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    NAD SERVICE MANUAL M 52 M 52 Digital Music Vault Digital Music Vault RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 NAD M50 Digital Music Player NAD M52 Digital Music Vault M52 Digital Music Vault Quick Setup Guide WHATS IN THE BOX CONNECT! POWER UP! IMPORTANT! The NAD M50 that appears in this guide is a reference model only and not included in the NAD M52 package. The NAD M52 is compatible only with the NADM50. The NAD M52 cannot be connected directly to a PC or MAC. Check out the NAD website, for further information about the NAD M52. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 2013 NAD ELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL, A DIVISION OF LENBROOK INDUSTRIES LIMITED All rights reserved. NAD and the NAD logo are trademarks of NAD Electronics International, a division of Lenbrook Industries Limited. M52_QS_v04 - Jan 2013 NAD M50 Digital Music Player RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 M52ReferencesforServiceManual(Rev.A) M52LEDIndication standby:powerLEDamber,HDDLEDsoff powerup:powerLEDsteadyblue,HDDLEDsinterleavingflashingred/blue shorttimepowerloss(e.g.USBunplugandplugbackinasecondortwo):PowerLEDsteadyblue,HDD LEDsflashingred/blueatthesametime unitactivehealthily:allLEDssteadyblueandtheunitcanbeaccessedandrecognized unithasinvalidRAIDset:allLEDssteadybluebuttheunitcantbeaccessedornotrecognized. rebuilding:LEDoftherebuildingHDDflashingblue rebuildsuccess:LEDoftherebuildingHDDsteadyblue rebuildfailure:LEDoftherebuildingHDDflashingred individualdiskhealthy:LEDoftheHDDsteadyblue diskfailure:LEDoftheHDDflashingred diskmissing:LEDoftheHDDsteadyred NOTE: 1) “unithasinvalidRAIDset”maybecausedbyinsertingaHDDthatwaspartofotherRAIDset unit.WipingthelastfewsectorsoftheHDDwillsolvetheproblem(see“Rebuild”note1).Orif itscausedbysomethingelse,reinitializeandreconfiguretheRAIDsetisrequiredwhichwill causethedataloss. 2) “diskfailure”maybecausedbySATAportfailureifthediskitselfishealthy.Replacingthefailed diskwithanewoneorunplugandplugbackthefaileddisk,andrebuildRAIDarraywillsolvethe problem(seehowtorebuildRAIDarraysection). RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 Initialize/ConfiguretheRAIDArray 1) WhenisRAIDarrayinitializationneeded WhentheRAIDarrayisinvalidorwhentwoormoreoftheHDDsarereplaced,reinitializationofthe RAIDarrayisrequired.Buttheinitializationwilldestroyalldatapreviouslystoredonthedisksandis completelyirreversible! 2) HowtoinitializeandconfigureRAIDarray Makesurealltheharddisksarehealthy. Powerontheunit PressresetbuttonattherearpanelsoonaftertheharddiskLEDsstartstoflash PressresetbuttonagainaftertheLEDsflash20timesaftertheabovestep.Afterthisstep,all theHDDLEDsbecomesteadyblue.Atthispoint,allthedataintheharddisksarelostandthe unithastobeformatted. Partitionandformattheunit RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 Rebuild 1) WhenisRAIDarrayrebuildneeded Ifoneandonlyoneoftheharddisksiseithermissingorfails,i.e.thatharddisksLEDbecomessteady redorflashingred,theunitRAIDarrayneedsrebuild. Iftwoormorethantwoharddisksfail,RAIDarraycantberebuiltandthedataintheunitwillbelost. Atthispoint,tocontinueusetheunit,youwillhavetoreplaceallthebroken/failedharddisksandre initializetheRAIDarray. 