AustralianMonitor-AM1200-pwr-sm维修电路图 手册.pdf
Australian Monitor 1 Clyde Street, Silverwater NSW 2128 Australia +61 2 9647 1411 .au SERVICE INFORMATION AM1200 POWER AMPLIFIER CONTENTS: OPERATION MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS COMPONENT Pin 2 = Hot (non-inverting or in phase); Pin 3 = Cold (inverting or reverse phase). 7a.Signal Strapping A male 3-pin XL type connector is provided on channels A and D and is wired in parallel with the female input XLR for strapping / looping signal between amplifiers. 8. Bridge Switch Pushing this switch in engages the BRIDGED/ MONO mode of operation for the relative pair of channels. In this mode, your amplifier will only accept signal applied to the Channel-A input XLR (for channels A and B) or signal applied to the Channel-D input XLR (for channels D and C). Channel-A will now control the level of the A/B bridged pair and Channel-D will now control the level of the D/C bridged pair. Speaker termination should be sourced from the red binding-post outputs. 9. SPEAKON Output Connector The NEUTRIK (NL4MP) 4 way SPEAKON connector is provided as the main speaker output termination. This emerging standard of loudspeaker to amplifier connection allows access to both channels of the amplifier via the one connector for bi-amp applications. Channel-A (or D) is considered the dominant channel and has both channels wired to the Speakon connector. See the installation section of this manual for detailed information on Speakon wiring. 9a.Binding Post Outputs Binding posts (banana jacks) are provided for speaker output termination with banana plugs or bare wire. The red post is used as positive and the black post is used as negative. 10.Mains Lead Your amplifier is supplied with a heavy duty mains Controls BLUE=NEUTRAL; GREEN AND YELLOW=EARTH. ! CAUTION ! Your amplifier must always be earthed! 11.Mains Circuit Breaker A “push to reset” thermal acting circuit breaker is supplied on your amplifier providing overall protection of your amplifiers power supply and the interconnecting mains. The breaker will isolate the active mains conductor in the event of a high current internal fault or in continued overload conditions. The breaker will not be able to be reset immediately after tripping. A cool down period of around 30 seconds is required before the breaker will reset back into circuit. If the breaker trips immediately after a reset, then a fault may have developed within the amplifier. 12.D.C. Rail Fuses Your AM1200 amplifier is fitted with 8 Amp fuses per rail - per channel, as overload protection for the output stage of your amplifier. These fuses are in series with the high current supply rails to the amplifiers output stage and will blow when: 1) An internal fault exists; 2) There is a sustained overload; 3) There is a sustained short circuit; 4) Sustained load fault. Note: The front panel Fault Indicator will illuminate and pulse in sync. with the program source if the negative