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CHANGES IN COURSE OF PRODUCTION*In course of production the 3 disc changer module 3CDC-LC has been introduced as an alternative.Compared to the original used 3CDC-LC-MB there are different servo / motor driver ICs (TDA7073A) used on the CD board.The new board can be identified by the 12 fig. number 3103 303 34255 printed in the copper pattern.Note: New chapter 3CDC-LC is enclosed to this Service Information.*From production week 0148 to 0152 a different changer module 3CDC99-DS has been used.This module can be identified by:- The tray is not locked and can be opened by simply pulling it out.- The 12 fig. number printed on the 3CDC99-DS board reads 3103 303 34283.To enable the use of this 3CDC99-DS version following modifications have been implemented:Mechanical:Pos. 107 changed to 8203 306 84031 Cover Tray 3CDC99Front Board:7401 changed to 8203 239 35241 TMP87CP71FNote: This microprocessor will only work in combination with the 3CDC99 Module.Combi Board:1509 Flex Foil Socket 15p deleted1511 Flex Foil Socket 23p (4822 267 10757) added. Pin 20-23 have been removed in order to adapt the socket to the layoutof the Combi Board.3574 and 3575 changed to 33k (4822 051 20333)3576 and 3577 changed to 5,6k (4822 051 20562)Note: The complete chapter 3CDC99-DS is enclosed to this Service Information.Service InformationServiceServiceServiceProduct Service Group CE AudioFW-C220A01-167' 3139 785 300362001-12-13Already published Service Informations: none10-1TABLE OF CONTENTSService Hints.10-2Wiring Diagram .10-4Blockdiagram .10-5Component Layout Main Board .10-6Circuit Diagram part1 .10-7Component Layout Main Board .10-8Circuit Diagram part2 .10-9Exploded View .10-10Partslist .10-123CDC-LC(3 Disc Carousel Changer)Layout stage .510-2The following steps have to be done when replacing the CD mechanism:1. Disconnect flexfoil cable from the old CD drive2. Put a paperclip on the flexfoil to short-circuit the contacts (fig.1)3. Remove the old CD drive4. Remove paperclip from the flexfoil and connect it to the new drive 5. Position the new CD drive in its studs6. Remove solder joint from the LaserunitCHARGED CAPACITORS ON THE SERVO BOARD MAY DAMAGE THE CD DRIVE ELECTRONICS WHENCONNECTING A NEW CD MECHANISM. THAT´S WHY, BESIDES THE SAFETY MEASURES LIKE SWITCH OFF POWER SUPPLY ESD PROTECTIONADDITIONAL ACTIONS MUST BE TAKEN BY THE REPAIR TECHNICIAN.fig.1Attention: The laser diode of this CD drive is protected against ESD by a solder joint which shortcircuits thelaserdiode to ground.For proper functionality of the CD drive this solder joint must be removed after