohms from 40Hertz to 20,000 Hertz with no more than 0.3%o tolal harmonic distortion. Total Harmonic Distortion (40 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz, 8 ohms, from TAPE) continuous rated power output No more than 0.3% 12.5 watts per channel power output No more than 0.15% No more than O.2o/ Intermodulation Distortion (50 Hertz:7,000 Hertz = 4: 1, 8 ohms, fror;r AUX) continuous rated power output No more than 0.3% Damping Factor (1 kHz,8 ohms) 22 I nput (Sensitivity/l mpedance) P H O N O . . . . . 2 . 5 m V / 5 O k i l o h m s TAPE PLAY 150 mV/50 kilohms Phono Overload Level (T.H.D.0.1%, 1,000H2) PHONO . . 150mV Output Level TAPE REC . 150 mV SPEAKER . A, B,AseriesB.off Frequency Response PHONO (RIAA Equalization) . 30Hz to 20,000H2t05dB TAPE PLAY . l5Hzto50,000Hz+ldB Tone Control BASS . r9dB (100H2) TREBLE . rgdB(10kHz) Loudness frntour (Volum control set at-40d8 position) . . +8dB (100H2), +6dB (10,000H2) Hum and Noise (lHF, short circuited, A network) P H O N O M M . . . . . . . 7 1 d 8 TAPE PLAY .97d8 FM Tuner Section *UsableSensitivity .10.7dBf (0.9pV) 50dB Ouieting Sensitivity * * M O N O . . . . 1 5 . 3 d 8 f ( 1 . 6 p V ) STEREO .37.6d8f (21pYl Signal-to-Noise Ratio M O N O . . . . 7 5 d 8 ( a t 8 5 d B f ) STEREO 70dB (at 85dBf) Distortion (at 65dBf) MONO 1kHz. O3Yo S T E R E O l k H z . . 0 . 6 7 o 1 watt per channel power output CaptureRatio . .2.ft8 Alternate Channel Selectivity (400kHz) . 50dB Stereo Separation (lkHz) . 35dB Frequency Response . . 30Hz to 15kHz,1! oa SpuriousResponseRatio. .70d8 lmageResponseRatio .45d8 l F R e s p o n s e R a t i o . . . . . 1 0 0 d 8 AM SuppressionRatio .45d8 S u b c a r r i e r P r o d u c t R a t i o . . . . . . . 3 1 d 8 Muting Threshold .27dBt (6.3PV) Antenna lnput 300 ohms balanced, 75 ohms unbalanced AM Tuner Section Sensitivity lHF, Loop antenna 32OtN lm lHF, Ext, antenna 30pV Selectivity .25dB Signal-to-NoiseRatio .43d8 lmageResponseRatio .40d8 lF ResponseRatio. .45dB Antenna AM LooP Antenna Miscellaneous Power Requirements . , AC 120V, 60Hz Power Consumption . . . 125 Watts(UL), 150 VA(CSA) Dimensions . . . . 420(W)x98(Hl x214(D) mm 16-9/16(W) X 3-718(H) X 8-7116(D) in Weight (without package) . . . 4.3 kg (9lb 8 oz) Furnished Parts F M T - t y p e A n t e n n a . . . . . 1 AM Loop Antenna 1 Operating Instructions 1 *Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commissions Trade Regulation rule on Povnr Output Claims for Amplifier. *FM muting functions with this unit when the signals are weak. The units internal wires are therefore treated so that the signals ara not muted when the sensitiviry is measured. NOTE: Specifications and design subiect to possible modification without notice, RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 2. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES O PowER swtrcH Push this to s1ritch on and off the units power. Power is supplied at the depresed ( - ) switch position (ON) and turned off at the released (I) position (OFF). HEADPHoNE JAcK Connect the plug on the stereo headphones to this jack when listening to sound through headphones. ToNE coNTRoLs BASS : The bass is increased when this control is rotated clockwise from the center position and reduced when rotated counterclockwise. TREBLE : The treble is increased when this control is rotatd clockwise from the center position and reduced when rotated counterclockwise. BALANcE coNTRoL