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    :.: Model4300 Stereo2+Quadradial4 .R.Receiver MARANTZCO., INC. P.O. BOX99SUNVALLEY, CALIFORNIA91352 A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARYOFSUPERSCOPE INC., SUN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA 91352 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 I TABLEOFCONTENTS External Decorder Connection13 I Tape Recording13 Power Connections13 Connecting the43002 AC ProtectorFuse 13 I Source Device4 Remote Speakers4 BasicDolbyProcess I Speaker Phasing5 Speaker Placement5 Dolby Calibration14 ProcedureforPlayback Calibration14 FrontPanelFeatures7 ProcedureforRecord Calibration15 I Mode Switch7 Useofthe Dolby System on FM Dimension8 Broadcasts16 SODecoder8 FMDe-Emphasis Switch16 I Balance Controls8 ExplanationoftheDolbyMode Chart16 Selector Switch8 Bass,Mid and Treble Controls8 Technical Description18 I MonitorSwitch8 General18 Main and Remote Spkr Switches9 Power Switch9 Functional Description18 I Front and RearPhonesJacks9 FrontEnd18 Loudness Switch9 IFStages18 LowFilterSwitch9 Limiter18 I HiFilter Switch9 FM Stereo Demodulator18 Meters9 Muting Circuit18 Tuning9 AMTuner18 I FMMuting Switch10 Phono Amplifiers19 Volume10 Selector Switch19 Dolby Switch10 MonitorSwitch19 Record Level(Ll(R)10 Tone Control19 I PlayCal.(L) (R)10 PowerAmplifier19 400Hz Tone Switch10 DriverStage19 I RearPanelFeatures11 General Requirements19 Phono Jacks11 InstallationofWalnut Cabinet20 CD-4/AUX Jacks11 Service Notes20 I TapeMonitorIn and TapeMonitor Out Jacks11 FMAntenna Terminals11 I AMAntenna Terminal11 FM OuadradialOutputJack12 FMDe-Emphasis Switch12 I Dolby FM Preset Level Controls12 MutingLevelControl12 Power Mode Switch12 PreOut, Main In Jacks12 ConnectinganExternalAmplifier forRearChannels12 ConnectinganExternalAmplifier forFrontChannels12 ChassisGround Binding Post12 Main and Remote Speakers12 ConnectiontoACOutlet13 ACConvenience Outlets13 Remote Control13 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 LISTOFILLUSTRATIONS 1.RearPanelConnection Facilities and Adjustments2 2.Loudspeaker System Connections3 3.Connection Diagram4 4.Speaker Placement6 5.Mono Mode Sound Dispersion7 6.2-channel Mode Sound Dispersion7 7.Discrete Mode Sound Dispersion7 8.Vari-Matrix Mode Sound Dispersion7 9.FrontPanelControlsandJacks8 10.StereophonePlug9 11.FM/AM Antenna Connections11 12.AM Ferrite-rod Antenna11 13.Quick-Connect Speaker Terminal13 14.Block Diagram17 15.Packing Instructions20 TheFMmultiplexcircuitryincludes aphase locked loop, Stereo-MonauralAutomaticswitch- ing circuit, stereo indicatorcircuitand a buffer amplifiertoobtainoutputpoweratlowim- pedance.Lowpassfiltersfor19KHz and 38KHz rejectionareincorporated. Moreover, the Model 4300unithasa muting circuitthatpermitspleas- antFMbroadcast reception by completely elimi- nating inter-station interference whichisusually generated at the timeofselectingFMstations. FOREWORD TABLE 1.Dolby Mode Chart16 To obtain optimum performanceandenjoyment from the Model 4300,pleasestudytheseinstruc- tions carefully.Followthe step-by-step instruc- tionstoobtain maximum performance. This manualisdividedintotwoparts. The first coversinstallation and operation in simple, non- technicallanguage.Theseconddescribes the Model 4300 in more detailwithtechnical specifi- cationsandfunctional explanations. GENERALDESCRIPTION Your Marantz Model 4300isa high-quality Stereo 2+Quadradial 4 Receiver developed by Marantz, anamefamousforquality in the audio com- ponent industry. The Model 4300 incorporates Marantz exclusive Vari- Matrix circuit whichsim- ulates 4-channel sound from normal 2-channel stereo programs, andiscapableofreproducing 4-channel soundfromany matrix-encoded source. The 4300 willalsoreproduce any discrete4- channel