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    © 2000-12 PRINTED IN JAPANB51-8558-00 (N)889ALL MODE MULTI-BAND TRANSCEIVERTS-2000/XSERVICE MANUALCIRCUIT DESCRIPTION . 2DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS . 24SEMICONDUCTOR DATA . 34PARTS LIST . 51EXPLODED VIEW. 93PACKING . 97ADJUSTMENT . 98TERMINAL FUNCTION . 124WIRING. 133PC BOARD VIEWS / CIRCUIT DIAGRAMSFILTER UNIT (X51-315X-XX). 135FINAL UNIT (X45-360X-XX) . 137DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3320-00) . 151CONTROL UNIT (X53-391X-XX) . 155TX-RX 1 UNIT (X57-605X-XX). 169TX-RX 2 UNIT (X57-606X-XX). 186TX-RX 3 UNIT (X57-6070-00) . 209BLOCK DIAGRAM . 223LEVEL DIAGRAM . 229MC-52DM . 233UT-20 . 235RC-2000 . 235ARCP-2000 . 235SPECIFICATIONS . 236Knob(K21-1104-03)Knob ring(K29-5395-04)Knob(K29-5397-13) x 2Knob(K29-5398-03) x 3Knob(K29-5399-03) x 3Knob(K29-5396-03) x 2Key top(K29-5391-02)Key top(K29-5393-12)Key top(K29-5394-12)Key top(K29-5392-12)Front glass(B10-2608-02)Cabinet (Upper)(A01-2176-01)Foot(J02-0442-04) x 2Foot(J02-0440-04)RF coaxial receptacle (Round)(E06-0858-15)Phone jack (9P)(E11-0438-05)CONTENTS2TS-2000/XOverview of the OperationThe TS-2000/X basically consists of an all-mode-receiverincorporating an IF/AF DSP for satellite communication withan independent FM/AM sub-receiver for the VHF and UHFbands.a73 Overview of the operation of the all-mode trans-ceiver unit (main band side) with an IF/AF DSPfor satellite communicationThe receiver unit has an independent front end for eachof the HF, 50MHz, 144MHz, 430MHz and 1.2GHz bands(some products do not support the 1.2GHz band). The cir-cuits following the 10.695MHz IF stage are common to allthe bands. (Thus, it cannot receive two SSB signals at thesame time.)The IF frequency of the transmitter unit is shifted fromthe IF frequency of the receiver unit by 100kHz to enablesatellite operation (full duplex operation). The final section isindependent of the HF, 50MHz, 144MHz, 430MHz and1.2GHz bands. Consequently, you can select a combinationof bands permitting satellite communication from the HF,50MHz, 144MHz, 430MHz and 1.2GHz bands.The transmitter unit and receiver unit on the main bandside operate simultaneously during satellite transmission.The receiver unit on the sub-band side does not work. (Thesub-band receiver is not used during satellite operation.)Two 16-bit DSP ICs are used; one performs IF processing(main band side) and the other carries out AF processing(main and sub bands). Although the DSP IC is a 16-bit unit, itcarries out “double-precision operations” for critical parts ofIF processing to perform 32-bit equivalent processing. Inaddition, the DSP IC uses a 100-MHz high-speed internalclock. The conversion from an analog signal to a digital sig-nal (A/D conversion) is performed with 24 bits at high preci-sion.The DSP circuit for IF operates in any mode other thanFM mode for both transmission and reception. FM modula-tion, detection and squelch processing are conventional ana-log processes. (The processing prior to modulation and af-ter demodulation in FM is performed by the DSP.)In the mode in which the IF DSP circuit operates, it car-ries out modulation and demodulation, digital IF filtering,digital AGC, and CW waveform processing during transmis-sion, as in the TS-870. All these functions are operated in allthe bands on the main band side, including satellite opera-tion.The AF unit is processed by the DSP in all modes. Theoperating range of the DSP circuit depends on the mode,but it performs beat cancellation, noise reduction, AF DSPfiltering, etc.a73 Overview of the operation