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CLASS 1LASER PRODUCTCOMPACTDIGITAL AUDIOServiceServiceServiceFW-C330/all versionTABLE OF CONTENTSPageLocation of pc boards & Version variations .1-2Technical Specifications .1-3Measurement setup .1-4Service Aids, Safety Instruction, etc.1-5Preparations & Controls .1-7Disassembly Instructions & Service positions . 2Service Test Programs & DEMO mode . 3Set Block diagram . 4Set Wiring diagram . 5Front Board . 6Mains Board. 8ETF7 Tape Module . 93CDC-LLC-MCD1 Module . 10Combi Board . 11Set Mechanical Exploded view & parts list . 12©Copyright 2002 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The NetherlandsAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system ortransmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwisewithout the prior permission of Philips.Published by SL 0249 Service Audio Printed in The Netherlands Subject to modificationGB3140 785 32330Mini SystemVersion 1.0Service Manual3-1 3-1Variousother TestsActivated with ACTIONTESTQEEPROM FORMAT Load default data. Display shows “NEW“ for 1 second.Caution!All presets from the customer will be lost!Disconnectmains cordLEAVE SERVICETESTPROGRAMR 9 to ExitEEPROM TEST A test pattern will be sent to the EEPROM.“PASS“ is displayed if the uProcessor readback the test pattern correctly, otherwise“FAIL“ will be displayed.Volume KnoborJog Shuttle knobROTARYENCODER TESTDisplay shows value for 2 seconds.Values increases or decreases in steps of 1until 0 (Min.) or 40 (Max.) is reached.DBBDEMO DEMO will toggle on or off.The message: “DEMO ON“ or “DEMO OFF“will scroll across the display to show thenew status of the set.STANDBY-ONButton pressed?YNSet is in Service PLAY Mode.The Service Play Mode is intended todetect and identify the failures in the CD Mode.In this mode the electronics will still functioneven when an error is detected so thatrepair activities can be carried out.SERVICEPLAY MODEIn case of failures, errorcodes according to table 2 will be displayed.OButton pressed?YYYNNNOButton pressed?9Button pressed?Display shows8MOutput at (Front Board) pin 80 of uP = 1,953.125HzDisplay shows32KOutput at (Front Board) pin 80 of uP = 2048HzQUARTZTESTNote: During the 3CDC tray may “jerks“ open& close or the carousel may rotatesslightly. This is due to sharing of controllines during the Service test program.TUNERButton pressed?DisconnectMains cord ?YNNYService frequencies arecopied to the RAM (see Table1)Tuner works normallyexcept:PROGRAM buttonService Mode leftTUNERTESTDisplay Tuner Version“ccc“TUNERButton pressed?NYPRESET1234567891011Europe“EUR“87.5MHz108MHz531kHz1602kHz558kHz1494kHz87.5MHz87.5MHz87.5MHz87.5MHz98MHzEast Eur.“EAS“87.5MHz108MHz531kHz1602kHz558kHz1494kHz87.5MHz87.5MHz87.5MHz87.5MHz98MHzUSA“USA“87.5MHz108MHz530kHz1700kHz560kHz1500kHz98MHz87.5MHz87.5MHz87.5MHz87.5MHzOversea“OSE“87.5MHz108MHz530/531kHz*1700/1602kHz*560/558kHz*1500/1494kHz*98/87.5MHz*87.5MHz87.5MHz87.5MHz87.5/98MHz*Table 1East Eur. Extended-band“EAS“65.81MHz108MHz74MHz87.5MHz531kHz1602kHz558kHz1494kHz98MHz70.01MHz65.81MHzNote: * Depending on the selected grid frequency (9 or 10kHz)By holding the TUNER and R buttons depressed while switching on the Mains supply, oneof the undermentioned features will be activated:- the tuning grid frequency is toggled between 9kHz and 10kHz for the Oversea (/21) version.