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!$PQZSJHIU8009*OOPWBUJPOT-JNJUFE“MMSJHIUTSFTFSWFE/PQBSUPGUIJTQVCMJDBUJPONBZCFSFQSPEVDFE TUPSFEJOBSFUSJFWBMTZTUFNPSUSBOTNJUUFE JOBOZGPSNPSCZBOZNFBOT FMFDUSPOJD NFDIBOJDBM QIPUPDPQZJOH PSPUIFSXJTFXJUIPVUUIFQSJPSQFSNJTTJPOPG8009*OOPWBUJPOT1IJMJQTBOEUIF1IJMJQTn4IJFME&NCMFNBSFSFHJTUFSFEUSBEFNBSLTPG,POJOLMJKLF1IJMJQT/7BOEBSFVTFECZ8009*OOPWBUJPOT-JNJUFEVOEFSMJDFOTFGSPN,POJOLMJKLF1IJMJQT/7Published by Raymond wk 1401 Subject to modificationwireless portable speaker7FSTJPOCLASS 1LASER PRODUCTTABLE OF CONTENTSPageTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION .1-22version variation . 1Safety Instruction . 2BLOCK DIAGRAM . 1WIRING DIAGRAM. 2Circuit Diagram .1-2TOP BOARD LAYOUT. 1BOTTOM BOARD LAYOUT . 2Exploded drawing . 1BT2500B/W-00Set Type Number Stroke Versions Region/Countries BT2500 /37 USA BT2500 /12 Europe BT2500 /05 England BT2500 00 Prepared: Cheeked: ( ODM ) (ODM ) Finalized : Approved : ( Philips EPL) ( Philips PJM) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION1-1TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION1-2No. 1 PICK UP BUTTON 2 SOURCE 3 AUDIO IN 4 MICRO USB 5 MIC 6 SPEAKER GRILL 7 Vol KNOB 8 BOTTOM COVER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION1-3Cabinet Dimensions with Boxes ( WxHxD) W151xH181 xD55 Material : ABS Dimensions without Boxes ( WxHxD) 101(L)X101(W)X33(H)(mm) Finishing : BLACK HIGH GLOSS Weight : 0.16KG Units in Master carton : 4sets Weight ( including packing and accessories ) :0.23KG Units in Dealer carton : N/A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION1-4Table of contents DOCUMENT HISTORY . 5 1. INTRODUCTION . 6 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Document . 6 1.2 References . 6 2. GENERAL INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENT . 7 2.1 Product Family Features . 7 2.2 Mechanical General Information . 8 2.3 Safety Standards . 8 2.4 EMC Requirements . 8 2.5 Other approbation . 8 2.6 ESD Requirements . 9 2.7 Environmental Condition . 9 2.8 Quality . 9 3. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS . 10 3.1 Power Supply . 10 3.2 Technical Description . 12 3.3 Audio Signal Processing . 20 3.4 CLOCK ( N/A) . 20 4. MECHANICAL . 21 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION1-5Document HistoryDate Person Ver Description 24/10/2013 0.1 First Draft(AA) 25/10/2013 0.2 Add Rechargable battery part. dd/mm/year 1.1 Revised(before PV) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION1-61. Introduction 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Document The sheet 190 is the leading specification and is the response of development to the HAV as requested by Product Management. Whenever the specification cannot be met, Product Management is to be informed as early as possible in order to make sure the marketing can respond in time. This sheet 190 does not cover software specifications. Software is described in the URS documents and in the version matrix owned by Product Management. Product Management is responsible for maintaining, distributing and updating the version matrix. Sheet 190 will be part of the Philips official documentation from stage 2 onwards. All changes to sheet 190 have to be submitted via Change Proposals. Changes have to be marked in bold and/ or colours in the document for easy recognition in at least the update right after the change. Deletion of text is done by strike through in order to make changes obvious in at least the update after the change took place. 1.2 References Reference Document CRS Title Author Version TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION1-71. General Information and Requirement 2.1 Product Family Features 1. 2. 3. 2.1.1 External I/O Connections Model BT2500 Stroke Version /37 /12 /05 /00 Region USA Europe England USB charging cables 2.1.2 Controls, Local Display and LED Indications 1. Display N/A 2. LED Blue / RED LED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION1-82.2 Mechanical General Information The productappearances and functions are defined in their respective MUS. Product management approves the MUS and it is a leading document where product appearance is applicable. Please refer to Sh560 for mechanical information. 2.3 Safety Standards Where applicable Standard /12 (EU), /05 (UK), /51 (Russia) EN/IEC 60065 7thEdition /37 (US, Canada) UL 60065 /55 (LATAM), /78 (Brazil) IEC 60065 7thEdition /98 (AP), /69 (Singapore), /75 (Australia) IEC 60065 7thEdition /93 (China) GB 8898 (IEC 60065 7thEdition) /61 (Korea) K 60065 6thEdition /96 (Taiwan) CNS 14408 (IEC 60065 7thEdition) 2.4 EMC Requirements Where applicable Standard /12 (EU), /05 (UK), /51 (Russia) EN55013: 2001, EN55020: 2002 /37 (US, Canada) FCC15 /55 (LATAM), /78 (Brazil) CISPR13 /98 (AP), /69 (Singapore), /75 (Australia) CISPR13 /93 (China) CISPR13/20 /61 (Korea) GB 13837 (CISPR13) /96 (Taiwan) CNS 13439 (CISPR13) 2.5 Other approbation Function Requirement or NotBluetooth YES TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION1-92.6 ESD Requirements The product shall withstand electro static discharges on all user accessible parts of the product. Reference: IEC61000-4-2. For contact discharges: Level General (kV) USA (kV) Requirement 1 0-2 0-3 No deviations allowed. 2 >2-4 >3-4 Short perceptible deviations allowed. 3 >4-5 >4-5 Normal recallable functions function changes allowed. 4 >5-7 >5-7 Control recallable functions function changes allowed. 5 - >7-8 No loss of stored data allowed. For air discharge: Level General (kV) USA (kV) Requirement 1 0-4 0-6 No deviations allowed. 2 >4-8 >6-8 Short perceptible deviations allowed. 3 >8-10 >8-10 Normal recallable functions function changes allowed. 4 >10-15 >10-15 Control recallable functions function changes allowed. 5 >15 >15-18 No loss of stored data allowed. General requirement: 1. 10 arcs for positive and negative polarity for unit “on” and “off” for 1kV incremental steps. 2. Component or mechanical damage is not allowed. No loss of fixed stored data (stored in EEPROMs). 3. Hang-ups and malfunctions are allowed, as long as the customer can “recover” from the hang-up by pressing the Standby or ON/OFF button of the set. 4. Failures that disappear only by unplugging the AC mains cord and/or power sources are not acceptable. 2.7 Environmental Condition The environmental condition requirements and test method is according to UAN-D1590. Ambient temperature : max. 40 ° C - all climates Apparatus acc. to spec. : +5 to + 35 ° C Vibration test (acc. IEC 60 068/2/6) : operational vibration test to be proceeded in operating position of the set. 2.8 Quality PQR-class: class 2 according toBLC V&MA PQR handbook V2.1 (2006-10-02) Lifetime: 7 years Tested According to: General Test Instruction UAN-D 1591 Measured According to: UAN_L 1059 unless otherwise stated