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    Crown-IC150A-pre-sch维修电路图 手册.pdf

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    Crown-IC150A-pre-sch维修电路图 手册.pdf

    RadioFans.CN RadioFans.CN RadioFans.CN RadioFans.CN RadioFans.CN SPECIFICATIONS IC 1 50 13 FREQUENCY RESPONSE Hi-level: 0.6dB 3Hz-100KHz with hi-impedance load, 0.1dB 10Hz- 20KHz with IHF load; Phono: 0.5dB of RIAA PHASE RESPONSE Hi-level: typically +l to -12 20Hz-20KHz with IHF load; Phono: typically 5 20Hz-20KHz additional phase shift HUM AND NOISE 20Hz-20KHz inputs shorted; Hi-level: 95dB below rated output (typically 105dB with IHF “A” weighted measurement); Phono: 85dB below 1OmV input (typically 0.3V input noise) DISTORTION IM DISTORTION THD Less than .002% at rated outputwith IHF load (typically under 0.001%) Less than .0005% 1KHz, max. .05% 20Hz-20KHz at rated output with IHF load INPUTS INPUT GAIN Phono: 50-70dB (adjustable) 47K ohms. Sensitivity: 1OOmV when set to 60dB total preamp gain) 12V maximum before overload, 2.5V rated, 600 ohms output impedance. Switched 0db to -1OdB pad affects both sets of outputs (Available at tape out jacks with input selector in phono) 600 ohms with typical maximum output of 11V RMS at 1KHz into hi-impedance load MONITOR OUTPUT Stereo, 3 circuit phone output, ahead of 0dB to -1OdB pad; output impedance 2.2K ohms each channel VOLUME CONTROL Precision switched attenuator of 58dB (and off) dynamic range with calibrated tracking within 0.2dB LOUDNESS COMPENSATION New wide-range design for excellent simulation of I.S.O. curves down to 60 phons; with exclusive dual R/C bass-boost coordinated with volume attenuator PANORAMA CONTROL Unique, continuously-variable control for infinite adjustment from stereo to mono to stereo-reverse; replaces conventional stereo-mode switches and blend controls with an intuitive control of stereo spatial dimension TONE CONTROLS MUTING FILTERS AC OUTLETS POWER REQUIREMENTS Continuously variable 15dB at 30Hz and 15KHz, cancel switch bypasses independent bass and treble control settings to give instant true-flat response in both channels Uses reed relay -removes turn-on transients from IC-150A output, thus protecting speakers Rumble: -3dB at 24Hz with 6dB per-octave cut-off (volume attenuator at -2O), Scratch: -3dB at 5KHz with 12dB-per-octave cut-off Five switched with 25A switch, one unswitched About 2 watts at 120v or 240v 50-400Hz AC SEMICONDUCTOR COMPLEMENT Five integrated circuits (equivalent to 89 bipolar transistors, 3 zeners, 12 diodes and 25 FETS) for a total of 96 bipolar transistors, 26 FETS, 4 zeners and 22 diodes DIMENSIONS 5” H x 17” W; 8 1/8” behind panel WEIGHT 10 Ibs., with walnut cabinet 20 Ibs. RadioFans.CN PARTS LIST, IC-150A Page 1 Schematic Designation SW30A,B,C,D SW31A,B,C,D IC 130, 230 IC 30 K30 L130, 230 D30, 32 D33,34 D35,36 D31 D37,38 Q30 Q31 C130, 230 C131,231 C133,233 C134,234 C132, 232 C135, 235 C136,236 C137,237 C138,238 C30 C31, 34,35 C32,33 Description MAIN MODULE Main PC Board Switches 4 PDT Latching PB Crown Part # 41681 9627 3226 Integrated Circuits LF 356H FET-Op Amp RC 4195 Relay 5K ohms, DPDT, NC, reed Coil 12 mhy Diodes 1N4148 4127 3825 3496 1661 3181 lN961B, lOV, zener lN4003 Transistors 2N3859A, selected 2N5459, NCH, JFET Capacitors .082 MF 1OOV .47 MF 1OOV 3549 2851 2961 3053 4133 4119 .047 MF 200V mylar 3978 25 MF 15V NP vertical 3186 .0015 MF 200V filmatic 3089 .015 MF 200V filmatic 3288 .068 MF 200V filmatic 3190 .22 MF 1OOV filmatic 3218 5 MF 30V vertical 4026 250 MF 35V vertical 3787 Other Information Loudness Control Tone Cancel RadioFans.CN


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