STEREOGRAPHICEQUALIZER - FONTPANEL 1 2 151HAI:JO60?C24U.lac.?J.8.i_EOLEvElIc13 1.IIIIIIIIIIft;,. YAMAHANATURALSOUNOGRAPHICEOUALIZER.EO630 1010claveBandS DerChannel PEE DOD DUu 7EJS/EiC e5vE61 BIuEDI SERVICE MANUAL YAMAHA RemoteControlTransmitter IMPORTTonCE This manual has been provided for theuseof authorized Yamaha Retailers andeiseicepersonnel. It has been assumed that basicseiceprocedures inherant to the industr,andmore specifically Yamaha Products, are already known and understood bthe users, and ha e thereforenotbeen restated. WARNING:Failure to follow appropriate service and safety procedures when servicing this product may resultinpersonal injury, destruction of expensive components and failureofthe product to performasspecified. For these reasons,weadviseallYamaha product owners thatallservice required shouldbeperformedby anauthorized Yamaha Retailer or the appointed service representative. IMPORTANT:The presentation or saleofthis manual to any individual or firm doesnotconstitute authorization, certification, recognitionofany applicable technical. capabilities, or establish a principle-agent relationshipofany form. The data providedisbelieved tobeaccurate and applicable to the unit(s) indicated on the cover. The research, engineering, and service departmentsofYamaha are continually striving to improve Yamaha products. Modifications are, therefore, inevitable and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation to retrofit. Should any discrepancy appear to exist, please contact the distributors Service Division. WARNING:Static discharges can destroy expensive components. Discharge any static electricityyour body may have accumulatedbygrounding yourself to the ground bussinthe unit (heavy gauge black wires connect to this buss). IMPORTANT:Turn the unit OFF during disassembly and parts replacement. Recheckallwork before you apply power to the unit. CONTENTS TOSERVICEPERSONNEL.I SPECiFiCATIONS.I DIMENSiONS.I INTERNALVlEW.2 REARPANELS.2 LTHIUMBATTERy.3 DISASSEMBLYPROCEDURES.3 ICBLOCK.4-5 DISPLAYPINCONNECTIONS6 WIRING.7 DISCRIPTIPNOFOPERATIONS7 BLOCK0IAGRAM.8,q PRINTEDCIRCUITBOARD10-13 SCHEMATICDIAGRAM.14.15 PARTSLIST16-20 1002631 YAMAHA YAMAHACORPORATIONHAMAMATSU,JAPAN 3.7k-142PrintedinJapan89.5 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 INSULATINGTABLE .105 dB/1V .7V .lV .Lessthan0.005% EO-630 TOSERVICEPERSONNEL 1.CriticalComponentsInformation.* Componentshavingspecialcharacteristicsaremarkedill andmustbereplacedwithpartshavingspecifioationsequal tothoseoriginallyinstalled. 