connection the drive tothe set. Emergency openService hintsIn case of a Supply fault, the tray can be opened manually.1. Remove the top cover of the set to get access to the Changer Module.2. Turn gearwheel clockwise (as shown in picture below).CAUTION10-3Pos 49 GuidingPos 48 CamDetail ADismantling of TrayService hints1. Open the tray.2. Release 2x catch as shown in fig. 2 andDetail A3. Pull tray out.fig.2Assembling of Tray1. Turn Cam (pos. 48) clockwise to endposition.2. If necessary - move Guiding (pos. 49) to theright end position.3. Insert the Tray.10-4WiringDisc MotorInner switchSlide MotorService Position10-510-5DATASDAVCC1805D1-D5D2-D4 7807780678717873TDA7073ATDA7073ATDA7073AHEF4094BTTTM+TTM-MOT2LD ONLDMONCD R/WHF INV1D1D2D3D4R1,R2MOT1SLEDGEB-SLEDGEB+RADB-RADB+FOCB-FOCB+5V+10VSHR_CLSTR-OUTPOE_LATCHFLEX-FOIL8001REGISTERSHIFTSERVO - DECODERCD10SAA7324 (SAA7325)Active low passFilterTDA1308MOTORTRAY MOTORCARROUSELCD DRIVE UP/DOWN SWITCH18811880TRAY SWITCH18827874CD POS.1 SWITCHSLO2O0O1O7VDD +10VO6O5O4RAFODIODESPHOTOD3D2D5D1D4INNER SWITCHSWITCH INFOLASER &MONITORDIODETURNTABLEMOTORDISCCD MECHANISM FOCUSMOTORRADIALMOTORSLEDGEMOTORMOTORTURNTABLEPHOTODIODE & HF AMPLIFIER - LOADER CONTROL PCBEN1DATASTBSHR_CLSICLSILDPORE78757801+3,3VCD LEFT78057877CD RIGHTLaser Control&HF AMPLIFIERTZA1024 (TZA1025)555456387 18202123155232223181924659SWITCH INFO17161564240395,17,21,52,57596064113+5V2+5,6V8457V461156310116,1471441521316591112135V1+5V+3,3VSCLSILDRNRPLNLPPORE+-+-Blockdiagram 3CDC-LC 1999 09 21Closed if carrousel is in Position 1.1883O3Open if carrousel is in a valid Play-Position.Closed if the tray is in one endposition.Open during movement.Open if the drive is in one endposition.Closed during movement.VtVDD (pin 16)EN1 (pin 15)Power onBlockdiagram10-6 10-6This assembly drawing shows a summaryof all possible versions.For components used in a specific versionsee schematic diagram respectively partslist. 3CDC-LC Mainboard Layout stage .5 10 09 20013CDC-LC Mainboard Componentside view2854 or 3717This assembly drawing shows a summaryof all possible versions.For components used in a specific versionsee schematic diagram respectively partslist. 3CDC-LC Mainboard Layout stage .5 10 09 20013CDC-LC Mainboard Copperside viewCopperside2800 F4 2801 D4 2802 F4 2803 D4 2805 D4 2806 D4 2807 F4 2808 D4 2810 E4 2811 D4 2815 F3 2816 C3 2818 C4 2822 E3 2823 E3 2824 E3 2825 E4 2829 H3 2830 C4 2831 B3 2832 C4 2833 C4 2834 D4 2835 E2 2836 D4 2840 D1 2841 E2 2842 F2 2844 E2 2850 C3 2852 C2 2853 D2 2854 D2 2855 E4 2856 C3 2857 E2 2859 E3 2862 C4 2863 C4 2864 D2 2865 B3 2867 B4 2869 F4 2872 G2 2877 H1 2878 H1 2879 E2 2882 