- the extended FM1 (65.81MHz - 74MHz) is toggled on and off for East Eur. (/34) version.YNYNYNDIMButton pressed?DIMButton pressed?9Button pressed?DISPLAYTESTDisplay shows Fig. 2and selected LEDs on(see note 2)Display shows Fig. 1and selected LEDs on(see note 1)Figure 1Figure 2note 2 : OPTIMAL is on while JAZZ & TECHNO are off, other LEDs statusare not important (applicable only for sets with LEDs)note 1 : JAZZ & TECHNO are on while OPTIMAL is off, other LEDs statusare not important (applicable only for sets with LEDs)Table 2Error codeE1000E1001E1002E1003E1005E1006E1007E1008E1020E1070E1071E1079Error DescriptionFocus ErrorTriggered when the focus could not be found within a certain time when starting up the CDor when the focus is lost for a certain time during play.Radial ErrorTriggered when the radial servo is off-track for a certain time during play.Sledge In ErrorThe sledge did not reach its inner position (inner-switch is still close) before approximately6 Sec. have passed by. Inner-switch or sledge motor problem.Sledge Out ErrorThe sledge did not come out of its inner position (inner-switch is still open) before approximately250 mSec. have passed by. Inner-switch or sledge motor problem.Jump-offtrack errorTriggered in normal play when the jump destination could not be found within a certain time.When this error occurred, software will try to recover by initiating the jump command again.If it is recoverable, the disc will continue to play.Subcode ErrorTriggered when a new subcode was missing for a certain time during play.PLL ErrorThe Phase Lock Loop could not lock within a certain time.Turntable Motor ErrorGenerated when the CD could not reached 75% of speed during startup within a certain time.Discmotor problem.Focus Search ErrorThe focus point has not been found within a certain time.This happens when the carousel switch is defective and closed all the time, or when thecarousel is blocked when it is located exactly at a disc position.This happens when the carousel switch is defective and does not closed electrically, or whenthe carousel is blocked in between two disc positions. The time-out is approximately 5 Sec.The drawer could not open or enter the inside position and is opening again. This happen whenthe drawer is blocked and cannot go fully inside or when the drawer switch is defective and doesnot close.To start service test programhold P & TAPEdepressed whileplugging in the mains cordDisplay shows theROM version *“S-Vyy“(Main menu)S refers to Service Mode.V refers to Version.yy refers to Software version number of Processor.(Counting up from 01 to 99)SERVICE TEST PROGRAMMini 2002 FW-C1xx, C2xx, C3xx Dated: wk141CIRCUIT DIAGRAM - KARAOKE PART6-3 6-3MIC_SKDE1800 A11801 B91802 B82428 A82801 B22802 B32803 B32804 A42805 B52806 B52807 A52808 A62809 E32810 E32811 E42812 E52813 E52814 E62815 E72816 E72817 E72818 E73423 A93800 A23801 A23802 B23803 B33804 A4MIC DETECT+12V_A123456789123456789ABCDEABC3805 A33806 B43807 B43808 B53809 A53810 A53811 B53812 B63813 C73814 E33815 E33816 E43817 E53818 E53819 E53820 E63821 E63822 E73823 D73824 E75800 B26800 E46801 E47411 A97800 B47801 B67802 E20.7V7.8VSEE VARIANTS TABLE6.6V0V1.2V4.5V0VVCDMIC_DETGND AMIC_VCD7803 E27804 E57805 E77.8V11.9V0VSIMPLE KARAOKETO COMBI38141M28081u6K810K3803381712345GND_A28014n7BC847B780510K3423(TO SH 130-1)+KAR+KAR+KAR+KAR+KAR+KARMicDet+KAR28131n2804470nGND_ABC847B7803100n28183811 330R381668001u24283824220RGND_A12K2809 100n 281010u3823680p28161u2815780138101M3809560RBC847B2806 680pD3813470R382110KMICGND_A10K7800BC847B1n38016K838027411BC847B28033452805470n1234TC38180067125800GND_AFE-ST-VK-N18022K7380422u2814 100nGND_ABC847B7802GND_AGND_A1801FE-ST-VK-N10K3820280747uMIC2811100n100R3819470R38082802100nMIC38181M4K73800380720KRK09D1N414868011KBC847B780433R1M380528121u38062817680p10K3812GND_AGND_AGND_A150K3815MIC1N414838221M0.7V2.3V0V0.7V1.2V5.2V0.1VCIRCUIT