programaswellasregular stereo and monaural programs. An optional plug-in decoder adapts the 4300forany specific matrix system, suchasColumbiasSQ. TheFMtuner section employsanFETforthe RFampstage.TheIFtuning circuit employs ceramicfiltersofwidebandwidthandhigh selectivitytoprovide high sensitivityandun- paralleled interference-free operation. The 4300 incorporates a full-process, 2-channel DOLBY Systemtoreducenoise,inherentin recording musicfromrecords, tape, FM broad- castsand TV. Forquickidentificationofthecontrolsand connections, referencesareprinted in bold face type. AFTERUNPACKING Itisadvisabletosaveall original packing material topreventdamageshould you wish to transport or ship the Receiver (refertoFigure 15forpack- ing instructions).Pleaseinspect your Model 4300 carefullyforanysignsofdamagein transit. Ithasundergone stringentqualitycontrol inspec- tionandtests priortopacking,andleftthe factoryin perfect operating condition.Ifthe unitisdamaged,notifythe carrierwithoutdelay. Only the consignee may institute a claimwith the carrierfordamageduring shipment. How- ever,the Marantz Companywillco-operatefully insuchanevent.Savethedamagedcartonas evidenceforinspectionbythe carrier. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 Figure1.RearPanelConnectionFacilitiesandAdjustments 3.Usingshielded audiocableswithphono plugs, connect your recordplayertothe 4300as follows: CAUTION:Whenusing the 4300inthe 100Wx2 mode,donotuse4 Ohmspeakers- use8Ohmsorhigher. toPHONOL toPHONOR 4300 toMAINSPEAKERS REARR- toMAINSPEAKERS REARR+ 4300 toFRONTCD4/AUXR toREARCD-4/AUXR toREARCD4/AUXl 2 toFRONTCD-4/AUXL 4300 RIGHT-REARorRRor CHANNEL4 orTRACK 4 lEFTREARorlRor CHANNEL2orTRACK 2 RIGHTFRONTorRFor CHANNEL3orTRACK3 lEFT-FRONTorLFor CHANNEL1orTRACK 1 DISCRETE4-CHANNEl PLAYBACKDEVICE lEFTOUTPUT RIGHTOUTPUT RECORDPLAYER 4.Ifa discrete 4-channel playback deviceQ-8 cartridge player, 4-channel reel-to-reel player, CD-4 discrete disc demodulator, etc.l,istobe engagedin the system, make connectionsbe- tween the device and the 4300 using shielded audiocableswith phono plugs. RIGHTREARSPEAKER -orGNDorNEGor COMMorO +orHOTorPOSor1 lEFTFRONTSPEAKER4300 -orGNDorNEGor COMMor0toMAINSPEAKERS FRONTl- +orHOTorpasor1toMAINSPEAKERS FRONTl+ RIGHTFRONTSPEAKER4300 -orGNDorNEGor COMMor0toMAINSPEAKERS FRONTR- +orHOTorpasor1toMAINSPEAKERS FRONTR+ lEFTREARSPEAKER4300 -orGNDorNEGor COMMor0toMAINSPEAKERS REARL- +orHOTorpasor1toMAINSPEAKERS REARL+ 1.Using a balancedandshielded 300 Ohm cable, connectanFM antennatothe 4300asshown in Figure 11. 2.Using No. 18,orheavier, lamp cord (zip cord), connect mainspeakerstothe 4300asfollows: The 4300canbeusedasa stereo or 4-channel Receiver.Whenusing the 4300asa stereo unit, thePOWERMODE Switchonthe rearpanel shouldbeplaced in the 100W x 2 mode. The instructions contained in this manualaretobe followedforboth stereo or 4-channel operation; however,forstereo operation, thefrontchannels alone will apply. CONNECTINGTHE4300 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 MAilSI(AI(8lSYSTEM IlffATWIIHG ASFORFfOIIYSYSTtM Figure2.LoudspeakerSystemConnections 5.Usingshielded audiocableswith phono plugs, connectadiscrete 4-channel tape recorderto the 4300asfollows: RIGHT-REARINPUT orLINEINtoREARTAPEMONI TOROUTR DISCRETE4-CHANNEL TAPERECORDER 4300 6.Pull theAMferrite-rod antennaoutasshown in Figure12. 7.Set the controls and switchesasf.ollows: FRONTLRBALANCEMidposition REARL-RBALANCEMidposition FRONTREARBALANCEMidposition MODEVARIMATRIX DIMENSIONMidposition BASSandTREBLEControlsMidposition VOLUMEMinimum(fullycounter clockwise) LEFTFRONTOUTPUT orLINEOUT lEFT-REAROUTPUT orLINEOUT RIGHT-FRONTOUTPUT orLINEOUT RIGHT-REAROUTPUT orLINEOUT lEFTFRONTINPUT orLINEIN toFRONTTAPEMONI- TORINL toREARTAPEMONI TORINL toFRONTTAPEMONI TORINR toREARTAPEMONI- TORINR toFRONTTAPEMONI TOROUTL MAINSPKR REMOTESPKR FMMUTING MONITOR(TAPE/SOURCE) LOWFILTOR HIFILTER LOUDNESS DOLBY 400HzTONE POWER ON(in) OFF(out) ON(in) SOURCE OFF(out) OFF(out) OFF(out) OFF OFF(out) OFF(out) LEFTREARINPUT orLINEIN RIGHTFRONTINPUT orLINEIN 3 toREARTAPEMONI TOROUTL toFRONTTAPEMONI TOROUTR 8.Plugthe 4300intothe AC wall outlet. 