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    PnoTo FAcr FolJt ro Et o -t OE rJ, vl ROBERTS MODET I92FT (G O., I N G. tndianapotis i, tndiana HCDWARD W. SAlYlS 40 to 9,b00 cps at 3 3/4 ips + 3 db. SIGNAL- TO. NOIS E RATIO: 55 db below recorded 0 Ievel. WOW AND FLUTTER: Les s than 0. 1B7o rms. HEADS: FuIl-track erase and record/playback in shielded housing. SPECIFICATIONS PREPA RING FOR OPERATION OUTPUT: 6 watts undistorted. REEL SIZE: ? maximum (up to 2400 ft. of tape). POWER REQIIREMENTS: 95 to 120 volts AC, 60 cvcles, 50 watts. SIZE: 15 3/4 xt4 t/2 xI t/2. WEIGHT: Approx. 28 lbs. l. t Remove lid from carrying Remove microphone and storage compartment on case. case. AC supply cord from left side of earrying 3. Make certain all controls are in ttre neutral po- sition. FUNCTION OF CONTROLS 0n-Off Switch When the switch is pushed to the All-On posi- tion, power isturned onto theamplilier and tapedeck. When the switch isin the Amp-Off position, power is applied to the tape deck only. The Of position turns the power off to the entire unit. Volume Turning this control elockwise increases the volume during playback and the recording level when recording. Tone This control functions in playback only. Turn- ing theeontrol clockwise increases thehigh frequency responae and turning the control counterclockwise attenuates the high frequency response. PIay-Record and Record Lock This is a 3-position eontrol: Stop, Piay, and Record. Turning this control elocknrise from the Stop position, places the unit in play. Depressing the Record Lock and turning the control to the Record position at the same time, places the unit in Record N0TE: This control is interlocked with the Rewind-Forward control. It must be in the Stop position before the Rewind-For- ward control can be operated. Rewind-Forward Turning this control to the left places the unit in the Rewind model to the right places the unit in Forward mode of operation. NOTE: This control is interlocked with the Play-Record control. It must be in the Stop position before the play-Record con- trol can be operated. Pause When this lever is raised, pressure is removed from the eapstan, and the take-up reel is disengaged. This permits spot editing and momentary stops. PAGE 2 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 .:, ? ttf i () Fig. l. TopVieur of Tape Transport Mechanism. O PERATI NG I NSTRUCTIONS 3 Op E9 tr tp sd tt Threading the Tape 1. Place a full reel of tape on the supply reel spin- dle (27), making certain the reel slots engage the protrusions on the pan. Place an empty reel on the take-up spindle (67), again makingcertain the slots engage the protrusions on the pan. 2. Unwind about 14 inches of tape from the supply reel. HoId a section of tape taut and insert into the tape slot, making sure the dtrll-coated side faces the rear of the recorder. 3. Insert the free end of the tape into one of the slots in thehub of the take-up reel. While hold- ing the end in place, rotate the reel to secure the tape and take up any slack. To Make a Recording I. PIug a microphone into the Microphone jack. Place the High Z iiltric- Low Z Mic switch in the proper position to match the impedance of the microphone. 2. Plaee the Pause lever in the Up positionl de- press the Record Loek button and at the same time rotate the Play-Record control to the Record position. 