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    - STEREO RECEIVER R-50 I FRONT PANEL r-i-T-=.;=-r-;-lF;r: l l!|!rE!GllE. l* ll ll * ll I lt:t:iiiiili:iii.iillr.r.rrl III I CONTENTS TOSERVICEPERSONNEL .1 SPECIFICATIONS. ._.1 REAR PANEL . . . ., 2 INTERNALVIEW. .3 DISASSEMBLYPROCEDURES. ,. 3 ADJUSTMENTS 4-6 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD 7,8 SCHEMATICDIAGRAM .9 BLOCKDIAGRAM .9 PARTSLTST. .10-19 SINCEI87 YAMAHA NIPPON GAKKI CO., LTD. HAMAMATSU, JAPAN Printed in Japan 83.3. 2.5k 474 lll a R-5() I TO SERVICE PERSONNEL (Pr:epared in accordance with UL Standard 12701 Before service of this appliance by you, please carefully read this service manual. Please make Leakage-current or Resistance measurements by suitable meter to determine 1 that exposed parts are acceptably insulated from the supply circuit before returning the appliance to the customer. A PROBE WITH SHIELDED LEAD. B SEPARATED AND USED AS CLIP WHEN MEASURING CURRENTS FROM ONE PART OF APPLIANCE TO ANOTHER. Confirm that the leakage current is not more than 0.5mA AC. I SPECIFICATIONS Phono O.42mV Aux,Tape 20mV Maximum lnput Signal l kHz 0.01% THD Phono 85mV Output Level/lmpedance Rec Out 120mV/1ko 0.015% THD o59v1220a Phono (lV)0.015% LEAKAGE CURRENT MEASUREMENT ClRCUITS GROUND Appliance intended for connection to a 1 20 volt power supply. 30dB Ouietinq 75rl 0.8lrv (9.3dBf) Usable Sonsitivity (DlN) Mono (S/N 26dB) o.8pv (9.3dBfl (G)(B)(A) 85dB Mono SOdB (G(B)(A) Stereo 76dB (G)(B)(A) Mono tkHzo.1% nal to Mono Stereo lkHz 0.15% Harmonic Distortion l4OkHz Devl Stereo lkHz 0.15% (G) lkHz 4OdB 30Hz to 15kHz -1.5 Frequenry Response 20Hz to 100kHz Aux, Tape -3dB RIAA Equalization Deviation Phono lo.sdB Total Harmonic Distortion 513 to 1620kHz (G)(A)(B) 510 to 1620kHz or Aux, Tape to SP Out 1W8o 0.008% t ntermodulation Distortion US ied at each AM preset position 1 2 and 3 J Adlustmenl locations PRESET P1 P2 P3 Adiustment maftod Rating.or $andard Remarks StepAdjustment item Connection terminal lnstrument required Confirm the maximum sensitivitY less than 55dB,r 1SensitivitY confir mation AM ANT BEC OUT (TP7, TP8)DST. M ACVM AM dummY antenna AM SG l-1O8OkHz t 0.1 kHzl fsoaar PRESET P3 Signal O Confirm that all signal O indicators light. Confirm that all signal O indicators goes out at detuned point. 2Signal O indica tor confirmation AM ANT TUNING SW +UP or DOWN Confirm that auto search recePtion is possible with the tunning button. 