supply Rail fuse blows. Distortion will result and the front panel Status LED will illuminate RED if the Positive Rail fuse blows. Replace only with 8 Amp, 3AG fast acting type fuses. RadioFans.CN Figure 4 Dimensions 10 Installation RadioFans.CN 3. Installation Mains Lead Wiring WARNING Your amplifier must be earthed at all times! When you first receive your amplifier it may not have a mains plug attached. You must ensure that an appropriate plug is used and corresponds with the amplifiers current (ampere) requirements and meets the approval of your local energy authority. Please refer termination of this lead to qualified personnel. Australian Monitor takes no responsibility for any damage or harm resulting from improper termination of this lead! The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code: GREEN AND YELLOW = EARTH Connect to the terminal marked with the letter E, with the EARTH SYMBOL or coloured GREEN. BLUE = NEUTRAL Connect to the terminal marked with the letter N (or coloured WHITE in USA and Canada, or coloured BLACK in the United Kingdom). BROWN = ACTIVE (LIVE) Connect to the terminal marked with the letter A or L (or coloured BLACK in USA and Canada or coloured RED in the United Kingdom). Power Requirements Mains VoltageCircuit Breaker Rating 100 to 120 volts20 Amps 220 to 240 volts10 Amps Power Consumption at idle= 250 Watts Consumption at rated 4 ohm power= 2300 Watts Ensure that your mains voltage is the same as the rear panel mains voltage marker (+/- 10%). Mounting Your amplifier is designed for standard 19 rack mounting and occupies 3 EIA rack units (5.25). The mounting centres are: Vertical:2.25(57.15mm) Horizontal: 18.15 (461.1mm) to 18.62 (473.0mm). The slots in the mounting flange will accept bolt diameters up to 1/4 (6.35mm). We recommend that you provide additional support for the amplifier, especially if road use is planned, as the weight can bend some racks otherwise. This support can be provided by secure shelving, support rails or a rear rack mounting strip to match up with the rear rack mount points provided on your amplifier. Cooling Each pair of channels in your AM1200 amplifier is cooled by an axial fan which draws cool air from the front of the unit and expels the heated air via the rear of the unit. These units offer two speed fans which run at half speed, switching to full speed when the internal heatsink temperature exceeds 600 C (1280 F). An unrestricted airflow into and out from the unit must be provided. Any restriction of the air flow will cause heat to build up within the unit and possibly force the unit into its thermal shutdown mode. If the units are to be operated in an environment where the airflow is restricted such as sealed racks or even when running 2 ohm loads, the cooling should be supplemented by extra cooling fans to evacuate the heated air and aid the flow of cool air through the unit. Input Wiring IMPORTANT! Do not directly connect pin 1 on the amplifiers input