of the independentFM/AM sub-receiver unit (sub-band side) for theVHF and UHF bandsThe local oscillator system and IF/AF signal system of thesub-receiver unit are independent of the main band side.Therefore, the sub-band receiver can receive signals whilethe main band receiver is sending a signal. (Except whenreception is impossible due to harmonics of the transmit fre-quency and when the main band and sub-band are on thesame frequency band.)The sub-band receive signal is branched from the RF uniton the main band side. It is, therefore, not necessary toinstall a dedicated antenna for sub-band reception.Transmission can be performed with the sub receive fre-quency by shifting the “PTT band” to the sub-band side. Itis made possible by internally using the transmission func-tion on the main band side.AF processing is also carried out by the DSP on the sub-band side and the noise reduction function works.The sub-band reception function, including display, canbe turned off.Frequency Configuration (Fig. 1)This transceiver utilizes double conversion in FM modeand triple conversion in non-FM modes during transmission.It utilizes triple conversion in FM mode and quadrupleconversion in non-FM modes during reception. The fourth12kHz IF signal is converted from analog to digital and con-nected to the DSP.When the carrier point frequency of the signal input fromthe antenna is fIN, the relationship between these signalswhen demodulating this signal is expressed by the followingequations:HF MAIN fIN = fLO1 fLO2 fLO3 + fLO4 12kHzVHF MAIN fIN = fLO1 fLO2 fLO3 + fLO4 12kHzUHF MAIN fIN = fLO1 + fLO2 + fLO3 fLO4 + 12kHz1.2G MAIN fIN = fLO1 x 2 + fLO2 + fLO3 fLO4 + 12kHzReference Signal Generation CircuitThe 15.6MHz reference frequency fstd for PLL frequencycontrol is generated by the TCXO (X400). The signal passesthrough a buffer amplifier (Q420) and is used as the refer-ence signal for the second local oscillator (HFLO2) for HFband reception and the first local oscillator (SLO1) subbandreception.The reference signal is doubled by Q412, and the result-ing 31.2MHz signal is used as the reference signal for DDSs(IC406, IC407, IC408, IC601, IC602, IC603).The 31.2MHz signal is supplied to the TX-RX2 unit (X57-606 A/11) as LO2 for VHF and UHF bands.CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION3TS-2000/X68.985MHz75.825MHzTX MIXTX MIX TX MIXTX MIX TX MIX69.085MHz10.695MHz10.595MHz75.925MHzRX MIX RX MIX RX MIX DETTCAR10.583MHz455kHzLO311.150MHzLO1HF75.955129.085MHzLO258.39065.230MHzRCAR467kHz41.795MHzLO1TX183.795418.205MHz (K)185.795398.205MHz (E)RX MIX RX MIX41.895MHzSUBRX MIX 58.525MHzLO1RX183.895418.105MHz (K)185.895398.105MHz (E)SLO258.070MHzTX MIX TX MIX135.395MHzRX MIX RX MIX135.495MHz1.2GLO111041165MHzLO3131.2MHzMixerIF detector÷2SLO1322.95465.04MHz (K)371.475409.050MHz (E)HF/50MHzUHFVHF1.2G1.2GLO2124.8MHzDSPMICinputAFoutputHF/50MHz LO1When the HF and or 50MHz band is operating in the mainband, the HF REF VCO (Q427) generates 31.17 to 32.834MHz. (See Table 1, frequency configuration.)The output signal from the DDS (IC408) is input to pin 8of the PLL IC (IC409) for HF REF, divided into 1/16 in IC409to produce comparison frequency fø 2 of 487 to 513kHz.The output signal from the VCO (Q427) goes to pin 6 ofPLL IC (IC409), is divided into 1/64 in IC409, and comparedwith the signal with comparison frequency fø 2 by a phasecomparator. The frequency is locked and the HF REF signalis output.The output signal from the PLL IC (IC409) for HF REF isfed to pin 8 of the PLL IC (IC414) for HF LO1 as a referencefrequency, and divided to produce comparison frequencyfø 