3Auto search rqception confir mation AM ANT AM dummY antenna AM SG 1 oSokHz i 0.1 kHz I ooaar 3. DIGITAL CONTROL SECTION .TEST POINT 6 StepAdiu3tmont itom Connection terminal !nstrument required Adjustment locations Adiustmont method Rating ot standard Remarks IPreset memory confirmation 3000 FM ANT AM ANT FM SG 98MHz i lkHz I lzoaep 7s.2dBtl I luoruo trxz I Lroox rvroo I AM dummy antenna AM SG ro8orxz io.lkHzl lsodep I L+ooxz,30% MoD l FM/AM SW TUNITG SW MEMOBY SW PHESET SW O Memoring the PRE- SET Pl at FM SG frequency. Memoring the PRE- SET P2 at AM SG frequency. Confirm that the fre- quency memorized is recalled. O Press the FM button and tuned the 98MHz with AUTO seach J Press the Memory button. .f The Memory indicator lights about 3 seconds J Press the PRESET Pl during the Memory indicator lights. .l. The PRESET LED of Pl lights. Press the AM button and tuned the 1080kHz with AUTO seach. + Press the Memory button .1. The Memory indicator lights and the PBESET LED of Pl flash6s. T PrCSS thE PRESET P2 .1. The Memory indicator goes out and the PRE- SET LED of P2 lights. 2Last channel memory confir- mation POWER SWO Press the PRESET Pl Turn the power switch off. After about 5 seconds, turn the power switch on. Confirm that the PRESET Fl memorized is recalled. tnepRg- SETof Pl dbe: not lights lel ffifll !h ,3. -srDsr (-) ffira n Q_-r,0.-., ,ffi tl qssB/ffi _ 8Hffl; w E C$3 l-rcr.4 1 R2o4 t/r =fu l-#,1118 ltsJJD-m iffiii vEi6zr* mi -l From MAIN C.BOARO(/6) I BOAR.D (Pomern side) I PRINTED CIRCUIT oKey circuit board oMain circuit board 1216 - 6/6) To MAIN C.BOARD(116, To MAIN C8OAR0l/6) .7a F.an MAIN C.BOARD(l/6) Main C. Board (5/61 To MAIN C Main C. Board (6/6) From From MAIN C.BOAR0(l/6) From i/tAlN C. BOAfrO t ll5) TUN_UI|_G- TUNING /MODE MEMORY FMAM DOWN To MAIN C.$0ARS(llS) MA Tq MAIN C.B0ARD(l/61 From i,lAlN C. BOARD(116) Frorn MAIN C.BOARD il/6) 3 c g L. i, r, -o Jc 3c o.3 -. !r vc, ur*,fri. R1 71 HF8561801.8k4 il R297.298 HF85 62 202.2kf) ,R244,247,339,340 HF85 63 30 3.3kO nilR167,175,235,255,257 HF85 6390 3.9kO ilR31 7-320 HF85 64 704.7 ko il n R1 01,1 33,1 34,1 56,1 77,241 2A1-282 HF85 66 806.8kA il R109,1 1 0,1 78 HF85: 68208.2ko il Rl 81 HF i8571oo 10ko il R1 23,1 24,1 62,1 63.1 69,1 5 21 6,236,237.242.256303.304.359.368 HF857r i50lsko il R1 1 r,203 HF85722022ka il R1 10,21 3,21 1,224,233,24 6 276,249 HF85727027k9- il R164,249,311 ,312 HF85733033ko il Rl42,230,243 HF85739039ko il R246,366 HF851747047kA n R157 ,229,234,305,306 HF85756056ko n R259,260,279,280 HF857680 68kA ilR1 80 HF857A20 82kO ilR369,292 HF8581ooIOOkA il fr 25.124,15t,742,t54,2,2 1 A - 224,239, 2 4 0,2 6 1.2 8 5,2 86, 3 2 3, 32 4.347 )348.3e5 HF858180 l80kO il R360 HF85a220 22OkA il Rl 38.1 49.1 