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    70%In compliance with Federal Regulations, following are repro-duction of labels on, or inside the porduct relating to laserproduct safety.KENWOOD-Crop. certifies this equipment conforms to DHHSRegulations No.21 CFR1040. 10, Chapter 1, subchapter J.DANGER : Laser radiation when open and interlock defeat-ed. AVOID DIRECT EXPOSURE TO BEAM.DVD COMPACT HIFI SYSTEMRXD-DV9SERVICE MANUAL©2000-11/B51-5675-00 (K/K) 2401TAPE BTAPE APHONESDSP/EQENTERDUBBINGTIMER/CLOCKDEMOTUNING MODEPUSH OPENPUSH OPENVOLUMECONTROLMULTICONTROLDISC CHANGEOPEN/CLOSEON/STANDBYMICMIC VOL.DISC SELECTORLISTEN MODEEX.BASSTAPE A/BREV.MODEREC/ARMDVD/CDSTANDBYTIMERTAPETUNERVIDEO/MDSTOPDOLBY DIGITALPRO LOGIC3 STEREO EX.BASSDISC 1DISC 2DISC 367BANDAUX*Refer to parts list on page 39. Knob (K29-7948-08)Ring(B07-2561-08)Front Panel *(A60-)Tray glass (B10-3680-08)Lens (B03-3884-08)Knob(K29-7949-08)Knob (K29-7946-08)Lens (B19-1628-08)Glass B(B10-3684-08)Cassette door B (A53-2243-08)Lens (B03-3883-08)Glass A(B10-3683-08)Cassette door A (A53-2242-08) Lens (B19-1629-08)Knob (K29-7945-08)FM(T90-0875-08) indoor antenna (1)Loop(T90-0874-08) antenna (1)Remote (A70-1499-08): TE(A70-1500-08): MM2(A70-1501-08): Xcontrol unit (1)Batteries (R03/AAA) (2)*AC (E03-0115-05) plug adaptor (1)*Use to adapt the plug on thepower cord to the shape ofthe wall outlet.(Accessory only for regionswhere use is necessary.)POWERENTERV(E30-1427-05) ideocord (1)Speaker cords (Provided in the speaker package)LS-DV9(for Europe and U.K.)LS-DV10(for other countries)CRS-DV9Frontspeakers(2)(3)SurroundspeakersRXD-DV92CONTENTS / ACCESSORIES / CAUTIONSCONTENTS / ACCESSORIES / CAUTIONS.2EXTERNAL VIEW / DVD BLOCK DIAGRAM.3BLOCK DIAGRAM.4CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION.5ADJUSTMENT.13WIRING DIAGRAM.14PC BOARD.15SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM.24EXPLODED VIEW.45PARTS LIST.47SPECIFICATIONS.55ContentsAccessoriesOperation to resetThe microcomputer may fall into malfunction (impossibility tooperate, erroneous display, etc.) when the power cord is un-plugged while power is ON or due to an external factor. In thiscase, execute the following procedure to reset the microcom-puter and return it to normal condition.÷Please note that resetting the microcomputer clears the contentsstored in and returns and to condition when it left the factory.Pull the plug from the receptacle, wait a few seconds,and then insert the plug again while holding the ENTERkey down. “INITIALIZE“ will be displayed and the unitwill be initialized.CautionsSYSTEMMAIN UNITDESTINATIONSPEAKERSP CORD PARTS NO.SPEAKERSP CORD PARTS NO.XD-DV9RXD-DV9TELS-DV9E30-5535-05MXLS-DV10E30-5838-08CRS-DV9E30-5542-05XD-DV9(M2)RXD-DV9(M2)M2System configuration WaryPlease contact our KENWOOD Service Department in your side if you want the service information; CircuitDescription, Full Described Parts List and so.Information is available to you by internet from us.RXD-DV93OUTAUXAM