(I PIONEER Th Art of Entertinment Serviee Manual ilIJJltlWi. l QiilWl it is not meant for the casual do-it-yourselfer. Qualified technicians have the necessary test equipment and tools, and have been trained to properly and safely repair complex products such as those covered by this manual. Improperly performed repairs can adversely affect the safety and reliabilty of the product and may void the warranty. If you are not qualiied to perform the repair of this product properly and safely, you should not risk trying to do so and refer the repair to a qualiied service technician. WARNING Lead in solder used in this product is listed by the California Health and Welfare agency as a known reproductive toxicant which may cause birth defects or other reproductive harm (California Health _iic%.18M) M 59DISPLAY PANEL B .DAH1796 60C.gNTROL PANEL PN610 6e: DNB1066 -VSA, 61LOOP KNOB DNK2943 62FOOT ASSY REC-434 63ROTARY VR KNOB G DAA1133 64ROTARY SW KNOB DAAl134 DSPASSY UW;lU5b 65ROTARY VR KNOB DG DAA1135 TERMINAL ASSY DWZ1056 VR ASSY i;.vA*3i e: DWG1471 66ROTARY VR KNOB B DAA1136 NSP 10PHONE JACK ASSY DWZ1057 67ROTARY VR KNOB GY DAA1139 68ROTARY VR KNOB GG DAA1140 AS DWZ1066 69FADER KNOB DAC1846 Wfl 70POWER KNOB DAC1847 VOLTAGE SELECT ASSY POWER SUP, ASSY DWR1242 71TACT KNOB DAC1848 NSP 15POWER TRAS ASSY DWR1243 72POWER KNOB GUIDE DNK3207 73TACT KNOB GUIDE DNK3208 16SW COVER (RELM type only) DEC1984 74EFFECT SW PACKING DEDl110 NSP 17POWER SW ASSY DWR1245 NSP75CLIP AEC-036 NSP 18REG.ASSY DWR1246 197SEG,ASSY DWZ1058 76PCSUPPORT DEC1773 NSP 20BAL, OUT ASSY DWZ1059 77SHEET (KUC tye only) DEC1939 NSP78SPACER DEC1649 21 PHONE ASSY DWZ1060 79COLLAR DEC1953 NSP 22CHl METER ASSY DWZ1061 80BUSH DEC1957 NSP23 CH2 METER ASSY DWZ1062 NSP 24CH3 METER ASSY DWZ1063 81SCREW DBA1044 NSP 25CH4 METER ASSY DWZ1064 NSP82PCSUPPORT VEC1235 83GUARD DEC1964 26MASTER METER ASSY DWZ1065 84GUARD TAPE DEDl113 27TERMINAL SCREW AK-031 NSP85 PCB HOLDER PNW1706 28 AC INLET ASSY (3P) (KUC tye) DKP3238 -l bk:P 28AC INLT ASSY (aP) (RLM ty) DKP237 . NSP tf PCSUPPORT VEC1749 29POWER TRASFORMER DTT1130 t- !;iolllt- 7 WASHER DBE1010 30FUSE (T800mA, FU2) REK-099 d + (t i8 SCREW AMZ26P040FMC -Vr1.n1I5L,. 9 SCREW AMZ30P040FMC 6 31FUSE (1.25A, FUl) VEK1016 90 SCREW BBZ30P060FMC NSP 32PCB SPACER (30) DEC1389 33BOARD SPACER l) (tEC1955 91SCREW BBZ30P060FZK NSP 34PCB MOULD (lff-;: . m AMR1525 - 092SCREW BBZ30P100FZK 35LAEL DRW1739 93SCREW BBZ30P140(1 94SCREW BBZ30P180,C 36FLSPACER AEB7047 . 95SCREW BBZ40P060FMC 37EDGE GUARD DEC1944 38NETA DED118 96SCREW BMZ40P060FMC NSP39 CAUTION LAEL (G) VRW-548 97SCREW BPZ30P080FZK NSP 40CHASSIS (KUC type) DNA1198 98SCREW CBZ30P080FZK NSP 40CHASSIS (RELM type) DNA1196 99NUT NKX2FUC . ,100 SCREW PMH26P040FMC NSP 41PANEL STAY DND1192 C l_ V5iJ1JO) S01X . C, Lc,oPtZK 42SLIDER PLATE DNF1518 101 SCREW PPZ30P050FMC 43SWPLATE DNF1519 NSP102CAUTION LAEL (KUC tye only) AA-361 44 EARTH PLATE DNF1520 103EARTH LEAD (KUC type only) DDX1157 45SHIELD PLATE DNH2117 104CAPACITOR COVER REC-150 (RELM type only) 46CABLE COVER DNH2139 105GROUND PLATE ANK1074 4765 LABEL (KUC type only) ORW1069 NSP48 PCB SUPPORT REC1248 106SHORT PIN PLUG AK-050 NSP 49PCB SUPPORT VEC1508 lSD1o107 SPACER (WASHER) , DEC 1982- 50 SNAP PLATE VNE1102 rmSPACER DEB1327 109PVC SHEET A DEC1979 51LEVER SW PACKING DEDl098 110PVCSHEETB DEC1980 52FADER PACKING A DED1099 53FADER PACKING B DED1100 111PVC SHEETC DEC1981. 