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    STEREO POWER AMPLIFIER SPEGI?, KCU (DrrroNEER RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 1. 2. 3. 4. CONTENTS SPEC|F|CAT|ONS . 3 FRONT PANEL FACILITIES . . . 4 CoNNECTION DIAGRAM . . 5 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 4.1 Power Amplifier 6 4.2 Peak Level Meter Circuit 7 4.3 Protection Circuit , 8 4.4 Surge Current Suppressor Circuit . . 10 BLOCK DIAGRAM . . 11 ADJUSTING PROCEDURES 6.1 ldle Current Adiustment . 13 6.2 Current Limiter Sensitivity Adiustment . . . . 14 6.3 Meter Amplifier Adjustment . 15 D|SASSEMBLY . . . 16 PARTS LOCATTONS . 20 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. EXPLODED VIEWS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS, P.C. BOARD PATTERNS AND PARTS LIST 10.1 Schematic Diagram and Miscellaneous Parts . . 30 10.2 Power Supply Circuit Assembly (AWR-093) . . 33 10.3 Power Amplifier Assembly (AWH-045) . -. . 37 10.4 Meter Amplifier Assembly (AWM-0811 . . 42 11. PACKING . . 47 12. PARTSLISTOFEXPLODEDVIEWS. .48 23 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 EiPEC.E 1. SPECIFICAT|ONS Semiconductors Transistors .55 Diodes . .75 Power Amplifier Circuitry . . Cascaded differential Amplifier, Push-pull drive, Triple push-pull, direct coupled OCL. Continuous Power Outout from 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz (Both channels driven) . . . . . . 250 watts per channel (g ohms) Total Harmonic Distortion at20 Hertz to 20.000 Hertz (Continuous rated power output)o.1% (125 watts per channel power output,8 ohms) . .O.O5% (1 watt per channel poweroutput,8 ohms) . . . . . . . , . . . 0.Q5o/o lntermodulation Distortion (Continuous ratedpower output) . - O.lo/o (125 watts per channel power output, S ohms) . . -.0.05% (1 watt per channel power output, 8 ohms) . . . .O.O5% Frequency Response . 5 Hertz to 80,000 HertzlldB Input (Sensitivity/lmpedance) . . . . . . . 2Vl50k ohms Output Speaker. . 4ohmstoSohms Damping Factor (20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz, S ohms) .,. 50 Hum and Noise (lHF, short-circuited, A network) . . . . . . .110d8 Miscellaneous Power Requirements . . AC 120V 60 Hertz Power Consumotion . . . . . . .,. 500watts Dimensions .480(W) x186.5(H) x445(D) mm 19-5/16 x 7 x13-3116in Weight: Without Package . Furnished Parts 24.3kg; 54lb Connection Cord with Pin Plugs Operating lnstuctions NOTE: Specificdtiotrt and the design subject to possible mod,fication without notice due to improuements. 2. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES PEAK LEVEL METERS When speaker systems of 8O nominal impedance are con- nected, these provide direct readout of the output power in Watts. NOTE: Speoher syotem impedance uaries occording to frequency. To obtoin o preciae medsurcment of the output poue remoue Spedher conectiotrs ond connect 8a dumtuy loods ocro4i the SPEAKERS termindls- POWER SWI CH Set to ON to energize the SPEC-2. Output will not be obtained until the PRoTEcTIoN indicator lamp Soes out. This effect is due to the internal muting circuit and does