B3 2887 C4 2891 G2 2892 F3 2893 H1 3700 D2 3705 C2 3706 C1 3707 C2 3708 C2 3709 C3 3711 C2 3712 A3 3713 G3 3714 G2 3715 G2 3716 D2 3717 D2 3718 C2 3727 C3 3728 C3 3730 C3 3731 C2 3732 C2 3733 C2 3734 D2 3735 E3 3736 E3 3740 C4 3741 C4 3742 C4 3743 C3 3744 B4 3746 B3 3750 B4 3751 B4 3770 C3 3771 B5 3772 B5 3780 C3 3781 B3 3782 B5 3800 F4 3801 E4 3802 F4 3803 D4 3804 C3 3805 D4 3806 D4 3807 D4 3808 D4 3809 D2 3811 F4 3814 D4 3819 C3 3820 F4 3821 F4 3822 F4 3823 F3 3824 F3 3825 E3 3826 E3 3827 D4 3828 D2 3831 C2 3832 C3 3833 E4 3834 F4 3837 D2 3838 D2 3839 E2 3840 E3 3841 D2 3842 D2 3843 E2 3844 F2 3845 D2 3846 E2 3847 G2 3848 D3 3849 E2 3850 E1 3853 E4 3854 B5 3855 B5 3856 E4 3857 E4 3858 B5 3859 B5 3860 B4 3861 C4 3862 C4 3863 D2 3864 B4 3866 F3 3867 C4 3868 B3 3869 F4 3870 F4 3871 H1 3872 B3 3873 C3 3874 B3 3875 C2 3876 C2 3877 H1 3878 A5 3879 H3 3880 G3 3881 G2 3882 H2 3883 H3 3884 H3 3885 H3 3886 H2 3887 G2 3888 H1 3889 C2 3890 H2 3891 H2 3892 C2 3893 G2 3894 E4 3895 E3 3897 F2 3898 G2 3899 D5 3900 E2 3901 G3 4800 A5 4801 A4 4802 A4 4803 B2 4804 A5 4805 A5 4806 A5 4807 A5 4808 A5 4809 B5 4810 B4 4811 F2 4812 F2 4813 A4 4814 A4 4815 A4 4816 A4 4817 A3 4818 A3 4819 A3 4820 C4 4821 B2 4822 C5 4823 C5 4824 C5 4825 B3 4826 C3 4827 A4 4828 C2 4829 B2 4830 E2 4831 H4 4832 D2 4833 E3 4834 E4 4835 F3 4836 F4 4837 E3 4838 E3 4839 E3 4840 F3 4841 G2 4842 E3 4843 F3 4844 G3 4845 G4 4846 F4 4847 F4 4848 G4 4849 A4 4876 C5 6871 H1 6872 H2 6873 H2 6874 G3 6875 G2 6876 C5 6877 C4 6878 H2 6879 C2 7801 F3 7804 F2 7805 B4 7812 G3 7850 B5 7851 B5 7860 B5 7861 B5 7873 H2 7874 C2 7875 D4 7876 C2 7877 D3 Componentside1800 F1 1801 C5 1805 A2 1810 C2 1875 H1 1878 B3 1880 B5 1881 G1 2809 E4 2826 E3 2828 D4 2837 E4 2838 F3 2839 F4 2849 E2 2851 C2 2858 B2 2860 C1 2861 C1 2873 H2 2875 G2 2876 B2 2881 G3 2884 F3 2885 E2 2888 G3 3812 F4 3815 G3 3835 F5 3851 G2 3852 E5 5802 B4 7806 F5 7807 D5 7871 H3 Mapping10-710-7SER. DATALOOPBACKINTERF.KILLTIMINGBITSTREAM DACSER. DATAINTERFACEVERSAT.INTERF.EBUINTERF.CORR.ERRORCONTROLFUNCTIONPRE-PROCESSINGAUDIOPROCESSORMICROCONTROLLERINTERFACESUBCODEPROCESSORADDRSRAMPEAKDET.MOTORCONTROLOUTPUTSTAGESDIG.PLLEFMDEMODVERSATILEINTERFACEADCVREF GEN.FRONTENDVDD-+-+2x4x1xV/IV/IVgapVDD-+-+(Quartz used)SLIDESLIDESignal ProcessorF+LMONSLIDEDD2D5D4 DEFGHT+on#1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415123456D3 (CD10)D2 (CD10)DISCR2 (CD10)D2D3863 = 33RD18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15ABCDEFGHA+HF-AmplifierMotor Driver+CD DriveD4 (CD10)VREFLDGNDD3+GND+7D2F-DPIN50BC3CDC-LC-mainboard DOBMdig. out circuitrypart 1D3_#. for provision onlyVCC/ SAA7325D1 (CD10)D5#_TRACKFOCUS_for Coax out versionsfor basic versiononly for digital out versions/ TZA1025FOCUSDpart 2TRACKFOCUSfor digital out version:D4+TRACKLaser power controlfrom 1801DDISC+DISC_Dto 7877DR1 (CD10)Servo driverVAM2201D4T-D1D3INNERSW.D5_D1#to33p28333735+3.3V680K3736680K10u2838120R386733K 38273897100R100K38392810 180p37284K7+3.3V2849 4u7283433p2811 220pMP89382K38492857 10n382622K+10V27p2856282422n38504K7380710K38154R738324u72888+3.3V10K28161n53824 1K4K73727380610K3862 120R100n 2887+3servo+3.3V3853470R380510K33VSSD150VSSD258VSSD335WCLI28WCLK38522R231TEST244TEST363V134V2|V361V462V55 VDDA117VDDA252VDDD1P57VDDD2C20VNEG21VPOS7 VRIN4 VSSA114 VSSA2RESETn22RN23RP48SBSY40SCL37SCLI29SCLK39SDA36SDI24SELPLL47SFSY42SILDSL5643STATUS46SUB25TEST11 HFREF6 IREF3 ISLICE32KILL64LDON18LN19LP59MOTO160MOTO212 R113 R254RARAB 4145RCK3853CFLG49CL11|426CL1616 CRIN15 CROUT8 D19 D210 D311 D427DATA51EF3055FO2 HFIN3844+10VSAA7324787747u4K710K380328284K7382038122R2270p3892470R2841380056KMP8442805 220p22K3834+3.3V10K38041011121314152345678918001270p 28448111514102167161391253447KTDA7073A 7807470R38733845+3.3V47n2879382822K2806 220p+3.3V10K3801VCCL11CDRW3 CFIL8CMFB5 DIN12EQSEL6GND1 LD4 MON7PWRON10RFEQO9RFFB14RGADJ13VCC224R77801TZA10243869470R38892808 220pEBUGND3856 68R180p280222K3833283947u4u72884+3servo4K73821+3.3V3843282647u285910n33K 47K38421n528181K38236K8384747n2825220p280337094K738411R2800 180p38251K330p28071K3838384028422n2100K15K3870100n10K28403808481110K38664812+5V381118K28911n5220p2801282356p38222851220u28092K747u28370u47470p28552885 4u7+3.3V68R38574n72892+3servo380216139125348111556K7806TDA7073A141021671234561801PH-S1810TF0128501n389515R+5V470R381938461K383733K220n281547n28693848100K2835282247n2n2100R3R338353863M13894100RVrefCD10HFINKILL_RVrefInnerswVrefVrefCD10FOVrefDOBMCL11KILL_LLPLNRAM2RNRCKSBSYRPSFSYSLSUBInnerswSILDSICLSDAPOREHFOUTVref3CDC-LC Part1 20001127To 7876 on part 2(CD-Text IC)To 1805 on part 2(mP-Interface)To 3770,3780 on part 2(Mute)To 7805 on part 2390010KBC847B780482K39011800 D11801 G11810 C102800 C42801 C52802 C42803 C52805 B52806 B52807 A42808 A52809 H42810 A42811 A52815 D52816 B122818 B112822 F92823 F102824 F102825 F92826 G122828 G132833 C102834 C102835 F72837 H42838 E82839 F42840 G42841 F52842 F52844 F52849 C12850 D142851 B112855 B42856 D152857 H52859 G52869 D32879 H52884 E82885 F92887 B102888 E52891 F42892 D53709 C143727 B123728 E143735 G63736 H63800 C43801 C43802 C43803 C43804 C143805 B43806 B43807 A43808 A43811 B43812 H43815 E53819 D143820 D33821 D33822 D33823 D83824 D83825 F93826 F93827 E103828 G103832 D153833 A43834 A43835 F53837 F73838 F73839 H63840 G53841 G53842 E53843 E53844 F53845 