(E,T type)AUDIO VIDEO SURROUND RECEIVERKRF-V7771D/V7771DESERVICE MANUAL©1999-1/B51-5498-00 (K/K) 1612PHONESINPUT SELECTORVOLUMEMPEGCinema Re-EQDOLBY DIGITALCLIP INDICATORPOWERON/STANDBYABSPEAKERSMUTEDOWNUPDISPLAY MODES VIDEOVL-AUDIO-RCD2 / TAPE2MONITORONOFFAV AUXSYSTEMCONTROLFRONT SPEAKERS(4-16 )CENTER SPEAKER(4-16 )SURROUND SPEAKERSDIGITAL INVIDEO 2COAXIALVIDEO 3COAXIALVIDEO 4OPTICALCD 1OPTICALSL 16XS 8(SL 16)(XS 8)(4-16 )SWITCHED TOTAL90W MAX.LRALRLCRBSL 16TEXTLRRANTENNAAM-FM 75GNDCD1PHONOMD/ TAPE1RECOUTPLAYINRECOUTPLAYINPLAY INPLAY INCD2 /TAPE 2MONITORMONITOR OUTFRONTFRONTSURROUNDSURROUNDCENTERCENTERSUBWOOFERSUBWOOFERLLRLRVIDEOS VIDEOPRE OUTVIDEO4 6CH. INPUTAUDIOVIDEO 3 VIDEO 4PLAY INVIDEO 2VIDEO 1LRAUDIOPLAY IN RECOUT+-6CH2CHVIDEO 4INPUTKnob(K27-2248-04)AC power cord*(E30-)AC outlet*(E03-)Phono jack (E63-1008-05)Phono jack (E63-1028-05)Lock terminal board(E70-0052-05)Miniature Phone jack (E11-0374-05)Phono jack(E63-1030-05)Panel(A60-1580-12)Knob (K29-6858-12)Knob (K29-6855-03)Led holder(J19-5876-04)Knob (K29-6855-03)Knob (K29-6852-04)Phono jack(E63-0200-05)Phono jack(E63-0136-15)x2Phono jack(E63-0139-15)x2Slide switch(S62-0034-05)Front glass (B10-2418-03)Indicator(B12-0326-04)Front glass (B10-3455-03)Screw terminal board(E70-0095-05)Screw terminal board(E70-0096-05)*Refer to parts list on page52.This manual is available for repair in the Europe and England markets. Please refer to the original manual (B51-5426-00) if need the information in the USA and Canada and other markets.Cylindrical receptacle(E56-0011-05)x2Phono jack(E63-0162-05)x2Power cord bushing(J42-0083-05)Miniature phone jack (E11-0360-05)Phono jack (E63-1077-05)Cylindrical receptacle(E56-0012-05)Phone jack(E11-0271-05)Indicator (B12-0333-04)Optical receiving module(W02-1181-05)KRF-V7771D/V7771DE2CONTENTS / ACCESSORIES / CAUTIONSCONTENTS / ACCESSORIES / CAUTIONS.2CONTROLS.3DISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR.5BLOCK DIAGRAM.6CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION.7ADJUSTMENT.13WIRING DIAGRAM.14PC BOARD.15SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM.23EXPLODED VIEW.51PARTS LIST.52SPECIFICATIONS.67ContentsFM (T90-0836-05) indoor antenna (1)Remote (A70-1269-05)(RC-R0807)Battery cover(A09-1115-08)control unit (1)Loop antenna stand (1)Batteries(R6/AA) (4)AM loop antenna (1) (T90-0833-05)(J19-3645-05)How to reset the microcomputerThe microcomputer may malfunction (impossibility of operation,erroneous display, etc.) when the power cord is unplugged andplugged in again while the unit is in ON mode or due to otherexternal causes. In this case, execute the procedure on the right toreset the microcomputer and return the unit to the normal condi-tion. CRResetting the microcomputer clears the memory you entered andreturns it to the initial condition when the unit left the factory.1With the power cord plugged in, turn the POWER key