Published by KC-TE 0519 AV Systems Printed in the Netherlands Subject to modifi cation EN 3139 785 31470HTS5310S/12/51/98/75/61/93DVD ReceiverCLASS 1LASER PRODUCT1 Technical Specifi cations and ConnectionFacilities 22 Measurements Setup, Service Aid für Reparaturen sind Original-Ersatzteile zu verwenden.Sicherheitsbauteile sind durch das Symbol !markiert.ILe norme di sicurezza esigono che lapparecchio venga rimessonelle condizioni originali e che siano utilizzati i pezzi di ricambioidentici a quelli specificati.Componenty di sicurezza sono marcati con !GBAfter servicing and before returning set to customer perform a leakagecurrent measurement test from all exposed metal parts to earth ground toassure no shock hazard exist. The leakage current must not exceed0.5mA.EN 73139 785 31470Measurements Setup, Service Aid & Lead Free Requirements 22.1 Lead Free RequirementsPb(Lead) Free SolderWhen soldering , be sure to use the pb free solder.INDENTIFICATION:Regardless of special logo (not always indicated) one must treat all sets from 1 Jan 2005 onwards, according next rules:Important note: In fact also products of year 2004 must be treated in this way as long as you avoid mixing solder-alloys (leaded/ lead-free). So best to always use SAC305 and the higher temperatures belong to this.Due to lead-free technology some rules have to be respected by the workshop during a repair: Use only lead-free solder alloy Philips SAC305 with order code 0622 149 00106. If lead-free solder-paste is required, please contact the manufacturer of your solder-equipment. In general use of solder-paste within workshops should be avoided because paste is not easy to store and to handle. Use only adequate solder tools applicable for lead-free solder alloy. The solder tool must be able o To reach at least a solder-temperature of 400°C, o To stabilize the adjusted temperature at the solder-tip o To exchange solder-tips for different applications. Adjust your solder tool so that a temperature around 360°C 380°C is reached and stabilized at the solder joint. Heating-time of the solder-joint should not exceed 4 sec. Avoid temperatures above 400°C otherwise wear-out of tips will rise drastically and fl ux-fl uid will be destroyed. To avoid wear-out of tips switch off un-used equipment, or reduce heat. Mix of lead-free solder alloy / parts with leaded solder alloy / parts is possible but PHILIPS recommends strongly to avoid mixed solder alloy types (leaded and lead-free). If one cannot avoid or does not know whether product is lead-free, clean carefully the solder-joint from old solder alloy and re-solder with new solder alloy (SAC305). Use only original spare-parts listed in the Service-Manuals. Not listed standard-material (commodities) has to be purchased at external companies. Special information for BGA-ICs:- always use the 12nc-recognizable soldering temperature profi le of the specifi c BGA (for de-soldering always use the lead-free temperature profi le, in case of doubt) - lead free BGA-ICs will be delivered in so-called dry-packaging (sealed pack including a silica gel pack) to protect the IC against moisture. After opening, dependent of MSL-level seen on indicator-label in the bag, the BGA-IC possibly still has to be baked dry. (MSL=Moisture Sensitivity Level). This will be communicated via AYS-website.Do not re-use BGAs at all. For sets produced before 1.1.2005 (except products of 2004), containing leaded solder-alloy and components, all needed spare-parts will be available till the end of the service-period. For repair of such sets nothing changes. On our website you fi nd more information to: null BGA-de-/soldering (+ baking instructions)null Heating-profi les of BGAs and other ICs used in Philips-setsYou will fi nd this and more technical information within the “magazine”, chapter “workshop news”.For additional questions please contact your local repair-helpdesk.EN 8 3139 785 314703 Directions For Use3. Directions For UseThe following except of the Quick Use Guide serves as an introduction to the set.The Complete Direction for the Use can be downloaded in different languages from the internet site of Philips Customer care