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    DVD Portable Player PET1030/PET1035 All version 3141 785 31733 Version 1.3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Technical Specification für Reparaturen sind Original-Ersatzteile zu verwenden.ILe norme di sicurezza esigono che lapparecchio venga rimessonelle condizioni originali e che siano utilizzati i pezzi di ricambioidentici a quelli specificati.“After servicing and before returning set to customer perform aleakage current measurement test from all exposed metal parts toearth ground to assure no shock hazard exist. The leakage currentmust not exceed 0.5mA.“CLASS 1LASER PRODUCT3122 110 03420GB Warning !Invisible laser radiation when open.Avoid direct exposure to beam.S Varning !Osynlig laserstrålning när apparaten är öppnad och spärrenär urkopplad. Betrakta ej strålen.SF Varoitus !Avatussa laitteessa ja suojalukituksen ohitettaessa olet alttiinanäkymättömälle laserisäteilylle. Älä katso säteeseen!DK Advarse !Usynlig laserstråling ved åbning når sikkerhedsafbrydere erude af funktion. Undgå udsaettelse for stråling.Whenthepowersupplyisbeingturnedon,youmaynotremovethislasercautionslabel.Ifitremoves,radiationoflasermaybereceived.2.1 ESD PROTECTIONPREPARATIONOFSERVICINGPickupHeadconsistsofalaserdiodethatisverysusceptibletoexternalstaticelectrocity.Althoughitoperatesproperlyafterreplacement,ifitwassubjecttoelectrostaticdischargeduringreplacement,itslifemightbeshortened.Whenreplacing,useaconductivemat,solderingironwithgroundwire,etc.toprotectthelaserdiodeformdamagebystaticelectricity.Andalso,theLSIandICaresameasabove.SolderingironwithgroundwireorceramictypeGroundconductivewriststrapforbody.ConductivematThegroundresistancebetweenthegroundlineandthegroundislessthan101MSAFTY NOTICEPlug the AC line cord directly into a 120V AC outlet (donot use an isolation transformer for this check). Use anAC voltmeter, having 5000 per volt or more sensitivity.Connect a 1500 10W resistor,paralleled by a 0.15uF150V AC capacitor between a knomn good earth ground(water pipe, conduit, etc.) and all exposed metal parts ofcabinet (antennas, handle bracket, metal cabinetscrewheads, metal overlays, control shafts, etc.).SAFTY PRECAUTIONSLEAKAGE CURRENT CHECKMeasure the AC voltage across the 1500 resistor.The test must be conducted with the AC switch on andthen repeated with the AC switch off. The AC voltageindicated by the meter may not exceed 0.3V.A readingexceeding 0.3V indicates that a dangerous potentialexists, the fault must be located and corrected.Repeat the above test with the DVD VIDEO PLAYERpower plug reversed.NEVER RETURN A DVD VIDEO PLAYER TO THECUSTOMER WITHOUT TAKING NECESSARYCORRECTIVE ACTION.READING SHOULD NOT EXCEED 0.3VDVD VIDEO PLAYERAC OUTLETAC VOLTMETERTest all exposed metal.Voltmeter Hook-up for Leakage Current Check0.15uF 150V AC150010W(5000 per voltor more sensitivity)Good earth groundsuch as a water pipe,conduit, etc.The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within anequilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to thepresence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage“ within theproduct's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude toconstitute a risk of electric shock to persons.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle isintended to alert the user to the presence of importantoperating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in theliterature accompanying the appliance.CAUTIONUse of controls or adjustments or performance ofprocedures other than herein may result in hazardousradiation exposure or other unsafe operation.3.0 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USEDVD PLAYER LAYOUT1 2 3 4 5 617 18 19 20 237 98 101112 13141521 2216CHR/IR/POWERPower /remote sensor /chargingindicator. CHR/IR/POWERPower /remote sensor /chargingindicator. POWERSwitches the player on / off.12315101617Press once to stop playbackand store the stop position. Press twice to stop playback completely.9Headphones jack.1811AV OUTAudio/video output jack.AV INUSBAudio/video input jack.USB connector.19SDMMCMS CARD Insert SD/MMC CARD.20- VOL +OPTIONDISC MENUAccess additional functions.SETUPEnter SETUP menu.Volume control.Search backward ( ) or searchforward ( ). Display MUNE page.Up / down / left / right cursor.4Start / pause / resume playback.OPENOpens disc door to insert orremove disc.14OKConfirm seletion.COMP.OUT/S VIDEOComponent / S video output.RESETReset the player when it ishanged up.22DC IN 9VPower supply socket.23211213COAXIALDigital Audio output jack./57DISPLAYAdjust the display value of the system.68 ,Car mounting screw holeSUBTITLESubtitle language selector.REMOTE CONTROL 17416128910For VCD menu page.11A - BTo repeat or loop a sequencein a title.RETURNSETUPOPTIONEnter SETUP menu.Access additional functions.0 - 9Access additional functions.VOL +/-Volume control.Numeric keypad.Up / down / left / rightnavigation key. Start / pause / resume playbackMENUDisplay MENU page.15OKConfirm seletion.Mute player volumeAUDIOAudio language selector.ZOOMEnlarge video image.1413Skip to next chapter, track or title.56DISPLAYAdjust the display value of the system.Skip to previous chapter, track or title.32 ,253416789101112131415164.0 MECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONSFig.11. Side view as Fig.1Remove base cover adorn discreteness as Fig.1. 2. Remove screws of the base cover as Fig.2. 6. Disconnect DVD driver from board,then soldered short pattern for laser diode as Fig.6.3.Fig.2Remove screws of the base cover as Fig.3Fig.3Fig.44. Open the door and remove screws to remove door & middle cabinet discreteness as Fig.4.5. Rotate the top and remove screws to break the top and the base away as Fig.5.Fig.57.Fig.6Remove screws to remove lithium battery andlithium battery protective pcb as Fig.7.8. Remove screws to remove mian board as Fig.8.Fig.7Fig.8soldered


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