CLASS 1LASER PRODUCTServiceServiceServiceFWM37/21/22/25/37©Copyright 2005 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The NetherlandsAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system ortransmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwisewithout the prior permission of Philips.Published by SL0512 Service Audio Printed in The Netherlands Subject to modification.GB3141 785 30160Mini SystemTABLE OF CONTENTSPageLocation of pc boards Button pressed?2;Button pressed?9Button pressed?DISPLAYTESTDisplay shows Fig.2and selected LEDs on(see note 2)Display shows Fig. 1 and selected LEDs on (see note 1)note 2 : Only DISC 2, 3, AUX, ALB, TITLE, MUTE, FM, DBB12, TECHNO, JAZZ,CONCERT & R.C. are on.note 1 : All LEDs are on except ECO POWER.Fig. 1Fig. 2Table 2Error codeE1000E1001E1002E1003E1005E1006E1007E1008E1020E1070E1071E1079Error DescriptionFocus ErrorTriggered when the focus could not be found within a certain time when starting up the CDor when the focus is lost for a certain time during play.Radial ErrorTriggered when the radial servo is off-track for a certain time during play.Sledge In ErrorThe sledge did not reach its inner position (inner-switch is still close) before approximately6 Sec. have passed by. Inner-switch or sledge motor problem.Sledge Out ErrorThe sledge did not come out of its inner position (inner-switch is still open) before approximately250 mSec. have passed by. Inner-switch or sledge motor problem.Jump-offtrack errorTriggered in normal play when the jump destination could not be found within a certain time.When this error occurred, software will try to recover by initiating the jump command again.If it is recoverable, the disc will continue to play.Subcode ErrorTriggered when a new subcode was missing for a certain time during play.PLL ErrorThe Phase Lock Loop could not lock within a certain time.Turntable Motor ErrorGenerated when the CD could not reached 75% of speed during startup within a certain time.Discmotor problem.Focus Search ErrorThe focus point has not been found within a certain time.This happens when the carousel switch is defective and closed all the time, or when thecarousel is blocked when it is located exactly at a disc position.This happens when the carousel switch is defective and does not closed electrically, or whenthe carousel is blocked in between two disc positions. The time-out is approximately 5 Sec.The drawer could not open or enter the inside position and is opening again. This happen whenthe drawer is blocked and cannot go fully inside or when the drawer switch is defective and doesnot close.To start service test programhold P & AUXdepressed whileplugging in the mains cordDisplay shows theROM version *“S-Vyy“(Main menu)S refers to Service Mode.V refers to Version.yy refers to Software version number of µProcessor.(Counting up from 01 to 99)SERVICE TEST PROGRAM4-1SET BLOCK DIAGRAM4-15-1SET WIRING DIAGRAM5-1FRONT & KEY BOARDTABLE OF CONTENTSInternal IC Diagram & Pin Assignment . 6-1Internal IC Diagram & Pin Description . 6-2Internal IC Diagram & Pin Description . 6-3PCB Layout Top View . 6-4PCB Layout Bottom View . 6-5Circuit Diagram (MCU Part) . 6-6Circuit Diagram (Mic Part) . 6-7Electrical Parts List . 6-86-16-1INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAMMICROCONTROLLER - IC TMP87PS71FRemark: For Ver. 22, the whole Front Board Ass'y can be orderd with 12nc: 9940 000 015056-2 6-2PIN DESCRIPTIONMICROCONTROLLER - IC TMP87PS71FPIN ASSIGNMENT (TOP VIEW)MICROCONTROLLER - IC TMP87PS71F6-3 6-3INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAMRDS/RBDS DEMODULATOR - IC SAA6581TBLOCK DIAGRAMhandbook, full pagewidth57 kHz8th ORDERBANDPASS FILTERCLOCKEDCOMPARATORRDS/RBDSDEMODULATORSIGNAL QUALITYDETECTORPOWERSUPPLYAND RESETTESTCONTROLOSCILLATORAND CLOCKMPXmultiplexinputC1C6330 pF560 pF4VDDAVSSAVref+5 V+5 VC2100 nFC447 pFC556 pFC7100 nFC32.2 µF56VSSD113TCONCINSCOUT1587MODEVDDD9OSCIQ1OSCOQUALRDDARDCLSYNC13 1412161021MHB899SAA6581TPINNINGSYMBOL PIN DESCRIPTIONQUAL 1 signal quality indication outputRDDA 2 RDS data outputVref3 reference voltage output (1/2VDDA)MPX 4 multiplex signal inputVDDA5 analog supply voltage (5 V)VSSA6 analog ground (0 V)CIN 7 comparator inputSCOUT 8 switched capacitor filter outputMODE 9 oscillator frequency select inputSYNC 10 ARI clamping control inputVSSD11 digital ground (0 V)VDDD12 digital supply voltage (5 V)OSCI 13 oscillator inputOSCO 14 oscillator outputTCON 15 test control inputRDCL 16 RDS clock outputMHB90012345678161514131211109QUALRDDAVrefMPXVDDAVSSACINSCOUTRDCLTCONOSCOOSCIVDDDVSSDSYNCMODESAA6581TPIN DESCRIPTIONRDS/RBDS DEMODULATOR - IC SAA6581TINTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAMPOSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR - IC KA78056-66-6CIRCUIT DIAGRAM - FRONT BOARD (MCU PART)6-76-7CIRCUIT DIAGRAM - FRONT BOARD (MIC PART)7A-17A-11FMOsc.FMMixerAMMixerAMOsc.AM IFIF1 IF2FMDet.AMDet.339373RADIO ICTEA 5757H TUNER BOARDECO 6 Systems1018 111415 24right rightleftleftstereoVCO4140 36 193244 25StereoDecoderAFCAFC +AFC -44AGCPre-scalerMulti-plexerChargepumpStabilizerCONTROLReferenceOscillator292827clockdataenableP1P03130programmableoutput portsVLoopVLoopVLoopVLoopVLoop26543CD450kHz450kHz450kHz2075kHzVStabAVStabBVStabBVStabA VStabB10,7 MHz 10,7 MHz35 9Vdd Vcc1723VStabAVStabB383422Vcc28ECO6 Systems, 140499LF filterRDS(MPX)RDS(MPX)stereoclockdataenableVersion112018FMFrontendAMFrontendAM-FRAME AERIALB11031101(1102)A FMMPXbuffer ampl.5Discriminator10,7 MHzVddVcc1VccVcc2AM-RFAM-Osc.FM-Osc.FM-RF FM-IF 1 FM-IF 2AM-IF 1 AM-IF 2 AM-AFC32BLOCK DIAGRAMECO6 Tuner Boardversion: SYSTEMS non-CENELECTABLE OF CONTENTSBlockdiagram .7A-1Schematic Diagram.7A-2Component Layout.7A-3Adjustment table .7A-3Electrical Partslist.7A-4