SRCKRC-69147Wx4DOLBY B NR SCAN B.S/RDM REP MTL/M.RDMB NR NAMEDISP TIAUDMENUPROG/PTYDABOFFLOUDKRC-765KRC-691/691Y© 2001-12 PRINTED IN JAPANB51-7878-00 (S) 2177SERVICE MANUALCASSETTE RECEIVER Front glass(B10-4192-01)Knob(SRC)(K25-1410-03)l KRC-691MECHANISM EXTENSION CORDW05-0477-00 (7P)W05-0609-00 (10P) Refer to the PARTS LISTPlastic cabinet assy(A02-1486-13)Screw set(N99-1719-05): KRC-765 onlyRemote controller assyRC-410 (A70-2025-05): KRC-765 onlyScrew set(N99-1656-05)Escutcheon(B07-3055-05)Knob(VOL)(K25-1414-03) Panel assy(A64-2614-02)Knob(1-6)(K25-1409-03)Knob(FM,AM)(K25-1412-03)Knob(ATT)(K25-1411-03)Mounting hardware assy(J21-9716-03)DC cord(E30-4944-05)DC cord(E30-4940-05)Lever(D10-4589-04)KRC-765/691/691Y2BLOCK DIAGRAMDIMMERTEL MUTEACCANT CONP CONBACK UPWIREDFM+BBUFFERBUFFERDECODERRDSIC7IC2E-VOLMPXN.C.AM+BSYSTEM u-COMIC1KEYMATRIXRESETSWLCDDRIVERG/R SWRESETIC8IC1DRIVERSUB MOTIC10MAIN MOTAVRVOLTAGELIMITTERILL AVRA 8VQ16,17SW14VDIMMERACC DETTEL MUTEP CONB.U DETANT CONSW5VB.U.5VP-5VQ11,12POWER ICTHERMOPROTECTIC4IC3MUTE LOGICDRIVERMUTEQ1-4SP OUT1.8VLCDANT.Q31Q61Q39Q32,33Q34-36Q38Q13Q14,15Q23Q72Q18,19Q3,4Q44Q55Q54Q52REMOREMOPRE OUTPANELDETEJECT ILLDSIKEYEJECTTH1IC2S1ED1IC9251mV (E TYPE)460mV (K TYPE)FM :1200mV388mVAM : 230mVTUNERMECHACD-CHANGERMD-CHANGER(X16- )DOLBY EQCASSETTEAUDIOS-METERPLL DATAPLL CLKSW 5VFMAMTAPECHANGERS METERQUALSDASCKS MUTEA 8VSUB-MOT+BSUB+PACK INF/RT-ENDSTBYHEAD COMHEAD LHEAD RMODESUB +RCLKQUALRDATAS METERIFCPLL DATAPLL CLKMUSICMS CONTF/RT-MODEPACK INM-STBYT-ENDMETALEQ-MUTEDATA C CH RSTCH MUTEDOLBYDATA HCH CONCH CLKREQ HREQ CSUB -RESET MOTORILL ONAM+B FM+BSCKSDAPRE MUTEMUTEBEEPP MUTEACC DETPHONEDIMMERP CONP-5VP ONANT CONTB.U DETSW 5V325CH MUTECH RSTDATA HDATA CCH CONREQ CCH CLKREQ HBACK UP8SW 5V2B.U. 5V2SUB-SUB+MOT+BA 8VPAN 5VB.U. 5VSW 5VMUTE AUX INBACK UPSW 5VB.U. 5VB.U. 5VCHFM1800mVTAPEAM3600mV855mV1372mV600mV3600mV1800mVE TYPE K TYPE1800mVNOISEAFSAFSIFC OUT2SW 5V5MS MODETAPE SWNR SWMUTE SWMS OUTA 8VREMOLDATASL CLKDIM CON L CE LDATALL-CLKPANEL-DETEJECT-ILL/DSIEJECTMODE+B6KRC-765/691/691Y3COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONl SWITCH UNIT (X16-16XX-XX)REF.No. FUNCTION OPERATIONIC1 LCD driverIC2 Remocon ICQ1 Key scan start SW ON when the base goes “L“.Q3 Key illumination SW (RED) ON (Key Illmination Red) when the base goes “H“.Q4 Key illumination SW (GREEN) ON (Key Illmination Green) when the base goes “H“.Q5,D26 VLCD AVR AVR, ON when the base goes “9.1V“.Q6 Remocon IC VDD suply SW Supply of Remocon IC VDD when the base goes “H“.Q7 Dimmer control LCD Back Light Control (PWM Control)l SYNTHESIZER UNIT (X14-68XX-XX)Component Purpose Function Operation Conditions CompatibilityIC1 SYSTEM µ-COMIC2 E-VOL, N.C. NPXIC3 Mute logic circuit 4 input NOR gate x 4IC4 Power ICIC7 RDS DecoderIC8 Reset IC “L“ detection voltage: 3.0 V or lessIC9 Equalizer amplifier DOLBY BIC10 Sub motor driverIC11 EEPROMQ1 Audio mute SW Front L-channel is muted when base goes “H“.Q2 Audio mute SW Front R-channel is muted when base goes “H“.Q3 Audio mute SW Rear L-channel is muted when base goes “H“.Q4 Audio mute SW Rear R-channel is muted when base goes “H“.Q11,Q12 B.U. 5V AVR Darlington connectionQ13 SW 5V ON when base goes “L“.Q14,Q15 SW 14VAudio 8V ON/OFF SWQ15 is turnd ON when Q14's base goes “H“.Q16,Q17 AUDIO 8V AVR Darlington connectionQ18,Q19 Main motor SW Q19 is turnd ON when Q18's base goes “H“.Q20,Q21 ILL power ON/OFF SW Q21 is turnd ON when Q20's base goes “H“.Q23 ILL AVR Inverted darlington connectionQ31 Dimmer control SW Small light detection when base goes “H“.Q32,Q33 Power antenna SW Q33 is turnd ON when Q32's base goes “H“.Q34,Q37 Power control SW Q34 is turnd ON when Q37's base goes “H“.Power control circuitWhen the output voltage decrease is detected, Q37 is turned off to protect the output.Q35,Q36output protectionWhen the power control switch is turned on, Q35 protects the system frommisoperation.Q38 B.U detection“L“ when B.U is present.