54SLIDE SW PACKING DEDll06 112PCB TAPE DEDl115 55TACT SW PACKING DED1114 113ACETATE TAPE (G) REH1010 NSP114PCSUPPORT VEC1749 56CAUTION LAEL (KUC tye only) DRW1728 115.SCREW BBZ30P040FMC 57DISPLAY PANEL A DAH1793- )1-( fi ti$;03I 58SLIDER PANEL DAH1794 NSPCORDC PER RNE-513 4 - jK 0 1 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 . DJM-500 6 NOTE: Screws adjacent to T mark on the product are used for disassembly. 92 60 The parts with * marking is an attached parts of No, 9, 58 8 _.r - ; (28 RELM Type I, _J r- i 28 i KUC Type 103. :aJ ) 14 - s; I 115 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 DJM-500 3. BLOCK DIAGRAM (1)CHANNEL AMPLIFIER SECTION CH1 L CD C LI NE C L CD C0 CH2 PHONO C L LINE C0 CH3 PHONO C iSUB MIC C0 CH4 PHONO C MAIN MIC C CD CONTROL CH l2CH 7 _._. -, -, _. _._, -, _.- ,-, - ,- ,_. _. -.- ._._, - ,- ._, -, -, _.-. -,_.- ._, -, - ._._, _._, - ,- ._.- ._.- r._ _.- ,-. _.- 1 -. -. _._.- ._.- ,-, _._, _. - ,-.-, - ._,_. _.- ,_. -1 (3) MASTER AMPL I F I ER SECT I ON (2) ! CHANNEL ASS I GN ! AND M I X I NG SECT ION. ,_-1 . . I STEREO/MONO ! i SELECTOR , i1 . . 11 . 11 . , II ! CROSS ! LEVEL ! w BOOTH i FADE R ! AD J . i V: MON I TOR 1 i I . j . i !. 1 I 1._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ _. L._._._._._._._._._,_._._._._._._._._._._._, ._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.-._._._._._._._._._-_._._._._-_._-_._._._._._._, ! . !1 1 L- SOURCE STEREO/MONO - EQUALIZER MONITOR j w HEADPHONE ! - SELECTOR SELECTOR LEVEL ! V: OUTPUTi i i i i _._._._._._._._,_._._._. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ ,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,; BALANCE DR IVE INPUT SELECTOR FjADER 4CH1 ) TRIM ADJ, 3 BAND EQUAL IZER BALANCE H MASTER ADJ, VOLUME INPUT SELECTOR FADER QCH2) j TRIM ADJ. 3 BAND EQUALIZER i i i j i i 3 BAND I1ADER 1 R i AA EQUALI ZER CH3)! . 1 i i i ! INPUT TR 1M3 BAND ! SELECTOR ADJ, EQUALIZER j , j L._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._,_._._._._. ._._._._._._._._._ RIAA f- -:-l 3 BANDR MIC :i MIC AMP, I, EQUALIZER . , VR !1 , i i l i i._._._._._._._ ._._. _ ,_._._._ ,_._._._ ._._._._._._._._._._, _._._._._._._._._ ,_._._._._ _._._._.J._._._._._.; (4) MON (TOR AMPL I F I ER SECT I ON (5)MIC AMPLIFIER SECTION CONTROL SECT ION i (5) BPM DETECT I ON SECT I ON (7) EFFECTER SECT I ON -1 ,- ._,_. ._._._._._._._._._._._,_._._._._,_._._._._._._,-.-._.-1-._.-.-,_._._._._._.-.-._._._._._.- _._._._._._._._,_._. ._._._._._._. ._._._., i DSP ,Ii ! i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I !. 