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    © 2002-3 PRINTED IN JAPANB51-7933-00 (N)3412CD MECHANISM ASSYX92-4590-0xSERVICE MANUALouter-chassisdumper (X4)floating spring (X4)traverse chassis assy Mecha PCBroller springroller lever assydamper bracketdisc guide assyDESCRIPTION MECHANISMX92-4590-00 (DXM-6510W)X92-4590-01 (DXM-6511W)X92-4590-02 (DXM-6512W)X92-4590-03 (DXM-6513W)CONSTRUCTION OF MAJOR PARTSMP START : Nov. 2001X92-4590-0x2BLOCK DIAGRAMMother BoardIC10 IC12Pick-Up R-chL-ch7 IC6A.GNDA Q2C IC11Q4,56D.GNDVrefD.GNDIC5 Q1 D.GNDD.GNDIC7 6SW5V/PONBu.+5VQ3 IC2X2 X3D.GND916IC3IC4 16.93MHzS3Loe/Lim SWIC8IC9S48Eje SWS212Eje SWS.GNDD.GNDS1D.GND Los SWS.GNDD4.7VD3.3V AVRFo CoilTr CoilA.+8VLoading & SledMotorSpindle MotorD3.3V SWPOND2.5V AVRMotor DriverSW5V SWMotorS7.5VLo/Ej0-01 OnlyA.GNDA.GNDA3.3VA3.3V AVREAPCMI-COMDRAM A.8V SWA.8V1Chip ICServo Processor+RF Amp+MP3 DecorderWMA DecorderLPFClock16.93MHzClock24.57MHzLevelShifterF30BD2 4222Buffera71 CD PLAYER UNIT (X32-5350-0x)Ref. No. Component Name Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC2 L88MS33T D3.3V AVR Power supply for the pickup, IC5, IC8-10 and IC11IC3 UPC3025 D2.5V AVR Power supply for IC8IC4 BA5824FP 4CH BTL driverFocusing coil, tracking coil, spindle motor and sled motor driver,disc loading and eject operation.IC5 703030BYGF-M01 Mecha. control MI-COM.IC6 TAR5S33 A3.3V AVR Power supply for DAC, LPF operational reference voltageIC7 TC7MET541AKF Level shifting (3.3VÆ5V) Buffer and logic level conversion from IC10 to IC5IC8 UPD61002GC-E01 WMA decoderIC9 TC7SHU04FU Clock buffer for WMAIC10 UPD63760GJ RF amplifier+CD DSP+MP3 decoderIC11IS41LV16257 or4M bit DRAM For data bufferMSM51V4265EP70IC12 NJM4580V Low pass filter 2nd low pass filter for audio signalsIC13 HD74LV14AT Schmitt trigger for WMAQ1 DTA143EK SW5V SWWhen PON (14pin) goes Lo, Q1 is turned on, and SW5V is suppliedto IC7 and AVREF (73PIN).Q2 MCH6101 APC LD power controlQ3 DTC124EUA D3.3V SW When PON (13pin) goes Hi, Q3 is turned on, and IC2 is working.Q4 DTA143XUAA.8V SWWhen PON (13pin) goes Hi, Q4 and Q5 are turned on, and A.8V isQ5 DTC124EUA supplied to IC6 and IC12.COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONX92-4590-0x3MICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONa71 IC5 (CD PLAYER UNIT : X32-5350-0x)Pin No. Pin Name I/O Description Processing Operation18 NC O Not used (N.C.)9 EVDD - Positive power supply connection terminal Connected to BU 5V lines.10 EVSS - Ground connection terminal Connected to GND lines.11,12 NC O Not used (N.C.)13 PON O Power ON/OFF control terminal Lo: Power OFF, Hi: Power ON14 PON O Power ON/OFF control terminal Lo: Power ON, Hi: Power OFF15 LOE/LIM SW I Down limit SW detection terminal HiÆLo: Pickup most inner position detected16 8EJE SW I 8cm disc detection SW input Not used (Pull down to GND lines)17 LOS SW I Loading start detection SW input Not used (Pull down to GND lines)18 12EJE SW I 12cm disc detection SW input Not used (Pull down to GND lines)19,20 NC O Not used (N.C.)21 VPP - FLUSH write terminal Not used (Connected to GND lines)22 MUTE L O Lch. Audio muting request output Lo: Muting ON requested, Hi: Muting OFF requested23 MUTE R O Rch. Audio muting request output Lo: Muting ON requested, Hi: Muting OFF requested2428 NC O Not used (N.C.)29 EFLG I WMA error detection input Lo: No ERROR, Hi: ERROR detected30 WAIT I Wait control signal detection input31 FOK I Focusing condition detection input Lo: Focusing NG, Hi: Focusing OK32,33 NC O Not used (N.C.)34 RESET I Reset terminal Lo: Reset, Hi: Normal operation35 XT1 I Sub clock resonator connection terminal Not used (Pull down to GND lines)36 XT2 - Sub clock resonator connection terminal Not used (N.C.)37 REGC -Capacitor connection terminal for regulator insidemicroprocessor38 