DIAGRAM - MICROPROCESSOR PART6-4 6-4DEMBANDPASSCTRLCIRCUITAGCINPPINTMP87CN71740025 P0026 P0127 P0228 P0329 P0430 P0531 P0632 P071P102P113P124P135P146P157P168P1716P2010P2111P2217P3018P3119P3220P3321P3422P3523P3624P3767P4068P4169P4270P4371P4472P4573P4674P4775P5076P5177P5278P5379P5480P5534 P6035 P6136 P6237 P6338 P6439 P6540 P6641P6742P7043P7144P7245P7346P7447P7548P7649P7750P8051P8152P8253P8354P8455P8556P8657P8758P9059P9160P9261P9362P9463P9564P9665P9712RESET9TEST33 VDD66VKK15VSS13XIN14XOUTCLOCK/TIMING CONTROLLER(I/O PORT 2)C P UI/O PORT 8VDDVKKPROGR MEMORY(ROM)48KX8 BIT8 BITTIMER/COUNTER16 BITTIMER/COUNTERINTERRUPTCONTROLLER6 BIT A/D-CONVERTERI/O PORT 7 I/O PORT 9I/O PORT 1I/O PORT 0I/O PORT 6I/O PORT 4I/O PORT 5I/O PORT 3DATA MEMORY(RAM)1024X8 BITPROGRAMCOUNTER7401SAA6579TCIN7MODE9MUX4OSCI13OSCO14QUAL 1RDCL 16RDDA 2SCOUT8T57 15TEST10VDDA5VDDD12VREF3VSSA6VSSD11BITQUALITYDIVIDERANDOSCILLATORFILTERRECONSTRUCTION(8th ORDER)BANDPASSANTI-ALIASINGFILTERCLOCKEDCOMPARATORREFERENCEVOLTAGECLOCKREGENERATIONAND SYNCCOSTAS LOOPVARIABLE ANDFIXED DIVIDER57 KhzGENERATORDIFFERENTIALDECODERBIPHASESYMBOLDECODERTEST LOGIC AND OUTPUTSELECTOR SWITCHVP1EFGHIABCDEFGHI1400 A51402 F131406 D91407 D91408 C91409 C91410 C101411 C91412 C91413 C101414 C91415 C91416 C10+5VTpAdC1TpAdC21 23456789246010n10 11 12TpShStr131 234567891011213ABCDGNDTpShData1417 E91418 E101420 D91421 D91422 D101426 E91427 E101428 E91429 D91430 E91431 E101432 F91433 F101434 G91435 G131436 I131437 G52427 B72429 E12430 E22431 F22432 F42433 F42434 F42435 F42436 F58MHz2437 B92438 B102439 B112440 B122441 A132442 F122443 H22444 H32445 H32446 G42447 G52448 I22449 I32450 G62451 H82452 H92453 H92454 H112455 H112456 H112457 H132458 H132459 I132460 I132461 D122463 B72464 A22465 A32466 A32467 A43422 C73424 B23425 B13426 C23427 C13428 C13429 C23430 C23431 D23432 D23433 D23434 D23435 D23436 D23437 D23438 E23439 E13443 B73444 E23445 E33446 E33447 E33448 E33449 E33450 E33451 E33452 E43453 F53454 E53455 E53456 E53457 E53458 E53459 E63460 E63461 A23462 E63463 A23464 B23465 B23466 B23467 B23468 B33469 B33470 B33471 B33472 B33473 B33474 B33475 B43476 B43477 B43478 B43479 B43480 B43481 B43482 B53483 B53484 B53485 B53486 B53487 B53488 B53489 B63490 B63491 B63493 C63494 C73495 C63496 C73497 C63498 D63499 D73500 E113501 E113502 D63503 D73504 D63505 E73506 E73507 A83508 A93509 B93510 A93511 A103512 B103513 A103514 A113515 B113516 A113517 A123518 B123519 A133520 B133521 C93522 C93523 C93524 D93525 D93526 E93527 E93528 E93529 F93531 G93532 G93533 G103534 G103535 C113536 F43537 D113538 F113539 F113540 G113541 H23542 H23543 G43544 G53545 I73546 I73547 H73548 I73549 H83550 H9TpShClk3551 G113552 H123553 H123554 G133555 G133556 I133557 I133558 D123559 D123560 D133561 D133563 A33564 A33570 G84402 E64403 D124404 D134412 F74416 F94417 F94419 H94436 A24491 F95401 B65402 E45403 E45404 G65405 C12(TO SH130-1)6404 B16405 C16406 C16407 C16408 C86409 C86410 C86411 D86412 D86413 E86415 E86416 E86417 F86422 A96423 A96424 A116425 A106426 A126427 B136428 C116429 C116430 D116431 F117402 H107403 D127404 B97405 B107406 B117407 B117408 A137409 H99406 B69408 A49409 F79411 H99412 F69413 F69415 F1134671K14061433346434961K1K64311N40031K345644021K349034791K3519 820R740235001K355410K345310K15p24361K34223517 470R34731K1K3488G1KG9409BC847B74093532 470KD1N414864071421330R35214VSS7M24C0174031E02E13E26SCL5SDA8VCC1K3444354710K4412D246322uCD10n245944193516100R35043533 470K344710K35481N41486428I2C3526330R33p2432470R3510D3506 10KBC847B244747p1431470p242934811K4416470R3508D346310KTUE141235011K34331K3439 