This is normally kept at its center position. lt is rotated when the volume of sound delivered through the left and right channels of the speakers or headphones differs. The right channel volume is reduced when the control is rotatd toward the LEFT from the center position while the left channel volume is reduced when it is rotated toward the RIGHT. O FuNcrtoN swtrcHEs PHONO : Press when listening to records. FM : Press when listening to FM broadcasts. AM : Press when listening to AM broadcasts. TAPE (ADPT) SWITcH This is depresed when using a tape deck or adaptor unit connected to the rear panel TAPE/ADAPTOR jacks. LOUDNESS SWITcH Depress this switch to the ON position when listening to sound at a low level of volume. This will enhance the bass and treble and give more life to the sound even at a low volume. voLUME coNTRoL Use this to adjust the volume of the sound delivered through the speakers or headphones. The volume is increased when this control is rotated clockwise from the minimum 0 position. TUNING INDIcAToR (TUNING) This lights up to indicate that an FM, AM station has been tuned in. srEREo tNDtcAToR (srEREo) This lights up automatically when an FM station broad- casting in stereo has been tuned in. SPEAKERS swrrcHEs These are used to select the speakers through which you will listen to the sound. The selected speakers are now working. A: The sound is heard from the speakers connected to the speaker A terminals on the rear panel. B: The sound is heard from the speakers connected to the speaker B terminals on the rear panel. No sound will be heard when SPEAKERS A and B switches are both released. This is the position at which the sound can be heard through the headphones. NOTE: No sund will be heard through the geakers when both the A and B switches are depressed if only one et of speakerc has been connected to either the A or B SPEAKERS terminals. FREoUENcY scALE This indicates the frequency of the broadcasting station (FM, AM). The top level figures (88 - 108) indicate the FM band. The bottom level figures (55 - 1601 indicate the AM band. TUNTNG KNoB Rotate this knob to pick up stations (FM, AM). PowER tNDtcAToR/DtAL potNTER r6L;N t;K t;K - I F U N C T I O N l - * - L FI-EI-E RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 3. PARTS LOCATION Front Panel View Speaker knob AAD608 Front oanel assemblv ANM-292 AADO5 Phone jack AKN45 NOruSr . Parts uithout part number connot be supplied. o ?he I morh found on some component ports indicotes the impottonce of the sofety foctor of the port- Therefore, uhen replacing, be sure to use parts of identicol desEnation. . For your Ports Stoch Control, the fost mouing items dre indicdted uith the morhs t* ond *. ,* CENERALLY MOWS FASTER THAN . This classificotion shall be odjusted by each distributor becduse it depende on model number, temperoture, humidity, e tc. Bonnet AN E4I O Tuning knob AAA84 Knob B (BASS, TR EBLE, BALANCE AAB-317 Rear Panel View Earth terminal Complex terminal AKX-073 Top View A * Fuse (T 1 .6A) AEK-121 A * Power transformer 1120v) ATT.942 e- Knob A lvoLuME) AAB.3I6 Function knob A TAPE, LOUDNESS) AAD6O6 Function knob B PHONO, FM, AM) AADO7 AC socket AKP-O39 Rear panel ADG-073 Switch assembly RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 4. BLOCK DIAGRAM F R O N T E N D ( 1 / 3 ) t- | 3OOO FM BAL I | 75o L-UNBAL l- GND AM I LooP L ANT l- ernv Lch REC i- rroro l-enor.ro I Rch REC L PLAY FM I STEREO Q6 LED DRIVERFM MUTE FM IF AMP +82 ( 13.4V D 7 Q4 AM FRONT END trsomvl : EqUALIZER AMP s r - 4 TAPE (t/21 s r - 5 LOUDNESS +q2 -(v4l lz.smvl a 5, lt5omvl. _ I fT, (3l4.,4/41 ( 2 / 2 1 O N - O F F O N - O F F TONE CONTROL vR2-2,2-3 s 2 - 2 S P . B (t/2?t lr4. rv I PHONES TO Rch S PEAKE RS srol 1, , 1, ;o-l u I /tri - D 9 t0 t l 321 ,-2 U 9 rs ./2, Z7 22 | 727)< 7 z? RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 4 ? 