or strapping XLR, to the amplifiers chassis, speaker ground or power ground! NOTE: Input signal ground is not to be used as a safety ground (earth). The input to your amplifier is a balanced 3-pin system and requires all three pins to be connected. Only high quality twin-core shielded cable should be used. When wiring for a balanced source the connector going to the input of your amplifier should be wired as follows: Pin 2 =HOT (In Phase - non inverting). Pin 3 =COLD (Reverse Phase - inverting). Pin 1 =GROUND / SHIELD. When wiring from an unbalanced source you must ensure that pin 3 is connected to pin 1 (input ground), either by linking the pins in the input connector or by the source equipments output wiring. When wiring for an unbalanced source: Pin 2 =HOT (in phase with the amplifiers output), Pin 3 =GROUND/SHIELD (joins to pin 1). Pin 1 =GROUND/SHIELD Installation 11 RadioFans.CN connector for speaker output, use only the mating NEUTRIK NL4FC in-line connector. This connector is designed so that both channels can be sourced from a single connector. Four SPEAKON connectors are provided on the amplifier. The Channel-A SPEAKON carries both speaker output signals for Channel-A S$ritches the Active only.It is rated at 24OVll5A resistive and 1/4 H.p. 90Deg. C/ 10oDeg. C THERHAL SENSORS r These are normally closed devices which interrupt the mains supply when the area of the Heatsinks on whlch they are nounted exceeds 1OO Deg.C (Ch.C 100db/Loohz, 90db/1khz, 6odb/20khz, when driven from a lolr inpedance source (less than lkohm). The output of each Differential Amplifier incorporates a 100ohm resistor for isolating wiring and P.c.B, capacitance and limiting currentsin the case of a shorted load. ATTENUATORS : A 21 pos detented 50k Iinear potentiometer is used as a passlve voltage divider bet!.reen the buffer anplifier output and the nain anPlifier input. A 68k reslstor is used to modlfy Ehe Iaw of the pot, The attenuator ls lsolated fron the main amp by a unlty galn voltage follower to provide a constant source impedance for the po!.rer anplifier lnput stage thus nalntaining constant rlse tlme and frequency response characteristlca, lndependant of attenuator positlon. Agaln series reslstors are provlded after the buffer for Ioad protectlon and capacitance lsolatlon. BRIDGE CTRCUIIRY: The att,enuator buffer amplifiers on channels B , swi tch Amp o f f and re turn to Out,put and Drrver St,age SuppIy jusred to 30V A.C.(240V mains) povre r and check vo l t,age s t,o not proceed until all Voltages across Fuse Holder I 4.Bias Adjust 3 l- !. I Btas shourd be adlusred when t,he Anp ls cord. ( b ) Remove ch. A +vE Fuse and conneet, D. e. Anneter t_ Terminals. Adjust Bias Replaee Ch. Note Ch. A, B These will eonduct,ion c d e Trlm Pot e.W. for 450mA. A +VE Fuse and repeat for eh. B , C r 8Hn J ; 2 I Er fifi fls !n in I E $r f; s ,rfl da fO !r a -l + E EU fq rF SE rl I Iu I ls I .t -a + !n !n lnIE I d I i d F T : I I H (t u I tl F 2 l0 -t I I fi 8fl lu fn ifr $h $!,; *8i f;+ i $ fl j $ $ F fr i l I Itst Ilr. I Ih Ik 1 L It t L L L t- L t- t- 1- t- t- 1- It- I RadioFans.CN F IL eb (cd J l- l.r r v1 ;$ i Ei E S5 G ll q ) t U P I x- t5 r $i .; :$ s I i v, , R q, ( X, $ t 9 $ *. tg at q sJ !J , iHco ddb O* | .O<fU FQC , !