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    Akai-AA1010-rec-sm维修电路图 手册.pdf

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    Akai-AA1010-rec-sm维修电路图 手册.pdf

    SECTION 1 SEFIVICE MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS I . T E C H N I C A L D A T A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , II. DISMANTLING OF UNIT . ., ,. 4 I I . C O N T R O L S . . . . . . . . . . 5 IV. PRINCIPAL PRTS IOCATIONS . 5 V. VRACTOR TUNER AND PRESET TUNING SYSTEM. .,.,. 6 l . V A R A C T O R T U N E R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . P R E S E T T U N I N G S Y S T E M . . , . , . - . , . . , . , . - , 9 VI. TUNER ADJUSTMENT .I0 I . F M S E C T I O N A D J U S T M E N T . . . . , . . . . . . . . I 0 2. LW SECTION ADJUSTMENT . . ,.,.,.,12 3. MW SECTION ADJUSTMENT . . . .I3 VII. MAIN AMP ADJUSTMENT ,. . , . , . , , . , . . . . . . . 14 VIII. TUNING CORD THREADING . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . I5 IX. CLASSIFICATION OF VAROUS P.C BOARD . . . . . . . . .16 I. RELATION OF P,C BOARD TITLE AND IDENTFICATION NUMBER . . . , , . , . , . , , , , . , . I 2. COMPOSITION OF VARIOUS P.CBOARD . _. _17 Fo bac adjusimnrs, ne.suring nerhoG, 6d operari.g prin.iptes, reter to CENE|L OPERTING PRINCIPLES AND ADJUSTMENTS. RadioFans.CN I. TECHNICAL DATA PoWER AMPLIFIER SECTION CONTINUOUS POWER OUTPUT 2HNNELS DRIVEN14 Watts per chdnel, nininun RMS, at 8 ohms from 40 to 20,000 Hzwilh no more thm 0-8% lotal tamonic distoilio. POWER BANDWIDTH OHF) SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO OHF) RESIDULNOISE CHNNEL SEPRATION HF) l5 Hz to40 tHzl8 ohns. dislortion withi 0.8% PHONO AUX SPEAKERS HEADPHONE PHONOBetler rhan50 dB at 1,000 Hz Les rhn 0.8 nV al 8 onns More than 30 (l kHz.8 ohmt A, B (4 to 16 ohmt/+B (8 ro 16 ohm9 PIN: 150 nV/100 k hns DIN: l0 nv/180 k ohms PIN:150V/l00kohns DIN: 150 mv/r00 k ohms 30 Hz lo 15 kgz ll dB l0 Hz lo ?0 kHz +0 dB, 2 dB +10 dB at 100 Hz, +5 dB at 10 kHz (Volume conbol setal -30d8 position) INPUT SENSIVITY/IMPEDANCE PHONO AUX TAPE MONITOR DAMPINC FACTOR ottrPuT PRE MPLIFIER SECTION OTITPUT IEVEL/IMPEDANCE TONE CONTROL LOTDNESS CINTROL FREQUENCY RANCE SENSITIVITY OHF) CAPTURE RATIO SELECTIVITY (IHF) IMGE REJECTION IF RE.ECTION SPURIOUS REJECTION AM STJPPRESSION SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO HRMONIC DISTORTION TTNING INDICATOR STEREO SEPARATION SUBCARRIER SUPPRESSION ANTENNA INPUT IMPEDANCE 88 MHz ro 108 MHz 1.5 dB TAPE REC FREQTENCY RESPONSE PIIONO (RIAA) TUNER/AUX/TAPE MONITOR BASS TREBLE More rhan 5t dB (98 MHz) More than 70 dB (98 Mz) Mre than ?0 dB (98 MHz) 50 dB 60dB MONO STEREO Le$ thn 0,3% i 100% nodtlation) Les ihan 0,6% (1009, modul1ion) Cnter Turiq meter a F More than 40 dB (l tHz) 300 ohns balanced, ?5 ohms unbabnced FM TUNER SECTTON RadioFans.CN AM TUNER SECTION FREQUENCY RANGE SENSITIVITY (IHF) SELECTIVITY OHF) SICNAL TO NOISE RATIO IMAGE REJECTION IF REJECTION SEMIONDUCTORS POWER REQUIRDMENTS DIMENSIONS 520 kHz 10 1,605 kgz 150 kHz to 350 kHz 200 rv/n (tEr anlnna) 20liv (ext. antntu) 300 lrv/h (bar antenna) 30llv ext. antnM) MW: More than 30 dB LW: More than 30 tlB More than 55 dB (l MHz) More tho 35 dB (240 ktlz) MW: Moie than 45 dB, Lwr More thd 50dB Tanors: 27, Diodes: 25, FET!: 2, CS, ULa.d LA hodelsr l20V,60Hz CEE nodeh: 220V, 50 Hz Olher nodels: 110/220l240V, 50/60 Hz swilchable 440(w) x l2s(H) x 26s(D)nm (17.3 x 4.9 x r0.4) WETGHT 6.2 ke (l I T lbt Forimprovemnl purposes, specilications and dsisn are snbj.ct tchansenhost nolic, RadioFans.CN DISMANTLING OF UNIT In case of lrouble, e1c. necessilaring disassembly. plese disassemble in the order show. in pholos.aphs. Reassemble scREws scREws . . - : . | = al = i l E E l a i.