2 0 A B C D 6 V. I hs s-<)| is-j= / -S=),)i q, Ks) I RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 E 1 8. P.C. BOARDS CONNECTION External Appearances of Transistors and lCs 32I DIAGRAM 2SC1923 COMPLEX Q3 A2 Assy GWM - 267 2SC 461 B :f+irvpN. -S:- 2SA1115 2sc26lt3 ar, , ML M , il lill .ll!jil sTK4141-2S M521aP NJIT44558D C .,-. det x It tt Jt ll d 32I M51533 L LED Assy RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 I 654 Q 7 q9 q0 Qro ot6 ofi qt7 32- O2l 654 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 II 87 HEADPHOTE JACK Assy B SWITCHO UNSWITCHEO roow MAx. toow MAx. c D POINTER Assy Il7 ltII RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 32 9. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM , .oo Io, FMI Lzsn uraaL L no A ,o A lil, ot, FM lF aMP BLED ol5-17 cr60 _.- _.- POWR il/OFF 22olo eI ub Fr Ithvl ,1. to L . ffi l, t-*; f- - R E C l D c r 4 5 , r 4 6 A C H - 2 4 9 vR 3 RHAAAV5502 Q r , 2 , 7 , 9 o4 o 5,6,13,16,r7 o a ot2 Qt4. | 5 2SC461 25K246 JCSd 2SA992 2S0aao J4101 o r , 3 o 2 D4 oa D9 0 1 1 rN4t48 O12 iN4148 wz- o75 0r3,r4 roE 2FO 2-1K261 0r5 8CR6AM-4 KZL14O Dt6 SZ-O2? RB4O2 D17,18 tN4148 wz-i 3 0 cr57 ! *cr4o I r I,2, r, , Lct25 4Rr45 + T z z o l r o k J:i | 47 ;F -c!-r rook I crr4 .; a:- 32 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 654 A I ot3,r 4 PR OTECTOR 9! - OFF oN - gfr ON - OFF - - - a3 FM IFIOET A MPX NOTE: The indicated semiconductors are representatiue ones only. Other alternatiue semiconductors may be used and are listed in the parts list. L RESTSTORS. Indietd in o, %W, 7.W,i5% tolerance unl6s otheMis notd k; k!) M; Ma, lF); !1%, lcl: !2%, (K),110%, (Ml; i20% tolerance 2, CAPACITORS: Indicaid in capachy kF)/voltage (V) unle$ otheBis notd p; pF. ldiBtion whhdt voltage is 50V except etftt.otytic capaci 3. VOLTAGE E; Sienat voltase at ( 25 W+ 25 W,8a)outplt 1kHz) Fli DC voltase (V) at no j.put sisnal - Valuein ) bDCvoltageatratdporer. 4. OTHERSi + , Signal route. _ A iAdiusting po,nt. I re /n matk round or toFe componenl pans indic.rs the in podanc-e of rhe salety lactor of the pdn. lh.relore, whcn repttrrng, be ere to u* pafts of identical designarion. X markd capeitoB and rsistoE h-;-t I 06 aEL- 40? :I 0 6 ! !* :0. L-:* -J POINTER A3sy SITCHES: COMPLEX A.sry S l - t : F U N C T I O N ( P H O N O ) s r - 2 F U N C T I O N ( F M ) s l - 3 | F U N C T I O N ( A M ) SI 4 TAPE MONITOR 51 - 5 LOUONESS 52_1 SPEAKERS ( A) 5 2 . 2 : S P E A K E R S 8 ) OUTSIDE OF PC BOARO SlOl : POWER *-1 I B oN - gfI 9! - oFF oN - 9!r o N - 9 ON _ OFF *.;-l HEAOPHONE JACK A33y The undedind indites the switch Dosition. sror a COMPLEX AsBry (3,/3) : Furor AEK-r?r I A r,o, ort-., -1,A swrrdEo uNswrTdED =-., roow MAr roow Md -;fi, - _ _ _ J ARrsT ro qr48 E 2 F O - o 2 7 414 8 I 52 SUJeLYXSF L_ I 54 l- 6 J I i: T_T ?l - 2 e r o3*ut* LEO cr8; t- reooo I et at r 5 k /25 -1 F I- SWITCH A3.y 1 6 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 1O. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST NO?ES; o ll/hen ordering resicfors, first conuert resistance wlues into cod,e form as shown in the following examples. Ex. 1 vthen there are 2 effectiue digits (any digit apart from 0), such as s60 ohm and 47h ohm (tolerance is shown by J = iVo, and K - lOVo). 560a 56 x 10t 561 . . 47ha 47 x lO3 473 . . 0.5t0 R 5 . . RD%PS E|6tflr RD%PS AgJ RN2H oBEr t( 010. asrPotloK Ex. 2 When there are 3 effective digits (such as in high precision metal film resis- tors). 5.62ha 562 x loo 5621. . . . RN%SA EGiltrDF o The b, marh found on some component parts indicates theimportance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to tlr,e parts of identical deeignation o For your Parts Stoch Control, the fast mouing items are indicated with the marhs * ond *. * GENERALLY MOVES FASTER THAN *. This classificotion shall be adjusted by each distributor because it depends on model number , temperuture, humidity, etc. Miscellaneous Parts List P.C. BOARD ASSEMBLIES lVlark Part No.Symbol & Dccription CEA 101M 35L CEA 221M 1OL CEA 471 M 6L CEANL 2R2M 50 coMA 122K 50 coMA 562K 50 coMA 153K 50 coMA 333K 50 caMA242J50 coMA 822J 50 coMLA 124K 50 cosA 182J 50 cosA 511J 50 ccDUJ 050c 50 ccDsL 270J 50 ccDsL 121J50 ccDSL 101J 50 ccDsL 22?tJ 50 ccDcH 150J 50 ccocH 220J 50 CKDYF 1032 50 CKDYF 223250 CKDYX 47PM25 CKDYB 222K 50 ACG19 cl50 cl47, Cl60 cl43 cl01, cl02 cl31, Cl32 cl5, Cl33, Cl34 cl9, C20 c127,C128 cl07, cl08 c109,cl10 cl29, Cl30 cl8 c34 c7 c125.C126 c30 c113,Cl14,Cl17,C118 cl03, cl04 c2-c5, c23, C29, C32, C40, C42 c6, c8, cl3, C43, Cl15, Cl16, c144,c152, Cl56, C157 c39, C141 , C142 c41 C148 ceramic (0.01/1 50Vl Mark Part No. Symbol & Deccription GWM.267 OTHERS Mark Part No. Complex assembly Headphone jack assembly LED assembly Pointer assembly Switch assembly Symbol & DGcription A A A A A A Complex Assembly (GWM-267) CAPACITORS Mark Part No. Porapr transformer (1 20Vl Push switch (POWER) Ceramic (0.01/ACl25V) Fuse Tl .64 AC power cord AC socket Symbol & Description * ATT-942 * ASG-541 ACGOl7 * AEK-121 ADGO73 AKP.O39 T101 s101 c501 FU1 01 c24 c36 ACH-249 CEA 1O1M sOL CEA R22M sOL CEA ORlM sOL CEA R47M sOL CEA OlOM sOL CEA lOOM sOL CEA 22OM 25L CEA 47OM 1OL CEA 47OM 25L CEA 101M 25L C1 45, C1 46 Electrolytic (3300/42V) cl 39 cI1,C21,C22 ct2 cl0 c14, C17, C27, C111, c123, C124 c16, C28, C31, C38, cl20, c138, Cl54, Cl55, c33, C121 , C122 c26, Cl 05, C1 06 c135, C136, Cl37, Cl51, c9, c37, Cl40 c112, cl 19, cl61 cl53 1 7 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RESISTORS Note: When ordering resistors, conuert the resistance ualue into code form, and then rewrite the part no, as before. Part No.Symbol & Description COILS AND TRANSFORMERS Mark Part No.Symbol & Description * * * ACT-162 ACT02 RHBSAVSSO2 ACN-131 ACN-140 RD4PMFL trOtr RD/.PM ootr RDl/8PM otrE J VRl Volume (260k1 VR2 Volume assembly (100kx2, 1M) VR3 Semi-fixed (5k) Rl66 Wire-wound lO.22x2,Vtll R187 Carbon composition Q.2M,1l2wl Rl2, R155-R159, Rl73 R3E, R36, Brls, 8116, Rl47-R154, OTHERS R1 60-R165, R167. 8 1 68, R172. P.17 4, ATH53 ATH.O58 ATEO58 ATB85 ATBO84 ATFO83 ATFO84 Part No. L1 , L2 AF choke coil L3 Micro inductor Tl FM detector transformer T2 AM antenna coil T3 AM oscillator coil F1, F2 FM ceramic f ilter F3 AM ceramic f ilter Symbol & Description A A 1 SEMICONDUCTORS IMark Part No. Rl75, Rl80 Other resistors Symbol & Desc


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