Version 1.0MCM11103141 785 3720010W Classic micro music system-/05/12/98Published by LX 1203 Service Audio Subject to modification© Copyright 2012 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The NetherlandsAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,or otherwise without the prior permission of Philips.TABLE OF CONTENTSPageTechnical specification .1-3.1-13Safety instruction. 2-1 ESD protection.2-2Set Block diagram . .3-1Set Wiring diagram. .4-1Disassembly diagram . 5-1Circuit diagram.6-1.6-3 Layout diagram.6-4.6-7Mechanical Exploded view. . .7-11-2Version Variation. 1-2Type /Versions:FeaturesBoard in used:Service policyMain BOARDDisplay BOARD* TIPS : C - Component Lever Repair.M - Module Lever Repair- UsedFeature diffrenceRDSVOLTAGE SELECTORECO STANDBY - DARKType /Versions:MCM1110VERSION VARIATIONCMCM1110/12C/12SMPS Model M1 - 3egaPnpotiprcseD.oN1 GENERAL PART 1 - FRONT PANNEL SPECICFICATION 12 GENERAL PART 2 - BACK PANNEL SPECICFICATION 23 GENERAL PART 3 - GENERAL SPECICFICATION 34 GENERAL PART 4 - TECHNICAL SPECICFICATION 45 GENERAL PART 5 - AUDIO SIGNAL SPECICFICATION ( 1 ) 56 GENERAL PART 6 - USB SPECICFICATION 67 GENERAL PART 7 - CLOCK / TIMER SPECICFICATION 78 GENERAL PART 8 - TUNER TUNER SPECICFICATION 89 GENERAL PART 9 - CD / MP3 SPECICFICATION 910 GENERAL PART 10 - VERSION OVERVIEW SPECICFICATION 10MCM1110 SH 190 Content List (Version:1.0)1 - 4egaPnoitpircseDPage272821222324252615161718192091011121314Pos12345678DEPICTIONNAME : DS.XIEUnits in MasstercartonUnits in Dealercarton Diemensions without Boxes ( wxhxd ) _mm X _mm X _Weight ( inclusive packing )Weight ( exclusive packing DSC setting in Jazz mode with DBB OFF(2*) Input Sensity rated, Tuner is +/-6dBTECHNIAL DESCRIPTION2 x 5W , matching LOUDSPEAKER of 2 x 4ohm. One INPUT SOURCE, ( Digital Sound Control ).GENERAL PARTINDICATORSStandby Mode Indicator : LCD display time ECO Mode Indiicator : N/AOUTPUT stage Protection : NO Temperature : No. Shorcircuit : YesLoudSpeaker D.C. Protection : NO.ELECTRICAL DATAdBvm3)RETLIF() emuloV 02- ( muHFFO/NOBBDBd64- ta recnereffiD lennahCPOP,salC,kcoR,zzaJ: CSDINTERCONNECTS3mv) zHk 1 ta ( noitarapeS lennahCA/N: CAV 30 dBSIS :)RETLIF() dethgiew ( esioN / langiSA/N: XOOW 501.5dB)RETLIF() muiniM emuloV ( esioN laudiseRA/NA.N) thgiR / tfeL ( tuO eniLnoitaludoM %08 MA,zHK5.76 MF renuTInput Sensitity ( ±3dB ) rated ouput power at 1 kHz Line Output Voltage ( *1 )A.NtuO refoowbuS ) 51 krT ,1 csiD oiduA ( kcart Bd 6- DCA/NEPATA.NtuO laixaoC latigiDA/N BSUA/N)tupni Bd0 DC ta(enohpdaeHMicrophone N/AA.NtuO retsooBAUX 500 mV ± 2 Db(lim:650mv)Frequency Response: : 60Hz - 16KHz ( At 500mV Output in FLAT Mode )At 10% THD DIST O/P POWER 2X5WGENERAL PART 1 - GENERAL SPECICFICATIONMCM1110 All Version3CHECK 10 10 SH 190 - 41A4DATE :NAME : DS.XIE2 #REF!