ANTFM 75AC 110-120VAC 220-240VINDIGITALOUTOPTICALS VIDEOOUTPUTVIDEOPRE OUT WOOFER SUPER(4 )SURROUND(4 )CENTERSPEAKERSFRONT(6)AC 110-120VAC 220-240VANTENNAR LRRLL+ EXTERNAL VIEW / DVD BLOCK DIAGRAMOptical transmitter(W02-2810-08)Case (A01-3810-08)Pin jack (E63-1199-08)Terminal ANT (E70-0140-08)Slide switch (S62-0100-08)AC power cord *(E30-)Terminal block (E70-0138-08) Terminal block (E70-0139-08) Pin jack (E63-1200-08)*Refer to parts list on page 39. DATABUSEFMODATAADDRESSLOW ADDRESSUIC1FRONTU-COMHIGHOUT VIDEO VCW1OPTICALOUT ACW3AUDIOOUT ACW1DATABUSDATABUSD ATAPICK UPMECHARIC1RF AMPKS1461MOTOR/FO/TRK DRIVERKS1452SIC1DIGITALSERVOTMP93CM41F MAIN MICOMMIC1KS1453DATAPROCSSORDIC1A/V DECODERZIVA-3VIC1ADDR LATCH74AC573MI2EEPROMKS24C020MIC5MIC774HC00ADDR DECODERAT27C080EPROMMIC8D/ACONVERTERAK4324AIC1VIDEO ENCODERSAA7128VIC50BA4560AUDIO FILTERAOP1OPTICALOUT74HC04AIC5BA7660FSVIDEO DECODERVIC52DVD MECHABLOCKEXTERNAL VIEWDVD BLOCK DIAGRAMDOWN MIX SIGSIG OUTSIG GNDC.REARS/W OUTGNDSIG +BSIG GNDSIG -BSERVO GNDDSP ZIVADSP GNDZIVA DECZIVA GNDMOTOR SERVOMOTOR GNDuCOM GND CONTROL+SERVO RF+D VDDD GND AGND+13mA(25mA) A VCC+(40mA)25mAC or S/W OUTREAR OUTOUTINMICMIXSIGVCCGND+VCCGNDGNDVCC+GNDVDD+GNDVDD+GNDVCCGND+VCCSIG0.01L/R1257 58AGNDD GND VCC+ (10mA)7mAboard to board conectorDVD FRONT L.R810 67810 19GNDVDD+GNDVPVPGND+VDD+to uCOMto uCOM100+FAN+D GNDAGNDVCCREARVCCD GNDAGNDCENTERS/W+S/W+FR CHRR ON+REARC/RCOr SW+5V+5V+3.3V+8V-8V +8VOUTDIGITALCOMPOSIT S.JACKVIDEO OUT+5VS.BUSSTAPECIRCUITCONTROLCIRCUITMOTORSOLENOIDCIRCUITCONTROLMRDSPLLIFFRONT ENDAMFMTONEVOLAUX INAUX OUTEXPANDERuCOMVFD-32V+5V+12VMOTORCIRCUITM+12V-12VE.VOLE.VOLF/LF/RCR/LR/RS/W OUT+5VDVD PCBDVDPCBPOWERTAPE PCBTUNER FUNCTION PCB MAIN BOARDFRONT PCBREMOCONTRANS PCBRXD-DV9LIC1LIC2LIC12FIC2LIC4FIC1RXD-DV94BLOCK DIAGRAMRXD-DV9CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION5Pin No.Pin NameI/OFunction1CE4OM62463 CE (PRO LOGIC)2DO3OTDA7440 DATA (SURROUND)3CLK3OTDA7440 CLK (SURROUND)4DO4OTDA7440 DATA (CENTER)5CLK4OTDA7440 CLK (CENTER)6CE1OLC72131 CE (PLL) 7DI1ILC72131 DATA IN (PLL)8CLK1OLC72131/TDA7440/M62463 CLK9DO1OLC72131/TDA7440/M62463 DA10RDS DATAIRDS DATA IN11RDS CLKIRDS CLK IN12RESETIMICOM RESET13XT1ISUB CLOCK(32.768kHz) IN14XT2OSUB CLOCK(32.768kHz) OUT15GND-GND16CF1IMAIN OSC(6MHz) IN17CF2OMAIN OSC(6MHz) OUT18VDD1-VDD19JOG1IJOG UP20JOG2IJOG DOWN21EVR2IELEC VR DOWN22PROTECIPROTECTION23AD1IKEY A/D 1 (LISTEN)24AD2IKEY A/D 2 (POWER)25AD3IKEY A/D 3 (CD/DVD)26P-SENSIPOWER SENSE27T-SENSICD TRAY SENSE28RRQIDVD REQUEST FRONT MICOM29REMOIREMOCON IN30RDSORDS SWITCH31P-LEDOPOWER STANDBY32T-LEDOTIMER STANDBY3343G11G1OVFD GRID 11144.45P18,P19OVFD ANODE 18,1946VDD3-VFD 5V4750P17P14OVFD ANODE 171451VP-32V5264P13P1OVFD ANODE13165OPTIOPTION IN66SW2ICD CLOSE SW67SW1ICD OPEN SW68EVR1IELEC VR UP 69DI3IM66010 DATA IN(EXPAND-TAPE)70DI2IM66010 DATA IN(EXPAND-MAIN)71TUNEDITUNED72VDD4-VFD 5V73TRL+OCD ROULETTE MOTOR74OPENOCD OPEN MOTOR75CLOSEOCD CLOSE MOTOR76DEMO1ODVD DEMO17779DIF02ODVD DIF0280P-MUTEODVD