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    This product uses Lead Free solder.This product complies with the RoHS directive for the European market.© 2009-11 PRINTED IN JA PANB53-0767-10 (N) 341SERVICE MANUALKDC-4047UA/UG/UGY/UMKDC-414UA/414UMKDC-MP245UKDC-U3046/U346/U4046CD RECEIVERTDF SPARE-PANELMAIN UNIT NAME TDF PARTS No. TDF NAMEKDC-4047UA Y33-3242-73 TDF-4047UAKDC-4047UG Y33-3242-74 TDF-4047UGKDC-4047UGY Y33-3242-76 TDF-4047UGYKDC-4047UM Y33-3250-23 TDF-4047UMKDC-414UA Y33-3242-75 TDF-414UAKDC-414UM Y33-3250-24 TDF-414UMKDC-MP245U Y33-3240-11 TDF-MP02DUKDC-U3046 Y33-3250-21 TDF-U3046KDC-U346KDC-U346 Y33-3250-22 TDF-U346Mounting hardware assy(J22-0789-03)Lever(D10-7106-04) x2* DC cord(E30-xxxx-xx)* Screw set(N99-1757-15)Escutcheon(B07-3270-01)* Carrying case(W01-1710-05)* Screw (4x16)(N84-4016-48)* Depends on the model. Refer to the parts list.KDC-4047UA/UG : Panel assy (A64-5002-12)KDC-4047UM : Panel assy (A64-5131-12)KDC-414UM : Panel assy (A64-5132-12)KDC-U3046 : Panel assy (A64-5008-12)KDC-4047UGY : Panel assy (A64-5004-12)KDC-414UA : Panel assy (A64-5003-12)KDC-MP245U : Panel assy (A64-5001-12)KDC-U346 : Panel assy (A64-5009-12)KDC-U4046 : Panel assy (A64-5016-12)KDC-4047U KDC-4047UGYKDC-U3046KDC-U4046KDC-414UMKDC-4047UM KDC-414UKDC-MP245UKDC-U4046 Y33-3253-02 TDF-U4046* DC cord(E30-xxxx-xx)* Remote controller assy (RC-405)(A70-2104-05)* Plastic cabinet assy(A02-2755-23)2KDC-4047UA/4047UG/4047UGY/4047UMKDC-414UA/414UM/MP245U/U3046/U346/U4046BLOCK DIAGRAM251BU-DETLINE MUTEACC-DETRESET959BU-DET12MUTER15123to GND331ROM CORRECTION (NOT USED)11111R31R1181FL+BPS1-1 / PS1-2 / PS1-3ACC-DET / BU-DETPS2-1PHONEREAR/SWFRONTPS1-1 / PS1-2 / PS1-3PS2-1 / PS2-2P-ANTP-CONSP-OUTPHONEACCB.U.DC CNFRONT L/RREAR L/RP-STBY1528842OEM REMOTEto SYSTEM2(13-SEG, 11-DIGIT)J1,IC42PANEL5V5u-COM (IC1)E-VOLIC2A8VSYSTEM u-COMQ703-706PHONEACC-DETQ101Q103BU-DETQ102SW14VQ11,12Q2,3A8VSERVO+BD5VBU5VSW5VPANEL5VRESET ICIC8ILLUMI+BCONNECTORRESETREMOTEFL DISPLAYIC1IC6IC2J1ILLUMI+BS1ED1J5MUTEQ707IC501SERVO+BBU5VQ301BU5VDME1BU5VSW5VS3J1A8VANT.IC7SW5VE2PROMSW5VBU5VFRONTJ2PANEL DETIC1BU5VSW5VFL+BIC4FL+BJ3SW5VIC10RDSDECODERTUNER ATOMICCD MECHA(X32- )ROTARYENCODER DRIVERFLKEYILLUMIRx11/2WKEYMATRIX1/2WRx1CDSERVOICSUPPLYPOWERDC-CN etcMUTEPREICPOWERPRE-OUT-DETSURGEDC-CNAUXBU5VUSB5VBU5VUSB CNJ3USB5VIC51BU3.3VIC53LEVELSHIFTBolero u-COM(SUB u-COM)252IC900SWHI-SIDEiPod ICUSB5VIC950IC52FL+BBoleroE2PROMIC951(NOT USED)BUIC251,BU5VBU5VELECTRIC UNIT (X34-660x-xx)SWITCH UNIT (X16-675x-xx)DPU1CD PLAYER UNIT (X32-6250-00)BOARDMOTHER(X34- )EFACBTR COILFO COILAPCIC416.934MHzCLOCKIC3LOADING &MOTORDRIVERMOTORSPINDLES2S1SLEDMOTORDM1DM2X1Q1RF AMPSERVOMP3 DECODERWMA DECODER1M bit SRAMPROCESSORAAC DECODER+LEVEL SHIFTRESISTORFILTERFILTERD1.5VIC5Q14REGBU1.5V/OUTPUTD3.3VVREF12EJE-SWLOS-SWLOE-SWMOTORLO/EJA.GNDTR OUTFO OUTDM OUTFM OUTA3.3VLDSIGNAL A/B/C/E/FS.GNDS7.5VFO OUTTR OUTDM OUTFM OUTDRV MUTESOSRAM STBSIBUCKCCEPIO0R15SRAM STBBUCKCCEPIO0SOSIMRST MRSTC43C44RchLch LchRchZDET MUTE L/RD.GNDD GND BU1.5VD1.5V