52.1 53,226,234 HF85 83 30 33OkO nR227 .245,24a,29 1,3 1 3,3 1 4 HF 85 a47047OkO il R1 59.1 HF 8588 20 82OkO ilR309,31 0 HF 8591 iOO lMO ilR197 .251 .261-264.31 5,31 6 HG3092 20 2.2MA RDsOS R373 U,C HL7134 70Metal oxide Film Resistot 4.7 a 1P*fl8frt R345.346.349.350 HL75150 150fi lP R355 HL752 20 220a 1P R371,372 HL7245 60 55() 2P R363,364 HL335390 3900 3P R356 HU5781o0Metal Film Resistor 100kofElfrtrff-flt R217 HV35422AFlame Proof Carbon Resistor22a RDF2SSF4*IYh - t r*,ilE R332 HV3551o0lOOo nR331 HV35i 48: 20 82a il R354 HZo0i 29i 20Metal Plate Resistor o.47 a 3Perrfi*frR337,338 HT37: OOr 5CSemi Variable Resistor85ka+Et*Efrt vRl 03 | , Ilntethangeable HT5osi 7c BSka HT37ooi 2c Bl oka vR1 02 l , I lnterchangeable HT57! 058C B1 okQ HT37i OO3C B1 00kO VR1 O1 HS4184CVR unitVRr:vl VR1 04 HS4185( Variable ResistorEI *. iE fr ITVR1 05 IW3941ooFuse Resistor 1Oo l/4WEr-/8,fr, FR1 O1 Ao970ooTransistor2SA97O (GR,BL)lrr7, TRT16 iAo999 lo 2SA999 (E,F) TRI 1 0, r 1 3,1 20,1 21,124.127,129, 1 30-l 32,1 37 - I 40,r 44,! 55,1 56 lnter- changeable A 127oo2SA1I27(R,S,T) iA1262oo2SA1262(O.Y,G) TR1 49 r , I lnterchangeable Bo8 34 oo 258834 x New Parts (#AI8E) A t2 R-no t )t I t I Rf. No. Psrt No.Description $ 88!o(t, 2SC2088(BL,V)TRI 47.1 48 ) , I lnterchanoeable ic22tro: o(2SC2240(GR,BL) ic2320i 1,t2SC2320(E,R lnEr- cttangsbh ic26134i O(2SC2634(R,S,T) ic28: 78: O( 2SC2A7ATRl45,146 ) , flnterchanoeableiD13:02: O(il2SD13O2(R,S) iD06: 55: O(t,2SD655 (D,E,R TRl03,1,109 u lnterchangeable iDto: 12: (x2SD1012(G.Hl iD13! 02i O(il2SD1302(R.S) iD ()4: ooi 2( il25D400(F)TRI 52,1 53 iDogt 72: O0u2SD972 ilTRl57 l , I lnterchangeable iDooi 36i 0O2SD635 Foo:oo40DiodelSl 555,I lJFD102.103 F00:oo40 il1 Sl 555 D Dtor.tg.t6-rrl,rl3-122, _ t2a-t2G.!3O,r32,t33 | lnter- , I hangeable F :OO 10670t,152473 tt F iOOI i4OZener Diode RD3.OEB2Y z*-r.l rl- F Dl05,1 12 Fi3320t, HZgC-3 o128,129 F ioo1670RD6.8EB2 D131 F loo 44 30 ,tHZ12C2 D127 H :OOo8oDictdo Bridgo lB4B4t,1zl-frt)vYD134 H iOO iO870il4D49,1 otit i,*onnno, H iOOo 40ilRB4O2(LFD) ,t H :OOo i90s4vB20 iGoo12.70tc TC/IO66BPcrcl10 ) , I lnterchanoeable tso892 iOO,tLCrtOo6B iGoo13 !gO,t NJM4558DVt, rc103 iGi0292i20t43380 t, tc104 Gi03i45 ioo,rPC577H(E,Rtc 101,102 G io4 11ioo,tM544591tc105 G lo4 isl ioo 1C7210,ttc107 G !O8 ior i00, LC781 5,trcl 09 G io8 :s3 ioot, LC6502C-604rc106 c io8i89ioo,t sTK4873cl12 G :O9i21iooil M521 9Ltcl11 G :O8i52 iOOlt AN6557trc108 ) , l lnterchangBable G :O8:29 i(x)t, NJM2O43SD KA 13i 9C2.5 Pitch Base PinTE82P.SHF2.5 t vA B20t8:80Fuse Holder PinPC-FH1E a- /,b)vr - C, B92i10140Connector Plug4P(i-Type)a*2r-rr, B9210i 505P(i-Type) B9210i606P1i-Type) B9210:808P(i-Type) B92ro! 909P(i-Type) NAo810!80AM Coil PackAMf-fw,t.y2 AA6170i r0Sealed Plate40 x30 tvliffi AA6169i 9060 x30 BA08! 