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    Service ManualServiceServiceServiceSW3000/00S/06S©Copyright 2002 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The NetherlandsAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system ortransmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwisewithout the prior permission of Philips.Published by KC-ET0212 Service Audio Printed in The Netherlands Subject to modificationActive SubwooferVersion 1.0TABLE OF CONTENTSPageLocation of PC Boards/Specifications .1-2Specifications.1-2Measurement Setup .1-3ESD SW3500/06S) .110 127V / 60 HzAC Power (for SW3000/00S) . 220 240V / 50HzAC Power (for SW3000/00S;SW3500/02S) . 220 240V / 50 / 60 Hzpower Consumption.53 W (at 1/8 Rated Power)Dimensions (w x h x d).130 mm x 337 mm x 375 mmWeight.7 Kg1-3MEASUREMENT SETUP1-4GB WARNINGAll ICs and many other semi-conductors aresusceptible to electrostatic discharges (ESD).Careless handling during repair can reduce lifedrastically.When repairing, make sure that you areconnected with the same potential as the massof the set via a wrist wrap with resistance.Keep components and tools also at thispotential.FATTENTIONTous les IC et beaucoup dautressemi-conducteurs sont sensibles auxdécharges statiques (ESD).Leur longévité pourrait être considérablementécourtée par le fait quaucune précaution nestprise à leur manipulation.Lors de réparations, sassurer de bien être reliéau même potentiel que la masse de lappareil etenfiler le bracelet serti dune résistance desécurité.Veiller à ce que les composants ainsi que lesoutils que lon utilise soient également à cepotentiel.ESDD WARNUNGAlle ICs und viele andere Halbleiter sindempfindlich gegenüber elektrostatischenEntladungen (ESD).Unsorgfältige Behandlung im Reparaturfall kandie Lebensdauer drastisch reduzieren.Veranlassen Sie, dass Sie im Reparaturfall überein Pulsarmband mit Widerstand verbundensind mit dem gleichen Potential wie die Massedes Gerätes.Bauteile und Hilfsmittel auch auf dieses gleichePotential halten.NL WAARSCHUWINGAlle ICs en vele andere halfgeleiders zijngevoelig voor electrostatische ontladingen(ESD).Onzorgvuldig behandelen tijdens reparatie kande levensduur drastisch doen verminderen.Zorg ervoor dat u tijdens reparatie via eenpolsband met weerstand verbonden bent methetzelfde potentiaal als de massa van hetapparaat.Houd componenten en hulpmiddelen ook opditzelfde potentiaal.I AVVERTIMENTOTutti IC e parecchi semi-conduttori sonosensibili alle scariche statiche (ESD).La loro longevità potrebbe essere fortementeridatta in caso di non osservazione della piùgrande cauzione alla loro manipolazione.Durante le riparazioni occorre quindi esserecollegato allo stesso potenziale che quello dellamassa dellapparecchio tramite un braccialettoa resistenza.Assicurarsi che i componenti e anche gli utensilicon quali si lavora siano anche a questopotenziale.“Pour votre sécurité, ces documentsdoivent être utilisés par des spécia-listes agréés, seuls habilités à réparervotre appareil en panne”.GBSafety regulations require that the set be restored to its originalcondition and that parts which are identical with those specified,be used.NLVeiligheidsbepalingen vereisen, dat het apparaat bij reparatie inzijn oorspronkelijke toestand wordt teruggebracht en dat onderdelen,identiek aan de gespecificeerde, worden toegepast.FLes normes de sécurité exigent que lappareil soit remis à létatdorigine et que soient utiliséés les piéces de rechange identiquesà celles spécifiées.DBei jeder Reparatur sind die geltenden Sicherheitsvorschriften zubeachten. Der Original zustand des Geräts darf nicht verändert werden;für Reparaturen sind Original-Ersatzteile zu verwenden.ILe norme di sicurezza esigono che lapparecchio venga rimessonelle condizioni originali e che siano utilizzati i pezzi di ricambioidentici a quelli specificati.“After servicing and before returning set to customer perform aleakage current measurement test from all exposed metal parts toearth ground to assure no shock hazard exist. The leakage currentmust not exceed 0.5mA.“ESD & SAFETY INSTRUCTIONBDISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS2-1Dismantling the Grill Base & Speaker Driver1. Place the Subwoofer Box as shown in the Picture 1and use a screw driver to force open the Grill Base.Caution: Take care the surface when take out theGrill Base of Subwoofer2. Place the Subwoofer Box as shown in the Picture 2and loosen 4 screws A to remove the Speaker Driver.Dismantling the Front Assembly1. Place the Subwoofer Box as shown in the Picture 3(Bottom view) and use a screw driver to force open thefront assembly.Dismantling the Rear assembly1. Loosen 9 screws B as shown in the Picture 4 (RearView) to pull out the Printed Circuit Board assembly.Caution: Do not break the bundle of wires to the front.Take care the surface when take out the frontpanel of subwooferCaution: Do not break the bundle of wires to the front.Picture 1Picture 2Picture 4Picture 3WARNING: THERE IS ONLY HAS ALED BETWEEN FRONT PANEL ANDWOOD BOX. IF NO NECCESSARY,PLEASE DONT TRY TO OPEN THEFRONT PANEL!A2-2SERVICE POSITION3-1 3-1SET BLOCK DIAGRAMINPUT BOARDLED BOARDAMPLIFIER BOARDPOWER BOARD3-2 3-2SET WIRING DIRGRAM5153545250POWER PCBLED PCBAMPLIFIER PCBINPUT PCBLVM0180C021LVM0180C011LVM0180C031fixeddetachableeitherorPOWER BOARDTABLE OF CONTENTSPCB Layout View . 4-1Circuit Diagram . 4-2Electrical Parts List . 4-34-1 4-1PCB LAYOUT VIEW - POWER BOARDC358 F3C359 F3C361 E1C362 E2C363 E2C364 F2C901 C3CN901 B2CN902 B3D353 E3D354 D1D355 D1D356 D3F901 C2Q354 E4Q355 E4Q357 E2Q377 E3R378 E3R379 E3R380 E4R381 E4R382 E2R383 E2RB351 F3RL901 C4T901 C4ZD350 F24-2 4-2CIRCUIT DIAGRAM - POWER BOARD!C358 C3C359 B1C361 B2C362 B2C363 B2C364 B1C901 C4CN901 C5CN902 B5D353 C3D354 A3D355 B3D356 C3F901 C4Q354 C2Q355 C3Q357 B2R377 C2R378 C3R379 B3R380 C3R381 C3R382 B2R383 B2RB351 C1RB901 C5RB902 B5RB906 A6RL901 C4T901 B6T902 B4ZD350 B2


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