Center:©,seetheusermanual.ProblemTipNopowerCheckiftheACpowercordisproperlyconnected.PresstheSTANDBY-ONonthefrontoftheDVDsystemtoturnonthepower.NopicturePressDISConremotecontrol.CheckconnectiontoTVandensuretheplugsarefirmlyinplace.NosoundorAdjustthevolume.distortedsoundCheckthespeakerconnectionsandsettings.CheckaudioconnectionsandpressSOURCEbuttontoselectthecorrectinputsource.RemotecontrolCheckthatthebatteriesareloadedcorrectlyorreplacethebatterieswithnewones.doesnotworkSelectthesource(DISCorTUNER,forexample)beforepressingthefunctionbutton.Reducethedistancebetweentheremotecontrolandthesystem.PointtheremotecontroldirectlytowardtheIRsensor.DVDsystemAudiocables(red&whiteplugs)Videocables(yellowplug)Rearspeakers(left&right)ListentoRadio1PressTUNER.2PressandholdPLAYuntilSTARTappears.TipThisfeatureisonlyavaila-bleforfirsttimesetup,refertousermanualifyouwishtoprogramradiostationsagainorformanualprogramming.3OncecompletedyoucanuseNEXTorPREVIOUStoselectaradiostation.FrontdisplayRemotecontroland2batteriesQuickstartguideCentrespeakerSubwooferPlayDVD1PressOPEN/CLOSEonthefrontoftheDVDsystemtoopenthedisctray.2PlaceDVDintraywiththelabelfacingup.3PressOPEN/CLOSEagain.4PressUP,DOWN,RIGHTorLEFTtoscrollthroughtheoptionsintheDVDmenu.5PressPLAYontheoptionyouwant.6TostoppressSTOP.TipPressPLAYtoresumefromwhereyoustoppedorpressSTOPandPLAYtostartfromthebeginningofthetitle.7PressDISCMENUtogobacktotheDVDmenu.DVDPlayer(front)Frontspeakers(left&right)ExperienceSurroundSound1PressSURRtoswitchbetweenStereoandMulti-channel.2PressSOUNDforeitherConcert,Drama,ActionorSci-fipresetdigitalsoundeffects.AM/MWloopantennaFMwireantennaUsermanualEN 93139 785 31470Directions For Use 3ConnectSpeakers&SubwoofertoDVDSystemConnectthevariouscolouredplugsfromthespeakersandsubwoofertothesamecoloursocketontherearofDVDsystem.FixAntennas1ConnecttheFMantennatotheFMsocket,extendtheantennaandfixitonthewall.DVDSystem(back)PbPrY2UnfoldtheAM/MWloopantennaandfixtheclawintotheslot.3Pushbacktabandinserteachwireintoslot.PositionSpeakers&Subwoofer1PlacecentrespeakeronorclosetotheTV.2Placesubwooferonthefloor.3PlacefrontspeakersequaldistancefromtheTVandanglethem45degreetothelistener.4Placerearspeakersfacingthelistener,equaldistanceontheleftandright.InsertBatteriesinRemoteControl1Removebatteriescompartmentcover.2Inserttheprovidedbatteriesintheremotecontrol.Takenoteofwherethepositiveandnegativeendsshouldgo.3Replacethebatteriescompartmentcover.RemoteControl(back)FindCorrectViewingChannel1PressSTANDBY-ONontheDVDsystemsremotecontrol.2PressDISContheremotecontrolrepeatedlyuntilDISCappearsonthefrontpanel.3PressSETUP.4SwitchontheTV.5Press0ontheTVsremotecontrol,thenrepeatedlypresstheChannelDownbuttonuntilyouseetheGeneralSetupPage.Thisisthecorrectviewingchannelforthehometheatresystem.TipInsomeTVs,tofindthecorrectviewingchannel,youcankeeppressingtheAVortheSELECTbuttons.Ifstillunabletofindthecorrectviewingchannel,checktheconnectionsagainorcheckyourTVsusermanual.6PressSETUPtofinish.TipTomakechangestoanyoftheoptionsintheSetupmenus,refertotheusermanual.PbPrYMWloopantennaDVDSystem(back)ConnectDVDsystemtoTV1UsetheyellowVideocabletoconnecttheyellowCVBSsocketontherearoftheDVDsystemandtheyellowVIDEOINjackattherearoftheTV.2PluginthepowercableoftheDVDsystemtoanACoutlet.TipToconnectotherdevicestotheDVDsystem,refertotheusemanual.Toantennaorset-topboxRearSpeaker(left)RearSpeaker(right)FrontSpeaker(right)FrontSpeaker(left)CentreSpeakerPbPrYDVDSystem(back)Sub-WooferConnectAudiofromTVtoDVDSystem(Optional)Usethered&whiteaudiocablestoconnectthered&whiteTV-INsocketsontherearoftheDVDsystemandthered&whiteAUDIOOUTsocketsontheTV.DVDSystem(back)Television(back)PbPrYVIDEOOUT(CVBS)VIDEOOUT(CVBS)AUDIOOUTAUDIOINPbPrYVIDEOIN(CVBS)VIDEOIN(CVBS)PbrYDVDSystem(back)Television(back)TipSomeTVsmaynothaveanAUDIOOUTjack.EN 10 3139 785 314704 Dismantling Instructions & Service PositionsB B BFigure 4-3ADFigure 4-4CE4.2 Dismantling of the Tuner Module, MONO Board, Front Board, PSU Module1) Loosen 1 screw A (see Figure 4-3) to remove the Tuner Module (pos 1040).2) Loosen 9 screws B (see Figure 4-3) and 4 screws (see Figure 4-4) to remove MONO Board. 3) Release 4 snap hooks to remove Front Board. - 1 snap hook each on the left & right side (pos 161). - 2 snap hooks on the bottom side (pos 161).4) Loosen 4 screws E (see Figure 4-4) to remove the PSU Module.4. Dismantling Instructions4.1 Dismantling of the DVD Loader1) The tray can be manually open by inserting a minus screw drive and push the lever in the direction as shown in Figure 3-1 to unlock the tray before sliding it out. Figure 4-12) Slide out the tray and remove the Cover Tray (pos 110) as shown in Figure 4-2. Figure 4-23) Loosen 5 screws to remove the Front Top.(pos 240)- 1 screw each on the left & right side (pos 272)- 3 screws behind 4) Loosen 4 screws C (see Figure 4-4) to remove the DVD Loader.