1 i, 1 1 1 1 . ! 1 PULSE WI NDOW AUTOMATJ C 1 i ! MICRO- 1 INTERPOLATION SETTING THRESHOLD 1 A/D SOURCE SOURCE ! COMPUTER : 1 CONVERTER SELECTOR SELECTOR ! I! i 1 PULSE WINDOW AUTOMATIC i ! ! 1 INTERPOLATION SETTING THRESHOLD i i 1 I I i A/D SOURCE MONORAL i VERTER 1 PULSE WINDOW AUTOMATIC i CONVERTER SELECTOR COMPOSITION !i INTERPOLATION SETTING THRESHOLD 1 ! 1 1 iii 1 1 .1 ! : EFFECTOR 1 i 1 1 .1 ! L_ - I , ii , . ,I I L._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._,_._._._._._._._._._,_._._,_._._,_._._._._._._.,._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._, C La) CD C (9)OPERATION AND DISPLAY SECTION I MASTER ( OUTPUT ! (XLR) 1 i i MASTERi ! ( OUTPUT (RCA) ! i I i MASTER OUTPUT (PHONE) RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 . BLOCK DIAGRAM EXPLANATIONS (1) Channel Amplifier Section The input signal of each channel is sent to the ming part, There are four channels, and each channel has input from two systems, The respective channels are matched to the connected equipment, channell is CDILIN, chanel 2 is CDIPHONO, chanel 3 is LINHONO, chanel 4 is MIC (sub)IPHONO, and selection is made with the input selector switch. Each chanel is equippe with a 3-band equalzer permttig independent control of trim for control of the input signal level and fader volume for high, medium, and low range, (2) Channel Assign and Mixing Section T()ignal from the chanel amplifier is selected with the C :)1: assign switch and is sent to both ends of the cross-fader, The C,F.ldirect mixig switch is used to select mixing only with the source alott to the cross-fader or mig only with the cross-fader, (3) Master Amplifier Section The signal afr ming is processed. The input signal passes balance adjustment and mai volume adjustment and then is sent to the next stage, (4) Monitor Amplifier Section This is the source selection circuit for confirmation of the signal of each chanel with headphones etc. The input signal can be selected from channels 1 to 4, mie, effector, and master. For channels 1 to 4, the signal before each channel fader can be monitored, so that signal confirmation is possible in case of trim adjustment and r ming, Also, and adjustable equalizer is installed for c pondence to cases where beat is diffcult to hear with headphones, (5) MIC Amplifier Section There are two mike input systems, the phone type input (submie) at the rear panel and the Canon typ input (mai mike) at the control panel, and the main mike input is equipped with an independent equalizer for high, medium, and low range in addition to volume adjustment. D.JM-500 (6) BMP Detection Section The BMP (Beats Per Minute, a factor indicating the speed of a title as the number of beats per minute) of the signal selected with the monitor select switch are detected, and the BMP value or the beat interval time is displayed. The synchronization of the input signal by frequencies is detected, the BMP of