“H“ when B.U is absent or when momentary power down detction.Q39 ACC detection “L“ when ACC is present.Q42 Mute driverFor driving the audio mute switch.ON when the base goes “L“.Q43 MUTE SW for E-VOL. Turns on when base goes “L“ and E-VOL is muted.Q44 Noise bufferQ51,Q52 FM+B SW Q52 is turnd ON when Q51s base goes “H“.Q53,Q54 AM+B SW Q54 is turnd ON when Q53s base goes “H“.Q55 Composite signal bufferQ61 PANEL 5V SW ON when the base goes “L“.Q71 MSTC SW ON when the base goes “H“.Q72 Sub motor AVR 7.3V output when AUDIO 8V is turned on.Q82 EJECT ILL/DSI SW ON when the base goes “L“.KRC-765/691/691Y4MICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONl IC1(SYNTHESIZE UNIT : X14-68XX-XX)Pin No. Pin Name I/O Description Processing Operation1 TYPE 1 I Destination type selection port2 TYPE 2 I Destination type selection port3 IFC I F/E IFC OUT input terminal H: Station exists Vth: 2.5V4 AVSS - A/D,D/A converter ground connection terminal Connected to GND lines.5 IC2-TYPE 1 I Maket/genuine select (Noise cancel) L: Maket H: genuine6 PANEL-DET I Panel detection L: Panel exists H: Panel does not exists7 AVREF1 I D/A converter reference voltage input terminal Connecting to BU5V8 CH-DATAC I Data input from changers9 CH-DATAH O Data output to changers Last maintenace10 CH-CLK I/O Clock input/output with changers input11 L-DATAL I Data input from the LCD driver IC Communication speed 600kHz (max)12 L-DATAS O Data output to the LCD driver ICCommunication speed 1.2MHz (max)L: Panel detached13 L-CLK O Clock output to the LCD driver IC L: Panel detachd14 L-CE O LCD driver chip enable H: Driver select L: Not select15 BEEP O BEEP sound output16 PLL-DATA I/O Tuner (01ST) data input/output Last maintenace17 FLIP-DET I Panel detach detection L: Panel attached H: Panel detached18 PLL CLK O Tuner (01ST) clock input/output19 N.C. O Not used20 EJECT ILL/DSI O EJECT ILL KEY & DSI output L: Light ON H: Light OFF21 L-RST O Reset output to the LCD driver IC L: Reset ON H: Reset OFF22 PAN 5V I/O Panel 5V control terminalL: ON (Panel exists & ACC ON)H: OFF (Panel does not exists or ACC OFF)23 R-DATA I Data input from the RDS decoder IC24 R-QUAL I Quality input from the RDS decoder IC25 SUB (-) O Sub motor output (-)26 SUB (+) O Sub motor output (+)27 FWD/rev I Cassette tape running direction detection H: FWD L: REV28 MS-CONT O ADV sensitivity control H: PLAY L: FF/REV29 metal O NORMAL/METAL change H: NORMAL L: METAL30 EQ-MUTE O EQ-MUTE change H: ON L: OFF31 DOLBY O Dolby ON/OFF H: ON L: OFF32 music I Casstet music space detection H: Music does not exists L: Music exist33 VSS1 - GND34 IC2 TYPE 0 I Maket/genuine select 0 (ROLL-OFF) L: Market L: Genuine 035 AM+B O AM power supply terminal H: During AM reception36 FM+B O FM power supply terminal H: During FM reception if with RDS37 AFS O Noise detection time constant switching terminalHi: During FM reception, Lo: During FM seek orAF search38 IC2-CLK O IC2 clock output39 IC2-DATA I/O IC2 data input/output40 EEPROM DET I EEPROM detection terminal H: EEPROM exist L: EEPROM does not exists41 P-MUTE O Power IC mute control outputH: Mute OFFL: Mute ON, PowerOFF, All OFF, TEL Mute42 P-STBY O Power IC standby control outputL: Power IC OFF, All OFF modeH: Power IC ON43 MUTE O IC2 mute control output H: Mute ON L: Mute OFF44 PRE MUTE O Pre-out mute control L: Momentary power down, Reset45 DIMMER-CON O Dimmer ControlControl with pulse output H: Power ONL: Power OFF46 BU-DET I Momentary power down detection input H :BU OFF L : BU ON47 ACC-DET I ACC detection input L: ACC ON H: ACC OFF48 dimmer I