-iE=E .-.-.al t RadioFans.CN III. CONTROLS -n r= FIl VOLIME IV. PRINCIPAL PARTS LOCATION Fis. 1 Controls .lr t4 . - l f . r-E l . I l9g!) *. E nn 6U Fig.2 Top View RadioFans.CN V,R PC EOARD a-5t57 IC FC EOARD A-5r56 TOUC|I SW|CH PC BOARo A-5r58 Fig.6 Block Dias.am t : L t - - 3) Acrual Operation Fig. 5 is a ccuit diagram of the high frquncy amplifier stase only of a circuit which is actually used. Condenser Cl and varactor diode Dl in the diagram are equivalent to the variable con, denser of an ordinary FM font end. As can be understood from Fig. 3, Dl varies the capacitance in a 4 to 16 PF ranSe by means o inverse bias voltage. This capacitance and condenser Cl combined caFcitance forns the esonance circuit with coil LA. Consequently, it is satisfactory if at low.esonance quency, the voltage supplied to the varacto diode dclines, and at hid re- sonanc frequency, the voltage supplied to th varactor diod increass. This voltage variation method with variabl resistor, tc., oprates in the sam way as a regula variable cordenser. FiE.7 This method uses a local oscillator circuit and frequency mixer circuit, and bias voltage is applied to the varactor diode for starioo selection and is called a varactor tune. Pleas rfer to the sche,a- tic diagran foi actuai circuit drawing. I I V RadioFans.CN /. ARACTOR TUNER AND PRESET TUNING SYSTEM I. VARACTOR TUNER A varactor tuner is th luner system in which varctor diode junction capacitance is varied by means of the inverse bias value applied to the diode for station selection. By employing a varactor diode. tuning which is same a! ordinary vaiable condense s),stem cn b mad without using a variable condenser by changing control voltage only. l) Features a) When used in an FM tuner, th front end can be made smallr than hen compaed with a variable condenser. b) Station selector butaon positioning is not limited. c) Slation selction by remote control is possible. d) Ideal voltage can be set for a certain reception frequency beforehand, and preset tuning can b efectd by successively switching the e) If control voltsg sweep is at ideal speed, automatic tuning (sech tuning) is posible- 0 Powr consumption is about the same as a variable condense system. f, g q Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Tuning circuit employing a vaactor diode Fig. 5 Example ofHigh Frequency Amplifier Stage Cncuit + INVERSE VOLTCE 2) Vaactor Diode Characteristics As fo varactor diode characteristics, as shown in Frg. 3, cpacitance c r( changed by chm8e in inverse voltage VR. Further, ifthis varactor diode is used jn a tuning circuit, the following conditions Cmax + CD Cmin + CD Cmai, Cmin arc th maximum and minimum values of varactor diode capacitnce change. CD is the sum of stray capacitance and trinmer capacitance. K is over l_5 bcause FM broadcast frequency range is 88 to t08 MHa Fig.s 4(a) and 4(b) show the actual usage method. I RadioFans.CN iti! ruMre . tti i iil tI tri Fig. 8 lcr lJPclo09c TERMTNAL TO VRIABLE CAPACITOR Fig. 9 RadioFans.CN 2. PRESET TUNING SYSTEM l) Preset Station Selecrion For preset atio. selection, there is a mechanical and an eleclrical merhod. These are memory