the most stable signal ar selected, and the data are processed by the microcomputer part. The detection modes are real-time mode with data display in real time and average mode with display of stable inormation for a cert tie, and the micromputer executes output accordig to the indication, The beat timing also can be indicated to the beat monitor of the selected chaneL. (7) Effector Section Diverse effects ca be realized with the built-in DSP (Digita Signal Processor), The DSP operation ca be selected with the effector fuction selection switch from pitch shifter, delay/flanger, pan! reverberation/echo, The applicable channels are channels 1 to 4, mike, and master, For increased ease of use in combination with an external equalizer a SENDIRETURN terminal which can correspond to each channel is provided, and input level adjustment is possible, (8) CD Control Section Wlen a CDJ-50/CDJ-500(G) is connected to channell or 2, the CD player can be stared from this unit. In the same way, when CDJ-500 II is connected, stop (back cue) is possible in addition to CD player start. This is executed using the relay start function of CDJ-50/CDJ- 500(G) and CDJ-500 II, and interlocked operation with channel fader and cross-fader also is possible. (9) Operation and Display Section The part in regard to display and operation of the built-in fader is executed by a microcomputer. BPM display and its mode switching, control of effect parameters and built-in fader, beat monitor, and level meter display, control, etc. are executed by an 8-bit microcomputer. 8 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 DJM-500 4. SCHEMATIC AND PCB CONNECTION DIAGRAMS NOTE FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS Type 2A 1. When ordering service parts, be sure to refer to PARTS LIST of EXPLODED VIEWS or PCB PARTS LIST. 2. Since these are basic circuits, some parts of them or the values of some components may be changed for improve- ment. 3. RESISTORS: Unit: k:kQ, M:MQ, or Q unless otherwise noted, Rated power: 1/4W, 1/6W, 1/8W, 1/10W unless otherwise noted, Tolerance: (F): :11%, (G): :12%, (K): :110%, (M): :120% or :15% un- less otherwise noted, 4. CAPACITORS: Unit: p:pF or !1F unless otherwise noted, Ratings: capacitor (!1F)/ voltage (V) unless otherwise noted, Rated voltage: 50V except for electrolytic capacitors, 5. COILS: Unit: m:mH or !1H unless otherwise noted, 6. ,VOLTAGE AND CURRENT: L: or - V: The -14dBV (1kHz) signal on the CH1 (LINE) side is shown by the DC voltage (V) at the time of input. mA or - mA: DC current at no input signal unless otherwise noted, 7. OTHERS: . or 0 : Adjusting point. . . : Measurement point. . The :(E M ,) ( in ) , I 0 o l 0 IE,e( ti 1 0- z. . -: 0 oc ri . 0 Uw tl 0 J 0 il W N r tl Z Ct Z tf tr 0 N tl UJ tl 11 LL FADER VR ASSY (CH3) (DWG1477) (-.SCH-3,4) R . c: 0: . (! 0 0 w W t Z Z -t -t Cl Cl r-= 1 D20PWY: 1715E 1 I 0 10 1- V I 1- ;: 1 1.: IW 00 o- 00 - . : 0 - 0 :- 0 ! 