3. Preset therecording level by adjusting the Vol- ume control until the indicator goes up to the red portion of the scale but does not enter the red portion except on loud passages. CAUTION: Do not eonnect a speaker or other low impedance load to the Output jack while making a recording. To Play Back a Tape 1. Thread the tape as described under Threading the Tape. 2. Turn the unit on and allow a few seconds for it to warm up. 3. Turn the Play-Record control to play. 4. Adjust the volume and tone to the desired list- ening level. Speed Change To change the tape speed from 7 L/ Z to B B/ 4 ips, remove the thumbscrew and bushing from the capstan. When the bushing is not being used, store it on the bushing post. lndex Counter Aftera tape is threadedon the recorder, set the index counter to 000. The index numbers ean then at o F (f m 7 J (lr PAGE 3 - -.r Fig. 2. Bottom View of Tape Transport Mechanisfn. be noted at the begindng of each selection for future Efasing a Tape reference To eraae a tape wlthout putting a nev recording EXtefnal Speakef on it turn the Volume control to minlmum and the Play-Record control to Record An external speaker may be plugged into the B ohm out jack. ihe intenai speat e-r-vitl be dis- To Record from a High Signal Level Source connected r hen using an external apeaker. To record from a radio, TV receiver, or tuner, plug the signal aource lnto the Rad-Phono jack. Use the same recordlng procedure aB de8cribed under To Record llom a Microphone. D ISASSEM BLY To Remove Tape Transprt f rom Case t. ffil:lS: lour acreqs holdins the transport l. Remove the two acren,a in the splndle paDs (one ln each pan). 8. Unplw all connectlona to the tape transport and 2. Remove the tno acrews holding the dreas plate spealrer and lift the tranaport from the case and remove the dress plate. - 9. Toereasaemble, reverae the foregoing proed- 3. Removeone screwon the rlght side of the eacut- cheon and lhe 7 r/2 tps bustrlng from the left To Remove the Amplifier from Case elde I. Remove four screwa holdlng amplifier and es- 4. Remove the pressure roller. cutcheon to the ease. 5. Remove the Play-Record and Rewind-Forward 2. Unplug all connecting cablea. knoba 3. Lut the ampllfier from the caae. 6 Remove the eacutcheon 4. To reassemble, revelse the foregoing proced- !e. PAGE 4 Record- Playback Head A lignment l. Thread a standard alignment tape on the trans- port as described under Threading the Tape. 2. Connect an AC voltmeter to a standard phono plug and insert the plug into the Output jack. 3. Remove the head cover. 4. Insert ascrewdriverthrough the holein thehead into the alignment screw. 5. Playthe tape back at full volume, and rotate the alignment screw in either direction until the 10,000 cycle note gives the highest meter read- ing. Brake Shoes When brake shoes (34) and (80) become worn, loosen the mounting screws and rotate the shoes a few degrees until a new braking surface j,s exposed. ADJUSTMENTS LUBRICATION CLEAN I NG TROUBLE CHART Lubricate the following parts every three months in heavy service, every six months in moderate ger- vice, or once a year in light service. l. Supply and take-up reel spindle shafts, with two drops of light oil. 2. Rewind idler bearing and take-up idler bearing with one dropof light machine oil on each bear- ing. 3. Apply a liberal amount of light machine grease to the pressure roller bearing shaft. Replace the pressure roller and wipe apay any excess grease. 4. Remove the thumbscrew (120) and? L/ 2 ips bush: ing (l2l) from the capstan. place a few diops of oil in the oil hole in the capstan retaining ring. Allow the motor to run for a few minutes. Wipe away any excess oil and replace the bushing. 