Small lights detection input L: ON H: OFF49 REMO I Data input from the remote control light sensor50 ANT-CON O Antenna control output H: TUNER, TIKRC-765/691/691Y5MICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin No. Pin Name I/O Description Processing Operation51 P-CON O Power control output H: Power ON L: Power OFF52 CH-RECH O Request output to changers L: Request53 CH-RST O Reset output to changers L: Normally54 CH-MUTE I Mute request from changers H: ON L: OFF55 CH-CON O Changer control H: ON L: OFF56 P-ON I/O SW 5V control output H: OFF L: ON57 MOTOR O Main motor output H: ON L: OFF58 M-STBY I Cassette standby detection H: STBY59 T-END I Tape end detection H: Tape play L: Tape end60 reset I Reset input terminal L: System reset H: Normally61 eject I Eject key detection H: OFF L: ON62 CH-REQC I Request input from changers H: OFF L: ON63 ILL ON O Illumination output terminal H: ON L: OFF89 KEY-REQ I Panel key interrupt input L: Key input exist65 R-CLK I Clock input from the RDS decoder IC66 PACK-IN I Cassette pack-in detection H: Pack-in67 VSS0 - GND (port)68 VDD1 - Positive power supply69 X2 - Main clock output (12MHz)70 X1 I Main clock input71 TEST I Program power supply (Mask: Test terminal)72 XT2 - Sub clock output (32.768MHz)73 XT1 I Sub clock input74 VDD0 - Positive power supply (port)75 AVDD I A/D port reference voltage input76 PHONE I Phone detection terminalLess than 1V: TEL muteMore than 2.5V: NAVI mute77 T-MODE I Tape mode detection Vth=2.5V78 S-METTER I S-meter input from F/E79 NOISE I FM noise detection input80 TYPE 0 I Destination type selection terminalKRC-765/691/691Y6TEST MODE1. How to enter the test mode Reset the unit while holding preset 1 key and preset 3key.2. How to exit from the test mode RESET POWER OFF ACC OFF Bu OFF Panel detach3. Initial status in test mode Sources : ALL OFF Display : All segments are lit. Volume : -10 dB (displayed as 30) LOUD : OFF CRSC : OFF regardless of the presence ofswitching function. SYSTEM Q : Flat BEEP : ON DEMO : OFF4. Special display during Tuner modeIf the following display appears during the TUNER mode,the front end is defective. “TNE2P NG“: EEPROM remains in the initial value (don'tcare) because the product is shipped without passing theF/E adjustment process. “TNCON NG“: Communication with the F/E is notpossible.5. Forced switching of K3IEvery pressing of the Preset 6 key during the TUNER mode,changes the status from Forced middle Forced narrow AUTO Forced wide Forced middle.When the product is set to the Forced middle: FMM in theinitial state, the following message appears. Forced middle : FMM Forced narrow : FMN AUTO : FMA Forced wide : FMM6. Test mode specifications of the CD receiver Forced eject operation is prohibited during the reset startmode. CD cannot be recognized when the product is resetwith CD remains inserted. Track jump takes place to the following track when theTrack up key is pressed.No. 9 No. 15 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 No. 9 (The cycle restarts from here.) When the Track down key is pressed, track returns backby one track during playback.7. Audio system The product enters the audio adjustment mode when theQ key is pressed momentarily. Continuous advance operation from remote control isprohibited. The Bass/Middle/Treble is adjusted to either one of the 3steps of MIN/Center/MAX with Track up/down key. Balance is adjusted to either one of the 3 steps of LeftMAX/Center/Right MAX with Track up/down key. Fader is adjusted to either one of the 3 steps of RearMAX/Center/Front MAX with Track up/down key. HPF (high-pass filer) is adjusted to either Through or 220Hz with Track up/down key. LPF (low-pass filer) is adjusted to either Through or 120Hz with Track up/down key. Bass f/Bass Q/Bass EXT/Middle f/Middle Q/Trable f donot appear on the audio adjustment.8. MENU system The product enters the MENU mode when the CLK keyis pressed momentarily. The product enters the MENU mode when the DNPP/SBF key of the remote control is pressed. Continuous advance operation from remote control isprohibited. The calendar adjustment, calendar display switching andcalendar memo are deleted from the advance operation.