P-MUTE81DEMO0ODVD DEMO082DFSODVD DFS1. Pin description of microprocessor : LC86P6548-5T20 (Front BoardRXD-DV96CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONPin No.Pin Name I/ODescription1ACDIConnected to VREFEQ.2BCDIConnected to VREFEQ.3CCDIConnected to VREFEQ.4DCDIConnected to VREFEQ.5ADVDIOptical main beam A,AC coupling input terminals for CD of RF block.6BDVDIOptical main beam B,AC coupling input terminals for CD of RF block.7CDVDIOptical main beam C,AC coupling input terminals for CD of RF block.8DDVDIOptical main beam D,AC coupling input terminals for CD of RF block.9RREFBF-RF AMP I/O buffer bias resistance connection terminal.10RREFEQ-RF EQ bias resistance connection terminal.11RREF-Analog block bias resistance connection terminal.12VREFEQ-CAP connection terminal for EQ center voltage.13EICD optical sub beam E input terminal for servo.14FICD optical sub beam F input terminal for servo.15ADVD1IOptical main beam A input terminal for DVD of servo block.16BDVD1IOptical main beam B input terminal for DVD of servo block.17CDVD1IOptical main beam C input terminal for DVD of servo block.18DDVD1IOptical main beam D input terminal for DVD of servo block.19ACD1IOptical main beam A input terminal for CD of servo block.20BCD1IOptical main beam B input terminal for CD of servo block.21CCD1IOptical main beam C input terminal for CD of servo block.22DCD1IOptical main beam D input terminal for CD of servo block.23AVCC-Power voltage input terminal for analog part.24VREFAI/OCAP connection terminal for analog part center voltageuses an external block.25FOFST-CAP connection terminal(open) for focus auto offsets.26OFSTHOLDIOn/off terminal for auto offset block.(L: Auto Offset Adjustments, H: Serial Offset Adjustments)27VREFLP BGIIBand gap voltage input block for ALPC.28LDODVDOOptical laser diodes operation voltage output terminal for DVD.29PDDVDIOptical laser monitor diode voltage input terminal for DVD.30LDOCDOOptical laser diode operating voltage output terminal for CD.31PDCDIOptical laser monitor diode voltage input terminal for CD.32AGND-Power ground terminal for analog part.Pin No.Pin NameI/OFunction83AMOUT0ODVD A-MUTE OUT 084DARST1ODVD DARST185CE3ONJU3711 CE (EXPAND-FRONT)86CE5OM66010 CE (EXPAND-TAPE)87MRSTODVD RESET88SRQODVD REQUEST MAIN MICOM89VSS-GND90VDD2-VDD291CE2OM66010 CE (EXPAND-MAIN)92CLK2ONJU3711/M66010 CLK93DO2ONJU3711/M66010 DATA 94SOL BOB DECK SOLENOID 95TXDODVD SERIAL DATA OUT96RXDIDVD SERIAL DATA IN97SCLKODVD SERIAL CLK98SOL AOA DECK SOLENOID 99M-MUTEOMAIN AUDIO MUTE100POWEROPOWER ON/OFF2. Pin description of RF signal processor : RIC1(KS1461)RXD-DV97Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescription33FEOFE AMP output terminal.34FENIInput terminal for selecting FE AMP gain.35TENIInput terminal for selecting TE AMP gain.36TE OTE AMP output terminal.37PDLIMTRES-Bias resistance terminal for PDLIMIT.38ABCDNIABCD AMP for selecting gain (-) input terminal.39ABCDOABCD AMP output terminal.40ABCDIIABCD