T3. EXTERNAL EVENT This menu is used to display the history of key operation. * No matter how many times the same key is pressed, it will be stored only once as its history. * The key operation during the self-diagnostic function mode will not be stored. All history of key operation will be erased by pressing the “STRAIGHT” key. * Numeric values in the figure are given as reference only. T3-2 7 A - A A T3-6 7 A - 9 E T 3 - 1 7E -2A T 3 - 5 7A -DE T3-3 7 A - 9 C T3-7 7 A - 9 C T3-4 7 A - A A T3-8 7 A - A A T3-1. HISTORY 1 T3-5. HISTORY 5 T3-2. HISTORY 2 T3-6. HISTORY 6 T3-3. HISTORY 3 T3-7. HISTORY 7 T3-4. HISTORY 4 T3-8. HISTORY 8 61 RX-V675/HTR-6066/RX-A730/TSR-6750 RX-V675/HTR-6066/ RX-A730/TSR-6750 List of key operation Display Key name Key numberAD value 1AD value 2AD value 3 020577 89FFFFMAIN ZONE 020840 53FFFFZONE 2 020F77 8900 09FFMAIN ZONE + STRAIGHT (Advanced setup mode) 0211xxFFFFHD Radio CDM mode (U model) 0212xxFFFFHD Radio SPLIT mode (U model) 03002D 3FFFFFSCENE 1 (BD/DVD) 03011C 2CFFFFSCENE 2 (TV) 03020A 1BFFFFSCENE 3 (NET) 030300 09FFFFSCENE 4 (RADIO) 0500FF9C ADFFPROGRAM 0501FF8A 9BFFPROGRAM 0526FF0 9FFSTRAIGHT 0529FFFF9C ADPURE DIRECT 0800FF0A 1BFFTONE CONTROL 0A00FFFF2D 3FINFO 0C00FFFFD2 E3ZONE CONTROL 2C00FFFF8A 9BTUNING 2C01FFFF77 89TUNING 2C02FFFF65 76AM 2C03FFFF54 64FM 2C04FFFF00 09PRESET 2C05FFFF0A 1BPRESET 2C06FFFF40 53MEMORY 0101VOLUME knob () 0102VOLUME knob (+) 0103INPUT knob () (RX-A730) 0104INPUT knob (+) (RX-A730) 7Axxxx* For the details of the remote control key display, refer to 7Exxxx“REMOTE CONTROL” . 62 RX-V675/HTR-6066/RX-A730/TSR-6750 RX-V675/HTR-6066/ RX-A730/TSR-6750 T4. INTERNAL INFORMATION T4-1. DSP INFORMATION This menu is used to display the DSP information stored in memory as backup data before rebooting. The DSP information will be erased by pressing the STRAIGHT “ key. T4-1 D S P : - - / - - / - - Decode format Channels Sampling frequency Decode formatChannelsSampling frequency DisplayDecode format 0Analog 1PCM 2Dolby Digital 3Dolby Digital EX 4DTS 5DTS 9624 6DTS ES Matrix 7DTS ES Discrete 8DTS 96 ES Matrix 9AAC 10DSD 11Multi PCM 12Dolby Digital Plus 13Dolby Digital Plus EX 14Dolby True HD 15Dolby True HD EX 16DTS Express 17DTS HD 18DTS HD Master Audio 19Digital 20MP3 21WMA 22FLAC 25“Unknown” DisplayChannels 0Dual Mono 11/0 22/0 33/0 42/1 53/1 62/2 73/2 82/3 93/3 102/4 113/4 12HD Multi channel 13“Unknown” DisplaySampling frequency kHz 032 144.1 248 364 488.2 596 6128 7176.4 8192 108 1111 1212 1316 1422.05 1524 16“Unknown” -: Not stored T4-2 B U E R R : - 2 5 5 T4-3 N R C : 0 T4-4 I N V A L I D I T E M T4-2. BU ERROR Not for service. T4-3. NRC (Net Restart Counter) Not for service. T4-4. INVALID ITEM Not for service. 