toOFF.2While holding down the (ON/STANDBY) key, pressthe POWER key.Please note that the following items will be deleted fromthis units memory if the power cord is disconnectedfrom the AC outlet for approximately three days.Memory backup functionCRThe frequency setting is cleared and 87.5 MHz is selected.CRThe preset station memory is cleared.CRThe surround setting is cleared and reset to the initial condition.CRThe input selection is cleared and the “Tuner”input is selected.CRThe volume setting is cleared and the volume is set to “-66 dB”.CRThe receiving band setting is cleared and the “FM”band isselected.AccessoriesCautionsKRF-V7771D/V7771DE3CONTROLSPHONESINPUT SELECTORVOLUMEMPEGCinema Re-EQDOLBY DIGITALCLIP INDICATORPOWERON/STANDBYABSPEAKERSMUTEDOWNUPDISPLAY MODES VIDEOVL-AUDIO-RCD2 / TAPE2MONITORONOFFAV AUX237546#%$&9801ST.TUNEDMUTE!Standby mode 1POWER keyPress to switch the main power ON and OFF.2ON/STANDBY ()keyPress to switch the power mode betweenSTANDBY and ON.3Standby indicatorLights in standby mode.4Remote sensorReceives signals transmitted from the re-mote control unit.5PHONES jackUse for listening to audio through headphones.6SPEAKERS keysPress each key to switch the SPEAKERS A orSPEAKERS B ON and OFF.7IndicatorsCLIP INDICATOR :Lights when the input is clipped duringanalog to digital signal conversion.DOLBY DIGITAL :Lights when Dolby Digital is activated.Stereo indicatorMUTE indicatorTUNED indicatorMulti-mode displayWhile the standby indicator of the unit is lit, a small amount of current is flowing into the units internal circuitry to backup the memory. Thiscondition is referred to as the standby mode of the unit. While the unit is in the standby mode, it can be turned ON from the remote control unit.DisplayMPEG :Lights when the MPEG is activated.Cinema Re-EQ :Lights when the Re-EQ is activated.8MUTE keyPress to mute the audio temporarily.9Remote transmitterSends signals to the remote control unit.0Communication indicatorLights when signal is input from or output tothe remote control unit.!VOLUME control knobRotate to adjust the volume.S VIDEO input jack (AV AUX)Connect the S VIDEO output jack of an AVcomponent.#VIDEO input jack (AV AUX)Connect the composite video output (RCA)jack of an AV component.$AUDIO (L, R) input jacks (AV AUX)Connect the audio output (RCA) jacks of an AVcomponent.%CD2/TAPE2 MONITOR indicatorLights when the CD2/Tape2 (Monitor) input isused.DISPLAY MODE keyPress to switch the display on the receiver.Press for more than 2 seconds to switch therecording mode.