2) HowtorebuildaRAIDarraywithsamehealthyHDDintheunit ThiscasehappenswhenonehealthyHDDisremovedandthenputbackatthesameposition. Powerdowntheunit UnplugonehealthyHDD Poweruptheunituntilitssteady(2HDDsLEDblue,unpluggedHDDLEDred)thisstepleaves theunitindegradedmode Powerdowntheunit PlugtheHDDback PoweruptheunitthisstepwillrebuildtheRAIDarrayoftheunit 3) HowtorebuildaRAIDarraywithanewhealthyHDD ThiscasehappenswhenoneHDDisreplacedwithanewhealthyHDD. Powerdowntheunit Removethefailed/brokenharddisk Replaceitwithanewhealthyharddisk Powerbackontheunit.PressthetinyresetbuttonattherearpanelafterHDDLEDsflashes22 times.ThiswillstarttheRAIDarrayrebuild.Duringrebuild,thenewHDDLEDwillbeflashing blueandtherestLEDsaresteadyblue. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 NOTE: 1) “newhealthyharddisk” ItmustbeatleastthesizeofthesmallestdiskusedwhenthesetofRAIDdiskswascreated.Diskwith identicalcapacityastheothertwoisrecommended,withthebestoptionofmatchingthesamemodel numberoftheothertwodisks. Itcouldbeabrandnewharddiskboughtfromstoreorusedoneaslongasitishealthy,couldbeeither formattedorunformatted,couldhaveexistingdataorempty,butitmustNEVERbeusedbyotherRAID devicebefore.IftheHDDisusedbyotherRAIDdevicebefore,makesuretoWIPEthelastfewsectors oftheHDDwheretheRAIDinformationisstored. * example to wipe the last 2MB or less of a 1TB HDD that is connected to Ubuntu Linux * remiubuntu:$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 count=2048 seek=976761000 dd: writing /dev/sdb: No space left on device (this warning is ok) 1585+0 records in 1584+0 records out 1622016 bytes (1.6 MB) copied, 1.43649 s, 1.1 MB/s 2) “rebuildtime” Therebuildtimetakesapproximately4hoursforthree1TBSATAIIdisk(e.g.SeagatePipelineHD2)and 2.5hoursforthree1TBSATAIIIdisk(e.g.SeagatePipelineHD).Therebuildtimevariesdependingonthe SATAdiskcapacity. 3) “dataintegrityduringrebuild” Duringtherebuildprocess,thedataintheunitstaysasis,andyoumaycontinueusetheunit. 4) “interruptduringrebuild” OnlypoweringoffofM52caninterrupttherebuild.UnpluggingUSBcablewontstoptherebuild.We recommendnotturningthepoweroffduringtherebuildprocess.Butifitisinterrupteditwillcontinue rebuildingthedataassoonasthepowerisrestored. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 FAQ: 1) Whatisdegradedmode? M52worksindegradedmodewhenoneandonlyoneofthehealthyRAIDarraysetofdisksisremoved. Whileindegradedmode,theunitcontinuestooperatewithoutlossofdata,storagecapacity,or performance.However,theunitisnolongersecureandwillsufferdatalossifoneormorediskfails. 2) OneoftheHDDLEDflashesbluefor1or2minuteafterpowerup.Whatisitdoingandwhy? TheshorttimeLEDflashmeansthecorrespondingHDDisrebuilding.Itsbecausethepreviouspoweroff happensbeforediskscommittheircachestodisk,whichcausesthedataorparityinconsistencyonthe disk.Theshorttimerebuilduponpowerupwillcorrecttheinconsistency. 3) CanIswapanyoftheHDDsintheunitorbetweenunits? No.EachdiskhasauniqueglobalIDwhichensuresthatdiskscannotbeswappedbetweensets althoughsetswithswappeddisksmightbehavecorrectly,thedataisuselessbecauseitismixedup. 