2.LeakageCUrrentMeasurement(For120VModelOnly). Whenservice has beencompleted,itisimperativethatyou verifythatallexposedconductivesurfaces areproperly insulatedfromsupplycircuits. Meterimpedanceshouldbeequivalentto1500ohmshunted by0.15JJF. Leakagecurrentmustnotexceed0.5mA. Be suretotestforleakagewiththeACpluginbothpolarities. SPECIFICATIONS Max.OutputVoltage (1kHz, 0.1% T.H.D) RatedOutputVoltage Max.InpulVoltage (1kHz)7V RatedInputVoltage.1V InputImpedance.47k-ohms Frequency Response.10Hz -50kHz.-1dB Center Frequencies.30Hz.50Hz.120Hz.240Hz.480Hz.1kHz.2kHz. 4kHz.8kHz.15kHz. Equalizer Control Range12dB SignalloNoiseRatio (IHF A Network) At1Voutput. Total Harmonic Distortion (20 Hz -20kHz,1VoUlput) EQUIPMENTACLEAKAGETESTER UNDERTESTOREQUIVALENT Lr=1I:r=4I OUTLET Power Requirements Generalmodel.110/120/220/240V. SO/50Hz Europe model.220V.50Hz Australia and U.K. models240V.50Hz U.S.A. and Canada models120V.50Hz PowerConsumption.lOW Dimensions (W x H x D)435 x122x271mm (171/8x4-13/15x10-11/15) Weight .3.5kg(7Ibs.11oz.) AccessoriesPinplugcords(2) Remote control transmitter (1) Dry batterysizeAA (R05) type (2) Powercord(1) SpecificationsSUbjecttochange without notice DIMENSIONS (U) (C) (A) U.S.A. model(B) Canadian model(G) Australian model(R) .Britishmodel . European model .Generalmodel 1 ID , - 0 ;: N - N ojloo311/16 435(17-I/S 311/16I4 c:=J:=J II - c:=c:J c:r:J -I U c:r:J <D- O N = .,. 381-1/21l.-. t 3811-1/21 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 INTERNALVIEW REAR PANELS U,C models EQ-630 tPowerTransformer Lithium Battery(Memory) MainCircuitBoard CPanelCircuitBoard(7) PanelCircuitBoard(2) PanelCircuitBoard(l) PanelCircuitBoard(6) PanelCircuitBoard(3) oPane1Circui tBoard(5):BottomSide 4DPanelCircuitBoard(4):TopSide A,Bmodels G model R model YAMAHAgo 120 VOLTS10 WATTS60HZ YAMAHACORPORAI YAMAHAL30. 110120220240VOLTS 10WATTS50/60Hzv YAMAHACORPORATION MADEINJAPAN MAINS MAINS MAINS MAINS 2 EO-630 LITHIUMBATTERY improperhandling.Observethefollowingprecautions Never reversethebatterypolaritieswheninstalling. Donotshortthebatteries. Donotattempttorecharge thesebatteries. Donotdisassemblethebatteries. Neverheatbatteriesorthrowthemintofire. L1TIUMBATTERI. Barendastbytasav servicepersonal. Explosionsfaravidfelaktighantering. Swedish WARNING! Lithiumbatteries.Explosiondanger. Changeofbatteriesmustonlybedonebyqualifiedperson- nelandasdescribedintheservicemanual. English Thisproductusesalithiumbatteryformemoryback-up. WARNING:Lithiumbatteriesare dangeruus becausetheycan beexplodedby whenhandlingorreplacinglithiumbatteries. Leavelithiumbatteryreplacementtoqualifiedservice