TANDBERG TCD 34OA- Circuit DagraTs wrth A li gnrn en tTn st r u cti o n s Mechanical adjustments, see Service Manual for TCD 330, Ordering No. 714021 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 Electrical adjustments for the TCD 3404 General Before adjusting, the tape path must be cleaned and demagnetized. It is necessary that the tape path is correctly adjusted, consult the service manual for the TCD 330, part No. 714021. Carry out the adjustments in the order described because the adjustments affect each other. Remove the top panel, base panel, and right side panel. Equipment required - 2 volt meters - Audio signal generator - Frequency counter - Distortion meter - Wow and flutter meter - Tandberg test cassettes - No. 21 (Speed check, 1000 Hz) - No. 22 (Wow and flutter check, 3150 Hz) - No. 23 (Azimuth adj. playb. head, 6300 Hz) - No. 24 (Playback level adj., 1000 Hz) - Measuring cassettes - Maxell UD XL I (Type I) - Maxell UD XL Il (Type II) Before adjusting, set the buttons to: - MPX-FILTER (situated at the back of the deck) to OFF. - Dolby NR* to Off. - Tape to Type I. - Output Level controls to max. * The word Dolby is registered trade marh of Dolby Laboratories Inc., USA. NR stands for loise Reduction. Oscillator The oscillator frequency is between 80 and 100 kHz. The voltage measured on the erase head should be between 25 and 32 volts. Sensitivity adiustment - Set the Monitor button to Source position, and Input and Output Level controls to maximum. - Apply 8mV,1000 Hz to the RADIO socket (DIN) or 80 mV,l000 Hz to the INPUT sockets (Phono) from the audio signal generator. - Adjust the SENSITIVITY ADJ. pots. Rl01-R201 to obtain 77 5 mY measured on a voltme ter con- nected to the Dolby encoder output, see Figure 1. - Move the measure probe to the Dolby decoder output, see Figure 2. - Adjust the SOURCE LEVEL ADJ. pots. Rl18- R218 to obtain 7 7 5 mV . - Check the frequency response in Source. Dolby encoder output Right channel meas.point Left channel meas.point _ | RroBP I Prosr. .:., P)lI P I RTL LLvtL TPf I TAPI REc METER J- - - -l R2rg R RrrB L R2oq Ra agrog ! aori*aa a?ura REc LEVL aoJ TYPE tl TAPE TRIMMING POIS ON MAIN AOARD SEN FAOM SOLOER SIDE Figure 1 Trimming pots. and Dolby encoder rneasurement points RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 Figure 2 Dolby decoder measurern,ent points Playback, azimuth Playback, height Record, azimuth Record, height Figure 3 Adjustments for the heads Azimuth adjustment, playback head - Insert a Tandberg test cassette No. 23 or a standard azimuth cassette. - Set the Monitor button to Tape and connect a voltmeter to each channel of the OUTPUT sockets. - Press the Play button. Adjust the playback azimuth screws shown in Figure 3 to obtain maximum reading on each channel. Playback level - Insert test cassette No. 24. - Connect a voltmeter to each channel of the Dolby decoder output shown in Figure 2. - Adjust the