4) Whydoesittakesolongtopoweruptheunit? Thesystemswitchesonthedisksindependentlyandwithsufficientdelaybetweendiskstominimize peakpowerconsumptionduringmotorspinup. 5) CanotherHDDbrandsbeenused(e.g.WDred)? M52allowstheSATAdiskdrivestobeofdifferentbrandsandsizes.ThecapacityofasetofRAIDdisksis twiceofthesmallestdisksize,leavingtheupperpartofanylargerdiskunused.However,HDDsof identicalcapacitiesandsamemodelsarerecommended.IncaseyoucantgetidenticalHDDsforaRAID set,beawarethat: ? ThesmallestHDDdisksizecantbegreaterthan1TBduetoconfiguration ? WhenM52alreadyworksindegradedmode,anewHDDpluggedintothearrayforrebuildmust beatleastthesizeofthesmallestdiskusedwhenthesetofRAIDdiskswascreated ? HDDdiskvoltagetolerancecantbegreaterthan5%for+5vand10%for+12v ? IfHDDdisksarenotSATAIIorSATAIIItype,thedatatransmissionspeedwillbedecreasedand therebuildtimewillbelonger 6) IfthecontrollerboardisreplacedbuttheexistingthreeHDDsarekeptusing,whatwillhappen? Ifthecontrollerboardisconfiguredsameastheonebeforereplaced,i.e.sameRAIDmode,disknumber, andflashtype/speedetc.,andtheexistingthreeHDDsarekeptsameposition,theRAIDsetofdisks shouldworkjustfineastheserialnumbersoftheHDDsallmatchandtheyareautomaticallytreatedas acompleteset. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 5 7 10 8 4 3 2 11 1 6 9 12 REF.N0Part No.DescriptionQty. 188- 212002- 0AShipping Box1 288- 212001- 0AGift Box1 389- 211001- 0EPE Bottom1 400- 65200- 00M52 Unit1 587- 211001- 0Non- woven Cloth Bag1 690- 001001- 0Poly- bag1 789- 211002- 0EPE Top1 888- 043003- 0M15Accessories Box1 930- 46521- 00Quick Start Guide1 1088- 043004- 0M15 Box Sheet1 11A15- 16250- 07AC Cord1 A15- 13125- 00AC Cord(AH)1 1229- 65201- 00USB Cable1 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 S009 F001 F002 F003 F004 F006 T001 R001 R002 R003 C001 C002 C003 C005 C006 C010 C011 C004 T002 F005 S001 S002 S003 S003 S004 S005 S007 S006 S008 S009 S010 S011 S012 C007 C012 S004 C009 C008 C009 T002 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 REF.NO PART NO.DESCRIPTIONQty.REF.NO PART NO.DESCRIPTIONQty. C00167- 212001- 1Chassis1 C00267- 212004- 0HDD Left Bracket1T00167- 211002- 0Top Cover1 C00367- 212005- 0HDD Right Bracket1T00276- 046001- 0Screw Washer4 C00485- 212001- 0Anti- Vibrate Grommet18 C00537- 31000- 00 Rigid Disk (HD) 3 C006J83- 043001- 0Foot Assembly4S00161- 063106- 0Self Taping Screw STF364 C00778- 212001- 1Insulation Bracket1S00261- 023506- 1Machine Screw MB364 C00869- 212001- 0Copper Spacer2S00361- 023106- 0Self Taping Screw STB369 C00969- 212002- 0Copper Spacer2S00461- 373506- 0Machine Screw M368 C01001- 65209- 00Power BOARD1S00561- 024506- 0Machine Screw MB4612 C01101- 65201- 00Decode Board1S00661- 024108- 0Self Taping Screw STB484 C01201- 65208- 00DC- DC Board1S00761- 224508- 1Machine Screw MH4x88 S00861- 094510- 0Screw TGM- 10SW18 S00961- 246508- 1Machine Screw MB6X84 F00170- 212001- 1B Fascia1S01062- 010402- 0Nut M41 F00267- 212002- 1Subfascia1S01163- 020411- 0Spring Washer 4 1 F00370- 048013- 0Power Button1S01263- 010408- 0Plain Washer 41 F00492- 048001- 0Spring for Button1 F00576- 008001- 0LED Lens4 F00601- 65202- 00KEY Board1 R00167- 212003- 1C Rear Panel1 R002A17- 07103- 12 AC Inlet1 R003A11- 01101- 03 