X2 - Main clock resonator connection terminal39 X1 I Main clock resonator connection terminal40 VSS - Ground connection terminal Connected to GND lines.41 VDD - Positive power supply connection terminal Connected to BU 5V lines.42 NC O Not used (N.C.)43 WRL O Multiplex WRITE signal outputLo: Write signal for IC10Not used for IC844 NC O Not used (N.C.)45 R/W O Multiplex R/W signal outputNot used for IC10Lo: Read signal, Hi: Write signal for IC846 DSTB/RD O Multiplex DSTB/RD signal outputLo: Read signal for IC10Lo: Data strobe signal for IC847 ASTB O Multiplex ASTB signal output48,49 NC O Not used (N.C.)5057 AD0AD7 I/O Multiplex address/data busX92-4590-0x4MICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin No. Pin Name I/O Description Processing Operation58 BVDD - Bus interface positive power supply connection terminal Connected to 3.3V lines.59 BVSS - Bus interface ground connection terminal Connected to GND lines.6067 AD8AD15 I/O Multiplex address/data bus68 HCSB O Chip select control output to IC8 Lo: Chip select ON69 CS O Chip select control output to IC10 Lo: Chip select ON70 DSP RESET O DSP reset output Lo: Reset, Hi: Normal operation71 REQ I Data transfer request input72 DBBWRDY0 I DBB00 register write permission input73 DBBRRDY0 I DBB00 register read permission input74 AVDD - A/D converter positive power supply connection terminal Connected to BU 5V lines.75 AVSS - A/D converter ground connection terminal Connected to GND lines.76 AVREF I A/D converter reference voltage input terminal Connected to SW 5V lines.7780 NC I Not used (Connected to GND lines)81 HOT I Temperature change detection inputDetection voltage 4V,Detection release voltage 3.9V82 M-CONT I Not used (Connected to GND lines)83 WMA I WMA adaptation selection input Lo: WMA not adapted, Hi: WMA adapted84 NC I Not used (Connected to GND lines)85 ASEL I Audio output polarity selection input Lo: Non-inverted output, Hi: Inverted output86 DASC I Shock proof method selection input Lo: Shock proof OFF, Hi: Shock proof ON87 TEST2 I Test terminal 2 Not used (Pull down to GND lines)88 TEST3 I Test terminal 3 Not used (Pull down to GND lines)89 NC O Not used (N.C.)90 MSTOP I MECHA. Stop interrupt input Lo: Stop, Hi: Normal operation91 INTSV I Interrupt input from servo IC Hi: Interrupt92 FOGUP I Focusing gain up interrupt input Lo: Normal operation, Hi: Focusing gain up93 ZMUTE R I Rch. 0 bit muting detection input Lo: Muting OFF, Hi: Muting ON94 ZMUTE L I Lch. 0 bit muting detection input Lo: Muting OFF, Hi: Muting ON95 NC O Not used (N.C.)96 D-MUTE O Driver muting outputLo: Spindle motor, focusing actuator and trackingactuator outputs OFF97 SYS SDA I/OI2C bus data line (communication line with Systemmicroprocessor)98 NC O Not used (N.C.)99 SYS SCL I/OI2C bus clock line (communication line with Systemmicroprocessor)100 NC O Not used (N.C.)X92-4590-0x5OPERATION DESCRIPTION1 Disc Loading(1) Turning the loading switch ON1) When a disc is inserted, the disc arms open to the left andright and the claw below disc arm (L) sets the loading switchON.2) The above starts the motor rotation.(2) Loading the disc1) When the motor starts rotation, the worm gear also startsto turn as shown in the figure.2) The rotation force is transmitted to the gear train.3) When the force is transmitted to the final gear, the rollersrotate to pull in the disc.The disc is pulled in or out when the rollers are pushed againstthe disc guide.2 Operation of Slider (R)(1) Activating the trigger arm1) When the disc is pulled in by the rollers, the disc edge pushesthe trigger arm and rotates it.2) When the disc is an 8cm disc, it is pulled upwards by thetapering on the disc guide. The trigger arm is rotated whenthe disc pushes the claw (section A) located before the trig-ger arm.When the 8cm