RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 - - _ Model 2230 Stereop-honic Receiver MARANTZCO., INC. 20525NORDHOFFSTREET, CHATSWORTH,CALIFORNIA91311 A WHOLLY-OWNEDSUBSIDIARYOF SUPERSCOPEINC.,CHATSWORTH,CALIFORNIA91311 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preparation for Use Rear PanelConnections Phono Tape In Tape Out Auxiliary Quadradial Main In and Pre Out Loundspeaker Systems FM Antenna Antenna Attenuator AM Antenna Connection to AC Outlet Convenience Outlet Simplified Operating Procedure Tuning Meters Tuning Mono Switch Tape Monitor Switch Loudness Switch Low Filter Switch Hi Filter Switch Muting Switch and Level Control 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Muting Circuit AM Tuner Selector Switch Tape Signals Tape Monitor Switch Phono Signals Mono Functions Control Circuits BalanceControl Volume Control Tone Ampl ifier Hi-Low Filters General Service Note 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 Main.Controls and Switches Selector Switch Balance Control Volume Control BassMid and Treble Controls Main-Spkr-Remote Switch Front Panel Jacks Dubbing Out Dubbing In Stereophones Some Suggestion on Using Tape Recorders with Your Model 2230 Recording and Playback Recording Playback Making Two Recordings Simultaneously Recording a Long-Duration Program Copying and Editing ConvertingYourStereoSystemto 4- channel Technical Description General Functional Description Front End IF Stages Limiter FM Streo Demodulator 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 liSTOF IllUSTRATIONS 1. Rear PanelConnection Facilities and Adjustments2 2.Loudspeaker System Connections3 3.FM/AM Antenna Connection4 4.AM Ferrite-rod Antenna5 5. Front PanelControls and Jacks7 6. Stereophone Plug8 7. Arrangement of Two Tape Recorder9 8.Connection Diagram10 9. Functional Block Diagram11 10. Packing Instructions14 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 FOREWORD Foroptimumperformanceand enjoymentfrom yourModel2230 Stereo Receiver, please study these instructions carefully.Installation and opera- tionare not complicated,but its flexibilityand features deserve yourbecoming familiarwithits controls and connections. This manual is dividedinto two parts. The first coversinstallationandoperationinsimple, non-technicallanguage. The second describes the 2230 in more detail with technical specifications, functic1nal explanations,and special application discussions. Forquickidentificationofthecontrolsand connections,references tothemare printedin boldface type, exactly asthey appear on the front and rear panels of your Receiver. GENERALDESCRIPTION Your Marantz Model 2230 all solid state receiver incorporatestheadvanced circuitryforwhich Marantzisfamousintheaudiocomponent industry. Unparalled technology and innovation made possi- ble this combinationof three superb component sections on a single chassis: Tuner, Preamplifier, andPower Amplifier.Internalconnectionsbe- tween these componentsections ensure optimum performance from each section, and retain the full flexibilityofseparate components.Theextra- ordinaryflexibilityof yourModel 2230 permits the connectionof: two stereo pairs of loudspeak- ers; headphones; a turntableorrecordchanger; an additional tuner (such as SW or LW) and a TV soundsource.Record,playback,andcopying capabilities are included for a tape playback deck or two recorders. AFTERUNPACKING It is advisable to saveall original packing material to prevent damage should you wish to transport or ship the Receiver (refer to Figure 10 for packing instructions) . Please inspect your Model 2230 carefullyfor any signs ofdamageintransit.Ithas undergone stringent qualitycontrolinspection and tests prior topacking,andleftthefactoryinperfect operating condition. If the unitis damaged, notifythe carrier without delay. Only the consignee may institute a claim with the carrier for damage during shipment. However, the Marantz Company will cooperate fullyin such an event. Save the damagedcarton asevidence for inspection by the carrier. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 PREPARATION FOR USE REARPANELCONNECTIONS All s,gnal connections to the Model 2230, with the exceptionof the FM antenna and loudspeakers, should be made with shielded audio cables. Figure 1 shows the location of input and output jacks on the rear panel. These jacks are for permanent connections. Front panel jacks and their usewill be discussed later. The rear panel signal connections are arranged in stereo pairs. To avoid confusion, connect one cable at a time between the 2230 and the other components of your system. In this way, you willavoid cross-connecting channels or con- fusing signal SOllrceswith destinations. PHONO Thephonojacksareintendedforuse with magneticphonocartridgesrequiringa standard 47,000-ohmresistive load. If hum is heard when playing records, it is usually evidence of improper grounding or shielding of the record player or its connections.Tryreversing thepolarityofthe turntablespowerplug.Ifthisisineffective, connect a separate ground