5. Place a small amount of grease on the index counter rilorm gear. 6. Applya liberalamountof machinegrease to each roller on all levers and cams. 7. Disassemble the motor and saturate the upper and lower oil pads. Clean away all excess oil. Most defects, other than wear or breakage, can be traced to dirty surfaces with which the tape makes contaet. The Record-Playbaek head, capstan and pressure roller may accumul,ate a coating of residue which is worn off the tape as it passes these parts. Usinga soft cottoncloth and aleohol, clean theseparts periodically. =On E9 E t7l sd .ll Sym ptomCause Remedy Motor does not run.AC cord disconnected. Fuse blown. Defective motor. Connect AC cord- Replace fuse. Replace motor. I. 2, 3. t. 2. 3. Noisy playback or poor high frequency response. Heads misaligned. Head magnetized- See Record-PIayback Head Alignment. Demagnetize head. i. 2. l. 2. Wow or flutter speed. at 7j ips1. Speed change bushing (f2l) slip- ping on shaft. l. Tighten screw (120). Insufficient drive 3 3/4 ips speed. at 7! orl. 2. 3. 4. Defective main drive idler wheel (31). Oil on capstan. Defective capstan drive belt (u8). Drive motor (I24) defective. l. Replace main drive idler wheel (3t). See Cleaning. Replace belt (ll8). Replace drive motor (124). 2. 3. 4. Tape spills when going from Rewind or Forward to Stop. Reel diameters unequal. Brake shoes (34) and (80) worn or out of adjustment. Tape reels must have the same diameter. Replace or adjust brake shoes (3a) and (80). l. 2. l. 2. Index Counter doesnot func- tion. l. Counter belt (12?) worn or bro- ken. I Replace counter belt (127). No takeup or fast forpard.l. Forward idler tension spring (32) disconnected or broken. l. Connect or replace Forward idler tension spring (32). TI o 0 m F (.t No tape movement in Play or Record mode. l. Pressure roller tension spring (51) broken. I. Replace pressure roller tension spring (51). PAGE 5 PAGE 6 Fig, 3 . Exploded View of Parts Above Baseplate =On E9 nr dV sd rt A PHOTOFACT EXPLODED VIEW Howord W. Soms v-E =ltfi d aP H?O E-e z- =E =6a EEP U eA- T(JF= J=Z o i = =-*2o a ttt-= <= o EgK E H = <<= 6t- JF<H,. it*-5 - ttt (9 z. o u 6o eF RE ut 6z Fo s=F Er <H e.e F - F- 96e E q*g as E E i 67 Ep 8- F- c =3FE- -o-:e Fo t PE _- Oe eE*5 zd c* i E o 9 Es = zE F E5: o : E: 4 HE!F fr _ tr o = c o= :=Eb u_A 55F= f sri .c; P o I6- J z = FE <o G o o o t! =:zo E o HE u c) E = tlt E o N ro o B o =o o C u c) oc5 Z o o o (-) z lz o o o L z !z o o r N = o o co e. s < =u F cr h c so F e lt J o- :z o o Ee E E o o c -A (.ry o .<) c r <t o N =tr-=a /aV 9 -r o o /A o(u a ulJ m c o s = /4, t+J Ir, E E AI ll !F o? o o E A G o o E N o u N e. J C) o_ 2 O z. CL =F F e. o o- z. e FG uo tF F c./) at) < ! DCJ , ,n .U r i-l = iijn-u _ I r_irr PAGE IO WIRING DATA ceneral-use Unshielded Hook-up Wire ., Use BELDEN No. 8530 (SoLid) Available in 12 Cotors 8524 (Stranded) Available in 12 Colors Power Cord Use BELDEN No. l?106 (Pla6tic) or I?126 (Rubber) - 6 Ft, l?109 (Plastic) or 17129 (Rubber) - 9 Ft. PowerCord(InterlockType).,.,. .,UBeBELDENNo.88?4(Rubber)or8895(plastic) Low-Loss Shielded Lead (Interconnecting) . Use BELDEN No. 840i or 842I Phono Pick-up Arm Cable .,. Uge BELDEN No. 8430 (Two Conductor-Unshielded) 8429 (Two Conductor-Shielded) 8419 (Ttrree Conductor-Shielded) AMP PARTS LIST AND DESCRIPTION * Not normally in distributors stock. Available thru distributor on order to nanuJacturer coNTROtS wotl0ges l/2 wott, 01 less, unless otherwise listed. 3 Op o6 tr; ltt J- t) ul .lt All TT o I m n (Jr TU BEs AF A mplifier AF Amplifier Output 6AU6 6AU6 6BQ5 Bias OscilIator R ecfifier IRANSISTORS ITEM No. ORIG. TYPE usr REPLACEMENT DATA NOTESDETCO PART No. GENERAL ELECTRIC PART No. RCA PART No XIISBIOAF AmplilierDS26GE -22N406PNP ETECTROTYTIC CAPACITORS ITFM N6 REPLACFMFNT DATA CAP.VOtT ROBERTS PART No AEROVOX PART No. coRNErt- DUEItIER PART No. GENERAL ETECTR IC PART No MALLORY PART No PYRAMID PART No SPRAGUE PART No, ctA B c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c9 c10 cll cl2 20 20 20 20 100 t00 i 25 25 3 30 350 350 300 300 r5 l5 150 25 25 350 t00vA 6 5I-23 5l-iB 5l-rB 54 -08 54 -08 52-98 5l-14 5t t4 5t=.14 5t-2t 54=.0? PRS23g0 PRSl?35 PRSI?35 PTT?3 PTT?3 PRSI?00 PTTB2 PTT82 PTTB2 PRSI6OO RY-664A BR20-3 50 BR20-3 50 NLWl00-15 NLW00.15 NLWI. r50 NLW25-2 5 NLW25 -2 5 NLW25=25 BR4 350 KCNT-3020 QT2-6 QTl-s QTl-9 MTT.I9 MTI-19 MTI-2 MTt.lt MTI-it MTI-I QTr-2.1 TCD65 TC65 TC65 TTt5Xl00 TTl5X100 TTI5OXI TT2 5X25 TT25X25 TT2 5X25 TC595 TDLD-28 TD.