10K47n2448TSOP22363GND1OUT2VS1K343114222444560p1K1K3505470R35143455D3543220KGD35442K264261N41483570100KG355144176422100R3446143424492u2D6K8356012345671N414864153550 100KFE-BT-VK-N14021K34511N4148641610K3564D34971K1K34931K35611415142010K355714107407BC847BD10K35461414353110KD330R3525FTD4K734751K24431n3535D1K1N41486406D34831K34501K34691K1K347034771K1K346614071N414864091427D1408 14091K344834621M34451KD243410nDD1K355310K3555D354510K54012u247p244694081K343264291N4148100p24643461 10K1N41486430642364121N414834941K1N414864102435 15p100n2451470R1430CST54021K3474141647K35201428WC_D3528330R350910K1N41486411FTD ED1K34291K35397408BC857B22p24381K3484G243333p1K342435291K3480330R3541 10K100n2452560p244510n245335401K34911K100n2450470R3507347664081N41481K34431K353434581K34951K470KI2CD2442100p242722u34711K1K343410K34981K2930313233343539 5678935561011121314151617181920242526272834891K12-ST-29GNK14001143210K351810K345734371K941554042u22430 470p44045MT22461 100nEC1214351324MT12n22456356310K34871K64171N41481K355910n2457141734851KD3522330RG941114131K3536245547n34351K24544u735031KD1K34381K34781K3468740432K7685403DT-383524330R244147u34601K34301K94121426D1418141122p2440330R3523100p24661K3454D1K349935381KE34651KD1K3436470R44913511100p2465345210K470p24314403D34491KD1K348210K35493513 470R2467 100p4M3321437AT-5110K342894061K350234261KRESRES10K342510K2u254052MT14MT2564131N414835151436EC1213470K3537342710K6424330R35271N414864054436D10K3512XTAL6427243722p10K3552XTALTUDG1429345910K9413243922p1K34861N414864047405BC847B1K535421K3472245810n6K8355864257406DDKEY0 KEY1-FTDBC847B+5V6MicDetP04xP05x P03xOPTIONSRdsDat RdsClkCdSiClCdSiLd+FTpAdC2TpAdC1TpShClkP03xCdPoreVOLB+FNTCCdSiLdCdSiLdCdSiClCdSiClTpAdC1TpAdC2TpShDataTpShStrTpShClk+FI2_DATPWDNG01-FTDG10 G12Led4Led3Led2Led1G11+FP09KEY2+LPS+LPS+LPSI2_CLKI2_CLKI2_CLKI2_DATP10G10 P11G09G08G07G06G05G04G03G02G01F2x F1xI2_DATJOGB JOGATuEnable+5V6 +LPS+FTuClkCdShClkTuDatCdShDataLPCCdShStrP12 P13 P14 P15 P16P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08G12 P09G11TuCeTpShStrAmp_OnHPDetResetCdSwinfoLPSWakeUpP05xLPSWakeUpLed4P04xRC5ResetVOLBVOLAG11 G12G10G09G08G07G03G02G01Cd_OnMuteHP_Mute+5V6 +5V6Led1+5V6Led3+5V6+FP01TuStereoP03P05P02Led2-33V-FTD+FJOGASAP13 P14 P15 P16KEY0KEY1OPTIONSRdsClkP08P07P06P04+HKEY2I2_DAT RdsDat VOLA JOGB RC5I2_CLKTpShDataG04 G05 G06 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P126-5 6-5CIRCUIT DIAGRAM - HEADPHONE / MISCELLANEOUS PARTD_GNDNTCCD_GNDSA_INF1TU_ENABLECD_ONDEF1438 A11439 A11600 E91601 F92400 F42401 A72402 A72403 A72404 B72405 B72406 A92407 A92408 B92409 B92410 F52411 F52412 A42413 C3NON-VCDVCDCD_PORETU_DATA123456789123456789ABCDEFABCI2C_CLK+5V6CD_SHCLKDSA_STRCD_SHDATADSA_ACKAMP_ONDSA_DATADSA_STR2414 A42415 A42416 A42417 A42418 A42419 A52420 A62421 F22422 F22423 F32424 F32425 C72426 C82470 B62600 D82601 E82602 F82603 F7HP_RIGHTI2C_DATAFE-ST-VK-NCD_SWINFOCD_SICLTU_GND(FROM SH 130-1)2606 F92610 E72611 E73400 A93402 B93405 F53406 E53407 E43408 F43410 A23411 A23412 A33413 A33414 C23415 C23416 C3HP_GNDMUTECD_SILDTU_CLKPWDND_GND3417 C33418 C73419 C73420 C73421 C83492 F43565 A83566 A93567 B83568 B93569 E53600 E63601 E63602 D83603 D83604 F73605 F74400 E44401 E54405 F54406 F4(DSA_DATA)(DSA_ACK)LPC(DSA_STR)F2CD_SHSTR4407 F34408 C44409 E44410 B54411 D54414 E54415 A54418 B34459 F24487 A54490 E45400 A75600 D75601 E75602 E86400 A76401 A76402 B76420 C76600 F76601 F7DSA_DATATU_STEREOSH_DATAHP_LEFTSH_DATA-33V+5V6_ECO7600 E77601 E77602 F69401 A99402 A99404 D59410 C59416 B59488 F49506 F3(ESD WIRE TO COMBI PCB)9514 F4DSA_ACK(TO SH 130-1)(TO SH 130-1)242047p10p241147p242410K34134406BC817-25760144901K3601CD1K34