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    PRODUCT FAMILY EXPANIUM 3Technical specification .1-1Connections and controls .1-2Firmware upgrade .1-3Features .1-4Accessories .1-4Safety .switches the set on, starts playback andinterrupts playback5 .skips forward and searches forward6 ESP.Electronic Skip Protection prevents musicinterruptions caused by shocks or vibrations7 +.MP3-CD only: selects the next album or skipsforward8 .display9 .MP3-CD only: selects the previous album orskips backward0 DBB.Dynamic Bass Boost, selects the bassenhancement! MODE .selects playback options such as SHUFFLE andREPEAT PROGRAM .programs tracks and lets you review theprogramme# RESUME.stores the last position playedHOLD.locks all buttonsOFF.switches RESUME and HOLD off$ .skips backward and searches backward% LINE OUT/p.3.5mm line out socket to connect- the headphones- this set to the audio input of your stereoequipment 4.5V DC .to connect the mains adapter (supplied oroptionally available).switches the set on, starts playback andinterrupts playback4 ESP.Electronic Skip Protection prevents musicinterruptions caused by shocks or vibrations5 DBB.Dynamic Bass Boost, selects the bassenhancement6 .skips forward and searches forward7 +.MP3-CD only: selects the next album or skipsforward8 DISPLAY.selects the track and album information9 .display0 .MP3-CD only: selects the previous album orskips backward! .skips backward and searches backward RESUME.stores the last position playedHOLD.locks all buttonsOFF.switches RESUME and HOLD off# 9 .stops playback, clears a programme andswitches the set off$ PROGRAM .programs tracks and lets you review theprogramme% MODE .selects playback options such as SHUFFLE andREPEAT LINE OUT/p.3.5mm line out to connect- the headphones- this set to the audio input of your stereoequipment.switches the set on, starts playback andinterrupts playback% RESUME.stores the last position playedHOLD.locks all buttonsOFF.switches RESUME and HOLD off .selects playback of favourites:fi Upgrading is displayed and upgrading starts. This may takesome minutes. After upgrading is finished, Upgrade completeis scrolled.fi Wrong upgrade file is scrolled: Your set already has thelatest firmware or the downloaded file does not correspond toyour set.fi Upgrade file defect is scrolled: The upgrade file has beendamaged during the download or when burning the CD-ROM.Download the file again, burn a new CD-ROM and try again.fi No upgrade file is scrolled: No upgrade file was found on theinserted CD-ROM.Note: If upgrading is interrupted accidentally, repeat step 6 untilupgrading is completed successfully.OFFRESUME HOLDLINE OUT/OPENVOL.PLAY-PAUSESTOPDISPLAYMODE ALBUMSEARCH)*90#!$%this pin should be tied low26 CL16 CD10 fi 16.9344 MHz system clock output27 DATA CD10 fi DSP serial data output (3-state)28 WCLK CD10 fi DSP word clock output (3-state)29 SCLK CD10 fi DSP serial bit clock output (3-state)30 EF CD10 fi DSP C2 error flag output (3-state)31 TEST2 GND test control input 2; this pin should be tied low32 KILL CD10 fi kill output (programmable; open-drain)33 VSSD1 GND digital ground 234 V2/V3 CD10 fi versatile I/O: input versatile pin 2 or output versatile pin 3 (open-drain)35 WCLI DSP fi CD10 word clock input (for data loopback to DAC)36 SDI DSP fi CD10 serial data input (for data loopback to DAC)37 SCLI DSP fi CD10 serial bit clock input (for data loopback to DAC)38 RESETn µP fi CD10 power-on reset input (active low)39 SDA µP « CD10 microcontroller interface data I/O line (open-drain output)40 SCL µP fi CD10 microcontroller interface clock line input41 RAB µP fi CD10 microcontroller interface R/W and load control line input (4-wire bus mode)42 SILD µP fi CD10 microcontroller interface R/W and load control line input (4-wire bus mode)43 STATUS CD10 fi servo interrupt request line/decoder status register output (open-drain)44 TEST3 GND test control input 3; this pin should be tied low45 RCK DSP fi CD10 subcode clock input46 SUB CD10 fi DSP P-to-W subcode bits output (3-state)47 SFSY CD10 fi DSP subcode frame sync output (3-state)48 SBSY CD10 fi DSP subcode block sync output (3-state)49 CL11/4 CD10 fi 11.2896 MHz or 4.2336 MHz (for microcontroller) clock output50 VSSD2 GND digital ground 351 DOBM CD10 fi bi-phase mark output (externally buffered; 3-state)52 VDDD1P +2.6V (+VR) digital supply voltage 2 for periphery53 CFLG CD10 fi correction flag output (open-drain)54 RA CD10 fi servo driver radial actuator output55 FO CD10 fi servo driver focus actuator output56 SL CD10 fi servo driver slide control output57 VDDD2C +2.6V digital supply voltage 3 for core58 VSSD3 GND digital ground 459 MOTO1 CD10 fi servo driver motor output 1; versatile (3-state)60 MOTO2 CD10 fi motor output 2; versatile (3-state)61 V4 CD10 fi HF-preamp versatile output pin 462 V5 CD10 fi HF-preamp versatile output pin 563 V1 innerswitch fi CD10 versatile input pin 164 LDON CD10 fi HF-preamp laser drive on output (open-drain)3-2


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