disc reaches the loading end position, the rollerareas supporting the disc decreases. To prevent the disc fromdropping in this case, the claw is provided with a projection forsupporting the disc.DiscSwitch ON!Disc arm(L) Disc arm(R)Centerof rotationRollerDisc guideDisc INDiscDisc OUTWorm gearMotorRubber rollersDisc INSide viewPosition pushed by the discTrigger armClamper chassisTrigger armADisc8cm DiscClaw (A)ProjectionX92-4590-0x6OPERATION DESCRIPTION(2) Basic construction (Initial positionof the planetary gear mechanism)1) Even after the disc has been inserted, themotor rotated and the gear train also rotated,slider (R) does not start operation yet.Thisis because the planetary gear mechanismis used and the carrier gear is locked by theslider mechanism. In this period, the plan-etary gear is in the loose condition.2) When the sun gear is rotating and the car-rier gear is locked, the planetary gear is run-ning idle.(3) Basic construction (Construction of the trigger slider and slider (R)The trigger slider is assembled with slider (R)and pushed in the direction of the arrow bythe force of a spring.(4) Operation of slider (R)1) Activating the trigger sliderWhen the trigger arm is rotated by the pres-sure of the disc, the trigger arm pushes thetrigger slider.2) Rotating (engaging) the planetary gearWhen the trigger slider is moved, it pushesdown the wall (section A) of the carrier gear.LockedLockedCenterof rotation(Initial rotation of the carrier gear)This causes the planetary gear, which is attached on a pinof the carrier gear, to move according to the rotation of thecarrier gear. When the planetary gear is meshed with a geartooth (section B) of the traverse chassis, the planetary gearstarts rotation.The rotation of the planetary gears causes the carrier gearto rotate.Sun gearCarriergearPlanetary gearSlider (R)Carrier gear's ribPlanetary gearLoose conditionLoose conditionTrigger sliderSlider (R)SpringTigger armTrigger sliderDiscTrigger sliderTrigger armGear teethon the traversechassisCarrier gearX92-4590-0xOPERATION DESCRIPTION73) Activating slider (R)When the carrier gear rotates, its wall (section C) pushesand moves the trigger slider.When the trigger slider is moved, slider (R) is pulled by theforce of spring (section D).When the trigger slider moves along the longitudinal grooveson slider (R) till the ends of grooves, the trigger slider itselfbegins to push and move slider (R).3 Flow Until Disc Chucking (PlaybackStandby Condition)(1) Functions activated by slider (R)1) Operation modesTo play back a CD, it is required to perform a flow of opera-tions as shown below.2) Coupling conditionsThe parts used for performing the above functions arecoupled with slider (R) as shown below. Pulling the disc in and stopping the roller rotations after it. Moving the clamper downwards so that it can clamp the discduring playback. (Disc chucking) Moving the rollers that are in contact with the disc.(Lowering the roller lever) Float (suspend) the mechanism in order to protect it fromvehicle vibrations during disc playback. Moving the pickup (optical ass'y) so that it can reads thedisc signals.These series of operations are activated by the movement ofslider (R).Start pointEnds of longitudinalgroovesSectionspushing slider (R)Clamper chassis assyDiscRoller lever assyRoller armSlider (R) assyRight side viewSlider (R)Slider (R)X92-4590-0x8OPERATION DESCRIPTION3) Rotation of rollers during disc loadingAs shown in the following figure, the motorrotation force is transmitted through sun gearÆ helical gear 2 Æ load gear 2 to the gearthat is coupled directly with the roller shaft torotate the rollers and pull in the disc.