F53846 F53847 F53848 H63849 H53850 H53852 H53853 E93856 C13857 C23862 B103863 H133866 D83867 B113869 D33870 E33873 D143889 D153892 E153894 E93895 G123897 E73900 E63901 E44811 F84812 F87801 E77804 E47806 G47807 H47877 D120Vfor CD TEXT only4.7Vduring Focus search1V1.6V0V3.2V3.4V0.9V1.7V1.7V3.0Vfor CD_DA : 0V3V3V1.6V1.6V3.2V0.8V5.1V1.6V4.8V0.3V1.6V0V->Laser damaged !3.2V1.6V0V1.7V1.6V1.6V0.3V0V3V1.6V3V1.6V0.2V0V1.9V2.9VESD sensitive lines!2.9V5V1.6VEYE-PATTERN1.6V4.7V3.2V0.8V2.1V3.2V1.6V10V1.6V11.3 MHz0VU >400mV4.7V1.6V1.6V1.6V4.6V5V1.6V1.6V10V5Vfor CD_RW : 3VTB = 0.5us/div1.7V3V1.6V1.6V4.9V0V1.6V800mVppEVMV.DC voltages measuredin Play modefor CD_DA : 0Vfor CD_RW : 0,7V10-8 10-8This assembly drawing shows a summaryof all possible versions.For components used in a specific versionsee schematic diagram respectively partslist. 3CDC-LC Mainboard Layout stage .5 10 09 20013CDC-LC Mainboard Componentside view2854 or 3717This assembly drawing shows a summaryof all possible versions.For components used in a specific versionsee schematic diagram respectively partslist. 3CDC-LC Mainboard Layout stage .5 10 09 20013CDC-LC Mainboard Copperside viewCopperside2800 F4 2801 D4 2802 F4 2803 D4 2805 D4 2806 D4 2807 F4 2808 D4 2810 E4 2811 D4 2815 F3 2816 C3 2818 C4 2822 E3 2823 E3 2824 E3 2825 E4 2829 H3 2830 C4 2831 B3 2832 C4 2833 C4 2834 D4 2835 E2 2836 D4 2840 D1 2841 E2 2842 F2 2844 E2 2850 C3 2852 C2 2853 D2 2854 D2 2855 E4 2856 C3 2857 E2 2859 E3 2862 C4 2863 C4 2864 D2 2865 B3 2867 B4 2869 F4 2872 G2 2877 H1 2878 H1 2879 E2 2882 B3 2887 C4 2891 G2 2892 F3 2893 H1 3700 D2 3705 C2 3706 C1 3707 C2 3708 C2 3709 C3 3711 C2 3712 A3 3713 G3 3714 G2 3715 G2 3716 D2 3717 D2 3718 C2 3727 C3 3728 C3 3730 C3 3731 C2 3732 C2 3733 C2 3734 D2 3735 E3 3736 E3 3740 C4 3741 C4 3742 C4 3743 C3 3744 B4 3746 B3 3750 B4 3751 B4 3770 C3 3771 B5 3772 B5 3780 C3 3781 B3 3782 B5 3800 F4 3801 E4 3802 F4 3803 D4 3804 C3 3805 D4 3806 D4 3807 D4 3808 D4 3809 D2 3811 F4 3814 D4 3819 C3 3820 F4 3821 F4 3822 F4 3823 F3 3824 F3 3825 E3 3826 E3 3827 D4 3828 D2 3831 C2 3832 C3 3833 E4 3834 F4 3837 D2 3838 D2 3839 E2 3840 E3 3841 D2 3842 D2 3843 E2 3844 F2 3845 D2 3846 E2 3847 G2 3848 D3 3849 E2 3850 E1 3853 E4 3854 B5 3855 B5 3856 E4 3857 E4 3858 B5 3859 B5 3860 B4 3861 C4 3862 C4 3863 D2 3864 B4 3866 F3 3867 C4 3868 B3 3869 F4 3870 F4 3871 H1 3872 B3 3873 C3 3874 B3 3875 C2 3876 C2 3877 H1 3878 A5 3879 H3 3880 G3 3881 G2 3882 H2 3883 H3 3884 H3 3885 H3 3886 H2 3887 G2 3888 H1 3889 C2 3890 H2 3891 H2 3892 C2 3893 G2 3894 E4 3895 E3 3897 F2 3898 G2 3899 D5 3900 E2 3901 G3 4800 A5 4801 A4 4802 A4 4803 B2 4804 A5 4805 A5 4806 A5 4807 A5 4808