personnel. Alwaysreplacewithbatteriesofthesametype. WheninstallingonthePCboard,solderusingtheconnection terminalsprovidedonthebatterycells. Neversolderdirectly tothecells.Performthesolderingasquicklyaspossible. DanishFinnish ADVARSEL! Lithiumbatterier.Eksplosionsfare. Udskiftningmkunforetagesafensagkyndigog som beskrevet i servicemanualen. VAROITUS! Lithiumparisto.Riijiihdysvaara. Paristonsaavaihtaa ainoastaan alanammattimies. DISASSEMBLYPROCEDURES(Removepartsindisassemblyorderasnumbered) 1.RemovalofTopCover a.Remove2 screwsCDinFig. I b.Remove3 screwsGDandslidetheTopCover back. 2.RemovalofFront Panel a.Remove3 screwsCDinFig.I b.Removeconnectorslocatedat3place andpulltheFrontPanel forward. LITHIUMBATTERYREPLACEMENT Note)Duetothedangerofexplosionit isonlyallowedtouse abatteryof thesametypeandmanufacturer whenithastobeshifted. Wire wireswhilepushing 3 EO-630 .ICBLOCK ICI:TCql62N(AnalogSwitchArray) :E:E :E:E 0 e on 0 .0 <I enenuen enen en u enu I- I II II I II I I I en i i . I-0 en I enen en :E enen := ffi Z 1- I- 0 0 : :t I-Zc. . . z =Oz I 0 z_ u. ;0 u. ZZ FUNCTIONTABLE ICI517:MN4051BD (8-channelAnalogMultiplexer Demu1tip1exer) ICII14:LA6324N (QuadOpe-Amp) VIN X. 16Vuo X. +X X6Xz 15Xz VIN X,4XI X,X,Xo13Xo VIN3+ XXX3,2X3 VIN2- Inhibit6InhibilA11A VEEa,0a Vssa9 Control Input ON B lj SW. I 00Xo 00 II X, 0 I I0 Xz O IX3 -+ I,00 , X, I0IXs II0X6 I IIIX, xxx - 4 EQ-630 IC402404 (LCDDriver) LC7582BIC405 IN Vee IN OUT InpUT Rz 0 IN IN OUT GNO 5471AOII Rsc r-_-=:;-i-OUTPut -54SIA021 co. 0. o ICI8:AN78N05 (3-Terminal Voltage Regulater) 8 N, o u , 8 iiii0- osc GNOVeeVOIJI VLCO 5471AOII S46105PII 54SIA021 544105P21 543 542 541 540 539 538 537 536 53S 534 533 532 51 52 53 54 5S 56 57 58 59 510 511 512 513 514 51S 516 IC406:GPIU521X (RemoteControl Receptor Unit) IC401:HD61408DS (4-BitICHIPMC) L.-4-.Common I PinPin PinPin I Functi on I/ONameNo.No.Name I/O Function ULTIPLEXERCSRchI 0011I64010I 0ElectrooicVRRchCS NCI 0012263 Dq I 0ElectrooicVRLchCS ULTIPLEXERCSLA 5 IC11-14LA6324N IC15-17NJU4051BP orMN4051B orHD14051BP 5 or BU4051 B IC18HAI7805 or uPC78M05H or AN78N05 01,225C2878 or 25D1915ST 0325A933r-, or25A1309 I 0425C1740 I or 2SC3311 I IZ101 05DTA114TSTP I220Kx7 UN4115 L_J or 0625D2012 or2501762 00 0 0 (I) <:t l.D 6 Q72S81375 or2581185 D1-.4,9RLIN4003-N02 D5,6HZ515-3TD orMA4150M D7,8HZ59A2TD orMA4082M D10-15, 101,124155119-04 N or 15S178 : (I) .,. BAT 1SUMM2CC200 orCR2032/1VC o 7 (I,. ii-LIN SPI - U,C,R,A,BG .*.1R10f,1021KfiSHORT *2 C61,62,65,66, OPEN220pF 69,70,73,74 .