63 RX-V675/HTR-6066/RX-A730/TSR-6750 RX-V675/HTR-6066/ RX-A730/TSR-6750 P1-1 D C : 5 0 P1. SYSTEM MONITOR This menu is used to display the A/D conversion value of the microprocessor which detects panel keys and protection functions by using the sub-menu. When “P1-8. KEY” sub-menu is selected, keys become inoperable due to detection of the values of all keys. However, it is possible to advance to the next menu by pressing the “SCENE RADIO” (forward) key or “SCENE NET” (reverse) key on the remote control. * Numeric values in the figure are given as reference only. P1-1. DC Power amplifier DC (DC voltage) output is detected. The voltage at 5 pin (DC_PRT) of IC78 is displayed. Normal value: 32 to 74 (Reference voltage: 3.3 V=255) * If DC becomes out of the normal value range, the protection function works to turn off the power. P1-2. PS Power supply voltage (PS) protection detection. The voltage at 2 pin (PS1_PRT)/1 pin (PS2_PRT)/13 pin (PS3_PRT) of IC78 are displayed. Voltage detects PS1: ACBL, AC12, AC5, 7 PS2: -VP, +5T, 5V PS3: +5.5V Normal value PS1: 51 to 179 PS2: 92 to 147 (PURE DIRECT mode: 139 to 193) PS3: 132 to 168 (Reference voltage: 3.3 V=255) * If PS1, PS2 or PS3 becomes out of the normal value range, the protection function works to turn off the power. P1-2 P S : 1 1 7 / 1 2 0 / 1 5 3 PS3 PS2 PS1 64 RX-V675/HTR-6066/RX-A730/TSR-6750 RX-V675/HTR-6066/ RX-A730/TSR-6750 P1-5 O U T L V L : 2 5 5 P1-5. OUTPUT LEVEL Output level of speaker output is detected. The voltage at 4 pin (AMP_OLV) of IC78 is displayed. (Reference voltage: 3.3 V=255) P1-6 L M T C N T : 2 5 5 P1-6. LIMITER CONTROL Power limiter control is detected. The voltage at 4 pin (AMP_LMT) of IC83 is displayed. (Reference voltage: 3.3 V=255) P1-7 L 3 : 0 P1-7. L3 (J model) Not for service. P1-4. INVALID ITEM Not for service. P1-4 I N V A L I D I T E M P1-3 T M a : 1 1 2 / 1 0 5 THM2 THM1 P1-3. THM Temperature of the heatsink (THM) is detected. The voltage at 12 pin (THM1) of IC78/1 pin (THM2) of IC76 are displayed. Normal value THM1: 42 to 255 THM2: 42 to 255 (U, C models) (Reference voltage: 3.3 V=255) * If THM1 or THM2 becomes out of the normal value range, the protection function works to turn off the power. 