PLAYBACK LEVEL pots. Rl19 and R219 until you read 775 mV on each channel. Level meter adjustment, playback - Insert Tandberg test cassette No. 24. When the playback level is correct, adjust the level meter to 0 dB with PLAYBACK METER Rl14 and R214. Azimuth and height, record head - Use Maxell UD XL I or an equivalent tape. - Applf 1000 Hz to the INPUT sockcts both channels. - Set the Monitor button to Tape and connect a voltmeter to the OUTPUT sockets both channels. - Press the Record button and turn the two record head height screws shown in Figure 3 by equal amounts (the same number of degrees) to obtain the maximum reading on both channels of the OUTPUT sockets, or the best compromise. - Adjust the azimuth (10 kHz) and the height alternatively, until the head sits correctly. - Azimuth can also be adjusted with the built-in control oscillator (10 kHz). NOTE! The record height screws must be adjusted by equal amounts to ensure that the head paral- lelism does not change. Overall frequency response with Type I Tape (bias) - Set the Monitor button to Tape. - Apply 1000 Hz from the signal generator to one of the inputs. - Re duce the level at the signal generator by 35 dB or reduce the level by a similar amount on the Input Level controls. - Press the Record button, and adjust the BIAS ADJ. TYPE I TAPE, C1502 and Cl602 to obtain maximum reading at the outputs. - Sweep the audio generator throush the full fre- quency range and check that the response curve is correct. - If necessary, adjust the curve with C1502 and C1602 to obtain the correct response, t 3 dB, 30 to 18000 Hz. -. Dolby decoder outpul Left channel meas, point Or measure on 81303 Right channel meas. point Or measure on R1403 i . O ov Va .J n.: -v/- o<-o Bias adjustments Adjusting the record current (Source/Tape) Distortion Type I Tape Record 1000 Hz at 0 dB deflection on the meters. I - Use the same input level as for the bias adjust- The max. distortion for record/playback is 3%. ment (- 35 dB) and 1000 Hz. - Adjust the record current by means of the Erase test REC. LEVEL ADJ. pots. Rl08 and R208 to obtain the same output level for both positions Connect a microphone to the TCD 3404 and on the Monitor butron. record an overload signal. Record again to erase the overload recording and play back to ensure that - Then depress the Dolby NR button and check the overload signal cannot be heard. c the overall frequency response. Az imuth meter adjustment Overall frequency response with Type ll Tape (bias) - Set the built-in oscillator to ON. - Use the same procedure as for the Type I tape. - Set the Output Level controls to maximum. - Insert a Maxell UD XL II or an cquivalent tape. - Insert aType I tape and press the Record button. - Set the Tape button to Type II position, and / press the Record button. - Adjust p.Z2Z (AZIMUTH METER ADJ.) to - check the frequency response, and if necessary, ff.or:r:t-tely - 3 dB deflection