#REF!Ver Issued DateClass No5-Sep-11: 5W, 2 Channels ( At Cold Condition with 10% THD )Main Operation ( for DCB188/05/12 )1 - 8Inject sine wave 600mV to AUX-IN socet with frequencies indicated in Table 1.AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING1 ) DSC ( Digital Sound Control )Select AUX as input source with the following set conditions:Inject sine wave 600mV at 1 KHz to L/R channels of AUX-IN socket.Set DSC to CLAS(Flat) mode and switch off DBB,OSM&INCREDIBLE SURROUND.Refence level for DSC's without DBB on=500mW(Volume 15).Refence level for DSC'S with DBB on=1V at the speaker terminal (Volume 15).FrequencyDSC Modes with DBB OffJAZZ ROCK CLAS POP51.41.073zH 521023.0-zHk 1ROCK CLAS POP10 kHz -2.2 2.5 -0.30.5 2.4 0.62Tabel 1b ( Tolerance ± 3dB ) without TestFrequencyDSC Modes with DBB ONJAZZ0.2Tabel 1a ( Tolerance ± 3dB ) without Test1026018zH 5211 kHzSelect AUX as input source with the following set conditions :Inject sine wave 600mV at 1kHz to L/R channels of AUX - IN socket.Set DSC to CLAS(Flat) mode and switch off DBB, Adjust volume level will be as 0dB reference.(Volume 15).42 ) DBB ( Dynamic Bass Boot ) 10 kHz -0.2 5Tabel 2 ( Tolerance ± 3dB )Frequency DBB OFF DBB ON125 HzRemarksGENERAL PART 1 - GENERAL SPECICFICATION0 + 6 dBVer21CHECKClass NoMCM1110 All Version3 #REF!5-Sep-11.dtL .oC scinortcelE TRA : ETADNAME : DS.XIE 10 10 SH 190 - 5MICRO System with Digital Tuner, Clock Timer ,ipod, 2 x 5W Universal Class D Power AmplifierAux In, Head Phone and Remote ControlIssued DateA4#REF!1 - 9GENERAL PARTTECHNIAL DESCRIPTIONUSB - Part SpecificationsDescription Extern Nom Lim UnitChannel Unbalance 3 < ± 2 dBdBBd0555RETLIF) dethgiewnU ( noitaR esioN ot langiS3 ±0) zHk 61 - zH 521 ( esnopseR ycneuqerFdBABd5405RETLIFzHK1 noitarapeS lennahC5506RETLIF) dethgiew - A ( noitaR esioN ot langiSmvRETLIF) lov xam( esioN & muH 3 mvRETLIF) lov nim( esioN & muH 1.5%12.0RETLIFzHK1 DHTRemark: Frequency response at VOLmaxUSB SPECICFICATIONClass NoMCM1110 All VersionVer Issued Date1 5-Sep-11210 10 SH 190 - 63A4KT CHECKNAME : DS.XIE1 - 10remiT dna kcolC :gnitteS remiTedom renuT & DC :edoM puekaW remiTTECHNIAL DESCRIPTIONSOFTWARE IMPLEMENTED CLOCK / TIMER FUNCTION WITH 32.768KHz QUARTZ OSCILLATOR.GENERAL PARTNo of Timer Settings : 1Clock Accuracy : Nom : 2 sec/day Limit : 4 sec/daysrh42 :gnitteS emiT skrameR)21LOV(gnitteS tluafeD :puekaW ta emuloVINDICATORSDCL :epyT yalpsiDRemarkCLOCK / TIMMER SPECICFICATIONClass NoMCM1110 All VersionVer Issued Date#REF!1 5-Sep-112 #REF!10 10 SH 190 - 73A4CHECK: DATE :NAME : DS.XIE