70%MICRO Hi-Fi COMPONENT SYSTEMRXD-M65V-H/M65V-NSERVICE MANUAL(HM-V655MP-H/V655MP-N)©2002-8 PRINTED IN KOREAB51-5814-00 (K/K) 1897 Panel ass'y *(A60-)*Refer to parts list on page 30. In compliance with Federal Regulations, following are repro-duction of labels on, or inside the product relating to laserproduct safety.KENWOODCorp. certifies this equipment conforms to DHHSRegulations No.21 CFR1040. 10, Chapter 1, subchapter J.DANGER : Laser radiation when open and interlock defeated. AVOID DIRECT EXPOSURE TO BEAM.Caution: No connection of ground line if disassemble the unit. Please connect the ground line on rear panel, PCBs, Chassis and some others.Miniature phone jack (E11-0399-05) Knob *(K29-) Cassette lid *(A53-)Front glass *(B10-)Front glass *(B10-)Knob *(K29-)standby/timerPOWERstandby/timerOperation to resetThe microcomputer may fall into malfunction (impossibil-ity to operate, erroneous display, etc.) when the powercord is unplugged while unit is ON or due to an externalfactor. In this case, execute the following procedure toreset the microcomputer and return it to normal condi-tion.Unplug the power cord from the power outlet, then whileholding the POWER or key depressed, plug the powercord again.÷Please note that resetting the microcomputer clearsthe contents stored in and it returns to conditionwhen it left the factory.orAfter resetting the microcomputer, the display will showas follow:The marking of products using lasers(For countries other than U.S.A., U.S.-Military and Canada)The marking of this product has been classified as Class 1. It meansthat there is no danger of hazardous radiation outside the product.Location: Back panelCLASS 1LASER PRODUCTCAUTIONVISIBLE LASER RADIATIONWHEN OPEN. DO NOT STAREINTO BEAM OR VIEW DIRECTLYWITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS.Inside this laser product, a laser diode classified as Class 3A laserradiation is contained as alerted by the internal caution label shownabove. Do not stare into beam or view directly with optical instruments.Location: CD laser pick-up unit cover inside this productFM indoor antenna (1)(T90-0855-05): V(T90-0877-05): MM1XE AM Loop antenna (1)(T90-0852-05): V(T90-0893-05): MM1XEBatteries (R6/AA) (2)Remote control unit (1)(A70-1587-05): MM1XV(A70-1588-05): E AC Plug Adaptor (1) (E03-0115-05) Use to adapt the plug on thepower cord to the shape of thewall outlet.(Accessory only for regions whereuse is necessary.) RXD-M65V-H/M65V-N2CONTENTS / ACCESSORIES / CAUTIONSCONTENTS / ACCESSORIES.2EXTERNAL VIEW.3DISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR.4BLOCK DIAGRAM.5CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION.6ADJUSTMENT.13INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM.15PC BOARD.16SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM.21EXPLODED VIEW.28PARTS LIST.30SPECIFICATIONS.36ContentsAccessoriesCautions SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONSSYSTEMMAIN UNITDESTINATIONSPEAKERHM-V655MP-HRXD-M65V-HEMXLS-M65V-HHM-V655MP-NRXD-M65V-NVLS-M65V-NRXD-M65V-H/M65V-N3EXTERNAL VIEWDIGITALOUTOPTICALAUXOUTLRFRONTSPEAKERS(6-16)-+LRANTENNAGNDAMFM75AUX INVIDEO OUTAC 110-120V AC 220 -240V Tuner ass'y *(W02-)Metallic cabinet *(A01-)Slide switch *(S62-0001-05)AC power cord bushing *(J42-)Cover (F07-1766-02)AC power cord *(E30-)Lock terminal board (E70-0123-15)Pin jack (E63-1277-05)Pin jack (E63-1264-05)Oscillating module (W02-1114-15)*Refer to parts list on page 30. RXD-M65V-H/M65V-N4DISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIRDISPLAYBOARDCushion(not supplied)REAR VIEWFig.1Fig.2Fig.3DECK BOARDFORWARDREVERSEHow to open the CD tray when it does not come out.1. Insert a flat driver in to a square hole on the mechanism as shown inthe figure.2. Push a rack gear in the direction of arrow.