*.3R101,102SHORT 1KO 1 Lch LINEIN 14.7 -14.8 Rch 2 Lch LINEOUT Rch Lch RECOUT C) Rch Lch 3 PLAYBACK Rch ,- I I I -I I I I Ld.:!._ 4 IC1TC9162 IC2,8,9,10NJM4558S0 orAN6555 orTA75559S-1 IC3,4,7AN7337 IC5,6NJU7305 IC11-.14LA6324N IC1517NJU4051BP orMN4051B orHD14051BP 5 orBU4051 B IC18HAI7805 oruPC78M05H orAN78N05 a1,22SC2878 or2S01915ST a325A933 or2SA1309 a42SC1740 or2SC3311 a5OTA114TSTP orUN4115 a62502012 xxx N or2S01762 x0 0 0 X:I: CD 0 v (D 6 Q72SB1375 or25B1185 I 01-.4,9RLIN4003-N02 ns:;.t:. U71-Tn :, .! R230 fOK Rf9 10K R20 15K R1f(1l 3.3K0130 RCH4KHz LCH4KHz LCH16KHz LCH8KHz RCH16KHz RCH8KHzrIDlm II II L.J 00 . r- n .:J U1 00 CO :r: c 0-. o 00 o (/) Z t- il: U1 U1 00 C (/) Z-t c.n c:.c - W0-. o U1Z . o U1 aJ z w w Gl 11 ,I I Q) Q) CIoI I Q) R262 8.2K + R266 27K C266 1/50 R24627K C246 2.2/50 R250 150K I.LH I) o :z: rTl,Z ()rr1 -t-. :crr1 c0 3:c IQ)I IZO:O2t-IVl_ rQ)ZN ooJC52J- Qn?IrZ - r I) o 2: Q) C226 3.3/5010110 :tBz.I, MAIN J2 1 RESET 2 RCHVOLS 3 lCHVOL 4 VOL 0 5 VOLClK 6 7 8 INT 9 VCC 10 lUMP 11 lUMP 12 I/OSW I/OSW I/OSW PANEL(7) C18 lO.022 AC120V60Hz:u,e AC220V50Hz:G AC240V50Hz:A,B AC110,120,220,240V: R 50/60Hz 5-L- I 5MPX. 6C5LRlII 7C5R 8MUTING 91/05WCLK I101/05WDATA I111105W5T ,1- 6 -5- - - J2 /- r 7 I :n.RE5ET 3.5 3RCHVOLC I 4LCHVOL5 2.2 5VOLDATA 4.4 VOLCLK 0 i 6 7 1.4 8 . 1.5 i INT 0 9 - 3.3 a: 10VCC ,. I 11LUMP0 12P0 - 0 IuO N 8 9 R401 47K PLfPL2 IF .,; 8765 IC405 . - a: a: 1234 r:-.:l II L_-_U It)N.,.N.-Z401 <D<D<D.1J I- SKUKI623 2AXi6047i60RearPanel I) t I;r.)L,.RP5GPK5501A IIAXi6047i70/I/IU,CPSGPK550B /IAXi6047i80/I/IA,BPSGPK550C /IAX:6047i90/I/IGPSGPK550D 3XXi6942i90Leg IlIIl SKL2275 4NXi6037i50FrontPanel 7D/I-I*)L,.BlackP5GEQ630KJ /INXi6045i10/I/ITitanP5GWK540TA 5AXi6048:00Front Grille7D/ I-7 I)L,. BlackPSGEQ630KJI /ICXi6093i50/I/ITitanPSGXEQ630TU 6CBi6351i30Button,Power 11Jl!iF-7 /Black /IVFi6047i00/I/ITitan 7XXi6942i30Spring I;r.PSUS33 8CXi6072i10ButtoniF -7/ UP/DOWNBlackPSBCK85 /ICXi6093:60/I/ITitanPSBCK851 9CXi607220Button(A),Preset 71)12.:;I-iF-7/(A)BlackPSBC55A /ICXi609370/I/I/ITitanPSBC55IA 10CXi607230/I(B)/I/I(B)BlackPSBC56A /ICXi609380/I/I/ITitanPSBC56IA II CXi607240/I(C)/I /I(C)BlackPSBC57A /ICXi609390/I/I/ITitanPSBC51IA 12CXi6072i50/I(D)/III(D)BlackPSBC58A /ICXi6094i00/I/IIITitanPSBC58IA 13VDi3704i00Knob,Function/It:/7;7-; XTBS3+8JFZI N3Ei:33:00:86BindingHeadTapping Screw3x8FCRM3BI/1/,:$It:/7;7-;PACKXTB3+8JFZ N4 EK:09:30:20 1/3x8ZMC2Y(f;,ht;:7:t-:;(P7ff)XTB3+8G N5EKi03:00:40BWHeadTapping Screw3x20ZMC2YBWI,:$It:/7l- XTW3+20T N6AXi60:54:20Special Screw3x20ZMC2Y;7- XTBS3+20FI N7AXi60:59:80Special Screw:r- :;BlackSNE2129/ II AX:60:60:00 IIIITitanSNEK2129 Accessoriesit.