not indicate malfunction. METER ZERO POINT ADJ USTMENT PROTECTION INDICATOR The lamp lights when the protection circuit functions. lf the lamp stays on during operation, turn off the POWER switch and check as described in the section Protection Circuit Operation. After identifying and correcting the source of difficulty, if the lamp still fails to extinguish, contact a Pioneer Authorized Service Center, INPUT LEVEL CONTROLS (LEFT rl tO C i O q1 o STEREO PRE-AMPLIFIER (e.s. Pioneer SPEC-1) SPEAKERS IMPEDANCE swilch St to malch the nominal imDed- ance of the spoaker systms em- ployed with the SPEC-2. Be sure to turn otf the po!r before chenging this switch setting. For about 6 to 12 seconds 6tter changing the position o the IMPEDANCE swirch the PRO- TECTION lamp lights and sound is not obtained from the speaksr systems. This is du6 to the built- in muting circuit, RIGHT CHANNEL LEFT CHANNEL SPEAKER SYSTEMS 4. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 4.1 POWER AMPLIFIER The SPEC-2 is a high power design, employing a cascoded differential amplifier first stage, push-pull drive, and darlington triple push-pull circuit with all stages direct coupled (OCL). The circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 2. Q1 and Q2 form the differntial amplifier. The input signal is applied to Q1 and NFB from the output stage applied to Q2 base. These two transistors are con- nected in common base circuits with Q3 and Q4, forming a cascode amplifier. Since the common emitter circuit (Q1 when at 4Q, RL4, RL6 and RL3). Because of RL4 off, output circuit of the power amplifier becomes open, and the stages beyond the predriver are stopped operation completely by RL5. RL2, RLg and RL6 are for changing the trans- former secondary taps when the impedance switch is selected and determining the value of the current control circuit in the power amplifier. They are thus not directly related to the protectiorr func- tion. Zener diodes D2 and DB fix the operating poten- tials of Q29 and Q30, and the difference in their starting points prevent misoperation. Power Switch ON Muting This circuit also includes a delaying function when the power switch is set to ON. The delay time is determined by R8 and C1 in the Q29 and Q30 base circuits. Immediately after the power switch is turned ON, Q27 and Q28 are reverse biased by -B1 and -B2, and switched OFF. Point B potential from+B3 passes through R8 and rises as Cl charges. The rise time is determined by the time constant of C1 and R8. When the potential exceeds D3 (zener diode) zener voltage, Q30 is switched ON and current flows in the relay circuit connected to Q30. In the same manner, when the potential at point B exceeds D2 zener voltage, Q29 is switched ON and current flows in RL5. Correct voltage is thus applied to the power amplifier. Fig. 6 Block Diagram of the Protection Circuit Power Switch OFF Muting Since +B3 normally passes from R7 to R6 and flows to -B.2, Q28 base is maintained at cut off potential. When the power switch is tumed OFF, -B2 immediately ceases, since its time constant is