Rocker Switch1 EXPLODED VIEW PARTS LIST 14-65212-00 FFC 12p 460mm 14-65207-03 M52 7pin SATA cable L=200mm 14-65207-04 M52 7pin SATA cable L=160mm 14-65207-05 M52 7pin SATA cable L=300mm 14-65205-00 5pin SATA Power L=150mm 14-65205-01 5pin SATA Power L=200mm 14-65205-02 5pin SATA Power L=350mm RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 M52 BLOCK DIAGRAM HDD1 HDD2 HDD3 OXUFS936QSE RAID Controllers SATASATASATA STB KEYLED LEDLEDLED PIC18F26K20 STB 3.3V1.2V SMPS RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 keyboard schematic KEY Board S101 Key C200 0.1uF C201 0.1uF C202 0.1uF C203 0.1uF KGND KGND KGND 1 3 2 REDBLUE D102 2LED 1 3 2 REDBLUE D103 2LED SATA0SATA1SATA2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CON118 12 HEADER 12 D101 Blue/Amber 1 3 2 REDBLUE D104 2LED KEY1 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 C912 104 +5VD D907 MBRS540C919 1000UF/16V C922 1000UF/10V C913 104 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 K901 DH1U12d1 D905 LL4007G PGND1+12VP U903 PC817 C909 100nF D902 UF4006 C905 104 C907 1000uF/10V BP 2 S 5 S 6 D 4 UV 1 S 7 S 8 U902 TNY274PN R907 100R R906 1k C904 10uF/400V PGND1 PGND1 PGND1 C908 1000uF/10V +5VS D904 1N5822 C906 47UF/50V D903 MUR120 R904 22K L901 35uH D901 P6KE200A C911 104 C910 104 23 1IC901 TL431 R910 5.1K R908 10k R909 5.1K 1 8 6 2 5 4 T901 EE16 U901PC817 C902 104 STB C903 100uF/25V +12VP C901 104 +5VS R901 47K R902 4.7K R903 470R Q901 647 PGND1 PGND1 CY901 1nF 12 34 L902 10mH CX902 220nF/250VAC TH901 5D-11 2 1 3 4 D906 KBP208 ZV901 471KD14 R911 330k C926 2200uF/16V 1 2 3 J901 CON3R918 330k R917 330k 12 34 L903 6mH CX901 220nF/250VAC C928 102 R92462R C918 100uF/400V CY902 1nF/1KV CY904 1nF/1KV C917 10nF/1kV R914 47k/3W R922 6.8R C924 100nF R925 1K R928 12K 1% C929 104 R927 10k 23 1 IC902 TL431 D909 1n4007 D910 MURS120 R926 1k R913 750K R919 6.8k C 1 L 2 X 3 S 4 F 5 D 7 U905 TOP246Y C925 4.7uF/50V C923 47uF U906PC817 R920 750K R921 680K R929 3.3k 1% L904 22uH C927 2200uF/16V CY903 1nF/1KV 1 9 3 5 4 8 6 2 10 7 T902 ERL28 0 1 S901 0 1 S902 TH902 5D-11 +12VD 0 1 S903 2 1 3 4 BR902 0.8A600V AC1 AC2 AC1 AC2 D911 MUR1620 R905 100R R912 100R C916 104 C930 104 +12VD +12VD GND GND +5VD GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J902 CON9 +5VD +5VS STB R916 1.6K 1% Vi 1 Vo 2 g 3 Vd 4 U904KA278R05C R915 10K R930 75K C931 220F/1kV smps board schematic RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 C803 10pF C801 1UF R802 124k1% R803 22.1K1% C807 100nF R801 10k L801 3.3uH 5A C805 330uF/6.3V C806 100uF/16V C802 3.3nF C804 100nF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J801 EN 1 VFB 2 VREG5 3 SS 4 GND 5 SW 6 VBST 7 VIN 8 U801 TPS54327 Vout GND Vout GND GND C808 100nF C809 10UF C810 10UF C811 10UF +5VS STB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J802 GND +5VS STB DCDC board schematic RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 keyboard Layout RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 DCDC board layout RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 SMPS board layout RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库


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