4 = 5 :i 11 w W )- )- w w - - FADER VR ASSY (MAIN) (DWG1474) (-.SCH-3,4) C. F ASSY (DWG1473) (o+SCH-4) D20PWY0525E J1 o LO o i r- 1(4 .a N If CN117 52147-1410 G5- G4 G3 G5 S1 52 S3 S4 55 55 S7 S8 VLED GLED r: -: 1 1 : D20PWY I; 1440E 10 0 14 4 I: ; I 10 6 10 0 i ,-20 11 2 3 44 VLEDI GLED 3 G2 G1 KD1 0119 MUTEB 0 RESET(D GNDC V+5AG) V-8A ( V+8A ( V-BB GNDA ( V+BB GJ VLED Q9 GLED i CN111 3 1-173381-1 G) S ( ;i ;j5UBMIC L 0 T b-b-4be CN103 KPE7 0103 MASTER R : GNDA MASTER L :! GNDA g BOOTH R g GNDA k k BOOTH L D1 5A07-1 25-2458 I ;i CH2 (j A, SS I GN B 8 MCF5W . V+5A MUTE CN123 52147-0310 1 CH2R D20PWY 2 GNDA 091 DE 3 CH2L 4 CH1 R ( GNDA I CH1 L KzMICR 0GNDA iG MICL CN122 J122 52147-0310 1 CH4R 2 GNDA 3 CH4L 4 CH3R 5 GNDA CH3L 7 MR 0 0 a: (f 5l U 8 GNDA w W ). I (f -l If 0 GJ ML Gl ; l Cf Cf if i cr f- o (f N If 0 a: 0 . ; ti l tt l i- fCfificr J110 PG05MR-E12 f- CN110 173373-5 DKP3235 J115 J137 D20PWW0705E 1 i ;,U ifif ! - u l l ,0 :8 I J120 D20PWW0310E l= 1 GNDA 2 , 2 COLD 3 3 HOT J149 D20PWW0505E /- ; (f ro (flJ I io i U ( NUl t ,. INLET ASSY (DWR1244) (-SCH-8) REG A5SY (DWR1245) (0+ SCH-8) AC2P I N /RELM. / J AC3PIN /KUC o -io ui z PHONE JACK ASSY (DWZ1057) (-.SCH-4) JA301 VKN1149 0- LIVE NEUTRAL (J10 )DDX1157 /K /RELM GNDF /KUC, /J UC ONLY J571 r GNDF :i J152 P20PWW1020E J1 DKP3237 DKP3238 ai aii ,- ). J2 D8213NB2 03 DB813NB2 POWE R SW ASSY (DWR1245) (. SCH-B) . IN) (I) (l) full (0.) (1) (a:) ($ airoaio: +oaioroo i roo ).l;l;l?;!l . -( POWER SUP ASSY (DWR1242) (. SCH-8) VOL TAGE SELECT ASSY (DWR1 241 ) (. SCH-8) J5 D8315N82 J8 DKP3228 CN8 B3P5-VH IIIj 5 DXWY0525 ro ai roroaioro i + i z + ?(? mr I ,no a;)(cr)_rl EFFECT VR ASSY (DWG1472) (. SCH-5) P2 OPWYO 520E POWER TRANS A5SY (DWR1243) (. SCH-8) m GNDF OVERALL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (ii,ll) I SCH-1 12 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 rn OJ . - E .g 0 OJ : OJ ;: CJ OJ 0 ,ii CJ t: el a. 0 OJ CJ : . 0 f- E . E 0) el 0 I c: : en C o ai Cl . 0 ai 0 Cl ai U H o ai Cl cr o ai Cl o 10 f- ;! ,SI iI :t ng ll 8 J . ;, 1J t ik -l :l i i v :t J S . j !1 .1 :! og iQ li ,. I J It . Il .L ll I! i: , :! I ai s e. , a. i S :l iJ 8 ., ;: en en -: c. :; o l- . o ai a: ;: C o ., ;: en en -: c. :; o l- 1l l c: 7 -s -5 .5 (J. ai 2i gi en o c-e c: c: c: Q) 00 , -o1a 1 lJ E Q) : CI.E -: -S,5-E eni li ti Q.Q):Q) Q) (1:-5 E.g: en en -: u. Z o : CL . o ai u H 1 : : URN R U l: 9URN R 5, SEND R 12, GND 6, GNO 13, SUB L 7, SEND L 14, GND LS. SUB R ., o ., ;: en en -: c. :; y- i. ., ;: (f en -: ;: (f (f -: 0 i: l- en ;) 0 0 UJ l- UJ c: . 0 c: Z 0 - i. :E ia: w I- .,N C. (I l RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RCl02 R10UT 15K CN801 (2/4) GNDA I CN801 (3/4) U L20U R803 L CH 1 15K t01R CH 2 R804 SL 110/1 - JR:_ _1_0_ _ !,_ _ _ _ _ _ _: I SCH-2 ITERMINALASSY (P (P EA ICB01 : PHON01 EO AMP V+8 (P SOffV/d i v 20ms/d i v 1KHz I 250mVp-pRCl13 1 K 10/1 R835 1U1 470K1 g r- el ai Lf (Y CCl01 C802 RCl22 22/1 I- TERMINAL (DWZ1055) CNF-:-=-l G) R ( ( L 0) (