(2) How to stop the roller rotationThe boss of the roller arm is engaged with agroove on slider (R).When slider (R) moves, the boss of the roller arm moves alongthe groove of slider (R), thereby separating the helical gear 2coupled with it from load gear 2.This stops transmission of the force to the rollers so therollers stop.BossGrooveGrooveGroove(3) Operation of the clamper (Disc chucking)1) Engaged conditionThe plate spring attached to the clamper chassis is origi-nally engaged with a groove on slider (R).Force transmitted from themotorSun gearRollerRotation directionfor pulling thedisc inDiscLoad gear 2Helical gear 2Roller armSlider (R) assyRoller armHelical gear 2Gear shaftRoller armSlider (R)Clamper assyPlate springStoppedLoad gear 2 Helical gear 2Slider (R)X92-4590-0x9OPERATION DESCRIPTION2) Lowering the clamper (for disc chucking)As slider (R) moves, the plate spring sec-tion engaged with it moves along its grooveand lowers the clamper chassis assembly.The following figure shows the flow of op-eration.(4) How to lower the rollers1) Disc chucking completion positionWhen the disc in this position, the rollers are located be-low the disc and in contact with it.To rotate the disc for playback, it is required to separatethe rollers from the disc.2) Lowering the rollers (Disc playback position)As slider (R) moves, the roller lever shaft en-gaged with a groove on slider (R) movesalong the groove and lowers the rollers.The following figure shows the flow of op-eration.Centerof rotationCenter of rotationShaftFinal positionClamperSlider (R)Plate springClamperchassis assyEngaged conditionDisc chucking completion positionInitial positionRoller lever SliderEngaged conditionIn contrast to the downward movement of the rollers, the extremity of theroller lever starts to be raised.The roller lever extremity comes in the position shown in the figure. Here,itplays a role of stopper for preventing insertion of more than one disc.2-disc insertionpreventionRollers are separated from the disc.At the lowest position of the rollersDiscRollerX92-4590-0x10OPERATION DESCRIPTION(5) Floating position and lock position of the mechanismThe disc is loaded and ejected by rotation of the rollers thatcome in close contact with the disc.After the disc has been pulled in by the rollers, its positionshould be adjusted so that it can be placed precisely on theturntable of the traverse chassis. To make this possible, thetraverse chassis and outer chassis should be in the lockedcondition.Since the outer chassis is originally locked on the main unit,if the traverse chassis is also locked during playback, the discwould be subjected directly to vibrations of vehicle duringdriving and the disc signal would be hindered, making theaudio intermittent or impossible to be played.To prevent such a problem, the traverse chassis is suspendedfrom the outer case using springs or rubber dampers duringdriving. This positioning protects the disc playback operationsand is referred to as the floating position.(6) Function of slider (L)Slider (L) ensures the mechanism lock position because theshafts of the outer chassis are inserted into its grooves in thesame way as they are inserted into the grooves on slider (R).As slider (R) moves, the force moving the roller lever is trans-mitted to slider (L), which also starts the sliding movement.When the spring is compressed gradually to a certain point,the force changes to a reverse force, which supports the jump-up operation of the roller lever.Shafts for locking the traverse chassis (Outer case-integrated design)(4 shafts)Outer-chassisThe shafts of the outer chassis are inserted into the grooves on thesliders.Outer-chassisTraverse chassisSliderOuter-chassisThe shafts of the outer chassis are inserted into the grooves on thesliders.SpringRoller leverReverseforceThe shafts on the outer chassis are disen


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