on the right adjust the BIAS ADJ. TYPE II TAPE, pot. Rl 508 to obtain the correct response. _ Check also that the meter deflection with a Type II tape is within the meter scale. Adjusting the record current (Source/Tape) Type ll Tape Speed check - Use the same input level as for the bias adjust- ment (- 35 dB) and 1000IIz. Play back Tandberg test cassette No. 21 (speed check 1000 Hz) and measure with a frequency - Adjust the record current by means of the REC. counter on the OUTPUT sockets: LEVEL ADJ. pots Rl09 and R209 to obtain the <! 03% (995 to 1005 Hz). same output level for both positions on the Monitor button. Wow and flutter R1101 and R1201 affect the treble response in I the frequency region 15-18 kHz on the playback Play back a Tandberg test cassette No. 22 curve forall types of tapes. (3150 Hz) and measure with a wow and flutter meter on the OUTPUT sockets: Level meters adjustment, record weighted RMS: ( 0.09% Weighted Peak DIN 45511 10.2% - Set the Monitor button to Tape Record/prayback - Apply 1000 Hz to the INPUT sockets (both Record from a generator 31b0 Hz (check with a channels) frequency .or,ni., and measure with the wow and flutter meter on the OUTPUT sockets. - Press the Record button and adjust the Input Level controls for 1.5 volt ,.uiing on thi weighted RMS: ( 012% OL-rTPI-IT sockets. - Adjust the REC. METER pots. Rl13 and R213 to obtain 0 dB on the level meters. g Al , ! r- -l ; A4 EOUAL REC AMP (NOTES I-4) I alaL :5588 lo! 0705 BC 5488 L- PART A1 = Lla c. I r_=;l l -J | .-:=l fr;-l LuLes. ctarnwsrspEsrFrE!,REssrANcErNoHMs : :t !i 1 I eLur, rERM NAL |os FoR TsE R C8ANNEL aRE c vEN N cr _tl-+:r-, I BplchFls EEsloE IHE L CHANNEL PLlo llRM NrL ills .la rero Ll, | 3.,-,rr*ur. ia5 r0r,rse. aND R cnANlrL Hssor d99as - ! IAPE .r l: I ctMp!.!F!T !o s WHEN RFFER|N6 ID R CFANNEL coMpoNEtt I I ADD tL) Tt TfE L CiANNEL ND5 IEG n70r 0F THr I L CH3KNIL dA5 lHE SAME VALUE 45 RSOI CF TNE R CH PART OF i | 4. cs,o ;zn JN EURoIEAN MooELs o r-FFi7l-< .-.1R Anqf< -qdUU -+a .-1)a $a I a - - .tl= .ttl =-.- / Ic804 FF807F O80sk a -E ? o-n6btrL+ o9 - = .() elneosl_lnTril_+ -;9 ._-. g *Fn3- Ldu/T *ffi-. fce,z u ,r, l r *m- ,.,oisl illilt rHl-1 t-lR8olF | A2 5oro oLlvDtt I _ll *q-m1-. T, -.-,1 jou ._.- .+ iF -m;-!f T diTii_- +_lnn r._l< .c.t1t .C71z B I t .-1F rrr- + + 1x -lalool-. *- -i#- *- i lJill crorlffif fA Fl I EIE:li | Fldl T T ,.I- A4 EOUAL REC.AMP. wTs - -S*-Et* + #u.* I *l IE l* . e< lP- -fl,hj, t ,h!, i t lil T Flt ,E,E-w .-.- F- JlT.tT G. ll -I nrprnr r *,n*; 9it laa - - TI I ,t +ffHs A1 MAIN BOARD A a A rgr I J ta I H I EI T I t I Itl T t IEI T r I I I .K) F 4 - .Lsr .g. r*l l# ? 3l_ _:ElilrEI g3+;Fts I ilBffiJEoo 9FaO- LJ P20 il I :l -11.r I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L A1 MAIN BOAF t-1 -;.i;lr t-tr tt_J ll ll; E!t F-tr-+r *? 8* *l ao /W WT? tEl -r -ol|:I I T T. I l- -uFn:ii.