VCR+DVD PLAYERSECTION 1 SUMMARY 1-1PRODUCT SAFETY SERVICING GUIDELINES FORVCR+DVD PRODUCTS 1-3SERVICING PRECAUTIONS 1-4INFORMATION ABOUT LEAD-FREE SOLDERING 1-5SERVICE INFORMATION FOR EEPROM IC SETTING(VCR) 1-6SERVICE INFORMATION FOR EEPROM (DVD) 1-7SPECIFICATIONS 1-8SECTION 2 CABINET CONNECT A 1500 OHM 10WATT RESISTOR, PARALLELED BY A .15 MFD. 150.V A.C TYPE CAPACITOR BETWEEN AKNOWN GOOD EARTH GROUND (WATER PIPE, CONDUIT, ETC.) AND THE EXPOSEDMETALLIC PARTS, ONE AT A TIME. MEASURE THE A.C. VOLTAGE ACROSS THECOMBINATION OF 1500 OHM RESISTOR AND .15 MFD CAPACITOR. REVERSE THE A.C.PLUG AND REPEAT A.C. VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS FOR EACH EXPOSED METALLICPART.VOLTAGE MEASURED MUST NOT EXCEED 75 VOLTS R.M.S. THIS CORRESPONDS TO 0.5MILLIAMP A.C ANY VALUE EXCEEDING THIS LIMIT CONSTITUTES A POTENTIAL SHOCKHAZARD AND MUST BE CORRECTED IMMEDIATELY.SUBJECT: GRAPHIC SYMBOLSTHE LIGHTNING FLASH WITH APROWHEAD SYMBOL. WITHIN ANEQUILATERAL TRIANGLE, IS INTENDED TO ALERT THE SERVICEPERSONNEL TO THE PRESENCE OF UNINSULATED “DANGEROUSVOLTAGE” THAT MAY BE OF SUFFICIENT MAGNITUDE TO CONSTITUTE ARISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK.THE EXCLAMATION POINT WITHIN AN EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE ISINTENDED TO ALERT THE SERVICE PERSONNEL TO THE PRESENCE OFIMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION IN SERVICE LITERATURE.SUBJECT: X-RADIATION1. BE SURE PROCEDURES AND INSTRUCTIONS TO ALL SERVICE PERSONNEL COVER THESUBJECT OF X-RADIATION. THE ONLY POTENTIAL SOURCE OF X-RAYS IN CURRENT T.V.RECEIVERS IS THE PICTURE TUBE. HOWEVER, THIS TUBE DOES NOT EMIT X-RAYSWHEN THE HIGH VOLTAGE IS AT THE FACTORY SPECIFIED LEVEL. THE PROPER VALUEIS GIVEN IN THE APPLICABLE SCHEMATIC. OPERATION AT HIGHER VOLTAGES MAYCAUSE A FAILURE OF THE PICTURE TUBE OR HIGH VOLTAGE SUPPLY AND, UNDERCERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES, MAY PRODUCE RADIATION IN EXCESS OF DESIRABLELEVELS.2. ONLY FACTORY SPECIFIED C.R.T. ANODE CONNECTORS MUST BE USED. DEGAUSSINGSHIELDS ALSO SERVE AS X-RAY SHIELD IN COLOR SETS, ALWAYS RE-INSTALL THEM.3. IT IS ESSNTIAL THAT SERVICE PERSONNEL HAVE AVAILABLE AN ACCURATE ANDRELIABLE HIGH VOLTAGE METER. THE CALIBRATION OF THE METER SHOULD BECHECKED PERIODICALLY AGAINST A REFERENCE STANDARD, SUCH AS THE ONEAVAILABLE AT YOUR DISTRIBUTOR.4. WHEN THE HIGH VOLTAGE CIRCUITRY IS OPERATING PROPERLY THERE IS NOPOSSIBILITY OF AN X-RADIATION PROBLEM. EVERY TIME A COLOR CHASSIS ISSERVICED. THE BRIGHTNESS SHOULD BE RUN UPAND DOWN WHILE MONITORING THEHIGH VOLTAGE WITH A METER TO BE CERTAIN THAT THE HIGH VOLTAGE DOES NOTEXCEED THE SPECIFIED VALUE AND THAT IT IS REGULATING CORRECTLY, WE SUGGESTTHAT YOU AND YOUR SERVICE ORGANIZATION REVIEW TEST PROCEDURES SO THATVOLTAGE REGULATION IS ALWAYS CHECKED AS A STANDARD SERVICING PROCEDURE.AND THAT THE HIGH VOLTAGE READING BE RECORDER ON EACH CUSTOMERSINVOICE.5. WHEN TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAKING TEST MEASUREMENTS IN A PRODUCT WITH APROBLEM OF EXCESSIVE HIGH VOLTAGE, AVOID BEING UNNECESSARILY CLOSE TOTHE PICTURE TUBE AND THE HIGH VOLTAGE SUPPLY. DO NOT OPERATE THE PRODUCTLONGER THAN IS NECESSARY TO LOCATE THE CAUSE OF EXCES SIVE VOLTAGE.6. REFER TO HV. B+ AND SHUTDOWN ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES DESCRIBED IN THEAPPROPRIATE SCHEMATIC AND DIAGRAMS (WHERE USED).SUBJECT: IMPLOSION1. ALL DIRECT VIEWED PICTURE TUBES ARE EQUIPPED WITH AN INTE GRAL IMPLOSIONPROTECTION SYSTEM, BUT CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO AVOID DAMAGE DURINGINSTALLATION, AVOID SCRATCHING THE TUBE. IF SCRATCHED REPLACE IT.2. USE ONLY RECOMMENDED FACTORY REPLACEMENT TUBES.SUBJECT: TIPS ON PROPER INSTALLATION1. NEVER INSTALL ANY PRODUCT IN A CLOSED-IN RECESS, CUBBYHOLE OR CLOSELYFITTING SHELF SPACE. OVER OR CLOSE TO HEAT