(At this time, the tray comes out slightly frontward.)3. The tray can be opened by hand.How to Adjust the Azimuth of the REC/PLAY Head(To adjust the azimuth adjustment screws, it is necessary toremove the front glass.)1. Insert a screw driver into a hole on display board as shown inthe drawing. (Fig.1)2. Push a driver frontward. (Fig.1)3. Remove a front glass. (Fig.2)4. Adjust the azimuth adjustment screws. (Fig.3)* Replace a front glass if scratched.RXD-M65V-H/M65V-N50 to -78dBMAIN VOL.1BCLKLRCKSRDATATR KFTR KRFC SRFC SFSL DRSL DFSP DFSP DRSP DRSL DRTR DRFC DREFPDLDBDCAFETE(ONLY E TYPE)D. OUTBEAT CANCELVR1.2L1,2AMFMV. OUTA. OUTREC/PLAYREC-RREC-FPLAY-SWPACK-SWCPMSOLPHOTO+9.0VREC AMPPB AMP SA CLKSA DATAA.OUT SA CEPLL DOSDSTINPUT VOL. SELECTORCE+DATACLKu-COMCASSETTE DECKPRE. AMPFL DRIVERTACT KEYREMOCON. MODULESTAND-BY LEDBACK-UP CIRCUITLEDON/OFF+AC INX14,K401+34dBTUNER-37.5VVCD D+5VVCD A+9VVCD M+7.5V-B+BAM 0dB=180mV300mVFM 0dB=600mV:75kDEV.0dB=1.2V:1kHz580mVTAPE 0dB+AUXCDTUNERINPUT VOL.0dB0dB0dB300mVMAIN VOL.20 to -18dB+A.MUTE ON/STANDBYFL DRIVER37.5V+DSP MPEG DECODERX14,IC3AN22000ARF-AMPCD MECHA4ch DRIVERAN4801SBIC4DACRDS ICX29,IC801X14,IC501FL DRIVERED501FLX29,IC202PRE. AMPAUX OUTDECK MECHAX29,A601IC1SERVO u-COMMN6627482WAIC2DIGITAL OUTVIDEO OUTBIAS ADJ.ERASEREC/PLAYQ15-18OSCBIASBIASTRAPATT.AUX INAUX OUTX29,J602X29,J601TUNER PACK-8dBIC701X29,IC6DACES3883TV ENCODERES3800FLIC5Q5HA12230NTKEYX14,S516X14,A501ROTARY ENCODERREMOCON MODULEu-COMMAINLEDOUTRECE.VOLX29,IC601IC1X29,IC101FILX29,Q10RELAYPRIMARY+5.4VX14,IC402AVRAVR+5V+9VAVRX14,D403X29,D4X29,Q111-114POWER AMPX29,Q106PROTECTIONAMPAUX INPOWER AMP.X29,IC911AVR+5VCDAUX OUTTAPE RECTUNERTAPE PLAY0dBX29,IC910+9VAVRX29,D900AVR-30VX29,Q13X29,D3VOL.INPUTVOL.FLATEX BASSGAIN DISTRIBUTIONLOUDNESSLC75343ME.VOLBASS,MID,TRE10dBTONEQ1,250W : 6ohmEIAJ 10%K11kHzJ2HEAD-OUTPHONEW02-2920-15 (E TYPE)W02-2919-15 (M,X,V TYPE)(W02-2949-05)VCD MODULE(X28- )RXD-M65VBLOCK DIAGRMRXD-M65V-H/M65V-N6CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION1. Initializing1-1 Initializing Method While holding down the POWER key, plugged in the power cord to AC power wall outlet.1-2 Initializing Operation During the initial operation, the display shows “RESET “and after that it will be returned to standby condition. If any mechanisms error occurred, the error indication is displayed as “ERR“ in the display.1-3 Mechanism Initializations1CD Mechanism If a mechanism error occurred, the error indication is displayed as “C ERR “ in the display.2Deck Mechanism If a mechanism error occurred, the error indication is displayed as “X ERR “ in the display.FrequencyP.CHK2(M,V TYPE)E1/E3(E,E2,T,H,M,V,X)1FM 98.30MHzFM 98.30MHz2FM 108.0MHzFM 108.0MHz3FM 89.10MHzFM 89.10MHz4FM 87.50MHzFM 87.50MHz5FM 90.00MHzFM 90.00MHz6FM 87.50MHzFM 87.50MHz7FM 87.50MHzFM 87.50MHz8FM 87.50MHzAM 1503kHz9AM 1610kHzAM 1584kHz10AM 1000kHzAM 999kHz11AM 630kHzAM 621kHz12AM 1440kHzAM 1350kHz13FM 106.0MHzFM 106.0MHz14AM 530kHzAM 531kHz15FM 87.50MHzFM 87.50MHz3. Tuner Preset FrequencySetDestinationBandReceiving Frequency RangeChannelIFRFSpaceE/T/HE3FM87.5MHz108.0MHz50kHz+10.7MHz25kHzE2RDSAM531kHz1602kHz9kHz+450kHz9kHzM/X/V/IE1FM87.5MHz108.0MHz50kHz+10.7MHz25kHzAM531kHz1602kHz9kHz+450kHz9kHzM/V/IK2FM87.5MHz108.0MHz100kHz+10.7MHz25kHzAM530kHz1610kHz10kHz+450kHz10kHzTypeE/E2/T/HM/VX Voltage Range4.2V5.0V1.4V2.5V0.71.3V2. Tuner DestinationPin 3 of microcomputer (X29, IC701).FrequencyP.CHK2(M,V