(FL model) Red is set by the preset 1, blue by 2, green by 3 andwhite by 4 in the color adjustment mode. (VCLD model) Contrast can be adjusted in 3 steps of 0/5/10. Initial valueis 5. (VCLD/VCLD model) Brightness can be adjusted in 3 steps of 0/5/10. Initialvalue is 10. (Normal FL model)9. Backup current measurementIf RESET is activated in the ACC OFF state (when BACKUPbutton is turned ON), the MUTE terminal turns OFF in 2seconds, not in 15 seconds. (At this time, the panel/CD/TAPE mechanism does not operate.)KRC-765/691/691Y7TEST MODE2.Enter the security registration mode by pressing the CLKkey.3.Enter the CODE by pressing the Track up/down and AM/FM key.Example: To enter “3510“ Press the FM key four times. Press the Track up key once and the FM key sixtimes. Press the Track up key once and the FM key twicetimes. Press the Track up key once and the FM key oncetimes. When the AM key is pressed, the codes aresearched in reversed direction. When Track downkey is pressed, the entry digits return.4.When the DISP key is pressed for three seconds, themessage “RE-ENTER“ appears. Then enter the codereferring to step 3.5.Press the DISP key for three second so that the message“APPROVED“ appears.6.Quit the test mode. (See item 2. How to quit the testmode.)(Note) The security code of this model cannot be allcleared. Simple security code clear procedure (K typeonly)1.Press the VOL UP key longer for 3 seconds while pressingthe DISP key during requesting the code. (The message- disappears.)2.Enter “KCAR“ from remote control. (Same as the 00model) Press the 5 key twice on remote control and press theTrack up key. (Enter “K“.) Press the 2 key on the remote 3 times, then press theTrack Up key. (This enters “C“.) Press the 2 key on the remote once, then press theTrack Up key. (This enters “A“.) Press the 7 key on the remote twice, then press theTrack Up key. (This enters “R“.)3.The security is released and the product enters the ALLOFF mode.4.If incorrect code is entered by mistake, the product entersthe code-requesting mode.10. Special display when the display is All ONIf the PRESET key is pressed while all displays are turnedon by ALL OFF, the following display appears.PRESET 1Version display (8 digits, Month/Day/Hour/Minute)(Display) xxxxxxxx System microcomputerPRESET 2 All displays are turned on.Short press : Power-ON time displayPRESET 3 Long press : Power-ON time is cleared.(Display) Pon xxxxx Max. 65535 (hours)Short press : TAPE/CD/MD running hourdisplayPRESET 4 Long press :TAPE/CD/MD unning hour is cleared.(Display) CDT xxxxx (CD/R)TPT xxxxx (C/R) Max. 65535 (hours)Short press :TAPE/CD/MD eject countPRESET 5displayLong press :TAPE/CD/MD eject count is cleared.(Display) EJT xxxxx Max. 65535 (times)Short press : PANEL open/close countdisplayPRESET 6 Long press : PANEL open/close count iscleared.(Display) PCX xxxxxx Max. 65535 (times) Write timing into EEPROM is when ACC OFF and POWER OFFsequence is completed.11. Others Displays such as “CODE OFF“ are not shown duringPower-ON. When the CLK key is pressed longer for 1 second duringALL OFF, the product enters the MASK KEY (security)write mode. The RESET-LOADING is not performed unless CD isalready caught in the CD/R mode.n Security-related information Forced Power ON mode (All models)Even when security (MASK key) is enabl