65 RX-V675/HTR-6066/RX-A730/TSR-6750 RX-V675/HTR-6066/ RX-A730/TSR-6750 KEY2 KEY1 P1-8. KEY Panel key is detected. When the A/D conversion value of the panel key becomes out of the specified range, normal operation will not be available. In that case, check the constant of voltage dividing resistor, solder condition, etc. Refer to table. * When “P1-8. KEY” menu is selected, keys become inoperable due to detection of the values of all keys. However, it is possible to advance to the next menu by pressing the “SCENE RADIO” (forward) key or “SCENE NET” (reverse) key on the remote control. (Reference voltage: 3.3 V=255) P1-8 K Y : 2 5 5 / 2 5 5 DisplayKEY2 0 11 PURE DIRECT 12 32 TUNING 33 54 TUNING < 122 144 PRESET 227 246 PROGRAM (RX-V675/HTR-6066/TSR-6750 models) 143 172 INPUT TUNING < PRESET PROGRAM INPUT < MAIN ZONE (power) TONE CONTROL (RX-V675/HTR-6066/TSR-6750 models) Pin No. I/O Port NameFunction NameRelated Power SupplyDetail of Function OFFON 155 IIO0_7/N_RTS6/N_CTS6/N_SS6/ AN15_7/P15_7 SVID_DETVID_PONIIS-video detect 156 IIO0_6/CLK6/AN15_6/P15_6HP_N_DETDSP_PONOIHeadphone detection 157 IIO0_5/RXD6/SCL6/STXD6/AN15_5/ P15_5 -ACOONo used 158 IIO0_4/TXD6/SDA6/SRXD6/AN15_4/ P15_4 DC_TRG1PRYOOControl out 1 159 IIO0_3/N_RTS7/N_CTS7/AN15_3/ P15_3 DSP1_N_INTDSP_PONOIInterrupt from DSP1 (for DAU_N_INT distinction) 160 IIO0_2/RXD7/AN15_2/P15_2UART spareACOONo used, spare for UART 161 IIO0_1/CLK7/AN15_1/P15_1-ACOONo used 162 VSSVSS- 163 IIO0_0/TXD7/AN15_0/P15_0UART spareACOONo used, spare for UART 164 VCCVCC- 165 KI3/AN_7/P10_7+3.3S_PON+3.3S_PONOO+3.3S power supply 166 KI2/AN_6/P10_6AD2_COM+3.3S_PONOIAD selector 2 COM input 167 KI1/AN_5/P10_5AD1_COM+3.3S_PONOIAD selector 1 COM input 168 KI0/AN_4/P10_4HSW_2CHIPACIIHDMI SW number distinction 169 AN_3/P10_3-ACOONo used 170 AN_2/P10_2KY_AD2ACOIKey 2 171 AN_1/P10_1KY_AD1ACOIKey 1 172 AVSSAVSS- 173 AN_0/P10_0 TUN_N_RSTPRYOOTuner reset HDR_N_RSTPRYOOHD radio reset 174 VREFVREF- 175 AVCCAVCC- 176 STXD4/SCL4/RXD4/ADTRG/P9_7 TUN_SCLPRYOOTuner I2C clock HDR_MISOPRYOIHD radio reception data 91 RX-V675/HTR-6066/RX-A730/TSR-6750 RX-V675/HTR-6066/ RX-A730/TSR-6750 IC76, 78: SN74LV4051APWR (DIGITAL (1) P.C.B.) 8-channel analog multiplexers/demultiplexers Microprocessor extended port IC76 IC78 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 COM INH C B A 11 10 9 6 3 13 14 15 12 1 5 2 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 16 15 14 13 12 11 Y4 Y6 COM Y7 Y5 INH GND GND VCC Y2 Y1 Y0 Y3 A B C INPUTSON CHANNEL INH L L L L L L L L H L L L H H H H X C L L H H L L H H X L H L H L H L H X L Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 