TYPE)E1/E3(E,E2,T,H,M,V,X)16FM 98.00MHzFM 98.00MHz17FM 98.50MHzFM 98.50MHz18FM 87.50MHzFM 87.50MHz19AM 990kHzAM 945kHz20FM 97.40MHzFM 97.40MHz21AM 530kHzAM 531kHz22FM 87.50MHzFM 87.50MHz23FM 87.50MHzFM 87.50MHz24FM 87.50MHzFM 87.50MHz25FM 87.50MHzFM 87.50MHz26FM 87.50MHzFM 87.50MHz27FM 87.50MHzFM 87.50MHz28FM 87.50MHzFM 87.50MHz29FM 87.50MHzFM 87.50MHz30FM 106.0MHzFM 106.0MHzRXD-M65V-H/M65V-N7CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION*The oscillation diagnosis (existence of oscillation and measurement of period) of a sub clock is performedbefore the test mode is entered. If the diagnosis result is OK, the system enters the test mode.If the diagnosis result is NG, the oscillation of the sub clock is diagnosed again. If the result is OK, the systementers the test mode. If the diagnosis result is continuously NG 5 times, the system stops with “ERR1“and“ERR2“displayed.Test ModeKeysSetting MethodCD MODECD PLAY keyDECK MODETAPE PLAYInsert the AC cord to AC wall* SUB CLOCK OSC DIAGNOSISMODE keyoutlet while holding down the left key.4. Test Mode4-1 Setting method of the Test Mode8th Dot(Display)1st figure2nd figure3rd figure 4th figureMechanismFWD REC InhibitRVS REC InhibitCassette HalfTape PlayHalf SwitchDetection SWDetection SWDetection SWDetection SWONBlankBlankBlankBlankOFFEEEEKeysDisplayOperation 4 Seconds RecordingIf the REC/ARM key is pressed, the system record for 4 seconds.Then, it rewinds to the REC starting position and plays back automatically.TAPE RECTAPEIf the REC/ARM key is pressed, during the 4 seconds REC operation, thesystem records further for 4 seconds, then returns to the starting positionof the first 4 seconds REC operation and plays back.SOUNDBeat-C ONBeat cancel will be on while pressing the sound key.KeysDisplayOperationCD-PLAY/PAUSE05 : Tracking-servo on.(Cyclically changed the mode (:)Time Display Pickup moves inward.05 and 03 by pressing the key.)03 : Tracking-servo off. (for checking TE)( : )Time Display Pickup moves outward.CD STOP00 : 00Stop the CD operation.Adjustment value/mean value(Cyclically changed in the stop mode only.)07 FG/FEFG value /FE value08 FB/FOFBAL value /FO value09 TG/TETG value /TE value10 TB/TOTBAL value /TO valueSKIP UPEx.0102 Track number up.SKIP DOWNEx.0201 Track number down.SKIP UPUsual Indication Play the first track number in the stop mode.SKIP DOWNUsual Indication Play the last track number in the stop mode.4-2 Cancel of the test mode Initialized and cancel the test mode if pulling out the power cord. Cancel the test mode only if the power key is turned off.4-3 Contents of the Test Mode The muting during mode selection is not controlled in the test mode. During the test mode, it can be operated in a special manner that is different from an ordinaryoperation by using the keys on the main body, specifically as shown in the following tables.4-4 CD Test Mode4-5 Deck Test Mode Mechanism half switches indicationThe mechanism half switches status are indicated “blank“ or “E “in the display.RXD-M65V-H/M65V-N8CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONX28,IC1DECK SYSTEM ICHA12230NTX14,IC501FLDRIVER(MN12510F)DECK MECHA.X14,ED501X29,IC601(HNA-14MS07T)Vaccume FluorescentDisplay(LC75343M) SYSTEM ICX29,IC701MN101C51FGDTUNER ASSYVCD MODULE(W02-2949-15)PLL ICX29,IC801RDS IC (E/T TYPE)(BU1923F)KEYREMOTEENCODERKEY1,2X14,A501X14,S516Voltage00.891.552.002.613.023.473.955.00RangeKey 1ON/AUXTUNERSKIPSTOPCDSKIPCD(off)(Pin 5)STANDBYDOWNPLAYUPOPENKey 2RECSETMODEO.T.E.TAPEREPEATSOUND(off)(Pin 6)PLAYKey Matrix VREF =5.0V 5. Microcomputer : MN101C51F (X29, IC701)5-1 Microcomputer Periphery