smaller than +83. Consequently, +83 passes through Dl and is applied to Q28 base, tuming Q28 ON. Point B potential then falls rapidly, tuming Q27 and Q30 OFF. lmpedance Selector Muting When the impedance selector switch (S1) is changed from 8Sl to 4Sl, uncharged capacitor C2 is introduced into the - 82 circuit, temporarily reducing -B2 voltage. This causes Q28 to switch ON, C1 to be discharged, and Q29 RL1: PRIMARY SURGE CURRENT CONTROL RL2, RLs : SECSNDARY SURGE CURRENT CONTROL AND VOLTAGE SELECTOR RLn: P0WER SUPPLY CUT_ OFF RELAY RL5: MUTING RELAY Rh CURRENT LIMTER SENSITIVITY CONTROL PEAK LEVEL METE R L EFT 1 TPUT + RIGH 6- + I PEAK LEVEL METER t B? Schematic Diagram PO$/ER nNe Ass) AwH - 04$ 2SCt58Sxi CONTROL 0r.Qe, Qrz 2SD6l0A + c?60P C3 INPI.JT L C F I | tr/trt TI t; rt 16s n, | .1;= 2 l r0 20v , 9 tH o,Dr,Ds,os,Dr,Dro lS24?3 xs POWER N1P ASSy AWH - 045 Rr i:ri, rj:, :nji.:.iir! .:i+ e:,er,0s,0c 6 2SA?25+ i RrlK(2i) Drs 3 3l ri sPEC-e Cl58*xi LEFT PO9ER $mY ASSy AWR - 093 - A RIqHT rs: A t6T 9N 050 i$ ktos Rs. ? RELAYS RLI PRII4ARY SURGE CURRENT CONTROL RELAY RLz.3 SECONOARY SURGE CURRENT CONTROL ANO VOLTAGE SELECTOR RELAYS RL+ OUTPUT CUT-OFF RELAY RLs NUTING RELAY AC r20V 50-60 Hr cURRENT LIilITOR SENSITIVITY CONTROL RELAY l-l SIGNAL v0tTAGE NECESSARY FOR OBTAINING 250fv,/6Q oUTPUT POWER (lKHz) : DC VOLTASE AT NO INPUT SIGNAL. :i;l : OC VOLTA$S AT 25OfV/EQ OUTPUT POWER DC CURREN.T AT NO INPUT SIGNAL, v ( v) RLr 32 10.2 FOWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (AWR.Og3I Power transformer (R EO) Power transformer R ED Power transformer (OR) Por,ver transformer (O R ) Cz- Cs 15,000/1(xh4 Rr,Rz 4.7ksl(3W) Power amplifier assembly-No.21 Meter amplif ier assembly-No.23 Power amplif ier assmbly-No.5 Meter amplif ier assembly-No.7 Power transformer (GRN) transformer (GRN) transformer (BLK) transformer (GRY) transformer transformer (BLU) ramps 8V 0.3Ax4 Meter amplif ier assembly-No.5 ampl itier assembly-No.5 amplif ier assembly-No.7 amplif ier ass6mbly-No. amplifier assmbly-No.6 (R CH.) Power amplifier 6embty-No.6 (L CH.) amplifier assmbly-No.10 amplifier assmbly-No. 1 1 Parts List of Power Supply Circuit Assembly (AWR-093) CAPACITORS sPEC-e SymbolDe3criptionPsrt No. c1 c4 c6 c7 c8 c9 cl0 cl1 c12 Ceramic Cramic Ceramic Ceramic C6ramic o.01 o.ol 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.ol 150V 150V 150V 150V 150V Cramic Cramic Ceramic 150V 150V 150V Efoctrolytic 47O 35V Electrolytic 1000 35V ACG-O04-0 ACG-004-0 acG-00+o ACG-004-0 ACG-004-0 ACG-OO4-0 ACG-O04-0 t: cEA 471P355C cEA 102P35-85C SEMICONDUCTORS SytnbolOe.cription Pr.l No, ol D2 D3 D4 D6 o7 DA D9 D10 Diod Diode Diode Diode Diode Diods Diode Diode Diode Diod stB0l -04 st 801-o4 srB01-04 stB0l -04 sl Bot-02 slBol-o2 srB01-02 slaol-o2 stB0l-02 stB01-o2 RESISTORS SymbolD.cription Prrt No R120 201, 20 2w,t ACN-00S0 ACN-005-0 OTHERS qmbol Ds.criptionPart No. RL1 RL2 Rolsy Rolay ASR-013-O ASR-O13-0 IO.3 POWER AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY (AWH.I!4sI Meter amplif ir assemblyNo.24 Polwr supply circuit smb|y.Nos.23,24,25 Pn-Cr3 25A90 9 MEtsr amplif ier asembly-No.21 (221 Meter amplitier assembly-No. 18 ( 191 Power srpply circuit assembly-N06. 