equipme.t and seiection equipment enabling desed station slection beforehand and selecting thes pre-set srations by simply dpressing the respective switches. An ordinary car redio, etc. utilizes a mechanical station selection system wherein mechanical variation is by mea.s of a variable condenser or posilioning ofa dust corc inside a coil. Model AA,1010L utilizes an electrical srlion selection system and employs the varacror tuner explained in a previous item. 2) An example of a stllion selection system employ ing a varactor tuner is shown in Fig. 6. For skrion selection, push switches are used for slecuon of voltage supply to the varactor tunr. However, in the AA.10I0L, these station selection push switches are pue electronic system sensi.touch 3) Sensi-touch Employed Preset Station Selection System Operation The circult shown in Fig. 7 is th conlrol voltage genratinS presl volume and sensi-touch circuir. Fig. 8 shorrs the inside of circuit sensi-touch IC FPCI009C which include the 4 channel circuitry. Terminals 14 thou8h 17 are the input teminals; .erminals , , ,-a arthestation selection output terminals; and terminals O , , , and O are rhe pilot outpul terminals. When channl I sensor electrode is louched, voltage is snpplied to the IC as rhe input signal through fmger (body) resistance at trminal . Then, the impedance is lowered at IC station selector output terminal and current flows ai shown by the arrow marks in Fig. 9. Consequ- enlly, because the supply voltage 10 the varactor runer diode is changed by the dividing ratio of Rb and Rc, station selection is possible by mans of setting the prset volumes beforehand accodrng to the deried broadcarl tequen.res. RadioFans.CN t VI- TUNER ADJUSTMENT IIIJLTI FUNCTIOI PC BOARD AA-5I59 E a D o . . o. FM IUNING METER OJ (LO*ER CORE) FM OISTORTION DJ (IPPEN CONEI a. o; K-l t:J rkHr I E i t rca . TP .o FREOUENCY OJ i:i 0 ol H: tr ,1R?.1-, 7 A l r313tSuIUnJ LZLSggVIS (zxru/urOg9) yu O0r Arl (d,iJ pro) dtue-l t6I0s9I:I Itref r3?ads d,s89999m VOSEEV JI16S0S9I:I Joft,rr Jlz90s9If ZZIIYI JII L8 L69Tg 0I0rvY s eusZOIZIV I JILno699rZ J6ooIJdt JItnn6zzlz u-Illt1u ?uusruYrES tro0rzz 0I-as aporcsnoullrlnltz9s9(I4 gz 90 eporo ru.z 08622(Ig (Jrglzo aporcru3z 99.OnZAS cds I (IIzJJ rasuapuoJ rurnrl abLsL9Jg lt9z9J uo) urS6ZOiZJS stz.Hnt surrl Jso ,I 920t9ts aaJ 0I0I-YY su au?s l.-toI0I-vY suerJ Jaod tl sIzJs 0l0I-vv s? 3tLrEssmlol Yv surrl rsnod s08669JS duoJ Irotg Iaued ruorc 8t0szc 0t0I-vv sP aurEstzls-YY raurqEJe8/669Js 8SI9YV duoJ pl?og 3 d ,S q.noI 0l.Iszvs gSIS-yV druoJ preog J d f,I50z9tzY8 l.Slg-yy duoJ prog J d tozsIgtzY8 ESIt-yy druoJ prEog J d lts qsnd9tisgzvS SgOIS-yy druoJ prRog J d (gILnzgtzYa V6S ls-vv druoJ pr?og J d uorcunJ lltnw8SZ9ZVS agJV90t S-W duroJ pr?og J d duv urel,9tz9tzYs v9OIg-yV druoJ prEog J A druv urBtszzstzvs JION oN *rEd sur4l srled l?ds papu.ruluooau srll .ols no tqr lso8ns poqsnduo.re aq uEr rrBdar ur tsoruppt!?q uo alr aotaq parsl srrpd qrJrsnm3g rsII sJuvd auvds c3dNalu4lolg I RadioFans.CN Parts No.Note EO645838OSC Coil RWR41497A EO650373AM-IF Trans. RLC41543A 468 kHz Same as AA-1010 EO50384AMIF Trans. CFU-085-D 468 kHz ES24035sRotary SW. SR26N l-3-5 30KC ,s240287Rotary SW. SR26N 30 KC 8S240096Push Sw. 3FT-0001FF2120 85240276Pushsw. 