9.Turn thePOWERSwitch ON. 10.Select the desired program sourcebysetting the SELECTOR Switchtoappropriate posi- tion. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 SOURCE DEVICES 00 FIlOIIT LEfT FIlONT lUG NOTE: DonotuseOhmspeakers if main and remote speakers aretobeused simulta- neously. Use8-or16-Ohm speakers only. REMOTE SPEAKERS ourllT The4300can accommodatebothmain and remote speaker systems.A second groupof four speakers may be setupinanotherroom. Connect these four remote speakerstotheRE- MOTE SPEAKERS terminals asyoudidthe main speakers. TheMAINand REMOTE SPKR Switches onthe front panel now permit activationofMAlNand! orREMOTE groups of loudspeakers. 4-ehannel Discrete 4-channel playback devices (0-8 cartridge player, 4-channel reel-to-reel player, CD-4 discrete disc demoduiator, etc.) may be connectedtothe CD4!AUX, TAPE MONITOR 1orTAPE MONI TOR 2inputjacks. REAR LEFT ._- REAlI LEFT RUR RIGHT FIlOIIT JUGHT R!AR LEFT REAR CHT FRONT LEfTf- FAOHT LEFTr-;,., FT RIGHT 1111 000000 f!.-,.t.:n. .)-.,- - ll- j go- ei Ho-I LOOl-O-. 10SO0I lYOD(lSQAII orr .- .- SA.uCH1 DU .- $.AM(oUCWI Dt .- $MIlEASCltI DU r-.-, I, HooQQQQo6-orti.-,r- ,II_I Lt r:.-.-.-J Jl(ClMI. r-_.-, r-<H<: IPAT9ACI< -)T!-, r!-Y -_ - -Y-! -_._- osc llOLllf SWITCH rTlTI:$TCH SWlrCH , I $WIIOt rOt II , , I . . k- - $WIICl< $WIle. II _L.-l TAr( .2Ltllo .,.,.-.I.e. <fj).- rco.uAl.1.,:-t-nlL_./ !Ill 1/.I.,_ijI-.1 l:noo,lr1;f.-J Of.D-.J Figure14.BlockDiagram 17 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 TECHNICALDESCRIPTION GENERAL Figure 14isa block diagramofthe model 4300 Stereo 2+Quadradial 4 Receiver showing main functional elements andinputandoutputsignal routing. PHONO INPUT jacksareprovidedfor thefrontpairofchannels. FUNCTIONALDESCRIPTION FRONT END FMantennasignalsareapplied through a balun transformertothe antenna coil which drives a field-effect transistor RF amplifier. Thesignals from theRFamplifierarefed through the double- tuned RF tankcircuittotheFETMixerstage, whichisalsofed by the signal generated by a local oscillator. CarefuIattentiontoits thermal andelectrical characteristicshasminimizeddrift, thus obviating the necessityforAFC. The 10.7 MHz convertedsignalisthen fedtoa phase-linear ceramicIF filter, followedbythe limiter. The outputoftheFMdiscriminatorisfedtoa buffer amplifier whichthendrives the demodulator. IFSTAGES TheIFsection consistsofsix transistors and threestagesofdualelement ceramicfilters. The characteristicsofthesefiltersareideal inthat the200KH.z.passbandisphase-linear,withsharp cutoffslopes.This exceptionalphaselinearity assuresthe eliminationofa major sourceofhigh- frequency distortionandalossofstereosepara- tion. The sharpcutoffslopesprovide improved selectivity, permitting receptionofcloselyspaced channels. LIMITER The Model 4300 utilizes symmetrical diode limit- ercircuits consistingofhigh-performance Gold BondHot Carrier type diodesandIF limiter amplifierwitha very small dynamic symmetrical aperture, eliminating theneedforanAGC circuit which introduces low frequency distortion.Un- desirable amplitude modulation (AMsignals,AM noise, AM distortion)areremoved from the IF signalwithinthe limiter. FMSTEREO DEMODULATOR The stereo compositesignalobtained from the buffer amplifierisfirst ledtothe FET muting circuit; thentothephaselocked loop stereo demodulatorICcircuit and decodedintoboth leftandright channelsignals.Eachleftandright channelsignalisthen appliedtothe 