-l l- HE SWITCHES ARE SEEN FROM THE SOLDER SID OOLAY NR, oowFa 5i; ; No f -aFE MeMoRy voNr.oR qFc ON J FM PREII I r cl tP qI IP qI IP N BOARD ( NOTES 1-1 ) ,2, e_lioT-fi l-re*-Ei. -l | ., :qs I I LVEL ADJ ;ii I :tJ rlr i -lC t: _c,;- .-5lTl Foua, P-aYB. I -l | | t auP l-cH P2trl I -Tll LIE-? - -: rc. .EVEI u - l-,1:l-t ITT 1:l lil;r1,1 i-v.:. iI Pr8: l16j JL6. l-l l s6a I I | .rn I L.lttSJ o I03 actaTa rl ruo I 13L (lP*, lrl l-ru.q-it L-_ J IEVEL AO r I I REC LIVET AD tl L-J l-90.!i REC. METER ,u -T*J - - - - -l REC. METER :l- T- - - - - - -1 nrrs St t plo r THE FM-MPX AND AZIMUTH CAL. SWITCHES ARE STEN FROM THE FRONI SIDE. l_ BL_:_=l Blororl tzx 123456 FH MPX SWLICH AZIV!TH CAL. SWITCA, P:ACED ON A1. PLACO ON 43. NOTES: l. unrEss orrenwtse spEcFrEo, REsTsTANcE N oHMs. 2. oaL s*raras aRE sHowN rN TrE -powER oFF posrtoN. 3. Lea, anuea coMpoNENTs aavE ror-r30, RroHr CHANNEL coMPoNENTS HAV 201-230. COMPONENTS COMMON FOR EOTH CHANNELS HAVE 13I.199 4, Locrca! LEVELS FRoM Loorc BoARDI J38-I, ONLY ry IN FECORD. J4.5,ONLY ry N PLAY. J39 1, oNLY !l! N SrOP, J5 6, ONLY ffi N WNO ANO REWINO. LOW S VOLIAGE BELOWE I.5V, HIGH S VOLIAOE ABOVE IOV. TABLEI SENSITIVITY OF AMPLIFIERS II A2 LOG|C (NoTES 1-6 ) to-l 139-3 z I REcoRo , -l ns-z e - t II,* I J31-L II wtN0 STOP d - 301 fo.e el ,-l l.,u-, t0 REMoTE I c0NTROLI J8_l T= I 302 I t-ty u(05 t3 12 - o308 BC ra7 I pq-r I-,- orfiol : L PART OF AI (MOTOR CONTROL) lP s7a Ms2 REcoRD 2 b-1 J38-3J9-23C1 -LJ_AJ-P5-8 5 rl rO REMOTE CONTROL RECOFO P RE SET M.S.4 MEMORY COUNTER REWIND )*ro J9-r I I I I I I I I I I I tl lr rlo )s1-2 OSCILLATOR 0315 BCt7 _t (l AI :L I ilsl ,l o 309 BC 117 o 3lr ac 111 o312 8C685 o3r3 BC 185 /t ffiffi H o ,lF ( cRi.01 I I, csoT I nt PI6_l .-: (Pl6-3) NOTES: II.UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFITD RES,STANCE IN ONMS, 2.prrc renv,ar No,s FoR THE R-CHANNEL ARE GIVEN IN BRACKETS EESIOE IHE L-CHANNEL PLUG TERMINAL NOS. 3.,-anorr, HAS 50r-sr0, aND R-cHaNNEL HAS 601-610 as coMPotENT NO.9. WHEN REFERING TO R-CIANNET COMPONENT ADO IOO TO THE L-CHANNET NOS E.G R5OI OF THE L.CHANNEL HAs IHE SAME VALUE A5 R 60I OF THE R-CHANNEL ) A2 LOGIC BO r I I 43 MIC/LINE AMP (NOTES I-3) tr.sv 3!99I - +13.s v PHONO RA DIO MIC o503 8C I47B GROUND . J 1L-1 - L_ I r OCll F rl-Fr|rli,+:t*1oo I I I sel*iszP|rg.P : ; T l-HHFnnqrd HflffifffiEffi : 1*: l$l* ffi*u:ffffixi +f l #er rtirri 1 #o-el Gl iri,9,?,ill.T |s z, _.r + E.e gj ltlt,ut,lIitIIIIllllll r A3 oU Ra * pF q? lll I III I ttl .r d I5l; P II bal+ x Il. -l =l ps r ? aaaaa Lk-s-t x . ib2 1l.r.lr rE L ll;-;-! Jda-l )aaaraaa:l:?