None Y0 BA Pin No. I/O Port NameFunction NameRelated Power SupplyDetail of Function OFFON 1Y4THM2+3.3S_PONIITemperature detection 2 2Y6(Spare)+3.3S_PONII- 4Y7(Spare)+3.3S_PONII- 5Y5DEST+3.3S_PONIIDestination distinction 12Y3MODEL+3.3S_PONIIModel distinction 13Y0MHL_VBUS_PRT+3.3S_PONIIMHL overcurrent detection (spare) 14Y1USB_VBUS_PRT+3.3S_PONIIFront USB overcurrent detection 15Y2(Spare)+3.3S_PONII- Pin No. I/O Port NameFunction NameRelated Power SupplyDetail of Function OFFON 1Y4PS2_PRT+3.3S_PONIIPower supply protection 2 2Y6PS1_PRT+3.3S_PONIIPower supply protection 1 4Y7AMP_OLVPRYIIAmplifier output level detection 5Y5DC_PRTPRYIIDC protection 12Y3THM1+3.3S_PONIITemperature detection 1 13Y0PS3_PRTACIIPower supply protection 3 14Y1L3_DETVID_PONIID terminal L3 detection 15Y2MODE+3.3S_PONIISpecial mode distinction 92 RX-V675/HTR-6066/RX-A730/TSR-6750 RX-V675/HTR-6066/ RX-A730/TSR-6750 IC79, 81: TC74VHC273FT (EL,K) (DIGITAL (1) P.C.B.) Octal D-type flip-flop with clear IC79 IC81 1CLR Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 GND D1 D2 D3 D4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20VCC Q8 Q7 Q6 Q5 CK D8 D7 D6 D5 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 DCKCLR L H H H XX L H X Q L L H Qn InputsOutput Function Clear No Change 1 11 3 2 DR CKQ D1 Q1 CLR CK 4 5 DR CKQ D2 Q2 7 6 DR CKQ D3 Q3 8 9 DR CKQ D4 Q4 13 12 DR CKQ D5 Q5 14 15 DR CKQ D6 Q6 17 16 DR CKQ D7 Q7 18 19 DR CKQ D8 Q8 Pin No. R32C external bus data I/O Function NameRelated Power SupplyDetail of Function OFFON 2D8HDMI_PONHDMI_PONOOHDMI power supply (Necessary for DSP, A-VIDEO drive) 5D9HRTX_N_RSTHDMI_PONOOHDMI receiver/transmitter reset 6D10MHLVB_PONHDMI_PONOOMHL VBUS power supply control H: feeding permission, L: feeding prohibition 9D11FLD_PONFLD_PONOOFL driver +3.3V power supply control 12D12FLD_N_RSTFLD_PONOOFLD reset 15D13HTX_AUSELHDMI_PONOOHDMI transmitter sound select 16D14HAU_N_OEHDMI_PONOOHDMI to DIR sound output enable 19D15STBY_LEDACOOStandby LED control Pin No. R32C external bus data I/O Function NameRelated Power SupplyDetail of Function OFFON 2D0HSW_N_RSTHDMI_PONOOHDMI switcher reset (L period: more than 5ms) 5D1VDEC_N_RSTHDMI_PONOOVideo decoder reset 6D2WIFI_PONWIFI_PONOOWiFi adaptor power supply control 9D3-ACOONo used 12D4FHDMI_N_RSTHDMI_PONOOFront HDMI reset 15D5VID_PONVID_PONOOVideo power supply 16D6+3.3D_PON+3.3D_PONOOOR of HDMI_PON, DSP_PON, NET_USB_PON 19D7PRYPRYOOPower relay 93 RX-V675/HTR-6066/RX-A730/TSR-6750 RX-V675/HTR-6066/ RX-A730/TSR-6750 