AC coupling input terminal for servo monitor.41ENVP-CAP connection terminal for selecting the RC value of peak holdfor detecting RF envelopes.42ENVB-CAP connection terminal for selecting the RC value of bottomhold for detecting RF envelopes.43ENVORF envelope detect output terminal.44DGND-Power ground input terminal for digital circuits.45FOKTHIFocus OK comparating level input terminal.46FOKBOFocus OK comparator output terminal( L: Focus OK).47DFCT CP1-Connction terminal for RC value of peak hold, for selecting themaximum time for servo signal. 48DFCT CP2-Connction terminal for RC value of peak hold, for selecting theminimum defect time for PLL.49CC1OPeak hold output terminal for selecting the minimum defect time for defect.50CC2IPeak hold AC coupling input terminal for defect.51DVCC-Power voltage input terminal for digital circuit.52DFCTTH2-Resistance connction terminal for selecting the defectcomparating level for PLL.53DFCTTH1-Resistance connction terminal for selecting the defectcomparating level for servo.54DFCT1ODefect output terminal for servo.55DFCT2ODefect output terminal for PLL.56DPDVCC-Power voltage input terminal for DPD TE.57MIRROMirror output terminal.58BCAOBCA output terminal.59TE3OFST-CAP connection terminal(open) for 3B TE offset.60DPDEQ1ODPD EQ(A+C) output terminal.61DPDEQ2ODPD EQ(B+D) output terminal.62FAULTOUTODPD abnormal wave from output terminal(monitor).63DPDMUTEIDPD TE mute control terminal(H: Mute).64PLLCTLIDPD TE PLL variable input terminal.65TE1RESIDPD TE PLL variable bias resistance.66DPDGND-Power ground input terminal for DPD TE.67VREFDPDOCAP connection terminal for DPD TE center voltage.68RREFDLY-Bias resistance connection terminal for delay block.69DATAIData input terminal.70CLOCKIClock input terminal.71STBIData enable input terminal.72OSC-Input terminal for RC value of OSC,for auto offset block.73RESETIReset input terminal (L: Reset)for auto offset block.74BCAIIBCA filter 1.75BCAOOBCA filter 2.76RFCTORF ripple center voltage output terminal for mirror.77CB2-CAP connection terminal of RC value of bottom hold, for RFCT generation.78CP2-CAP connection terminal of RC value of peak hold, for RFCT generation.79RFRPORF ripple AMP output terminal for mirror.80RFRPNIInput terminal for selecting RFRP APM gain.81MROOFSTIRF ripple offset control terminal for mirror.82CB1-RC connection terminal of RC value of bottom hold, for RFRP generation.RXD-DV98CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONPin No.Pin NameI/ODescription83CP1-RC connection terminal of RC value of peak hold, for RFRP generation.84MIRRIIInput terminal for MIRR signal generation.85EQVCC-Power voltage input signal for RF EQ.86RFEQ0ORF EQ output terminal.87BCATHIBCA comparating level control terminal.88EQINIRFAGCO input terminal for RF EQ.89RFAGCOORF AGC AMP output terminal.90AGCC-CAP connection terminal for time constant of AGC.91AGCIIAGC voltage input terminal while in AGC hold.92EQGND-Power ground input terminal for RF