MD MECHANISM ASSYX92-3770-00,0-01X92-3780-00,0-012000-5 PRINTED IN JAPANB51-7623-00 (4) 3360SERVICE MANUALCCONTENTSBLOCK DIAGRAM . 2COMPONENT DESCRIPTION. 3MICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTION. 3ADJUSTMENT . 5MECHANISM OPERATION DESCRIPTION . 7PC BOARD . 24EXPLODED VIEW . 26SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM . 27PARTS LIST . 2921 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 15 14IJ A B C D E F1112222325414219APCAPCREFEQADJ3T ADJWBLADJFZCRF AUX1 AUX2 PEAK BOTTOMABCD FE VC SWDT SCLK XLATFOCONT109108103104101100107106SPFDSPRDFFDRFRDRTFDRTRDRSFDRSRDR11 14 1196 13 12MNT0 MNT1 MNT2 MNT3XINTSQSY SENS SRDT SCLK SWDTXLATXRST36 38 39 14 57 59 58 23 22FZC XINT SQSY SENS SRDT SCLK SWDT XLATXRST283217272662643735613LDONSDMUTELIMIT SWP-ONAMUTEMSDAMSCLMST OPMRSTTYPE 1TYPE 215 10 11 12 13 16 47 29 30MNT4MNT3MNT2MNT1MNT04M/16MHOTESDA ESCL20 19 17 16 29 30 23 22 26 25 24 32 33TRK+ TRK- FCS+ FCS- SLED+ SLED- SPDL+ SPDL- VC VREF0 VCC2 VCC1 LOAD EJECT10 11 12 136 7 8 928 273145TFDR TRDR FFDR FRDR SFDR SRDR SPFD SPRDREG INREG OUTENREGLOADEJECT11 10813 12 19 18 14 174 5 120 216 7A8V L-CH R-CHMRST MSTOPMSCL(IIC BUS)MSDA AMUTE BU5V S5V S5V LOE-SW LOS-SW DET-SWLOAD EJECT36 30293134353733384746484010282632 17 18 2027 164241MORFRFOAUX 1FOCONTXSTBYADFG22.58MHz11811711619 7 5 4 2 1 373 74 75 76 70 81 90 77 78 79 80 93 97 96 95 9482 89 881 13115 9108122 68.38MHz4MUTE 1MUTE 212MUTE 336CH1,2CH3CH43157SW+5VDAVDDAUDIO +BJITTERRECORD INVCTE SEVCVCVCVCPD LDSTBYTOCH5 OPS+BSW+5VS5V+3.3VBU+5V65BU+5V1.2V rms 1KHz 0dBSW+5VTOSERVO DRIVERBU+5VILCCLDONRF AMPRF AGC the Iow-reflection pit and groove modes for recordable discs and the high-reflectionpit mode for premastered discs.4. Load a disc to enter the adjustment mode.5. The low-reflection pit play mode starts when TNo.1 is displayed.The time code display shows “50”.6. While monitoring ARF with an oscilloscope, vary the focusing bias using the Track UP and DOWN keys.7. The optimum values can be obtained by varying the bias in the UP and DOWN directions, locating the upper and lower valuesat which the ARF waveform is disturbed or the 3T waveform level drop, and calculating the center value of the two values.For example, when the value located in the UP direction is 58 and that located in the DOWN direction is 46, the optimum valueis their center value, i. e. 52.8. When the optimum value is obtained, set the focusing bias to that value and press the ManuaI UP or DOWN key to enter thevalue.(With normal sets, press and hold the Track UP or DOWN key.)9. After the low-reflection pit adjustment in step 8, the pickup automatically moves to the groove area.10. The groove play mode starts when TNo.2 is displayed.11. Perform the same operations as steps 6, 7 and 8.12. The disc stops after the groove area adjustment .Eject the disc and complete adjustment.* Since the low-reflection pits are present only in the TOC area, their total play time is about 40 seconds. When the pit areais over, the retry operation starts and the adjustment is invalid in this period.13. When the high-reflection play mode starts, perform operations in steps 5, 6, 7 and 8.14. The disc stops after the adjustment. Eject the disc and complete adjustment.* The coarse adjustment of the EF balance is also performed during this test mode.However, it is an automatic adjustment and does not require external poeration.6X92-3770-00,0-01/X92-3780-00,0-01ADJUSTMENT Display in service test mode (Display on the set)Start of pit adjustment mode 01-_ : _ Pit adjustment enabled 01-_ : 50Pit adjustment in progress (* =Adjustment data) 01-_ : * Pit adjustment result entered (Start of groove adjustment mode) 02-_ : _ Groove adjustment enabled 02-_ : 50Groove adjustment in progress (* =Adjustment data) 02-_ : * Groove adjustment result entered (Normal completion) 02-_ : _ Error display (* =Error status)* _ : _ * = 03 : Error during low-reflection pit EF balance adjustment* = 04 : Error during low-reflection pit focusing bias adjustment* = 05 : Error during low-reflection pit data write in E2PROM* = 19 : Error during groove EF balance adjustment* = 20 : Error during groove focusing bias adjustment* = 21 : Error during groove data write in E2PROM* = 35 : Error during high-reflection pit EF balance adjustment* = 36 : Error during high-reflection pit focusing bias adjustment* = 37 : Error during high-reflection pit data write in E2PROM Adjustment parametersAdjustment condition : Setting the LADJ 1 pin to Hi then reset-starting the set.Adjustment keys : Track UP/DOWN keys.Entry key : Pressing the Manual UP/DOWN key (or pressing and holding the adjustment key with some sets).* Notes *1. Always be sure to enter the results obtained with each medium.If the medium is ejected without entering the results and the adjustments of another medium is started, the E2PROM data willbe destroyed.2. Varying the focusing bias value extremely in the UP or DOWN direction degrades the focusing performance.Although this degradation can usually be recovered by retrying, there is also a potential of error occurrence or keys becominginvalid.In such a case, restart adjustment by reset-starting the set.(This also applies to the case in which data has been entered using an extreme value.)3. Note on “E-99”“E-99” which usually indicates a mechanism error is also displayed when E2PROM data is destroyed.If a wire is attached or removed while the sets power is on (BU UP), the E2PROM data could be destroyed ; be sure to attachor remove wire while the power is on (BU UP).This also applies to the attaching and removal of the card cable (flexible cable) to or from the mechanism.(Unlike the MDS-1000, normal operation cannot be resumed by turning the T0 pin Hi.)4. Note on E2PROMThe E2PROM stores a variety of initial data for the MD DSP, and some of the initial data is rewritten at the time of adjustment.As a result, note that an error occurs if the E2PROM in use does not store the initial data.MECHANISM OPERATION DESCRIPTION7X92-3770-00,0-01/X92-3780-00,0-018X92-3770-00,0-01/X92-3780-00,0-01MECHANISM OPERATION DESCRIPTION9X92-3770-00,0-01/X92-3780-00,0-01MECHANISM OPERATION DESCRIPTION10X92-3770-00,0-01/X92-3780-00,0-01MECHANISM OPERATION DESCRIPTION9