Block diagramRXD-M65V-H/M65V-N9CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONPin No.Pin NameI/OPin DescriptionActiveHL1VREF-Power supply (-) for A/D converter.2PHIDeck reel sensor input.3TN TYPEIDiscrimination of tuner destination.4SLEVELIRDS signal level input. (E/T version only)5,6KEY1,KEY2IA/D key (1, 2) input.7ALEVELIUnused.8THIUnused.9CD PROTECTIDetection pin of CD protection.10VREF+-A/D reference voltage input of the A/D converter.11VDDIPin for power supply (+5V).12OSC2OMain clock output (8.388MHz).13OSC1IMain clock input (8.388MHz).14VSS-Connected to be ground.15XIITimer clock input (32.768kHz).16XOOTimer clock output (32.768kHz).17MMOD-Connected to be ground.18SDIOData output to FL driver.19SDOIData input from FL driver.20SCKOClock output to FL driver.2123N.C.-Unused.24CL SWIInput pin of close switch for CD tray.Closed25RESETIReset signal input for microcomputer.Reset26CEIBack up detection input.AC OnAC Off27OP SWIInput pin of open switch for CD tray.Opened28CD POWEROON/OFF control pin for CD DSP power.29N.C.-Unused.30VCD u-com ACKI/ODSA Acknowledge31REM CONTROLIRemote control signal input.32NO USE-Unused.33RDSCLKIRDS clock input. (E/T version only)34RESET2IDetection pin of voltage drop.35NO USE-Unused.36PAL/NTSCOTV system selectorAUTO37VCD u-com DATAI/ODSA data pin for ESS.38VCD u-com STI/ODSA STB pin for ESS.39CLOSEOControl pin of CD tray motor to close the tray.40OPENOControl pin of CD tray motor to open the tray.41HP INIDetection pin for headphones jack.Detected42FLASH UC 1IPower supply for flash ROM.43FLASH UC 2IPower supply for flash ROM.44EVOL CEOChip enable output to electronic volume (X29, IC601).45EVOL.CLKOClock output to electronic volume (X29, IC601).46EVOL.DATAOData output to electronic volume (X29, IC601).47POWER RLYOPower relay control.4851N.C.-Unused.52PLL CLKOPLL IC clock output.53PLL DO/STIPLL IC data input.54PLL DATOPLL IC data output.55PLL CEOPLL IC chip enable output.56SDISD detector input.Detected57TU MUTEOTuner mute control.Mute ON58PLAY SWIDetection switch input of head position for deck.Playback5-2 Pin Description of MicrocomputerRXD-M65V-H/M65V-N10CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONPin No.Pin NameI/OPin DescriptionActiveHL59REC R SWIDeck reverse recording switch input.OFFON60REC F SWIDeck forward recording switch input.OFFON61HALF SWICassette half switch input.Detected62BEAT COON/OFF control pin of beat cancel for deck.ONOFF63R/PODeck recording & playback changeover.RecordingPlayback64BIASOON/OFF control pin of bias for deck.ONOFF65A/B-1ODeck recording mute & head select control 1.66A/B-2ODeck recording mute & head select control 2.67MUTEODeck line mute control.ON68CPMOControl pin of capstan motor for deck.69SOLOControl pin of solenoid for deck.70RDS DATAIRDS data input. (E/T version only)71PROTECTIDetection pin of the protection for power supply.72AMUTEOAudio mute output.73SP RLYOOn/off control pin for speaker relay.74EEP SDAI/OEEPROM data input/output.75EEP SCLOEEPROM clock output.76,77ENC A,BIVolume encoder (X14, S516) signal inputs.78LED STBY REDOStandby led (red) control pin.OFFON79LED STBY GRNOStandby led (green) control pin.OFFON80NCSOChip enable output of FL driver.Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description1IN2IInput pin.2VCC-Power supply.3OUT2OOutput pin.4NC-Unused.5GND-GND6VS-Power supply for output side.7OUT1OOutput pin.8VREF-Control power supply.9IN1IInput pin.6. Pin Description of IC's6-1 CD Motor Driver : TA8409S (X29, IC26): High ImpedanceNote) Input : “H“ ActiveINPUTOUTPUTMODEIN 1IN 2OUT 1OUT 2MOTOR00STOP10HLCW/CCW01LHCCW/CW11LLBRAKEFunction