IC61: Sii9136CTU-3 (DIGITAL (1) P.C.B.) HDMI transmitter Pin No. I/O Port NameFunction NameRelated Power SupplyDetail of Function OFFON 26GPIO0NCHDMI_PON-OUnconnected: output low setting 77GPIO1NCHDMI_PON-OUnconnected: output low setting 39GPIO2CEC_ENHDMI_PON-OCEC function of HDMI TX1 / effective/invalidity (spare) 49GPIO35HT*_PONHDMI_PON-OHDMI out * 5VPWR output control XOR Mask TMDS Transmitter Receiver Sense and Interrupt Logic Configuration Logic and Registers HDCP ROM HDCP Encryption Engine Framer Hot Plug Detect DDC Master I2C Interface I2C Slave Interface CEC Interface GPIO TX2 0 Hot-Plug Detector Video Data Input and Conversion Audio Data Capture 40 44 45 43 47 22 2-4,6-11,13-15,17-20, 78-87,89,90,92-99 24 23 25 29 36 35 34 30-33 27,28 41 42 46 76 26,39,49,77 52 54,55 57,58 59,60 62,63 TX1 0 TX0 0 TXC 0 EXT_SWING GPIO3:0 HPD INT DSCL DSDA CEC CSDA CSCK CI2CA RESET IDCK D35:0 SD3:0 SL3,DR3 HSYNC VSYNC DE SPDIF_IN MCLK SCK WS 94 RX-V675/HTR-6066/RX-A730/TSR-6750 RX-V675/HTR-6066/ RX-A730/TSR-6750 PIN CONNECTION DIAGRAMS ICs 132 33 64 6596 128 97 4 6 1 13 64 3 6 3 1 116 17 32 3348 49 64 127 5428 1 3 4 5 25 481 24 A AB 122 A AB 1 22 144 45 89 88 132 133 176 54 1 28 27 A A V V 1 1 18 18 1 1 9 9 10 18 1927 28 36 10 18 19 2728 36 +VS GND VOUT 29 561 28 144 45 89 88 132 133 176 54 1 28 27 48 13 37 24 112 3625 8 4 1 8 4 1 1 10 20 5 8 1 4 116 17 32 3348 49 64 8 4 1 1 3 4 5 1 7 14 5214 4026 113 3927 OUT GND IN 1: OUT 2: COM 3: IN 80 1 51 30 81 100 50 31 ADV7619KSVZ NCP380HMUAJAATBG R1171S501B-E2-FE ADV7180BSTZ NT5SV8M16HS-6K R1172N301D-TR-F R1163N501B-TR-FE EN29LV640AB-90TIP EP4CE15F23C6N R5F6416MADFE A3V56S30FTP-G6 DM860A-AQE LAN8700C-AEZG-TRLM19CIZ/LF MX29GL256FLT2I-90Q D80YK113CPTP400 M12L64164A-5TG PCM9211PTR BD7542F-E2 BD9328FJ BD9329AEFJ-E2 PCM5101PWR MFI337S3959M66003-0131FP-R NJM4565M (TE1) BD00GA3WEFJ-E2BD7541G-TR NJM41033V (TE2)NJW1329FH3 KIA7912PI NJM7812FA R2A15220FP 95 RX-V675/HTR-6066/RX-A730/TSR-6750 RX-V675/HTR-6066/ RX-A730/TSR-6750 50 75 76 1 51 25 26100 1 3 4 5 44 66 67 1 45 22 2388 1 22 23 44 45 6667 88 1 2 3 4 1 10 20 1 8 16 14 7 1 8 4 1 1 8 16 20 10 1 8 4 1 1 48 3 1 5 4 1 7 1 23 1: CATHODE 2: ANODE 3: REF 1 3 4 5 RP130Q181D-TR-F RP130Q501D-TR-F SII9589-3CTUC TC7SET08FU SII9587CNUC-3 RP130Q121D-TR-F RP130Q251D-TR-FE SiI9136CTU-3 TC74LCX245FTTC74VHC157FT TC74VHCU04FT R1EX25512ATA00A RP130Q331D-TR-F SN74LV4051APWRSN74LVC1G17DCKRTC74VHC273FT (EL,K) TC7SH08FU TC7SH32FU TC7SH86FU TC7WH126FU R1172H121D-T1-F W25Q80BVSSIG R1172H501D-T1-F RP170H331B-T1-FE