DUCT, OR IN THE PATH OF HEATEDAIR FLOW.2. AVOID CONDITIONS OF HIGH HUMIDITY SUCH AS: OUTDOOR PATIO INSTALLATIONSWHERE DEW IS A FACTOR, NEAR STEAM RADIATORS WHERE STEAM LEAKAGE IS AFACTOR, ETC.3. AVOID PALCEMENT WHERE DRAPERIES MAY OBSTRUCT REAR VENTING. THECUSTOMER SHOULD ALSO AVOID THE USE OF DECORATIVE SCARVES OR OTHERCOVERINGS WHICH MIGHT OBSTRUCT VENTILATION.4. WALL AND SHELF MOUNTED INSTALLATIONS USING A COMMERCIAL MOUNTING KIT.MUST FOLLOW THE FACTORY APPROVED MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS A PRODUCTMOUNTED TO A SHELF OR PLATFORM MUST RETAIN ITS ORIGINAL FEET (OR THEEQUIVALENT THICKNESS IN SPACERS) TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE AIR FLOW ACROSS THEBOTTOM, BOLTS OR SCREWS USED FOR FASTENERS MUST NOT TOUCH ANY PARTS ORWIRING. PERFORM LEAKAGE TEST ON CUSTOMIZED INSTALLATIONS.5. CAUTION CUSTOMERS AGAINST THE MOUNTING OF A PRODUCT ON SLOPING SHELFOR A TILTED POSITION, UNLESS THE PRODUCT IS PROPERLY SECURED.6. A PRODUCT ON A ROLL-ABOUT CART SHOULD BE STABLE ON ITS MOUNTING TO THECART. CAUTION THE CUSTOMER ON THE HAZARDS OF TRYING TO ROLL A CART WITHSMALL CASTERS ACROSS THRESHOLDS OR DEEP PILE CARPETS.7. CAUTION CUSTOMERS AGAINST THE USE OF A CART OR STAND WHICH HAS NOT BEENLISTED BY UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. FOR USE WITH THEIR SPECIFICMODEL OF TELEVISION RECEIVER OR GENERICALLY APPROVED FOR USE WITH T.V.SOF THE SAME OR LARGER SCREEN SIZE.8. CAUTION CUSTOMERS AGAINST THE USE OF EXTENSION CORDS, EXPLAIN THAT AFOREST OF EXTENSIONS SPROUTING FROM A SINGLE OUTLET CAN LEAD TODISASTROUS CONSEQUENCES TO HOME AND FAMILY.PRODUCT SAFETY SERVICING GUIDELINES FOR DVD+VCR PRODUCTS1-4SERVICING PRECAUTIONSCAUTION: Before servicing the VCR+DVD covered by thisservice data and its supplements and addends, read andfollow the SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. NOTE: if unforeseencircumstances create conflict between the following servicingprecautions and any of the safety precautions in thispublications, always follow the safety precautions.Remember Safety First :General Servicing Precautions1.Always unplug the VCR+DVD AC power cord from the ACpower source before:(1) Removing or reinstalling any component, circuit board,module, or any other assembly.(2) Disconnecting or reconnecting any internal electricalplug or other electrical connection.(3) Connecting a test substitute in parallel with anelectrolytic capacitor.Caution : A wrong part substitution or incorrect polarityinstallation of electrolytic capacitors may result in anexplosion hazard.2.Do not spray chemicals on or near this VCR+DVD or any ofits assemblies.3.Unless specified otherwise in this service data, cleanelectrical contacts by applying an appropriate contactcleaning solution to the contacts with a pipe cleaner, cotton-tipped swab, or comparable soft applicator. Unless specified otherwise in this service data, lubrication ofcontacts is not required.4.Do not defeat any plug/socket B+ voltage interlocks withwhich instruments covered by this service manual might beequipped.5.Do not apply AC power to this VCR+DVD and/or any of itselectrical assemblies unless all solid state device heat sinksare correctly installed.6.Always connect the test instrument ground lead to anappropriate ground before connecting the test instrumentpositive lead. Always remove the test instrument groundlead last.Insulation Checking ProcedureDisconnect the attachment plug from the AC outlet and turnthe power on. Connect an insulation resistance meter (500V)to the blades of the attachment plug. The insulation resistancebetween each blade of the attachment plug and accessibleconductive parts (Note 1) should be more than 1Mohm.Note 1: Accessible Conductive Parts include Metal panels,Input terminals, Earphone jacks,etc.Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) DevicesSome semiconductor (solid state) devices can be damagedeasily by static electricity. Such components commonly arecalled Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices. Examples oftypical ES devices are integrated circuits and some field effecttransistors and semiconductor chip components.The following techniques should be used to help reduce theincidence of component damage caused by static electricity.1.Immediately before handling any semiconductor componentor semiconductor-equipped assembly, drain off anyelectrostatic charge on your body by touching a known earthground. Alternatively, obtain and wear a commerciallyavailable discharging wrist strap device, which should beremoved for potential shock reasons prior to applying powerto the unit under test.2.After removing an electrical assembly equipped with ESdevices, place the assembly on a conductive surface suchas aluminum foil, to prevent electrostatic charge buildup orexposure of the assembly.3.Use only a grounded-tip soldering iron to solder or unsolderES devices.4.Use only an anti-static solder removal device. Some solderremoval devices not classified as “anti-static” can generateelectrical charges sufficient to damage ES devices.5.Do not use freon-propelled chemicals. These can generatean electrical charge sufficient to damage ES devices.6.Do not remove a replacement ES device from its protectivepackage until immediately before you are ready to install it.(Most replacement ES devices are packaged with leadselectrically shorted together by conductive foam, aluminumfoil,or comparable conductive material).7.Immediately before removing the protective material fromthe leads of a replacement ES device, touch the protectivematerial to the chassis or circuit assembly into which thedevice will be installed.Caution: Be sure no power is applied to the chassis orcircuit, and observe all other safety precautions.8.Minimize bodily motions when handling unpackagedreplacement ES devices. (Normally harmless motion suchas the brushing together of your clothes fabric or the liftingof your foot from a carpeted floor can generate staticelectricity sufficient to damage an ES device.)1-5INFORMATION ABOUT LEAD-FREE SOLDERINGPhilips CE is producing lead-free sets from 1.1.2005 onwards.INDENTIFICATION:Regardless of special logo (not always indicated)one must treat all sets from 1 Jan 2005 onwards, according next rules:Example S/N:Bottom line of typeplate gives a 14-digit S/N. Digit 5&6 is the year, digit 7&8 is theweek number, so in this case 1991 wk 18So from 0501 onwards = from 1 Jan 2005 onwardsImportant note: In fact also products of year 2004 must be treated in this way as long as you avoid mixing solder-alloys(leaded/ lead-free). So best to always use SAC305 and the higher temperatures belong to this.Due to lead-free technology some rules have to be respected by the workshop during a repair: Use only lead-free solder alloy Philips SAC305 with order code 0622 149 00106. If lead-free solder-paste is required,please contact the manufacturer of your solder-equipment. In general use of solder-paste within workshops should beavoided because paste is not easy to store and to handle. Use only adequate solder tools applicable for lead-free solder alloy. The solder tool must be able* To reach at least a solder-temperature of 400°C,* To stabilize the adjusted temperature at the solder-tip* To exchange solder-tips for different applications. Adjust your solder tool so that a temperature around 360°C - 380°C is reached and stabilized at the solder joint.Heating-time of the solder-joint should not exceed 4 sec. Avoid temperatures above 400°C otherwise wear-out of tipswill rise drastically and flux-fluid will be destroyed. To avoid wear-out of tips switch off un-used equipment, or reduce heat. Mix of lead-free