$ e q-9 FS $ q.r4 Eq. :q J: .I J) tL L, t- I t- l fr L L L .i 3$ . F 3 - l- 5d 6e l-. gt ta ,) !a (r b8 .q d J v) a ) ? a $* E q.E l+ a ff Qq <c d. t- -!E v, f, EX r-$di q. f,J -J E: $f$ : t- f o a. .o l. I s s $ t O R .S <. f n t J L 3 ilq L-(.r 3 t-: a : L: q -.l L$ o ; gg - q I e3 .l Ftl, tr He il ili t- uu F,S ul, t trmr lrcsdtrel o b i ) t rU ?g l: lllo s$ sH, hE ,i ,i o J u, .l ! q 8 ? f o c( ) x$ * ci ? t $ 3 ? (r L t-(, r) v, vr *tu $tl Rs0 .O q f; F- q( ? $ ) r. F - ie ; rp? sfr5 .? .J qdi Yi s$s - -. PF i$. :r; ed: o of 9 o4 .vl oi t ol o il$;$ ?.t lcd nHHp ;,lco I ld o -: lr. /.jl /sV / =a / rliti ;ru; (c - -i i ll F,-f ry* ill-|- Jl?aos-v gl FFI-_ | RadioFans.CN lo ? r+fi ni ftfi l$H a fF F gl ol.l to -f + $ t I t * o tl (tt l, fr rl 6i s F F ! ,fl 6 g: H: si f;! d: n; ; o U t b -| It h a $ p c F o I 0r d l F il t L l_ t t L t L L _ I f,_ : L t t_ t L l_ RadioFans.CN d 3 T a E $ t H Hl jP arfr 3E r q- o 9o U ( I l- q f- YJ a J q oO v s q rlt ) o o a( q o a t I o t 0 o s q L r F il , t fl - t i t J ffi I L L L L L L I f;,* L L I s s ru t o a eO l- cA q +E i.: aa aa al ? .i !r It .-.- 6I iei tt I a I B ril -fi t l- I a t $ tJl u ( 5* f, F o I fl d ii T C a I U o F s I ( lir4u il s rF I F I fr E o ti I C ti o F d F 2 H t I d F F T o ri ,I E F 6 H 6 u I IJ F 2 I 1_J $ $ t I il T E b b e b i t E I Lt - F. r I RadioFans.CN b ll o , - :;q s eo?f gYI < ? T8 Grt rl ? rlg r$ fv? r It -Sttl b tltt FOO tm TII*ttr? I ii;f: i 5$ q$q,$) .- ot !t7 Ol. ,- Ol < t :l (vl I iifr II FF T :l+ tl u YtttCL . :l;E ii:i: r .Inre tt*b Lu-tt5f rtvl-:in: rll*l8tlLfi < t/8tlOl 5$ 3l ts s e+ $ e+ rl ll t 5$ I + b () T c F I o F .t t r i t l*- ie e i i q i iE t i lilrl la ta i.- + i : aa al o ( I U8 dr ilf a rtrf+ IHT 3t s 3t ts ill + ! It l$ I F 9 I d F $ : I I I t , T t II ill I t q I o l- t *H Fil i! i t .i Ir+ t $ T H F C h d 5 I I a I F i RadioFans.CN L) .) t (r .l li o ll | *-e Io -/ -ff ? t,1- o I lr tl J -r_J t; ilrl :lrl il: t U I q l- ? J 0 O q J o ) _rs .i X3li| ;: |flI . F l a( tU F$ v) 5 o q ss .r) .,g t 5e va o ? : o et u l* 3 I E o( : 1 I l-. R a l q a l- ? f, o o q ) g 6 t| c a a q f a ? o - fr , ) q E l <t ) t n, t) a J a( l F q J H F d 3 q- J -l I OI sl il al a .b - ? f o O q J g ll fl rl ll tlJ U Q ,i . ? a (.c l- I a- I i-a_ FF-rj tr-r_,_ =- l=: iE:j - o N ,; lr. q( T h Q l 3 S.