D3.3VAGNDBU5VP.ONPD3KDC-4047UA/4047UG/4047UGY/4047UMKDC-414UA/414UM/MP245U/U3046/U346/U4046COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION SWITCH UNIT (X16-675x-xx)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC1 VFD DriverIC2 Remote Control Sensor ELECTRIC UNIT (X34-660x-xx)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC1 System -COM Controls FM/AM tuner, CD mechanism, panel, volume and tone.IC2 E-VOL Controls the source, volume, tone.IC4 Power Supply IC Outputs 5Vx2, 8.3V, 10.2V, P-CON, P-ANT.IC6 Power IC Amplifi es the front L/R and the rear L/R to 50W maximum.IC7 RDS IC RDS decoder.IC8 Reset IC Lo when detection voltage goes below 3.6V.IC10 E2PROM Tuner setting memory. (Not used)IC51 USB+5V Power supply for D+5.1V. (to USB and panel)IC52 Hi-side SW Detects USB over current.IC53 D+3.3V AVR IC Power supply for D+3.3V.IC251 Level Shift (3.3V 5V) Logic IC.IC252 Level Shift (5V 3.3V) Logic IC.IC501 Tuner IC (ATomIC) Tuner IC.IC900 Bolero -COM USB/CD mechanism control.IC951 Bolero E2PROM (Not used)Q2,3 Servo+B AVR When Q3s base goes Hi, AVR outputs 7.5V.Q11,12 CONT SW for Servo+B ON when the base goes Hi.Q13 CONT SW for IC4 ON when the base goes Hi.Q14 CONT SW for IC4 ON when the base goes Lo.Q53 FREQ CONT SW for IC51When the base goes Lo, switching frequency becomes 1.3MHz.When the base goes Hi, switching frequency becomes 1.8MHz.Q101 ACC DET ON when the base goes Hi during ACC is applied.Q102 Surge DET When the base goes Hi, surge voltage is detected.Q103 BU DET ON when the base goes Hi during BU is applied.Q104,105 Mute CONT ON when the base goes Hi.Q301 Panel 5V SW ON when the base goes Lo.Q705,706 Pre-out Mute SW When a base goes Hi, pre-out is muted.Q707 Mute Driver for Pre-out ON when the base goes Lo.Q902,903 3.3V AVR for IC900 When base of Q902 is Hi, 3.3V is ON.Q905 CD “LOE LIM SW” Buffer When base of Q905 is Hi, loadingnd end completes.4KDC-4047UA/4047UG/4047UGY/4047UMKDC-414UA/414UM/MP245U/U3046/U346/U4046 CD PLAYER UNIT (X32-6250-00)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC3 4ch BTL DriverDriver for focusing & tracking coil, driver for sled & spindle motor, and operation for disc loading & ejection.IC4 Servo DSP with built-in Audio DAC With built-in MP3/WMA/ACC decoder and 1M-bit-SRAM.IC5 BU1.5V/D3.3V REG.Power supply for BU1.5V.Power supply for digital/analogue/audio 3.3V.Q1 APC (Auto Power Control) Drives LD (Laser Diode).Q14 D1.5V OutputSwitches ON/OFF at one end of BU1.5V line which is separated into 2 directions.Uses output voltage as D1.5V.D2 Laser Diode ProtectionPrevents reverse bias which is applied to laser.Laser destruction prevention.D3,4 Static Electricity Countermeasure Prevents malfunction by static electricity.COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTION SYSTEM -COM : IC1 on X34- (ELECTRIC UNIT)Pin No. Pin Name I/O ApplicationTruth ValueTableProcessing / Operation / Description15 NC - Not used Output L fi xed6 REMO I Remote control signal input Detects pulse width7 NC - Not used Output L fi xed8 BYTE I Memory