- c 00 MX:60:04:80ACPowerCord11: :J-rGSFDACOSE03 XX:69i28i40II IIBSFDACOSG02 MX:60:10:00IIIICSJAI72 MX:60i10iI0 IIIIASJAI73 MX:60:10:20 IIIIUSJAI75IT MX:60iI0 :40 IIIIRSJAI85 MX:60i09:BOOutputCordtil1J:J- , SJPK2202 PXi60i05:90RemoteControl Transmitter JE:J/7/A/:$-PRAKKI DryCellAA,R06.3 , 11:;t!l , , , *NewParts(*JtlmJo) ABcoE EQ-630 REMOTECONTROLTRANSMITTER 1 2 t5D4D3D2 *RLS73x4 .-I-i/:.A<1K44K481)-1r-+-+-K %5 r-t-flC3 W !-43X _K34 ,.-+-oJ(31<3K4j,.(I(./I5l-+-f-+-+- 1241E2112111201Ii918Jn711161Ii51,41fi3I KI1KIOCCSKI/00KI/01 KI/02KI/03 KI/04KI/05K1106K1/071hP 3 pPD6122G-002 KI2KI3KI4KI5KI6KI7REMVooSELOSCOOSCIVss 4.lIlL4;L5;L6)17La;L9J!1lJIEJ -kD C1:.c 100p100p +-b-BATT. z:z-;- C3 47/10V SE30ly, 1/ NALFORINFOONLY oD0 (Thismodificationistobepetformed onallstorestockandcustomer-units notalreadymodifiedbyyvHAoran authorizedyPreferredCustomer ServiceCente1;.) SiM?IOM:wentheAt-mainspCwerisdisconnectt?d, uset,-setequalizaioncurves. theunitany CAUSE: -.tNOTE: The3voltlichi.u-n,mG.ffior:lb.)ck-.ipbatte:t-yhasfailEdde:0e:- curent-dainwhenevercheACNnainspowerisdisconnected. .Mo;ifvthe.mctioiv-ba.ck:uc:r.;.i-.t.oreducecurrent-dra:ithen i. remove andreplacethelithiumbatcery(asdescribedonthereverse sideofthisbulletin). AllunlCSreleasedafterSeptembt261989,includethismodifica tian,nyunitsrnQdifiedbyYl.1JJ-Lfbeforethisd.:haeagreen marknexttothStrial:.tmb+lrandag<)ldQ.C.-.:;:icker.onthe carton-box- (Seereversesideforproceduretomodifyche memory back-upcircui.t:andrcpltcethelithiumbatte:-y.) :MEMORY-Udt-UPBATTERYMODIFICATIONPROCEDURE R-llLITHIUMBATTERY (NOTEPOLARITY) .3,Re,installthe.AIN.CIRC1JITt.r.RDb:/.ins.tallirag,the3SCreNS.wrlichsecure theL!tEandTJ-PEconnectorsandACINLETtt)therearpaneltthenthe shoulder-ypeachine-threadscrewsatthe2printedciruitboard GRODDINqLUGS;andtheremaining5self-tappingscrews. 4.Soldera3inch,approx.18gauge,insulatedjper-wirebetweenR-141 and D-ll(betweenpointsAand1ontheabovediagram)onthecomponent- sideoftheJINPRINTEDcrtcuITBOARD.Appl)Ta-dabofsiliconglue (RadioShackpartnlJrrer64-2314orequivant)attheendofthejumper wirenearR-141.pplyanotherHdabofsilicongluebetweenBATlande-9 (the330;.tFd./3SVcapacitorBdjacenttotheneWLithiumBatterY)lr 5.withth.eunitST:illunplugged,useatleasta31,/2digitD.V.M.witha minimumoflOMegohmsinputresistancetoconfirm7. SoThevolt8ge-dropacrossthetwoedsofR.ll(the3.3Kohmresistor nearBAT1)isapprox.0,01milli-Volts(equivelanttoO.003pAmp),and b.The!olJtagemeasuredfromeit:hrendofR,.lltochassis.agroundis approxf3,2Volts. 6fReinstallthetCpOet.applyACmins,powerand.7erifynorma1operation tocompletett!pcedure.