&INPUT SELECTOR keyPress to switch the input as shown below.TUNERCD1MD/Tape1VIDEO1VIDEO2VIDEO3VIDEO4AV AUXPHONOKRF-V7771D/V7771DE4CONTROLSPerform “Model Type Setup”of the remote control beforeusing it.The following menu display ap-pears after the batteries areloaded for the first time.ON/STANDBYMUTEVOLUMEENTERSetupSurroundSP LevelSP DistanceSP SelectionTunerCD1Video2Video3Video4Video1TV1PhonoTV2CD2MD/Tape1CD2/Tape2InputDigitalInputAnalogAV AUXMacroRemoteModeMainMenuCONFIRM1234567890NoteNote1Segment screenThe fixed icons are displayed in this area.CRMain Menu icon : Select to display the Main Menu screen.CRPhono iconCRCD 1 iconCRTuner iconCRMD/Tape 1 iconCRCD 2/Tape 2 iconCRVideo 1 iconCRVideo 2 iconCRVideo 3 iconCRVideo 4 iconCRAV AUX iconCRTV 1 iconCRTV 2 iconCRMacro icon : Select to control macro operation.CRInput Digital icon :Select to play a digital input.CRInput Analog icon : Select to play an analog input.CRRemote Mode icon : Select to switch the remote control operationmode without changing the selected input.Select to switch input and control the se-lected input. ( Phono and AV AUX : Inputselection only )Select to control TV.2Menu screenControl key icons and control levels are displayed in this area.3Communication status displayShows the communication status.4Joy stickThis key is used to select an icon. This key can be controlled in4 directions.5ENTER keyPress to enter the selection of an icon.6VOLUME (up, down) keyPress to control the volume.7CONFIRM keyPress to confirm the currently selected items.8MUTE keyPress to mute the audio temporarily.9(ON/STANDBY) keyPress to turn the receiver and the components connected to itthrough system cords between ON and STANDBY modes.0Return ( )iconSelect to return to the previous menu screen.ModelType SetupModel2Model1KRF-V7771D/V7771DE5DISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR663449933211121435x29x58x23x271313131414151012221x32x322x2x52x22333313x29Remove the bottom plate.Make use of the changing final transistor etc.1. Remove the 19 screws (1, 2) and PCB support, thenremove the bottom plate.Check the vertical PCB1. (Exist bottom plate) Remove the hook of rearpanel(1).2. Remove the 29(Exist bottom plate: 34)screws(2), then remove the rear panel.3. Connect the GND of the phono terminal, theGND of antenna shield board,the GND ofcoax., the GND of system control shieldboard, the GND of SP terminal shield boardand the chassis with 5 wires connected alli-gator chips(3).Remove the escutcheon (operationpanel)1. Remove the knob(1), the nut (2), the 11screws(3, 4, 5) and 2 hooks (6), thenremove the front panel ass'y.2. Remove the lead wire(7), the 2 screws(8:except K,P type) and 7 screws(9) thenremove the PCB.3. Remove the under front glass(0, -), thenremove the front panel(=) from the subpanel.4. Remove the 2 under escutcheon sides() byÆscrew driver and the 2 hooks(!) thenremove the escutcheon().Fig. 3Fig. 1Fig. 2VIDEO 1AV AUX(FRONT)VIDEO 4VIDEO 3VIDEO 2VIDEO 1COMPVIDEOPLAYCOMPRECVIDEOQ52SN761200NIC51IC52(2/2)OUTQ55(OSD)1Vp-p/75(VISUAL)VIDEO 1VIDEO 2VIDEO 3VIDEO 4(FRONT)AV AUXRECPLAY(S1-VIDEO)1Vp-p/75MONITOR OUTQ15Q31Q16Q30Q12VIDEO 1Q14SN761200Nx2IC11,12CD1VIDEO1VIDEO2VIDEO3VIDEO4MD/TAPE1VIDEO1VIDEO2TAPE2VIDEO3VIDEO2VIDEO4AVRIC31+5.6VGNDD301-304FINAL