32,31,34 smplif ier assmbly-No.7 Power amplifier assmbly.No.7 (R CH.) Pourer supply circuit Nernbly-No.28 Meter amplifisr assembly-No. 15( 1 6) Metor amplif ier assembly-No.23 Power supply circuit assmbly-N 06. 19, 20,21 0*- 0,r 25C1586 VRr 100k-B siPEc-e cc D D AA B (?) r sr cl ct) a = f d c G (M9)s0 0u .Ll T ro q) c) U (l , < / c7* co <f) 8; s* 2 + N sr/ Lv t, zz esu <0 o N = . O CJ x (? r .f <r I ,.: ,rtil: x GT r P(!-) d F - ( J -2 ur 0:,!l A i ._ i 5toslscu ygtzz u st K) cr U 6r g. ct ; o j a C v X s: s2 C) ct, cr s c!. c: a q ct c- + CT N c-) r F $ o<l I .t, rl g -00r zu I N o tfj #t J t t a 1- t_ ystrzu t-ra- N <? (? o a, (l c a (|YlD00ereu (l o I ,o GO .4 c-l PE += 6l (J (t) :(n - -Gl yOgi rsu !n T (? t!*, t al ? O O N 31.) r - 1 r ) r o ro m (t, cl= <i Ll. C- J l o i-k$ 5 F . o = = N = 10.4 METER AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY (NWM.O8l Jyl . 9c/01 (M%)vi sc/01 9t /Za DtJ sc/zlst) a 9 N ,= (Mzll)vq r . t O So 0su - - r_- |l o ( . , d - 3 dtr t00 zLJ = S E + t + ( U, $ o I o (t, 4? Peak lerel meter (R chl ia!i; tff t. r, -+*-.-<, E , * l * 15 :l i Power amplifier assembly-No.8 (L CH.) Power amplifier assembly-No.8 R CH.) amplifier assembly-No.2 l Power supply circuit assembly-Nos. 19.20,21 amplifier assembly-No. t6 Power supply circuit assembly-Nos. 23, 24, 25 Power supply cirbuit assembly-No.31 Power supply circuit assembly-No.30 <- 4f, Power amplifier assembly-No.4 (R CH.) 8s, 4f, 8r, Power amplif ier assembly-No. l9 Power amplifier assembly-No.19 R CH.) Power amplifier assembty-No.4 L CH. Su - 43 E|FEC-P Peak lar6l meter (L ch) Power transformer (WHT) Power transformer BRN Power supply circuit assembly-No.35 supply circuit assembly-Nos.32,33,34 Power amplif ier assembly-No.5 Power supply circuit assembly-No.27 rNo.19 (L CH.) r(R CH.) Power supply circuit assembly.No.26 Parts List of Meter Amplif ier Assembly (AWM-081 ) CAPACITORS SymbolDescription Pert No. c1 c4 c1 c8 c9 cl0 c11 c12 cl3 c14 cl5 cl6 c18 c19 c20 c21 Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic 1 25V 1 25V 1 25V 1 25V 220 6V Efectrolytic 22O Efectrolytic 220 Efectrolytic 22O Efectrolytic 47O Efoctrolytic 47O Efectrolytic 47O Ceramic 0.O1 Ceramic O.01 Efctrolytic 22 Efectrolylic 22 Electrolytic Electrolytic : . Electrolytic Electrolytic 10 10 10 10 10 6V 6V 6V 6V 16V 50v 50v 35V 35V 35V 35V 160V 35V 35V cszA 010M 25 cszA 0t0M 25 cszA or0M 25 cszA 01otvr 25 cEA 221P 6 cEA 221P 6 cEA 221P 6 cEA 221P 6 cEA 471P 6 cEA 471P 6 cEA 471P 16 cKoYB 103K 50 CKDYB 1O3K 50 cEA 220P 35 cEA 220P 35 cEA r 00P 35 cEA 1 00P 35 ACH-313-O cEA 100P 35 cEA t00P 35 SylhbolDe.criptionPrt No. R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R27 R2a R29 R30 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R46 F47 R48 R49 R50 R41 R42 R43 R44 R45 R51 R52 R53 R54 R56 R57 R58 R59 R60 R61 R62 R63 R64 R65 R66 R67 R68 R69 R70 VR1 VR2 Carbon film 3.3k Carbon film 3.3k Carbon film 3.3k Carbon film 3.3k Carbon film 3.3k Carbon film 3.3k