solder alloy / parts with leaded solder alloy / parts is possible but PHILIPS recommends strongly to avoidmixed solder alloy types (leaded and lead-free).If one cannot avoid or does not know whether product is lead-free, clean carefully the solder-joint from old solder alloyand re-solder with new solder alloy (SAC305). Use only original spare-parts listed in the Service-Manuals. Not listed standard-material (commodities) has to bepurchased at external companies. Special information for BGA-ICs:- always use the 12nc-recognizable soldering temperature profile of the specific BGA (for de-soldering always use thelead-free temperature profile, in case of doubt)- lead free BGA-ICs will be delivered in so-called dry-packaging (sealed pack including a silica gel pack) to protect theIC against moisture. After opening, dependent of MSL-level seen on indicator-label in the bag, the BGA-IC possibly stillhas to be baked dry. (MSL=Moisture Sensitivity Level). This will be communicated via AYS-website.Do not re-use BGAs at all. For sets produced before 1.1.2005 (except products of 2004), containing leaded solder-alloy and components, allneeded spare-parts will be available till the end of the service-period. For repair of such sets nothing changes. On our website you find more information to:* BGA-de-/soldering (+ baking instructions)* Heating-profiles of BGAs and other ICs used in Philips-setsYou will find this and more technical information within the “magazine”, chapter “workshop news”.For additional questions please contact your local repair-helpdesk.comparable conductive material).1-6SERVICE INFORMATION FOR EEPROM IC SETTING(VCR)EEPROM option code No. settingNAME HEX BINARYOPT0 00 00000000OPT1 00 00000000OPT2 00 00000000OPT3 00 00000000OPT4 00 00000000OPT5 00 0000000012/26 - 00 V00 ON.Use arrow key ( ) to moveto approprite position and makechangesDVD LOGO Status (NO Disk status)RemotecontrolPause key1472 in order.MODEL DVP3350V/01 DVP3350V/02 DVP3350V/05 DVP3350V/19NAME HEX HEX HEX HEXOPT1 44 48 47 46OPT2 45 55 42 52OPT3 00 00 00 00OPT4 D3 D3 D3 D3OPT5 07 07 07 07OPT6 0F 0F 0F 0FOPT7 F4 F4 F4 F4OPT8 00 00 00 00OPT9 00 00 00 00OPTA 00 00 00 00OPTB 80 80 80 80OPTC 00 00 00 00OPTD 00 00 00 00OPTE 00 00 00 00OPTF 00 00 00 00OPTG 00 00 00 00DETECT NEW EEPROM (OPTION EDIT SCREEN)* OPTION NTSC model doesnt have VCR option and use DVD option BF as VCR option. (only DVD exist) PAL model has another separate VCR option. (Both VCR and DVD exist)1-8SPECIFICATIONS GENERALPower requirements AC 220 230V, 50HzPower consumption 17WDimensions (approx.) 430 x 78.5 x 265mm (W x H x D)Mass (approx.) 4.06kgOperating temperature 5°C to 35°C (41°F to 95°F)Operating humidity 5% to 90%Timer 24 hours display typeRF Modulator UHF 22 68 (Adjustable) SYSTEMLaser Semiconductor laser, wavelength 650nmVideo Head system Double azimuth 6 heads, helical scanning.Signal system PALFrequency response DVD (PCM 96kHz): 8Hz to 44kHzDVD (PCM 48kHz): 8Hz to 22kHzCD: 8Hz to 20kHzSignal-to-noise ratio More than 100dB (ANALOG OUT connectors only)Harmonic distortion Less than 0.008%Dynamic range More than 100dB (DVD)More than 95dB (CD) INPUTS (VCR)Audio -6.0dBm, more than 10kohms (SCART)-6.0dBm, more than 47kohms (RCA)Video 1.0Vp-p, 75ohms, unbalanced (SCART/RCA) OUTPUTS (DVD)VIDEO OUT 1Vp-p 75ohms, sync negativeCOMPONENT VIDEO OUT (Y) 1.0V (p-p), 75, negative sync, RCA jack x 1(Progressive Scan) (Pb)/(Pr) 0.7V (p-p), 75, RCA jack x 2RGB output 0.7Vp-p, 75ohmsAudio output (coaxial audio) 0.5V (p-p), 75, RCA jack x 1Audio output (analog audio) 2.0Vrms (1kHz, 0dB), 600,RCA jack (L, R)x2/SCART (TO TV) OUTPUTS (VCR)Audio -6.0dBm, less than 1kohms (SCART)Video 1.0Vp-p, 75ohms, unbalanced (SCART)RGB output 0.7Vp-p, 75ohms*Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.2-1SECTION 2CABINET & MAIN CHASSISCONTENTSEXPLODED VIEWS