extension bus width setting Connects to VSS9 CNVSS - Connects to VSS10 XCIN - 32.768kHz11 XCOUT - 32.768kHz12 RESET - L: Reset13 XOUT - 16.0MHz14 VSS -15 XIN - 16.0MHz16 VCC1 -17 NC - Not used Output L fi xed18 PANEL DET I Panel communication detection H: No panel, L: Panel detached1924 NC - Not used Output L fi xed25 PON FL O Key illumination power supply control ON: H, OFF: L26 PON PANEL I/O Panel 5V controlON: L, 11 minutes after momentary power-down or panel detached or ACC OFF: Hi-Z27 NC - Not used Output L fi xed28 BEEP O Beep output 2kHz / 1kHz29 TUN SCL I/O Tuner I2C clock output30 TUN SDA I/O Tuner I2C data input/output5KDC-4047UA/4047UG/4047UGY/4047UMKDC-414UA/414UM/MP245U/U3046/U346/U4046Pin No. Pin Name I/O ApplicationTruth ValueTableProcessing / Operation / Description31 VFD SYS DATA O VFD data outputVFD data output. VFD_BLK (Pin34) is made Hi and the communication begins after 500ms.32 VFD PAN DATA I VFD data input33 VFD CLK O VFD clock output 125kHz34 VFD BLK O VFD driver reset outputH: Reset cancelled, L: Reset,11 minutes after momentary power-down or panel detached or ACC OFF: L35 S SYS DATA O Bolero serial output36 S SOC DATA I Bolero serial input37 S SOC CLK I Bolero serial clock input38 CD LOS SW I CD loading detection39 CD LOE LIM SW I CD detection (Chucking SW) H: Loading completed, L: No disc40 CD LOEJ I/O CD motor control q Refer to the truth value table41 ROMCOR DET I E2PROM writing request H: Writing41 EPM I Flash ROM EPM inputL: Rewritable (Only when fl ash ROM is used). Connects to VSS.42 CD MOTOR I/O CD motor control q Refer to the truth value table43 NC - Not used Output L fi xed44 CD DISC12 SW I 12cm disc detection45 NC - Not used Output L fi xed46 VFD CE O VFD control request H: Possible to transfer VFD data47 AUD SDA I/O E-VOL data input/output48 AUD SCL I/O E-VOL clock output49 ROTARY CCW I VOL encoder input Detects pulse width50 ROTARY CW I VOL encoder input Detects pulse width51 RDS DATA I/O RDS decoder data input52 RDS QUAL I RDS decoder qualifi cation input53 SOC MUTE I CD mute request H: Normal, L: Mute request54 S SOC REQ I Communication request from SOC to system -com55 SOC RST O SOC reset H: Normal, L: Reset56 SOC S STOP O SOC stop H: Normal, L: SOC stopped57 S SYS REQ OCommunication request from system -com to system -com to SOC5861 NC - Not used Output L fi xed62 VCC2 -63 NC - Not used Output L fi xed64 VSS -6573 NC - Not used Output L fi xed74 RDS CLK I/O RDS decoder clock input75 NC - Not used Output L fi xed76 PWIC STBY O Power IC standby control POWER ON: H, POWER OFF: LMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTION6KDC-4047UA/4047UG/4047UGY/4047UMKDC-414UA/414UM/MP245U/U3046/U346/U4046Pin No. Pin Name I/O ApplicationTruth ValueTableProcessing / Operation / Description77 PWIC MUTE O Power IC muteSTANDBY source or momentary power-down: L, TEL mute: L78 MUTE I/O Mute L: Mute OFF, Hi-Z: Mute ON79 BU DET I Momentary power-down detectionBU found: L,No BU or momentary power-down: H (Operates within 4ms after momentary