TR.FINAL TR.GNDPRE DRIVEGNDPRE DRIVED251D252Q154RELAYDRIVER-17VGND+17VD81Q84AVRQ83AVRQ86AVRQ85AVRTo VIDEOTo VIDEO+5.0VGNDIC84AVRD88Q311AVR-35VFILFILSTROKE SWK6Q301RELAYDRIVERAC OUTLETD312K5T1D86IC83AVRIC82AVRAVRIC6,33-35+30VGNDD82CD1L8R7R8L7L6,L7L3,L5L2,L4L1,R8L1MONITORL4MD/TAPE1L2R1,R7R2,R4R3,R5L8,R6R2R4R1R3L3IC3BUFFERREC OUTL7,R7L5,R5 L3,R3R5INL4,R4LINEBUFFERIC21(1/2)TUNER2.5mV/PHONOIC27IC1(2/2), IC2(2/2)IC4IC1(1/2), IC2(1/2)IC23IC1EQ(ANALOG)L2,R2L1,R1INPUT ATTIC21(2/2)IC49BUFFERBUFFERDOLBY DIG.PROLOGICCONVERTERFORMAT5VCS4226DIR AD/DAIC25IC30IC31IC2821kHz LPF21kHz LPF21kHz LPF21kHz LPFIC50IC52(2/2)IC54IC52(1/2)SUBCENTERLS,RS,FL,FRINVIC49CONFIG-2IC47,48LOW BOOSTDIRECTL2,R2L3,R3L1,R1L6,R6TONEIC43IC44L4,R4L8,R8L7,R7VOLUMEVOLUMEVOLUMEVOLUMEIC21IC25(1/2)IC23IC25(2/2)IC51(1/2)IC53IC52(2/2)IC53Q10Q9-20dBQ5,6Q1,2ATT-20dBATT-20dBATT-20dBATT(1/2)IC26(2/2)IC24IC26IC22AMPBUFFERQ12Q7,8Q11Q3,4MUTEMUTEMUTEMUTE-20dB ATTA-MUTESW-MUTEMUTEQ35,4745,46MUTEQ36,48MUTE43,44MUTEK3K4K1(X25)(X07)29dB POWERAMPLIFIER(X25)(X07)29dB POWER(X25)(X07)29dB POWERK2BUFFERIC31(1/2)IC30BUFFERIC31(2/2)BUFFERRELAYARELAYCSRELAYBA-MUTE S-MUTESW-MUTEFRONTSWSL,SRCL,RFRONT BSL,SRCPHONESL,RFRONT ASPEAKERSPRE OUTPRE OUT1.0V/500LEDPEAK LEVELLED(X25) IC61FL DRIVER(X25) ED1FLKEY MATRIX(X25) A1REMOTE SENSORSUB u-COMDATA-OUTMAIN u-COM(X08) IC3(X08) IC1RDSu-COMREMOTE(X08) IC4(X11) D21-24IR LED REMOTE OUTSIRIAL/PARALEL(X07) Q211-215FAN DRIVER FAN7(X08)IC5PROTECTIONTONE CONT.VIDEO SYNCWIDE V-MUTEDIGITAL INPUT SEL.VIDEO SEL.FANRELAY8443TUNER 925(A,B,CS,TR,POWER)TUNERDAC/ADC 10DATA-INSL16 TEXT(X08) J1(X08) J2SYSTEM CONTROL(X08) J3SYSTEM CONTROL200mV/47K200mV/220INOUTOTHERTC9164AF-2TC9163AF-2MAX:1.0VrmsIC42TC9163AF-1TX RXSDATA SBUSYCONFIGD/A,A/DRe-EQFAN ON/OFFFAN FRST/SLOWAMPLIFIERAMPLIFIERDIGITAL5ch SP. OUTPUTKRF-V7771D(E,T)IC53(X25)S1CD2/TAPE2PLAYINSWLS.RSC6chINPUTVIDEO4AV AUX IN(FRONT)RECOUTCOAXIALINOPTICALINIC26(AC3) MPEG3.3VCOMFIG.Re-EQIC22ROMIC291MDRAMIC21Q49,50MUTEQ48MUTEQ47MUTEQ45,46MUTEIC51(2/2)IC55(1/2)IC53IC53L8L3,R1L6L1,R3L5L7(1/2)IC19IC20IC19(2/2)L,RIC29BUFFERDIR+3.3VIC37AVR4.7KPHONOQ31,32,20.0V/4A2A1L5IC18Q33,34,MONITORSUB MUTEV-MUTEYCCYYCCYCYV-MUTEYCCY+SE-RLY+POWER-RLYTou-COMToPOWERANALOGToSUB-uCOMDSPTUNERMPEG ROMDOLBY DIG.To FAN+STBCLKDATADATACLKCDOUTCCLK CS CDIN .FREQ1 .ERR.AC-3.FREQO.PDN.AUDIOSCK/SCLRESETSSMOS GPI02GPI00HREQMISO/SDAHREQMOSRESETGPI00HREQMISO/SDASCK/SCLSS75156DATA OUTCLKDATA IN.RESET.STB1365MISO/SDASREQMDTMREQMCKSDTRESETKRF-V7771D(E,T)(X25)(X11)(X11)(X08)(X25)(X25)(X07)(X25)(X25)(X07)KRF-V7771DE(E2)(X08-)(X08)(SIGNAL STAGE) (u-COM STAGE)KRF-V7771D/V7771DE6BLOCK DIAGRAM7KRF-V7771D/V7771DECIRCUIT DESCRIPTION(0 : Pull down, 1 : Pull up)TYPEBANDReception frequencyChannelIFPLL standardDiode swspacefrequencyDSW3DSW2DSW1DSW0K1FM87.5MHz108.0MHz100kHz+10.7MHz25kHz00001700AM530kHz1700kHz10kHz+450kHz10kHzK2FM87.5MHz108.0MHz100kHz+10.7MHz25kHz00011610AM530kHz1610kHz10kHz+450kHz10kHzK4FM87.5MHz108.0MHz100kHz+10.7MHz25kHz10101700 