wire from the turntable orrecordchangerframetotheCHASSIS GROUND binding posts of the Model 2230If the tonearmis mountedona woodpanel oris otherwiseinsulatedfromthetu rntableframe, connectthetonearmmountingbase tothe grounding wire with a short wire. If the two pairs ofsignal wires in the arm have a single overall shield, try grounding the shield instead of the arm Figure 1. Rear Panel Connection Facilities and Adjustments itself. Keep the two PHONO connecting cablesand the groundingwires close together to minimize ground loops. TAPEIN The pair of TAPE IN jacks servetwo purposes: 1. With the selector switch inT APEposition, signals can be played from a tape recorder set for playback mode of operation. This permitsplayingthetape source stereo- phonicallyor monophonicallyas indicat- ed by position of MONO pushswitch. 2.Withtheselectorswitchinanyother position,and while your tape recorder is recording, you can monitorthe resulting tapequalitybydepressing theTAPE MONITORpushswitch. This presumesthat yourrecorderis equippedwithseparate record and playbackheads and separate record and playback electronics. TAPE OUT Connectingthese jacks totheline orradio inputs of a tape recorder permits recording from theprogramsource indicatedbytheselector switch. The signalsavailable at this pair of jacks are not affected by the balance, volume, treble, mid, bass, LOW FILTER,Hi FILTER,LOUDNESS .and MONO pushswitches on the front panel. 2 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 AUXILIARY High level AUXinput jacks are for miscellaneous sources suchas extratapeplayerswithself- contained playback preamplifiers, phono cartridges withRIAA-equalizedhigh-level output,additional tunersand/orreceivers, TVsound outputs,and other external components. QUADRADIAL In anticipationof the coming of 4-channel stereo broadcasting, your Model 2230 is equipped with an output QUADRADIALjack. The signal available at this jack is the unequalized, buffered output of the FMdiscriminator.Its level, frequencyresponse characteristicand outputimpedance are ideal to drive any 4-channel adaptor. This jack can also be used as a simple whitenoise generator forfre- quency response check of loudspeakers or ampli- fiers, with the Model 2230 in FM mode and tuned off from any FM signal. MAININ and PRE OUT ConnectionsfromtheModel2230 preamplifier outputstothepoweramplifierinputs are per- formed externally.Special jumper plugs normally interconnectthese MAININ and PRE OUT jacks. Removing these twospecial jumper plugs allows youtouse your2230 as an independentbasic stereoamplifierand/oranindependentstereo control center. Be sure to replace the jumper plugs between the MAININ and PRE OUT jacks for normal operation. 3 REPEATWIRING AS FOR SYSTEM 1 Figure 2. Loudspeaker System Connections LOUDSPEAKERSYSTEMS The SPEAKER SYSTEMS terminalson the rear panelwillaccomodatetwostereopairsof loudspeaker systemsof rated impedance between 4 ohms and 16 ohms. When using only one stereo pair of loudspeakers, connect them to the MAIN terminals. The REMOTE terminals are for a second stereo pair of loudspeakers. Selection of loudspeaker systems is made with the MAIN-SPKR-REMOTEpushswitches on the front panel. Use caution when connecting your Model 2230 to a loudspeaker withbuilt-inpower supply such as an electro-staticloudspeaker.Thecommon connectionterminalofsuch a speaker may be capacitivelygrounded throughits power supply. Make sure the GROUNDterminals of the Model 2230 are connected to the commonterminals of such loudspeaker system. Ordinary#18-gauge,2-conductorlampcord (zipcord)may be used for normal distances (to about25 feet) between your 2230 Receiver and your loudspeakers. For longer lengths, #16-gauge, or heavier wire should be used to ensure optimum speakerperformance. When connecting a stereo pair of loudspeakers, it is importanttoensurecorrectrelativephasing (polarity).Whenusingidenticalloudspeakers, simply code one wire of each pair at both ends with a knot, tape. etc. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 shielded 300-ohmcable. (Anunshielded lead-in wire can act as an omnidirectionalantenna, and cancancelthedirectionalbenefitsofyour antenna.) Low-loss 300-ohm shielded cable consists of two inner conductors plus an outer shield and insulatingjacket.Thistypeofshieldedcable effectivelyprevents the lead-in from contributing multipath distortion. Forrural areas, it is recommended that a local dealer be consulted about antenna installation and lightningarrestorprotection.Masterantenna system are not recommended foruse with your Model 2230;such systems are usually designed expressly fortelevisionreception and frequently suppressFMsignalsbeforedistribution.In addition,master antenna systems oftenseverely limit good quality FM reception. I, , FMANTENNA FMANTENNA 3000UNSHIElDED TRANSMISSIONLINE, (TWINLEAD): FMANTENNA SINGLEWIRE II , , AMANTENNA Whereoutdoorantennasareproh ibitedor inconvenient, use a simple form of 300-ohm, TV rabbitearantenna or the simple ribbon-type foldeddipoleantenna supplied withthe Model 2230. Both are practical and will give satisfactory results in primary signal areas. Your Model 2230 Receiver willaccept either a 75-ohm or 300-ohm antenna.