power-down is detected)80 ACC DET I ACC power supply detection ACC found: L, No ACC: H81 TYPE1 I Destination SW Refer to the truth value table82 TYPE2 I Destination SW Refer to the truth value table83 NC - Not used Output L fi xed84 PWIC DC ERR I Detection of power IC short-circuited +B/GND85 LINE MUTE I Line mute setection TEL mute: Below 1V, NAVI mute: Over 2.5V 86 TUN SMETER I S-meter input87 PON SWREG O SW-REG ON/OFF H: ON, L: OFF88 AUD DC ERR I DC offset setectionIf DC offset is detected 20 times in 100ms with condition below 1.0V, it will be judged as DC offset is detected.89 FSEL O SW-REG frequency SW H: 1.3MHz, L: 1.8MHz90,91 NC - Not used Output L fi xed92 PS2 1 O Power supply IC control w Refer to the truth value table93 PS1 1 O Power supply IC control w Refer to the truth value table94 PS1 2 O Power supply IC control w Refer to the truth value table95 PS1 3 O Power supply IC control w Refer to the truth value table96 AVSS -97 NC - Not used Output L fi xed98 VREF -99 AVCC -100 NC - Not used Output L fi xed Truth value tableq CD motor controlCD MOTOR (Pin 42) CD LOEJ (Pin 40)Stop L LLoad H LEject H HBrake H Hi-zw Power supply IC (IC4) controlSEL1 (Pin 10)PS1-2 PS1-3 PS2-1 ILLUMI P-CON P-ANTL L L OFF OFF OFFL L H ON OFF OFFH L H ON ON OFFH H H ON ON ONSEL2 (Pin 11)PS1-1 PS2-2 AUDIO/SW5 AML L OFF OFFH L ON OFFH H ON ONMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTION7KDC-4047UA/4047UG/4047UGY/4047UMKDC-414UA/414UM/MP245U/U3046/U346/U4046 Bolero -COM : IC900 on X34- (ELECTRIC UNIT)Pin No. Pin Name I/O Application Processing / Operation / Description1 MRST - Reset L: Reset, H: Normal2 MSTOP I Stop signal from system -com H: Normal, L: SOC stop3 REQ S I Request signal from system -com L: Request4 NC - Not used5 BSIF ST REQ I BSIF6 VCC - Power supply7 XT1 - Low frequency oscillator Sub clock 32.768kHz8 XT2 - Low frequency oscillator Sub clock 32.768kHz9 PWE - External power supply output L: Stop10 DVSS - GND 11 DVCC1B - For SRAM with built-in power supply12 RVOUT1 - Built-in REG1.5V output13,14 RVIN - Built-in REG power supply input15 RVOUT2 - Built-in REG1.5V output16 DVCC1A - For logic with built-in power supply17 DVSS - GND 1822 NC - Not used Output L fi xed23 CD CCE O CD mechanism chip enable Command I/F24 CD RST O CD mechanism reset H: Normal, L: Reset25 NC - Not used Output L fi xed26 DVSS - GND 27 DVCC3A - For I/O around power supply28 CD REQ I Communication request from mechanism DSP H: Data request29 CD SRAM STBY O Decoder SRAM standby control L: SRAM standby30 CD DRIVE MUTE O CD motor driver mute output31 CD PON O CD mechanism power supply control output H: Power supply ON, Hi-z: Power supply OFF3243 NC - Not used Output L fi xed44 DVSS - GND 45 DVCC3A - For I/O around power supply4654 NC - Not used Output L fi xed55 NC (IPOD CHECK) - For iPod authentication IC mounting confi rmation Outputs Hi when iPod communication is detected5661 NC - Not used Output L fi xed62 DVSS - GND 63 DVCC3A - For I/O around power supply64 NC - Not used Output L fi xed65 