Carbon film 3.3k Carbon film 150 Carbon film 150 Carbon film 150 Carbon film l50 Semi-fixed Semi-tixed Carbon Iilm 330 Carbon film 33O Carbon lilm 4.7k Carbon film 1.5k Carbon lilm 6.8k Carbon tilm 6.8k Carbon tilm 100 Carbon tilm 100 Carbon film 8.2k Carbon filrn 150k Carbon film 4.7k Carbon filrn 15k Carbon tilm 15k Carbon tilm lsk Carbon lilm 22 Carbon film 150k Carbon Iilm 4.7k Carbon tilm 2.7k Carbon film 2.2k Carbon film 47k Carbon film 4.7k Carbon tilm 15k Carbon ilm 15k Carbon tilm I k Metal oxide 330 Carbon film 1k Carbon film 22 Carbon film 22 Wire wound 4.7 Metal oxide 1k Carbon tilm 47O Carbon film 47O hw vzw 1AW vd 1AW 5W 2W 100-B 100-B RD%PS 332J RDY.PS 332J RDY.PS 332J RD/.PS 332J RD7.PS 332J RD/.PS 332J RDY.PS 332J RD%PS 151J RDY.PS 151J RDI.PS 151J :?:1 RD/.PS 33I J RO%PS 331J RO%PS 472J RD/.PS 152J RD%PS 682J RD%PS 682J RO%PS 101J RD%PS 101J RDy.PS 822J RD%PS 154J RD%Ps 472J RDY.PS 153J RD/.PS |53J RO%PS 153J RD%PS 22OJ RD7.PS 154J RD%PS 472J RO%?S 272J RD%PS 222J RDY.PS 473J RO%PS 472J RD%PM .I53J RDY2PM 153J RD7,PM 1O2J RS2P 331J RD%PM 1O2J RD%PS 22OJ RD%PS 22OJ RT5B 4R7K RS2P 102J RD%PS 471J RD7.PS 471J ACP-O50-O ACP-050-0 RESISTORS AND POTENTIOMETERS SymbolDscriptionP6rt No. R3 R4 R8 R9 Rr0 R1l F12 R13 Rl4 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 M6tal oxide Metal oxide Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film Carbon film 8.2k Carbon film 8.2k Carbon film 8.2k Carbon film l OO Carbon filrn 10O Carbon film 10O Crbon film 1O0 Carbon film 27 Carbon film 27 Carbon film 27 Carbon film 2l Carbon film 4.7M Carbon film 4.7M Carbon film 4,1M Crbon film 4.7M Carbon film 15k Carbon film 15k Carbon film 15k Carbon film 15k Carbon film 3.3k 1k 2W lk 2W 47k 47k 8.2k RS2P t02J RS2P 102J RD%PS 473J RD%PS 473J RD%PS 822J RD%PS 822J RD%PS A22J RD%PS 822J RD%PS 101J RDy.PS 101J RD/.PS 101J RD%PS 101J RD%PS 27OJ RD7.PS 27OJ RD/.PS 27OJ RD/.PS 270J RDl.PS 475J RD%PS 475J RD7.PS 475J RDY.PS 475J RDI.PS 153J RDY.PS 153J RD7.PS 153J RD7.PS 153J RD7.PS 332J 45 SEMICONDUCTORS SymbolDoscription I Fert No. o1 a2 o3 04 o7 08 09 010 011 o12 013 014 015 o16 017 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 Dto D11 D12 D13 D14 t)15 Dl6 017 D18 Dt I o20 D31 o32 D33 D21 o22 D23 D24 D26 D27 D28 o29 D30 Transistor Tnsistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Traosistor Transistor Transiator Transistor Transistor Transistor Tranaistor Transistor Transirtor Transistor Transistor Transistor Diode Diod6 Diode Diode Diode Diode Diod Diod6 Diodo Diode Oiode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Oiode Oiode Oiod6 Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diodo Diode Diode Oiode Diode Diode Zenor diode 2SC13t 2-G 25A725-G 2SA725-G 2SA725-G 25A725-G 2SC1312-G 2SC13t 2-G 2SC1312-G 2SC1312-G 2SA733-O or R 2SC1384-R or S 2SC945-O or R 2SC138+S 2SC138+R or S 2SD313-D or E 2SB5O7-D or E 152473 152473 152473 1S2473 1S2473 152473 152473 152473 1S2473 152473 152473 1S2473 1S2473 152473 1s2473 ts2473 152473 1s2473 152473 1s2473 1S


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