40i o0Radiatolftll# K-1000 BA0857i 50Radiation Blockfr.*rav) R-30 BBo6i 83:70Ground Plate7 7tftE CBo6 88! 80Plastic Rivet,77rv2l<y I Binding Head Tapprng Screw3x8 FCM3-B, .1 2F9vEr/*2 3x14 FCM3-8, cB io6 !92 50Bindinq TieBK-112!ray2?1 )* New Parts (rrESB) t4 I EXPIODED VIEW (All-over) brM G) VN M rt) xJ_-r-rir 3Il# t ArZr,vrtt<t I ,awry27-/ PB i06i28i+-dt- p: z l 3x6 ZMC2-Y aE,liltl* f-ti.rtl.yzt- CBtOll27l +*!*+f LA iooi29:5 Ez-/rhrVr- ACTrlv.yl 6 A250V 2 m 7.5A250v 2.5m 2.5A250V 2 m 6 A300/500V 2 m l0A l25V 1.98m l0Al25v 2m NAiO8il6i NA i08i16i NA:O8r16i60 NAiOS:16i70 NAi08i16i80 NA i08i16i90 y2t71y au7t-hrr- T2A 25()V AA i61i64iOO AA i61 i64i10 AA i61i64:20 B-EX-t A A A A IA A ,/ A / /1 / A x New Parts (filtf,) ts-l+vh- )y!z#) v77r*wr- .<.uF4+y tf 9yt/ *2 1rr772t1 ,_(S)ill )tva91l*Y 7-lu+* i.19 7+ts+ ,r7rvrU4Y I nr772t1 ,_(8911 i.(aav2 :.:y l.x-r,r+i t-7*wf- 122=aY?9l f.f E fi AssY FMQ?vU7iU w-av?7, x New Parts (frn$e) l7 a.A R-5(, Unii Bose f MECHANI Sm PARTS ( Keyboord Unit) x L.: Ix ix itl r k- F x Ref. No. Part NoDescription IeRemarks Common Model Markets 1AX i60ioo40SpringSU53O4WPBzrt), 2cB i61 i73 i2OButtonSilver#,POWEB ilcB i51i73 i30t,Blackt,t, 3nx ioo iooizoSpring, Holdt 1.6zt*t i 4CBi61 i75 i00 Button BlowSilver,frraaOPRESET ltcB i61 i75 i30,tBlackIt u 5AX i60 ioo i50Spring, ButtonSUS3O4CSPH,!f9/rtINPUT 6Ax i6Ooo i60unPRESET 7cB i6173 i80ButtonSilver dITUNER ,tcB i6174i2Ot,Black,tIt ICB i6173 i90 tt SilvervtDEo/AUX ilCB i6174i30,tBlacknIt ICB !6174iOO il SilverPHONO t,CB i6,I4 40,tBlack,tt, 10cB i6174ot,SilverTAPE MONITOR ilcB:6174 50t,Black,tt, 11 cB i61 i73 i40ItSilverPRESET ilcB i617350t,Blackt, l2EA :O2 i60:66Pan Head Tapping ScrewM2.6x6 zMC2-Y *, * x New Farts (trtlilfi) I8 r IELECTRICAL PARTS z-/ ! I x X x x 2, X X R-50 Ref. No. Part No.Doscription l0 fi e Remarks CommOn Model Markets taa:Qn:rOrEnSwitch9rl71v)f JWt86i62 20Electrolytic Cap ?,2yF SOY,cl ,2 iF;io0i454LEDSLR-34URC3H LED tRed) iF iooi4280ltSLR-55MC3H t, (Greenl A-500 iFooi4270t,SLR-s5URC3H t, (Red)n iFooi4550 ttSLR-34MC3Hil (Green) iFooioo40Diodets1555!1*F D1 -5 iA i09i37ooTransistor2SA937lr*zt TR1 _3 iGo4i94oo tc L81274tc l lnterchangeable ilM54527P It J ReplacedbylC:181274 ix60i1470 ,tM54560P il iF iOOi44 10 Frequency DisplayLC-205MK(N)Etf,*frt! Silver iF ioor44i20 t,LC-2O5MK(B) tt Black x New Parts (|trf,ile) t9 t.- R-50 YAMAHA !


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