(See diagramFigure 3.) The 30().ohm antenna cable should be connected to the two terminals marked FM on the ANTENNAterminal. When using 75-ohm coaxial antenna cable, connect its shield to the G(GROUND) terminal, and its inneror center conductorto either of the FM terminals. (Note:Close inspection of standard zipcord will reveal some form of coding on the insulation, e.g., ridge or groove on one edge, one of the wires may be silverwhile the other is bare copper.) Coded wires help insure identicalconnectionsforeach channel. For eachchannel, the coded wire can be connected betweenthecommonterminalofyour loudspeaker and the GROUNDterminalof the amplifierchannel. The remaining uncoded wire is then connected between the remaining loudspeaker andamplifierterminals.Thisinsurescorrect polarity or phasing of identical loudspeakers. If there is any doubt about phasing of loudspeaker pairs, or if they are not identical loudspeakers, a simplelisteningtest can verifycorrectphasing. Withprogram signals fed to both channels, and with the MONO pushswitchdepressed, the sound shouldappear tooriginateat a pointmidway between the loudspeakers, with the balancecontrol centered. As the balance controlis turned away from the center position, the sound source should appear to move towardone of the loudspeakers. Roomacousticscan sometimes make this test ambiguous or confusing.If so, temporarilymove the loudspeakers asclose together aspossible. Then set the controls for balanced MONO operation and listen to program material with strong bass pass- ages. Reversethe wires to one of the loudspeakers and Iisten to the same passageagain. If there is noticeablyless basswith this reversedconnection, change the connectionsback to the originalar- rangement. If there is noticeably more bass, leave the wires connected in reverse. These phasing procedures should be usedwith each stereopairofloudspeakers, whetherMAINor REMOTE. If both pairs of loudspeakers are used in thesame listeningarea, ensure thatthe MAIN pair is also inphase withthe REMOTE pair. CAUTION: NEVERDIRECTLYCONNECT THE lOUD- SPEAKER TERMINALSOF ONE CHANNEL INPARAllELWITHTHOSEOFANY OTHER.ANYRESULTINGDAMAGEIS NOT COVEREDUNDER WARRANTY. Figure 3. FM/AM Antenna Connection FM ANTENNA ThebestFMreceptionisobtainedwitha Log-Periodictypeantenna, mountedon a good qualityrotorsystem. Forfringeareas, Marantz recommends a Log-Periodicantenna withsix or moreelementsdesignedexpresslyforFM reception. For minimumlocal noise and multipath pickupby the lead-in wires, use a balanced and III ,II ., 3000SHIELDESHIELO TRANSMISSIONLINE , I: 750COAX TRANSMISSIONSHiElD LINE. 4 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 Figure 4. AM Ferrite-rod Antenna ANTENNAATTENUATOR The ANTENNAATTENUATORcan be switched intooroutoftheantennacircuit.Use the ANTENNAATTENUATORswitchin the IN positiononly when overloading is apparent from reception of one station at several points of the dial and is affecting reception of a desired station. Overloading may alsocauseseveredistortionwhich will not disappear with proper antenna orientation. (Note:WiththeANTENNAATTENUATOR switch IN,the FM sensitivity and the number of stations that can be received are greatly reduced.) AMANTENNA YourReceiver is equipped with an AM ferrite-rod antenna. BEFORE USING THE MODEL 2230, PULL THE ANTENNAOUT AS SHOWN IN FIGURE 4. The ferrite-rodantenna will give you satisfactory resultstoprimarysignalareas. However,an outdoorantennawillprovidebetterreception. Twosingle wires are requiredto make an AM outdoor antenna. First, connect one end of a single wire to the AM antenna terminal on the rear panel, and the other end at avery high position outdoors (thehigher thebetter),orswing itfromthe windowof yourroom.Next, connect the other single wire between the G(GROUND)terminal of your Model 2230 and an earth ground (such asa water pipe). 5 CONNECTIONTO AC OUTLET With the front panel power pushswitch out,plug the Iine cord into an electrical outlet supplying the proper voltage. CAUTION:DO NOT PLUG YOUR MODEL2230INTOADCOUTLET.SINCE SERIOUS DAMAGE WILL OCCUR. CONVENIENCEOUTLET OneUNSWITCHEDandoneSWITCHEDAC OUTLETare providedontherearpanelfor powering associated componentsof your system (tape recorder, record player, etc.). SIMPLIFIEDOPERATINGPROCEDURE When operating the Model 2230 Stereo Receiver for the first time, followthese simple directions. Later, full advantage can be taken of its versatil ity with the remaining controls and pushswitches. Step 1. Connect the FM antenna to the appropri- ate terminals on the rear panel. Step 2. Connect the speakersto the MAIN speaker terminals. Step 3. Checkthatall pushswitches are in the outposition.Pushswitches in the inposition shouldbe depressed forreleasing to the out position. Step 4. Turn the volume control all the way to the left (counter clockwise) and set the balance control in mid-position(pointer to dot at 12 oc