1 of 975 to 1358kHz.The HF LO1 VCO (Q459, Q460, Q464) generates 75.955to 129.185MHz. The output from this VCO goes to pin 6 ofIC414, is divided into 1/N 1 in IC414, compared with the sig-nal with comparison frequency fø 1 by a phase comparator.The frequency is locked and the HF LO1 output frequency isgenerated.The DDS (IC408) sweeps output frequency (7.792 to8.209MHz) in 10Hz steps by equation fDDS STEP (Hz) =(10*R 1)/(N 1*4) and in 1Hz steps by equation fDDS STEP(Hz) = (1*R 1)/(N 1*4), the HF LO1 covers the frequenciesof 75.955 to 129.085MHz in 10Hz or 1Hz steps.One of three VCOs (Q459, Q460, Q464) is selected bythe signal (HF VCO1,HF VCO2,HF VCO3) from the serial-par-allel IC (IC404).The output from the VCOs (Q459, Q460, Q464) passesthrough a buffer amplifier (Q462), is amplified by Q476, andpasses through a low-pass filter. The impedance is con-verted by an attenuator and the signal is output as HFLO1.The cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter in the outputsection is changed by turning Q474 ON/OFF with a VCO se-lect signal (HF VCO1).Fig. 1 Frequency configurationCIRCUIT DESCRIPTION4TS-2000/XHF LO2When the HF and or 50MHz band is operating, theHF LO2 VCO (Q409) generates 65.230 to 58.390MHz. (SeeTable 1, frequency configuration.)The 15.6MHz reference signal fstd is input to pin 8 of thePLL IC (IC401) for HF LO2, divided into 1/226 and 1/319 inIC401 to produce comparison frequency fø of 69.027 to48.903kHz.The output signal from the VCO (Q409) goes to pin 6 ofIC401, its frequency is divided into 1/945 and 1/1194 inIC401, compared with comparison frequency fø by a phaseDisplay frequency LO1 OUT IC414 : HF REF IC409 : DDS output (MHz)fRX (MHz) (MHz) LMX2306TMX (MHz) LMX2306TMX IC408 : AD9835BRUStart Stop R1 N1 N2 R20.030000 1.999999 LO1 32 76 HF REF 64 16 fDDS2.000000 5.999999 = fRX + IF 30 75=(fRX + IF) *R1=HF REF *R26.000000 8.999999 32 84 N1 N29.000000 12.999999 30 7513.000000 16.999999 32 8417.000000 17.999999 32 9218.000000 21.999999 30 9022.000000 23.999999 32 10024.000000 24.999999 32 9225.000000 25.999999 30 9026.000000 29.999999 24 7830.000000 32.999999 32 10033.000000 36.999999 30 9737.000000 40.999999 32 11541.000000 44.999999 32 11945.000000 48.999999 30 11549.000000 51.999999 30 11352.000000 55.999999 30 11556.000000 60.000000 32 127LO2 OUT IC401 : IF(MHz) LMX2306TMXN3 R3 RX TX65.230088 945 226 75.925088 75.82508858.389969 1194 319 69.084968 68.98496865.230088 945 226 75.925088 75.82508858.389969 1194 319 69.084968 68.98496865.230088 945 226 75.925088 75.82508858.389969 1194 319 69.084968 68.98496865.230088 945 226 75.925088 75.82508858.389969 1194 319 69.084968 68.984968comparator, and locked. The division ratio data comes fromthe control unit.The output signal from the VCO (Q409) passes through abuffer amplifier (Q415), is amplified by Q421, and passesthrough a low-pass filter. The impedance is converted by anattenuator and the signal is output as HF LO2.When the HF and or 50MHz band is not operating, Q403is turned OFF with the LO2SEL signal and HF LO2 VCO(Q409) stops operation.Table 1 Main HF and 50MHz band frequency configurationCIRCUIT DESCRIPTION5TS-2000/X144MHz LO1When the VHF band is operating in the main band, theVHF REF VCO (Q441) generates 36.057 to 37.288MHz (K),36.450 to 36.842MHz (E). (See Table 2, Frequency Configu-ration.)The output signal from the DDS (IC406) is input to pin 8of the PLL IC (IC411) for VHF REF and divided into 1/16 inIC411 to produce comparison frequency fø 2 of 563 to583kHz (K), 569 to 576kHz (E).The output signal from the VCO (Q441) goes to pin 6 ofIC411 and its frequency is