ZDET IN I ZDET (0-bit mute request) L: Normal, H: Mute request66 CD MUTE O Mute request to system -com L: Mute request, H: Normal67 REQ M O Request signal to system -com L: Request68 IPOD RST O Reset69 BOOT I For fl ash ROM writingMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTION8KDC-4047UA/4047UG/4047UGY/4047UMKDC-414UA/414UM/MP245U/U3046/U346/U4046Pin No. Pin Name I/O Application Processing / Operation / Description70 NC - Not used Output L fi xed71 BSIF LRCK - BSIF72 AM1 - Fixes operation mode to “1”73 X2 - High frequency oscillator Main clock 9.00MHz74 DVSS - GND 75 X1 - High frequency oscillator Main clock 9.00MHz76 DVCC3A - For I/O around power supply77 USB OC I USB over-current detection L: Detected, H: Normal78 USB PON O USB-PON output79 USB D+ - USB data connection80 USB D- - USB data connection81 AM0 - Fixes operation mode to “1”82 CD LOE LIM SW I CD detection (Chucking SW) L: Loading completed, H: No disc83 DVSS - GND 84 DATA M O Serial I/F to system -com (Transmission)85 DATA S I Serial I/F from system -com (Reception)86 CLK O Serial I/F to system -com (Clock output) f=1MHz87 CD SO O Serial I/F (Transmission) Command I/F88 CD SI I Serial I/F (Reception) Command I/F89 CD CLK O Serial I/F (Clock output) f: Below 1MHz90 IPOD SDA I/O I2C-iPod authentication data input/output91 IPOD SCLK I/O I2C-iPod authentication clock output f=80kHz92 BSIF BCK - BSIF93 BSIF DATA - BSIF94 BSIF GATE O BSIF95 DVCC3A - For I/O around power supply96 ROM COR DET I ROM correction writing detection H: writing9799 NC - Not used100 DVSS - GND MICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTION9KDC-4047UA/4047UG/4047UGY/4047UMKDC-414UA/414UM/MP245U/U3046/U346/U4046TEST MODE ExampleKey Description of display Description:A symbol “” in the key column indicates that the key should be pressed and held.Key Description of display Description5Disc Eject times displayEJCNT XXXXX Disc Eject times display (Max. 65535 times). 5While Disc Eject times is displayed, press and hold for 2 seconds or longer to clear Disc Eject times.SEARCHSRCBANDRETURNDISPEJECT How to enter the Test modeProcedure NotePress and hold the 1 key and 3 key and reset.All lamps blinks when it is detected that the sub-clock resonator is disconnected.When having started up in the Test mode, change the LINE MUTE inhibition time from 10 seconds to 1 second.In the Test mode, do not write the detection information in the Data Flash ROM even if a DC Offset Error is detected.Do not operate the DEMO mode in the Test mode, CD Mechanism Error Log Information Clear Mode, or DC Offset Error Detection Information Clear Mode.Also, when the source is STANDBY in the above mode, do not display DEMO ON/OFF switching items in the FUNCTION.In the Test mode, the forced disc ejection operation is prohibited. How to clear the Test modeProcedureReset, Momentary power down, ACC OFF, Power OFF, Panel detached.10KDC-4047UA/4047UG/4047UGY/4047UMKDC-414UA/414UM/MP245U/U3046/U346/U4046 Test


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