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    PHILlP.1-£“I$:PHILIPSSPECIFICATIONCDM 12.1Phlllps Laser Opt/csKey Modules GroupSPECIFICATIONCDM 12.1N.V. Philips Industrial ActivitiesPhilips Laser OpticsMarketing Arrilient te“erature202530°CRelative humidity4575%AIr pressure86106kPaSetting angle horizontal-5050Setting angle verticalI Parameter ICodenuntJerINotesICla“lng deviceI3104 147 10030ISee fig. 2Testdisc7104 099 24981S8C444B. Specified values1. GeneralI Parameter IHin.IHOII.I/lax.Unit HotesIConnect ionsSee fig. 4 for pinningSee fig. 15 for mechanica 1 dataCurrent consu“t ion300mA In play conditionhorizonta Io ifl'ens ionsSee fio. 5Hin. read-out diameter46.847.448nmHax. read-out diameter117117.5118nmWeight90grCla“ing force1.35 N2. Opto-electricalIHtn.I_./lax.UnItHotesllghtpathSee fig.Focus error detectionSlnole FoucaultRadial error detection3-beam methodNumerIca I aperture0.45Working distance1.8InmPower Intens ity out ofI0.5mWobjective lensLASERI ParaJll!ter IHin.INolI./lax.Unit HotesIWavelenght760780800nmat 30 °CSuppIy voltage46VSee fio. 4 : +laserSupply current6090mASee fig. 4 : +laserPHOTODIODESI ParameterI Hin. IN !/lax. IUnItINotesIConfigurat IonSee fig. 4CAsum2/3of lsum 02+03+04SATsum1/3Isum 01+05Dark reverse current10nATermina 1 capacitance3pF 02, 03, 04501, 05Response time (5%·95%)120ns 02. 03.20001.lsum6.57.38.1 Substrate current crosstracks In focusexc 1. strayl ightlstray15% of lsumSubstrate current without discHF s i9na I a“ 1itude pp5.6HF part of CAsumPage 2 CDM 12.1 SPECIFICATIONCDM 12.1 SPECIFICATIONPage 3FOCUS3. Electro-mechanicalRADIALParilJlleterConvers Ion factorsNotesMin.NMal1; tude pp34% of (sumPeak -peak va I ue12“'“Slope for :z: lng force1.352Nwith clar of fig. 2Skew0.17,Weight on turntable7kgPOLARITY OF ACTUATORS/MOTORSSledge motor : A positive voltage on the marked terminal(DOT: see fig. 13), relative to the unmarked terminalwill make the sledge move inwards.Disc motor : A positive voltage on the terminal with thered mark (see fig. 13), relative to the unmarked terminalwill make the disc motor run in clockwise direction.Radial actuator: A positive voltage on RADIAL+ (see fig.4), relative to RADIAL- will make the objective lens moveinwards.Focus actuator : A positive voltage on FOCUS+ (see fig.4), relative to FOCUS+ will make the objective lens moveup.SWITCHI ParaJll!ter NotesISwitching point23.124.125.1nmCentre of lens (nominal postion)distanceto centre of turntab leCondition of switchOPENActuator outside the switchingpoint distanceCLOSEDActuator inside the switchingpoint distance4. Absolute maximum ratings3. APPLICATION CONDITIONSNote : With discs according to the RED BOOK standardOperationa ITeq>erature ranoeS to 55 'CHumidity range5 gO R.H.'StorageTemperature range-25 to 55 'CExposure70 'C (48 hours)Humid i ty ranoe95 R.H.Shock resistivityImpact (on the mechanism)Max. lOO g during 6 msec.3 times 6 directionsBumps, (on the mechan ism)40 g during 6 msec.500 times 3 directionsIn the pack ingFrequency 10 Hl. 2 g. 20 min/side. 3 sidesNote : After being exposed to the above mentioned conditions,and given a recovery time of 4 hours in 25°C, the CDM 12.1will comply to the specification.position for operation and storageHor ilonta JAllowedVert iea ISide A or B below and all positions in between byrotating around the X-axis (see fig. 5)Recommendedbelow (see fig. 5)4. RELIABILITYL Het ime5000 hB10500 hBIMTBF (100% duty cycle)10000 hMon Itor diode reverse vo I tagePhotodiodes reverse voltageDisc motor vo I tageS ledge motor vo ltagePage 61Iax.3015UnitCDM 12.1 SPECIFICATION CDM 12.1 SPECIFICATION Page 75. STANDARDSThe CDM 12.1 has been designed to comply with safety standardsof various countries. However, since its approval depends onthe application, this unit is not approved as a unit.It is prepared for the following standardsUL1270UL1409CSA C22.2 No. 1-M906. HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS- Storage in dusty, high temperature and high humidity envi ronments should be avoided.To avoid damage to the LOGU by electrostatic discharges,measuring equipment and operators sholld be grounded duringhandling.Contamination of the objective lens will influence theperformance. Avoid fingerprints on the lens, handle the mecha nism in a clean environment.The actuator with lightpath has been adjusted carefullyduring manufacturing. Avoid touching this part 11 Do notdisassemble or readjust 11- Please keep the short circuit clip on the flexfoil mountedas long as possible. Remove just before installing the CDM12.1 in his final application to avoid the risk of damage byelectrostatic discharges.- Fast heating up (e.g. by bringing the mechanism from a coldplace into a warm and humid room) can result in moisturecondensating on the lens, thus influencing the playability fora certain time. Before checking the performance the mechanismshould stabilize for at least 4 hours.Partllalll!laterla 1 facturerlR.-flleGradeGeneric .,Type 110.ID-llilrlLaser (LOGU)SharD LTOH30P2Mounting plateSayer AGE4161394VlPCMakro 10n8035Turntab le94V2MakrolonGeneral ElectricE45329Lexan 121RL ightpenHoechst Ce laneseE8300594VOLCPVectra A130Guide blockLMPE45195OFL 4044FlexfoilMltto OenkoE69892 M·AM-flexEl 32084- - Safety :people canlens.The laserbeam may damage the human eye. Avoid thatlook directly or indirectly into the objective7. VERSIONS/CODENUMBERSTypeSingle codel1UJdler (*)Packaged codellUlltJer (U)Notes8as ic mechanism3104 147 003003104 147 90150Mechan;sm with wiring0045090400See fig. 13(*) To be used for sample quantities(*) 1000 pcs./palletI Optiona I accessories I CodeoomberINotesITray loaderSee Ll21X specificationSuspens ion3104 144 00650See fig. 3Clallller3104 147 10030fla. 2Ornamental plate141 20210See fig. 14Page 8CDM 12.1 SPECIFICATIONCDM 12.1 SPECIFICATIONPage 9-IFig. la : Measuring circuit diagram (part 1)Fig. 1bMeasuring circuit diagram (part 2)Note : SiN : better than 45 dB'!:?:;JIFC:_IVOx:I'OZ-'DJ, -Yl4VDI-YOS+Sl89d->l89d£0 - o9Pnt!ldWVzoHE-S!Pnal woaq-£.<:+JIII,-*'+J.<:Cl'.-1.:l.'“Cl .-1.


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