STR-Y6753 TL431ACLPR ICs 96 RX-V675/HTR-6066/RX-A730/TSR-6750 RX-V675/HTR-6066/ RX-A730/TSR-6750 EC B B C EB E C 1: IN 2: GND 3: OUT 1 2 3 1 2 3 1: IN 2: GND 3: OUT 1 3 5 4 1. BASE 1 (B1) 2. EMITTER (E) 3. BASE 2 (B2) 4. COLLECTOR 2 (C2) 5. COLLECTOR 1 (G2) 1 3 6 4 1. Drain 2. Drain 3. Gate 4. Source 5. Drain 6. Drain 1 3 6 4 1. DRAIN 2. DRAIN 3. GATE 4. SOURCE 5. DRAIN 6. DRAIN B E C E C B BC E B E C B C E E C B E C B EC B B E C B E C E C B BC E B E C B E C 1 3 4 6 1. Source 1 (S1) 2. Gate 1 (G1) 3. Drain 2 (D2) 4. Source 2 (S2) 5. Gate 2 (G2) 6. Drain 1 (D1) 2SD2704 K2SC4115SDTA044EUBTL DTC014EUBTL DTC044EUBTL 2N5401C-AT/P2N5551C-AT2SA1576UBTLR2SA1695 O,P,Y2SA17082SA1770S/T-AN2SA949 2SC2229 2SC3906K 2SC4081UBTLR 2SC4468 O,P,Y 2SC4614S/T-AN2SC5964-TD-E HN4B01JEKTA1046-Y-U/PFY KTA1837-U/P KTC3875SMCH6336-TL-EINA6002AC1-TH12-1W INC6002AC1-T112-1W 2SC4081 T106 DTC023JUBTL RAL035P01PA672T-T1-A Anode Cathode + AC AC Anode Cathode Anode Cathode Anode Cathode 1 1 1: Anode 2: Cathode 3: Anode 2 3 2 3 Anode Cathode Anode Cathode Anode Cathode Anode Cathode + ACAC + AC AC Anode Cathode P6KE200A RB521S-30 UDZV36B UDZV4.3B UDZV5.1B RB162L-40 RBQ30T65A TFZGTR13B TFZGTR24B TFZGTR6.8B UDZV24B UF1K US1002FL DBL155GRB501V-401SS355VMTE-17 1SS400TE61 RB051L-40 RS103-B-D-V50RS603M-B-C-J80 RX-V675/HTR-6066/RX-A730/TSR-6750 97 Transistors Diodes ANALOG IN / OUT DIGITAL IN / OUT AV5 AV6 AUDIO 1 AUDIO 2 ZONE 2 tip ring shell AV OUT Muting Muting SL/SR SBL/SBR AM/FM TUNER MUTE_SB VOL_MOSI VOL_SCK DA_FL/FR DA_C DA_SL/SR ZONE 2 ZONE 2 DA_SBL/SBR DA_SW INL4/INR4 AUDIO OUT DA_SL/SR ADL/R MUTE_ZONE 2 SW DA_FL/FR DA_C IC83 System Microprocessor R5F6416MADFE DA_SBL/SBR MUTE_5ch FL/FR C SL/SR SBL/SBR MPIO_B0 MPIO_B1 MPIO_B2 MPIO_B3 MPIO_C0 MPIO_C1 MPIO_C2 MPIO_C3 MPIO_A0 RXIN0 RXIN1 RXIN2 RXIN3 SCKO BCK LRCK DOUT ACLKR1 AFSR1 AXR12 AXR13 AXR14 AFSX0 ACLKX0 AHCLKX0 AXR05 AXR06 AXR03 AXR04 HPSD1_DSD1A HPSD2_DSD1B HPSD3_DSD2A DA_SR/SL NCPU_BCK NCPU_WCK NCPU_SDO AXR11 IC64 SELECTOR TC74VHC157FT VIN L/R HMCK HBCK_DCLK HWCK_DSD2B DA_C/SW DA_SBL/SBR NCPU_MCK AV4 AV3 AV2 AV1 AXR10 AXR15 HDIG_DSD0A HWCK_DSD2B HPSD0_DSD0B HPSD1_DSD1A HPSD2_DSD1B HPSD3_DSD2A HDIG_DSD0A IC65 BUFFER TC74LCX245 RT_MCLK RT_SCK/DCLK RT_WS/D2B RT_SD0/D0B RT_SD1/D1A RT_SD2/D1B RT_SD3/D2A RT_SPDIF/D0A HDMI IN (Front) HDMI 1 HDMI 2 HDMI 3 HDMI 4 HDMI 5 HDMI OUT 1 C FL/FR BridgeCo DM860A USB (Front) IC921 DSP D80YK113CPTP400 AXR08 AUP_SDO AUP_WCK AUP_BCK AUP_MCK NET/USB NETWORK DA_FL/FR tip ring shell YPAO MIC MAIN SUB MUTE_F MUTE_C MUTE_S