5FT-0001DF3620 EV24U34Double axial 2 thow Vol(FR) DJ80D 250 kBx2 8V240445Single aixal 2 throw Vol. CM70R 20 kcx2 8YL299 tsPre-set Vol. (w/knob) LFQDRS04 I00 kB 8V499364Semifixed Vol. V10K8-4-2 5kB $me as AA-1010 8V484863Semifixed Vol. V10K84.2 I kB E2655t8?75P ntenna Trminal Plate s8607t38Push Knob C A5-5022 sK6468 t 7 Single Knob AA.5250 sK644670Double Knob (UppD A-s3ss Same asAA-1010 sK645208Double Knob (Lowet A-s3s3 sK646828Tuning Knob (Snall ) A-5252 s2645243Circula Foot A CA.60l4 TA240300VaractorTuner VFT-22MH-21 RadioFans.CN I r ?t-9l9t tt?-9-9? ozIzrl I000llf s qsnd 96oo?zst zt+t lc)gr?o porc r.uz 99rorzaa 3le.t-sr (rx,I)r/9asrrorscu?tJ 99t99913 sxe peq wd iaDs gaozznsz v a$s duz,I i90rrzvr cxsortSs os r r60i69(I:r prslJat1 19|lrtva prsos J d as qsnd 9rr9?vs O3ots (f,6s Is-w) ouvog J d osl) )Jors (ssIs-vy) ovos J d Ms Hsnd .1. J00 r3dt lr 6zrl? deoc pog Jd JI eoa9zvil o.ol,* )JoIs (9sIs-vy) (uvog I d JI .9 9 l.lt,gi (qour/) to r.rd 9r66zz3 sorrd.9 apord uo.rts fo6ra9c3 9oracI s z0z.3.sJ uold0Jso 3?-t-9t sporo juz ros6zaciI I l?l-9r (89)vo)Sz .Lgl rs0r6rfg z I3-r-9t (sxx)(Oxd)9rcsz rolsrurJ ecr9tsrS a,rtI9 r (r9rr vv) duoJ roa J d .to Lsrgzvg r.9 ,o,1:*,.uoudF6.C .oN rrd roqus )JOIA (ZStg-W) CUVOA Jd.IO I I (8sr9-vv) duo:) lreog J.d.ls qinol 0Lr teevsvg o,11,o tJoIs (8slg-.v) ouvo8 J d Ms HJnoI p$oq J.d !d!Io snl ,09a6r3 , r r 3?t-0r r9osN s prsoe cd rptoH.snj zzSrrslg or l-3I9t uu9 zr prsos c d.al!|i|rdunl !o39992W a Z4ln (adrl rr) or (l)lr 1,s.o .J/dnnruntv plros a z51-lz (adl 1r:) 92 (N). rO clrnu!unlv p!ros , r-srrz (ad,r sro) sz (tt)lt I 0 J/un|erusr z lilft Rer ;-t| - r 0 r 0 - 7 l,!Eo -E I lsr x r y l RED PC BOARD AA-5rs5 foFFl ctr fon_l - -.hiot rc-p BoARD aa - 5t56 D6 t32473 lC.2 .,rPC 1009C RadioFans.CN r-v-9-v-v v v I I tcr la-tzsoz ,un-rll-* <=tre-r- *3iiLJi I rc: pecsoc FLI, FL? sFE-r07XA-8-Z z7x Ta2 2ScgrL(PxoxRxst 5 CFU-O35-O KHz l r i ai :3v,HtT I5,* i-1, i tP l Bi dJ ro 18 r2lo o re rrlql P la ,oi dl lb l. tl 9fO O t22 !i 9r rP ta zl dJ tb lx 6i o o i i P l* al dJ |lc |2t lo o i26 l tP lo Lqi_rb_jb *r- U E RadioFans.CN PHoNo I ux i l n c r r REc I P B I J 2 i.: oi-1 oi f l r3i dJ a 16 rzl o o rre i rP l. ol dJ lb izl l o o,u .l qr P i. zl dt rb la io o i i P i* aldJ tb r27 .lo o i2 i P i Lq_rr_j* U -l,o ll slci P trl l dl 15 1,. 6i o o ir! 5 : G r r i i l i l ! 4 i d a r r 5 3 l o o i 1 6 l P l ,11_! l U ,|q, l o l dJ tbi, r i o i P 6l P i3 ri dr rb lrr 4 t o O l 6 rl q ,p Ie zl dl tb Ir 13_-lj Ef E n , t t 2SC945 2SCr57l 2SA733 i I I rio o jr i rP I 11_o_i U tFHNol .i;-;1. l f lo i t d J t b 1 6 il:;- U IOTE t. rrfLEss onRwtsE gEctFtD aLL RES|SIORS tr OIS t,/rw(Jt ALL CPAC|ORS ti !F Sorv,r) 2.IARK IiIOICAES LOT LEAI(AG CAPACIORS AA-IOIOL MFC SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM No.4-2 15402154 9 co I RadioFans.CN TR6 lo TR8 2 S 0 3 r 3 E ) ( F ) il-r l : i F e I UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED aLL RES|SoRS rN oHMS r/4 V (J ) ALL CAPACIORS IN IF sOWV (J ) 2 R6 ANDTRT LOCAEO ON HEAT SINK ELOCK ln trl r R w I t t f l l / l , f l E C B i r v zsct222 2s8505 AA-IOIOL MAIN AMP SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM No, 4-3 15402164 RadioFans.CN UILESS OTHERIVI SE SPECIFI ED ALL RESISTORS IN OHMS I,/4 W (J ) ALL CAPACIoRS lN /F 50WV(J ) R6 ANDTRT LOCATED ON HEAT SINI( ELOCK AA-IOIOL MAIN AMP SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM No,4-3 l5402l64 R -t r F r I -t I ,l-i- J l b ! Y rt+ -i T IF OU nHs T D AA-IOIOL VARACTORUNER SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM no,+-r l54O2l7A RadioFans.CN


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