-20.350 TD-20-350 MLVIOO-I5 MLV100-15 MLVl-I5O MLV25 25 MLV25.25 MLV25-25 TD-4 -3 50 TVAS-263 5* TVA -I608 TVA.16OB TE tI62 TE-1162 TE -1500 TE -120? TE -120? TE -r20? TVA.t60t cR3020 FIXED CAPACITORS ITEM No. RATING REMARKS REPL,A.CEMENI DATA AEROVOX PART No. CENTRALAE PART No CORNELL DUEILIER PART No ETMENCO PART No. MALLORY PART No. SPRAGUE PART No. cl3 ct4 cI5 c16 cI7 cI8 cl9 c20 c2l c22 c23 c24 c25 c26 c2B 250 5Lk .0l 400v .02 400v .0t 400v .1 400v .0t 400v .00I 570 .002 400v .0I 400v r00 5% .02 400v 250 t% r00 5% 750 5Ea .005 400V .02 400v 1469-00025 p488N-0I P4B8N-02 P488N-01 P4B8N-T P488N-01 I469-00i P48BN-002 P4BBN-OI r469-0001 P48BN-02 1469-00025 I469-0001 1469-000?5 P488N-005 P488N-02 tcz-240 D6-i03 DD-203 D6-I03 DF-I04 D6-r03 D6-202 D6-r03 TC Z-r00 DD-203 TCZ-240 TC Z-r00 D6-502 DD-203 22R5T25 CUB4Sl cuB4s2 CUB4Sl CUB4PI CUB4SI 5R 5DI CU86D2 CUB4SI 22R5TI CUB452 22R5t25 22R5Tl 5R5T?5 CUB6D5 CUB4S2 cM-l98-2 51J 4DP-l-103 4DP-2-203 4Dp -l-r03 4DP -3-104 4DP -t-I03 cM-t9B-102J 6DP-t-202 4DP-l-103 M-I98-IOiJ 4DP-2-203 cM-t9B-2 5IJ C M.I9B- IOIJ 3M-198- 75IJ 6DP-r-502 4Dp-2-203 MCE240 GEM.4II GEM-4I2 GEM-41I cEM-401 GEM-41I MCJ2 55 GEM-622 GEM-4II MCE235 CEM-412 MCJ240 MCE235 GEM-62 5 GEM-,1I2 MS-32 5 4TM-SIO 4TM.S2O 4TM-S10 4TM-PlO 4TM-S10 MS-2I 6TM-D2O 4TM-SIO MS-3I 4TM-S20 MS-3 2 5 MS -3I MS-3 75 6TM-D5O 4TM-S2O ITEM No. USE RESIST- ANCE REPLACEMENT DATA ROBERTS PART No. CENTRALAE PART No- CIAROSTAT PART No. cTs_rRc PART No. MATLORY PART No. RI R2 Volume Tme 500K 30K 5t-97 51 -53 B-60 B-25 PAGE II AMP PARTS UsT AND DESCRTPTTON (CONTTNUED) Att wtt.qes rl, *T,fl11J3.,l1, otherwise ti,rud. 50K I50A I000 80 IOOK 6000 50K 700K 300K 500K 5000a 20K 20K IOK 50K 500t) REPLACEMENT DATA REPTACEMENT DATA R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 RB R9 Rl0 Rlt Rl2 Rl3 R.l4 R15 R16 R17 Rt8 5000a 50K 5000 IOK lmeg 500K 250K lm eg 1000a lmeg 250K ?50K 20000 2nreg lmeg 500K cotrs (RF-tF) ust No. RoBLRrs I m.,ir i uirt I r. | * u- PART No. I PARI No I PART No. I paRI No. I pant .t NOTES L L2 Bias Osc. Hum Bucking 5r -35 FITTER CHOKE ITEM No. RATINGS REPLACEMENT DATA NOTES CURRENT DC RES N DUCTANCE (O CURRENT I 000-) ROBERTS PART No. MERIT PART NO STANCOR PART No, THORDARSON PART No. TRIAD PART No. L3.045A20547HY52 -24c-2975c I?0920c84 c.,4x TRANSFORMER (POWER) ITEM No. RATI N G REPLACEMENT DATA NOTESROBERTS PART No. MERIT PART No. STANCOR PART No. IHORDARSON PART No. TRIAD PART No PRI SEC,1SEC.2 I1Ii 7V ie) .33A 5IOVC T o .0451 6.3v6) .6A 5l-57 SEC,3SEC.4sFc.5 6.3vO) TRANSFORMER (AUDtO OUTPUT) TEM No. IMPEDANCi REPLACEMEN DATA NOTES ROBERTS PART NdPART No Stoncor PART NoPART No. Tricd PART No, PRI SEC. 125400a6 -805t-58A-30r9A-382324S0?s-54X SPEAKER TYPE REPLACEMENT DATA NOTES No. ROBERTS PART No- QUAM PART No SIZEFIELDc. tMP. SP15 x ?PM6-805l ?05 IAZTLA FUSES PART No. I PART No, MISCELLANEOUS ITEM No. PARI NAME ROBERTS PART No. NOTES M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M? Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch Meter, VU 5t-55 53-94 90-06 54 -13 SeIector, Stcp-Play-Record (Rotary Type) Record-Playback (siide Type) Record Safety (LeaI-TWe) Hi Z Mic. - Lo-Z Mic (Toggle) Power 3 -Position ToggIe) PAGE 12


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