divided into 1/64 in IC411, com-pared with the signal with comparison frequency fø 2 by aphase comparator, and is locked.The VHF REF PLL output signal is fed to pin 8 of IC410 asa reference frequency, and divided into 1/30 in IC410 to pro-duce comparison frequency fø 1 of 1202 to 1243kHz (K),1215 to 1228kHz (E).The VHF LO1 VCO (Q433) generates 183.895 to 193.895MHz (K), 185.795 to 187.895MHz (E) in receive mode and183.795 to 193.795MHz (K), 185.795 to 187.795MHz (E).The VCO (Q433) output signal goes to pin 6 of IC410, andits frequency is divided into 1/N1 in IC410 and comparedwith comparison frequency fø 1 by a phase comparator. Thefrequency is locked and LO1 is generated.The DDS (IC406) sweeps output frequency (9.014 toDisplay frequency LO1 OUT IC410 : VHF REF IC411 : DDS output (MHz)fRX (MHz) (MHz) LMX2306TMX (MHz) LMX2306TMX IC406 : AD9835BRUStart Stop R1 N1 N2 R2142.000000 (K) 146.999999 (K) LO1 30 153 VHF REF 64 16 fDDS144.000000 (E) 146.000000 (E) = fRX + IF =(fRX + IF) *R1=VHF REF *R2147.000000 (K) 151.999999 (K) 156 N1 N2IF = RX : 41.895TX : 41.7959.321MHz (K), 9.112 to 9.210MHz (E) in 10Hz steps byequation fDDS STEP (Hz) = (10*R1)/(N1*4) and in 1Hz stepsby equation fDDS STEP (Hz) =(1*R1)/(N1*4), the LO1 coversthe frequencies of 183.895 to 193.895 MHz (K), 185.895 to187.895MHz (E) in receive mode and 183.795 to193.795MHz (K), 185.795 to 187.795MHz (E) in transmitmode in 10Hz or 1Hz steps.The PLL output signal is changed by the switching circuitof Q469 (receive) and Q470 (transmit) so that the outputamplifier and low-pass filter correspond to VHF band trans-mission and reception.In receive mode, the signal is amplified by the broad-band amplifier (IC415), and passes through a low-pass filter.The impedance is converted by an attenuator and the signalis output to the RF unit (X57-606) as the first local oscillatorRXLO1.In transmit mode, the signal is amplified by the broad-band amplifier (IC416), and passes through a low-pass filter.The impedance is converted by an attenuator and the signalis output to the RF unit (X57-606) as the first local oscillatorTXLO1.When the VHF is not operating, Q436 is turned OFF witha signal from the serial-parallel IC (IC404) and VHF LO1 VCO(Q433) stops operation.430MHz LO1When the UHF band is operating in the main band, theUHF REF VCO (Q431) generates 378.105 to 418.105MHz(K), 388.105 to 398.105MHz (E) in receive mode and378.205 and 418.205MHz (K), 388.205 to 398.205MHz (E).(See Table 3, Frequency Configuration.)The output signal (8.328 to 8.475MHz (K), 8.344 to8.469MHz (E) from the DDS (IC407) passes through a ce-ramic filter (CF400), is input to pin 8 of the PLL IC (IC412) forUHF and divided into 1/16 in IC412 to produce comparisonfrequency fø of 520 to 530 kHz.The output signal from the VCO (Q431) goes to pin 6 ofIC412 and its frequency is divided into 1/N in IC412, com-pared with comparison frequency fø by a phase comparator,and is locked.The DDS (IC407) sweeps output frequency (8.328 to8.475MHz (K), 8.344 to 8.469MHz (E) in 10Hz steps byequation fDDS STEP (Hz) = 10*R/N and in 1Hz steps by equa-tion fDDS STEP (Hz) = 1*R/N, the LO1 covers the frequenciesof 378.105 to 418.105MHz (K), 388.105 to 398.105MHz (E)in receive mode and 378.205 to 418.205MHz (K), 388.205 to398.205MHz (E) in transmit mode in 10Hz or 1Hz steps.The PLL output signal is changed by the switching circuitof Q471 (receive) and Q472 (transmit) so that the outputamplifier and low-pass filter correspond to UHF band trans-mission and reception.In receive mode, the signal is amplified by the


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