-t_ ? s 1$11T , I i ITJ tlrr i f Ia- + 13.5 V C BOARD NOTES: LuH,gss or*enwtsE spEcrFlED RESTsTANcE IN OHMS 2.pruc re*utHa, Nos FoR THE R-cHANNEL ARE GIVEN IN BRACKETS BESIDE THE T-CHANNfL PTLG TERMINAL NO,S 3.,-cna*Et HAs 5ir -599, aND R-CHANNEL HAS 6JI- 699 AS COMPONENT NOS WHEN REFERING TO R-CHANNEL COMPONENT ADD IOO TO THE L-CHANNEL NOS (E,G, RSII OF THE L-CHANNEL HAS THE SAME VALUE AS R6II OF THE S.CHANNEL ) o 5r3 8C518 B o5l1 BC5588 | Pr2-31 I I I J,., 1N 4ta8 0 511 adiiee 6v :9 3 OUTPUT MIC/LINE AMP. t- lo I INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SIGNETICS NE 5458 0 902 BC l17A I fo.rr fo.iir L utless oTHERwrsE spEcrFrED REsTsTANcE IN OHMS, 2, ruc renvt*ot- Nos FoR THE R-cFIaNNEL ARE GIVEN IN BRACETS BESIOE THE L-CHANNEL PLUG TERMINAL NOS. 3. r-cHlrNel HAS 90r - 999, AND R-cHANNEL HAS 1OOI.1O99 AS COMPONENT NOS. WHEN REFERING TO R-CHANNEL COMPONENT AOO IOO TO THE LCHANNEL NO,S. IE.G. R90 OF THE L-CHANNEL HAS THE SAME VALUE AS R1OOJ OF THE R CHANNEL.) 4. nsor=z.z, csor : rsD 6rvEs a ?5-25 OOLBY FM COMPENSATOR R907 =3.9X, C903=12n 0lvES o50-2s DOLBY FM COMPENSATOR I I I I I I I J I onfiro I rii6-6r L r DOLBY N.R. OFF NORMAT lo*FM s2B S3A I ii., J | 3- ?3 1 I I I I S8A 1 SSBJ iil -tr1 I I P20-l I I DOLBY ENCODER ( NOTES I-5) l- - - ueor ooLBY B-TYPE - I -:sn T.I -l i;l -ll I t l:,-; l, FTLTER l; tl | i. PART oF 43 I I panr oF Ar I 11002 JLg L90l A5 DOLBY ENCODER - -l P,-71 lJ-;-) outeut , tPti-il)l I I I zr-e I 46 EOUAL. PLAYBACK AMP (NOTES I -3 ) I I riii-ir NOTES: l. ulcrs oran*,sE sPEcrFrED RESISTANCE IN OHMS. 2.eruo renu,*1, xos ron THE R-CHANNEL ARE GIVEN IN BRACKETS BESIOE THE L.CHANNEL PLUO IERMINAL NO,S. 3.1-axaxnel HAs,or-1r99, ANO R.CHANNEL HAS 1201-1299 AS COMPONENI NOS. WHEN REFERINO IO R.CHANNEL COMPONENT AOO IOO TO IHE L-CHANNEL N0s. (E.G. RIlOI OF THE L.CIIANNEL HAS THE SAME VALUE AS R12OI OF THE R-CHANNEL.I I J51 L I -J ag TAP E d5 -6 ,o, I I SISIANCE -CIANNET IANNEL OMPONENT IAS THE R CHANNEL.I o lt02 BC 119 C LPAT gF 33J t? atatat ? Jii% rlg HYT .H t .ttf FH ts I Etrl dlFI ? t$ TT A6 EOUALPLAYBACKAMP. - - REC. HEAO L.CH. I .,_, + t3.5V<-:-:+ I -.- TO U tlot I - 1- l ur3or ooLBY B-TYPE | |Ul3Ol oOLBY 8-TYPE | | INTEGRATEO CIRCUIT I t: stGNETtcF sE s45B I I l;ru,., 11 tl | E rltl tl u *iElr-li -,El - -l.-rTr.f-,T-l I I ljii-.I I l#fr-l-l ffi/J Eiil1 .J l-:tr.l I :l:,.,. FH +;T +:i:, II i; fr: jF | :fl:H_ii11 . f,;,.,. t- I Az DoLBY DEcoDER (NoTEs l-4) I l,uo-, zFs6 pfilI sll,fi =|;ll I 3t+ | d- *T | | ilt I *-r cRrPs r L-,o ,.0, r *1 hr lnu Iuo,iiolffi fro,02 I t- - -ev-v .*1 | ouTPUTl | - ii.,111 ; I I l-paTi oF A3I NoTES : Lllq I : I I f poLBy N.R. I 1. uNLEss oTHERwrsE spEcrFrED REsTsTANcE .t1 | | I | * | rNoHMS. $i?; | : | | ,l;:;, l,lli-:, oN | 2. LUG TERMTNAL No,s FoR THE R-.HANNEL d | | LJ:-i;:-: o. I ARE GIVEN lN BRACKETS BESIDE THE cl3l6-l- | I -l L-J s s2B(A) r L-CHANNEL PLUG TERMTNAL Nos. -*r-|j-, 3. ,-c*o*er HAs t301 -r399, AND R-.HANNEL HAS I101 - I199 AS COMPONENT NO,S. WHEN REFERING TO R.CHANNEL COMPONENT ADO 1OO TO HE L.CHANNL NO,S. IE.G. R13O OF THE L-CHANNEL HAS THE SAME VALUE AS RI40 OF THE R-CHANNEL,) /r. psr-r, ouv !gr rN wrND-REwlNo. r - - *-o*r*to* (NoTEs r-4) - -l B|AS 05C o r507 ac la7 B cRt5o1 zFs i I I r5o2 | NOTES: l. urress orenwse spEcrFrED REsTsTANcE IN OHMS. 2. rro runu,no, Nos FoR THE R-CHANNEL ARE GIVEN IN MACXETS AESIO TBE L.