( N + ril$m $HN oa tE,iY rfi: (s I ntto,4 xotot-ffi I t A ff , l.l ll lrt Irl lrt lt: tr ffiffi *i ; -rl 1 troz_ lf S,i1;6r-1 ,G* .b oAt < -$*. Fooltoot- lrlt frV< -l I ,w/ |J Lt_:zt, -Dt- -+(* vQotloot-IIZ t)tt,- -a , l ri ?i )l (l Cr t) ;g t<t < zv8 a s N +l $ ) .O v tr *t tn) c. o x a CY ( I; -f ,f- I I i t L t t_ t I t AM 1200 ASSY ! POWER SUppLy MAINS : 110 COMPONENT DESCRTPTION PART NO. QTY. TRANSFORMER F9 318 EMTXFF9 3 1B 1 CCT. BREAKER r28 240V 20A EMW2 8Xg 1A2 0 1 THERMAL BKR 60 Deg. C/N. O. EMT56OCNO 2 THERMAL BKR 90 Deg. C/N. C. EMT 5 9 OCNC 1 THERMAL BKR 100 Des. C/N. C. EMT5lOOCNC 1 POWER SWITCH82 SERTES DPST 24OV 15A L/4 H.P. 8M821605209U 1 FAN TF80l.1sAW 115V. A. C. SOnm nMTr8011. sAW .) FUSE HOLDER F32 PANEL MOUNT 3AG EHF32 I rUSE 8A 3AG FAST-BLO EM3AGSA 8 TRTAC T4O12NK SET4 O 1 2NK 1 RELAY HR-301 24HS EMMR3O1242HS L REGULATOR LM7815 SELM78 1 s 2 REGULATOR LM7915 SELMT 9 1 5 1 PWR/THERMAL LED DUAL LED TRI.LEG 5mm RED/GREEN SEHLMP4 O O O 1 ZENER DIODE 1N4747 ( 20v ) s81N4747 1 DTODE BRIDGE MDA2 504 SEMDA25O4 .) DIODE BRIDGE BR54 SEBR64 2 DIODE BRIDGE R8154 SERB154 2 DIODE lN4004 sE 11t4004 1 CAPACITOR 10,00OuF Z5V ELECTRO. RADfAL cA111000758LR 4 CAPACITOR 220uF 40V ELECTRO. AXIAT c4092 200 40ELA 3 CAPACITOR IOOuF 4OV ELECTRO. RADIAL c409100040ELR 7 CAPACITOR 0.1uF 250V MKp cAo610025oMKP L ( cont. ) RadioFans.CN L L L L L L L L L L L s t- t L t- t- t- t- t- t- t- COMPONENTDESCRIPTION PART NO. QTY. RES ISTOR1 5R 50W W. W. 5?REo5002l.5oxt 1 RES TSTOR560R 10W W.W. 1.0?RE01003560XWW 2 RESTSTOR6K8 5W W.lf . 10%REo0 504680XWW 2 RESISTOR3K 5W W.W. 10%R800504300 xlt 1 RES ISTOR8R2 5Yt W.W. 10?R800501820XW! 5 RESISTOR2R7 5W W.W. 10? R800501270XWW1 RES ISTOR56R 2W M.O. 2% RE00 202560XMO1 RES ISTOR68R 1W M.O. 2Z RE00 t02680 xMo1 RES TSTOR10R 0.6W M.F.1?R80006210oxMF 6 TERM. BLOCK6 WAY, SCREW TERMINAL EHL1459NT1 TERM. BLOCK3 WAY, SCREW TERMTNAL EHDT 1 283P2 CONNECTOR6 WAY E EMALE , Q. C.EH6F2 5OPP 2 RadioFans.CN AM 1200 ASSY : PRE-AMP CH.A&B OR CH.C&D t_ I It* t- t* I t- t- t- I t* t- t_ I I i* t- t- t- t- I t- t- t- t- t- t- COMPONENTDESCRIPTIONPART NO. QTY. r. c.NE5532ANSENE5532AN2 DIODE BRIDGER8154SERB 1 542 L. E. D.LED 3nn GREENSEESPY34O 11 CAPACITOR100uF 40V ELECTRO. RADIALcAo9100040ELR4 CAPACITORO . 15uF 100V POLY.cAo5 1 50 100 xcc ) CAPACITOR33pF NPO CER.cAo2330r.00cER4 ATTENUATOR5OK LTN. . 2L POS. DETENT.REApOT 5 500XVR2 TRIM POT2K TRIM. (C.M.R.R. ADJ)RECTsP42OOXVR2 RES I S TOR68K 0.6W M.f . L6RE00065680XMF ) RES IS TORt2K 0.6W M.F. r.?RE00065120XMF 1 RESISTOR11K 0.6W M.r. 1?RE00065r.10 xMF2 RESISTOR10K 0.6W M.F. 1rRE00065100 xMr4 RESISTOR3K4 0.5W M.F. r.?R800064340XMF2 RESISTOR2K2 o.6W M.F. 1.?R800064220XMFL RES ISTOR1K5 0.6W M.P. LeR800054150XHF2 RES IS TOR1K 0. 6W M. F. LZRE00064l.00 xMF ) RES ISTOR100R 0.5W M.F. L6REo0o63100 xMF4 RESISTOR10R 0.6W M.r. 1?R800062100 xMt2 slrTeHDPST PUSH BUTTON SWTTEHEUSF2UEE1 CONNECTORAXR-3-2L (TNPUT)EHAXR32 1B2 CONNECTORAXR-3-22 (LOOP)EHAXR3 2 2B1 RadioFans.CN t- t: L t L L L r I t t L r r_ t_ L i t I L L I I L 1.1:ll:!.:i:? I I eu 12oo Assy : sTATUS ccr. (t oF 4) | COMPONENT DESCRIPTTON PART NO. QTY. I.C. tM339 QUAD COMPARATOR S ELM 3 39N t TRANS IS?OR MPSA9 2 SEMPSA92 1 ZENER DIODE BZX-79C ( 13V) sEBZX79C13 1 DIODE BAV21 LOW LEAKAGE SEBAV2 1) L. E. D.tED 5mm DUAL COLOR - 2 LEG SESPRG5l 1 1 1 L. E. D.LED 3mm AMBER sEESAA340 L 1 CAPAC ITOR 1. uF