RBDSAM530kHz1700kHz10kHz+450kHz10kHzE1FM87.5MHz108.0MHz50kHz+10.7MHz25kHz0011AM531kHz1602kHz9kHz+450kHz9kHzE3FM87.5MHz108.0MHz50kHz+10.7MHz25kHzRDSAM531kHz1602kHz9kHz+450kHz9kHz0101FML65.0MHz74.0MHz10kHz+10.7MHz5kHzQ1FMH87.5MHz108.0MHz50kHz+10.7MHz5kHz1011RDSAM531kHz1602kHz9kHz+450kHz9kHzMK2/E1 is switched with only the setting of DSW1 (X11 : S601).00X1(DSW1 = 0 : K2 type, 1 : E1 type)777675741. The back up item and initializationcondition1-1 Back up POWER ON/OFF: OFF VOLUME LEVEL: -66dB AUDIO INPUT SELECTOR: TUNER VIDEO INPUT SELECTOR: VIDEO1 SPEAKER A:ON SPEAKER B:OFF CD2/TAPE2 MONITOR: TAPE2 OFF TONE: OFF LOUDNESS: OFF DISPLAY MODE: DEVICE+DGTL/ANLG RDS DISPLAY MODE: FREQUENCY DIMMER: DIMMER 1 (LIGHTEST) SURROUND MODE: STEREO Re-EQ: OFF DSP MODE: ARENA WALL TYPE: Med EFFECT LEVEL: 3 MIDNIGHT MODE: OFF DISTANCE: FL/FR : 10ft (3m): C : 10ft (3m): RS/LS : 5ft (1.5m): SW : 10ft (3m) FRONT SP.: LARGE CENTER SP.: NORMAL SURROUND SP.: NORMAL/WIRED SUB WOOFER: ON SW Re-Mix: OFF INPUT LEVEL: 0dB CH. LEVEL: 0dB BASS PEAK LEVEL: OFF TONE BASS: 0dB TONE TREBLE: 0dB TUNING MODE: AUTO PRESET MEMORY:TEST MEMORYFREQUENCY (Same value with KR-V999D/1090VR) LAST BAND: FM FM LAST FREQUENCY: 87.5MHz AM LAST FREQUENCY: 531kHz (CH. SP 9kHz): 530kHz (CH. SP 10kHz) LAST P. ch: - -ch PTY SELECT MODE: OFF PTY SEARCH MODE: OFF TP SEARCH MODE: OFF RDS DISPLAY MODE: FREQUENCY MODE1-2 The initial settingWhile pressing POWER key, plug the AC power cord intoan AC outlet (K,P type) or turn on the AC POWERswitch.2. Condition by the destination or model3. TEST MODEsetting methodWhile pressing INPUT SELECTOR key, plug the ACpower cord into an AC outlet (K, P type) or turn on theAC POWER switch with condition VIDEO4 SW(2ch) onthe rear panel. When a set is set up in test modecondition a set becomes the following condition.Automatic POWER ON. All indicator tube (FL) and CLIPINDICATOR LED are lighted. The other LED are flashed.A backup at the thing except ON/OFF of POWER isinitialized.cancel methodThe power supply is turned off.873810363873864103873864641034689646410364641036464103646410364641036464103646410364641036464103646410364641036464103646464646464102638738635064547510279386464646464646463101636464646440776373396476101636464721016378644910163646463102646410163646463102646410163646463102646410163646463102645310163646476101637464721016364644175637938646310163646486526448771026364646310463646463104636464631046364646310463646463104636464646464646310379506464547510263646440777339646463101746440891018639647610155647263101637864491016464103646410164641036464101516476631016374646410178644188101873864641016364644175793864646410173526464488964531016374647210187385363101638738408963101793840891027950644889631026364644877631037950646454751026364644077733964646310174644089101863964761015564726310163786449101646