16KHzlow passfilter(LPF) and de-emphasis networksto remove the undesired switching carrier signal in the audiosignals.Next,eachaudio signalisap- pliedtothe audio amplifier consistingofNPN PNPdirect-coupled transistors and amplifiedto the requiredsignallevelofabout 775mVRMS. Finally,eachamplifiedsignalisledtothe SELECTOR Switch. The multiplex stereo demodulatorcircuitcon- sistsofaphaselocked loopIeandisequipped withaseparateautomatic Stereo/Monaural switch- ing circuit. The circuit checks theinputsignal intensityandactuates the stereo demodulator andstereo indicator lamp automatically, when the inputsignalisofsufficient strengthtoprovide high quality stereo reception.Whentheinput signalintensityisinsufficientforthis purpose, the stereosignalisautomatically changedtoa monaural signaltoinsure receptionwitha high quality signal-to-noise ratio. MUTING CIRCUIT In theabsenceofanFMcarrier, all FM receivers produce inherent noise. The muting circuit elim- inates thisnoise,providingnoise - free tuning from stationtostation. A muting circuit, consistingofa two-transistor noise amplifieranda three-transistor (including FET)switching circuit,hasbeenincorporated in the Model 4300. The mutingcircuitperfectly mutesoutall the inter-station noise andalsocom- pletely mutesoutthe side slope spuriousresponse ofthe unit. The circuithasbeendesignedto minimize annoyingpopnoiseforvelvet smooth tune-in and tune-out. AMTUNER TheAMTUNER portionofthe 4300iscompos- edofoneIC circuit(includingRFamplifier, local oscillator, mixer, IF amplifier, detectorand asignalstrength indication amplifier)andone transistor amplifiertoamplify the detected audio signals.Athree-sectionvariablecapacitor im- proves spuriousresponseratio. The ceramicfilterutilized in the AM IF amplifier comeswithhighselectivityandwide band- widthforinterference-free hi-fi reception. 18 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 Following the AM IF amplifier, the AM detector recoversthe audio modulationandprovides this signaltothe SELECTOR Switch. TheAM tunerandIF amplifier incorporatesan automaticgaincontrol circuit which maintains a constantlevelofall stations in the AM band. AnadvancedAM tuner integrated circuithas beenutilizedforthe AM tuner portionofthe Model 4300. PHONO AMPLIFIERS Theseamplifiers permit phonosignalsofupto 100 millivoltstobehandledwithoutoverloading. TheRIAAequalization network provides precise equalizationandsetsthephonopreamplifier voltagegainto40dB(at 1,oooHz). SELECTOR SWITCH TheSELECTORSwitchselectstheprogram sourceforlisteningorrecording.The Model 4300hasfoursetson input jacks: PHONO, CD 4/AUX,TAPE MONITOR 1andTAPE MONI- TOR2.Any discrete 4-channel program source canbeconnectedtothe CD-4/AUX jacks. The input sensitivityforeachsetofinput jacksis1.8 millivolts at PHONO,and180 millivolts atCD- 4/AUX,TAPE MONITOR 1andTAPE MONI- TOR2.TheSELECTOR Switch outputsare fedthroughtheDOLBYSwitchandTAPE MONITOROUT jacks to the MODE Switch. MONITOR SWITCH Whenthe MONITOR Switchisin the SOURCE position, the SELECTOR Switch outputsarefed througheDOLBY Switch to the MODE Switch. Whenthe MONITOR Switchisin TAPE 1or TAPE 2 positions, the inputsignalsfrom the TAPE MONITOR(1or2) jacksarefedtothe DOLBY Switch. TONE CONTROL Aftervolumelevelcontrol,eachchannel program sourceisfedintothe tone control network. The networkusestwo-stage, direct-coupledNPNand PNPconfiguration at the inputstageforthe high- impedance terminationofthe volume control output,andlow driving impedancetotheR-C feedback type tone control network.In the tone control network,eachsignaladjustedfor bassandtrebleisamplified in two-stage, direct- coupledNPNandPNPconfigurationandis delivered through a HIGH FILTER Switchtothe main amplifier section. The dr


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