EQ.93AGCLEVELIAGC level control voltage input terminal(3.5V) while in AGC hold off.94AGCB-RC connection terminal for RC value of bottom hold, for RF AGC.95AGCP-RC connection terminal for RC value of peak hold, for RF AGC.96RDPF-Bias resistance connection terminal for selecting RF EQ frequency.97EQG IRF EQ boost gain control voltage input terminal.98EQFIRF EQ peak frequency control voltage input terminal.99PLLFIWide-band PLL compatible RF EQ peak frequency control terminal.100VZOCTLIRF EQ zero control terminal.Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescription1DGND-Digital ground.2DPS CSIChip select(active low).3HADIMicom resistor select (Lresistordata).4DGND-Digital ground.512HAD7HAD0I/OMicom data bus.13DVDD-Digital power(+5.0V).14CLK27DISystem clock input for 26.16MHz.15XTO1OSystem clock output for 26.16MHz.16D GND-Digital ground.17DD15I/ODRAM data bus.18DD0I/ODRAM data bus.19DD14I/ODRAM data bus.20DD1I/ODRAM data bus.21D GND-Digital ground.22DD13I/ODRAM data bus.23DD2I/ODRAM data bus.24DD12I/ODRAM data bus.25DD3I/ODRAM data bus.26DVDD-Digital power(+5.0V).27DD11I/ODigital data bus.28DD4I/ODigital data bus.29DD10I/ODigital data bus.30DD5I/ODigital data bus.31D GND-Digital ground.3235DD9DD7I/ODRAM data bus.36D GND-Digital ground.37ZLCASODRAM low column address strobe.38ZUCASODRAM upper column address strobe.39ZWE1ODRAM write enable 1(8M only).40ZWE0ODRAM write enable 0(4M,8M,16M ).41ZOE1ODRAM output enable 1(16M mode DADR9 ).42DVDD-Digital power(+5.0V).43ZOEODRAM output enable 0.44ZRASODRAM low address strobe.45,46DADR8,DADR7ODRAM address bus.47D GND-Digital ground.3. Pin descrption of data processor DIC1(KS1453)RXD-DV9CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION9Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescription4854DADR0DADR6ODRAM address bus.55,56D GND-Digital ground.57TOSOTop of selector.58DACKOData acknowledge signal output.59DVDD-Digital power(+5.0V).60SDATA0ODVD data/CD data bit stream (CDATA).61SDATA1ODVD data/CD data L/R clock (LRCK).62SDATA2ODVD data/CD data bit clock (BLCK).63SDATA3ODVD data/CD data error flag (C2PO).64SDATA4ODVD data/subcode serial data (SQDT).65SDATA5ODVD data/subcode frame sync (WFSY).66SDATA6ODVD data/subcode block sync (SOSI).67SDATA7I/ODVD data/subcode serial clock (SQCK).68D GND-Digital ground.69STROBEOData strobe (clock) output.70REQUESTIData request from A/V decoder or ROM decoder.71DTEAODVD data error output.72D GND-Digital ground.7376PWMO7PWMO4OPWM output signal.77DVDD-Digital power(+5.0V).7881PWMO3PWMO0OPWM output signal.8284DGND-Digital ground.85,86DVDD-Digital power(+5.0V).8790DGND-Digital ground.91FRSYZOFrame sync output.92TX OUTODigital output.93GFSOGood frame sync detection state output (OK at H).94D GND-Digital ground.9533.86MISyatem clock input for 33.8688MHz.96CK33MOOSyatem clock output for 33.8688MHz.97DVDD-Digital power(+5.0V).98100D GND-Digital ground.101EFMO OUTOEFM output.102WFCKOWr


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