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    KDC-715SDISPEscutcheon assy(B07-2139-03)Panel assyKDC-715S : (A64-1872-02)KDC-8015 : (A64-1871-02)KDC-8016 : (A64-1874-02)Dressing panel(A21-4010-03)DC cord(E-30-4780-05)Torsion coil spring(G01-2924-04)Screw set(N99-1683-05)Mounting hardware assy(J21-9491-03)Plastic cabinet assy(A02-1489-03)Remote controller assy(A70-0883-05)Lever(D10-4301-14)Lever(D10-4302-14)Bracket(J19-4876-04)Bracket(J19-4875-04)Screw set(N99-1652-05)Stay(J54-0606-04)Escutcheon assy(B07-2183-02)Front grassKDC-715S : (B10-3112-01)KDC-8015 : (B10-3111-01)KDC-8016 : (B10-3114-01)Illustration is KDC-715S© 2000-1 PRINTED IN JAPANB51-7570-00 (N)1789CD RECEIVERSERVICE MANUALKDC-715S/8015KDC-8016Extension cord Parts No.CD mechanism (22P) W05-0618-00The MECHANISM OPERATION DESCRIPTION is the same as model KDC-S3007 and KDC-5050RG.Please refer to the service manual for model KDC-S3007 (B51-7029-00) or KDC-5050RG (B51-7099-00).KDC-715S/8015/80162BLOCK DIAGRAMCOM+B FM+B AM+BE2PROMDIMMER 2WAYMUTEACC DET.SRMPHOTBUDET.SRM DRIVERA8VSERVODC/DCSW14VSW5VBU5VP CONANT-CONMUTE DRIVER4.5V PREMUTEE'sPOWER ICIC4IC14u-comIC1CDCHIC10IC7-9IC5IC2F/EMECHADET.E-VOLPREOUT SP-OUT DIMMER TEL-MUTE ACCANT-CONTP-CON BACK UPDECORDERRDSIC11EX.AMP CONTROLAVRRESET ICIC15ANT.INAMPIC12NOISEPREOUT OUTPUT VOLTAGECONTROLEX.AMPNAVI-MUTEPANEL 5V4.5VPREIC3IC6ILLUM +BLCDLCD CONT.1G/R SWKEY MATRIXLCD TYPELOCK SWPANELREMORESET SWPLL CLKCHMO SWSERVO+BLO/EJSTOPMUTEDATASCLKSW2CSSQRDATAMSW3SW1A8V BU5VRSTREQ CCLKCH-CONDATAHREQ HCDAMFMMUTERESETSRM SW1SRM DETSRM SW2RDCKRDDAQUALSDASCLA8V+B -B+B -BPLL DATAPLL CES-METERSW5VSW5VDATACBACK UP750mV4500mVCHANGERAM4.5V PRE2250mVFM160mV1200mV1200mV213mV (E TYPE)400mV (K TYPE)RDS OUTFM+BNOISE4500mVCDK TYPEMODE4500mV 4500mV1069mV1715mVE TYPE3600mV600mV1800mV 3600mVK TYPEE TYPE3600mV1372mV855mV3600mV1.8V PRESRM SUB-SRM SUB+DRIVERMUTEBU5VPANEL 5VDIMMER PWM CONTROLILLUM +B IS LCD ONLYRSTLDATALL CLKL CELDATASDIMMER(X86)KDC-715S/8015/80163MICROCOMPUTERS DESCRIPTIONSystem µ-com : UPD784217GC (X25-)Terminal descriptionNo. Pin name Function I/O Description Processing Operation1 P120/RTP0 CHCON1 O Changer 1 control Active : Hi2 P121/RTP1 CH_MUTE I Changer muting input MUTE Requested : Hi3 P122/RTP2 REQH O Handshake request to changers Active : Lo4 P123/RTP3 ILL_ON O Illumination output Active : Hi5 P124/RTP4 NC O Open6 P125/RTP5 CD_SW2 I 12cm DISC detection ON : Lo7 P126/RTP6 CD_SW1 I Loading detection ON : Lo8 P127/RTP7 NC O Open9 Vdd Vdd - Positive power supply10 X2 X2 - Main clock connection11 X1 X1 - Main clock connection12 Vss Vss - GND13 XT2 XT2 - Sub clock connection14 XT1 XT1 - Sub clock connection15 RESET RESET I Reset input Active : Lo16 P00/INTP0 CH_RST O Changer reset output Active : Lo17 P01/INTP1 R_CLK I RDS clock input18 P02/INTP2/NMI REQC I Handshake request from changer Active : Lo19 P03/INTP3 N C I/O20 P04/INTP4 N C I/O21 P05/INTP5 N C I/O22 P06/INTP6 SC_REQ I Handshake request from panel µ-com23 AVdd AVdd - A/D analog power supply24 AVref0 AVref - A/D reference voltage input25 P10/ANI0 PHONE I PHONE detection terminal1V or less : PHONE2.5V or more : NAVI MUTE26 P11/ANI1 SRM_SW1 I SRM position detection Open : Hi27 P12/ANI2 NOISE I FM noise detection Analog input28 P13/ANI3 SMETER I FM signal meter detection Analog input29 P14/ANI4 IF_MODE I K2I IF selector Wide : Hi / Narrow : Lo30 P15/ANI5 NC I GND31 P16/ANI6 M_MUTE_R I Mute request from meshanism Mute requested : Lo32 P17/ANI7 M_MUTE_L I Mute request from meshanism Mute requested : Lo33 AVss AVss - A/D GND34 P130/ANO0 EXT_AMP O EXT_AMP control35 P131/ANO1 M_RST O Reset output to mechanism Reset : Lo36 AVref1 - D/A reference voltage input37 P70/RxD2/SI2 DATAC I Data line from changer38 P71/TxD2/SO2 DATAH O Data line to changer39 P72/ASCK2/SCK2 CH_CLK I/O Clock line from/to changer40 P20/RxD1/SI1 L_DATAL/SC_DATA I Data line from LCD driver41 P21/TxD1/SO1 L_DATAS/MC_DATA O Data line to LCD driver42 P22/ASCK1/SCK1 L_CLK/MC_CLK I/O Clock line to LCD driver43 P23/PCL M_STOP I/O Stop request to mechanism Stop Requested : Lo44 P24/BUZ BEEP O Beep output Active : Hi45 P25/SI0 PLL_CE O CE output to PLL46 P26/SO0 PLL_DATA I/O Data in/out with PLL47 P27/SCK0 PLL_CLK O Clock output to PLL48 P80/A0 CD_SW3 I Switch detection ON : Hi49 P81/A1 LO/EJ O Loading/Eject control Loading : Lo / Eject : HiKDC-715S/8015/80164MICROCOMPUTERS DESCRIPTIONNo. Pin name Function I/O Description Processing Operation50 P82/A2 MOSW O Motor output Loading : Hi / Eject : Lo51 P83/A3 MECH_DET I Mechanism detection ON : Hi / OFF : Lo52 P84/A4 PAN 5V O Panel detection OFF : Hi53 P85/A5 L_CE/P_RST O CE to LCD driver / Panel µ-com reset54 P86/A6 L_INH/MC_REQ O Reset to LCD driver55 P87/A7 DIM_CON O DIM control56 P40/AD0 QUAL I RDS receiving condition Good : Hi57 P41/AD1 R_DATA I RDS data input58 P42/AD2 SRM_SUB O SRM sub motor output59 P43/AD3 SRM_SUB+ O SRM sub motor output60 P44/AD4 SRM_DET I SRM mechanism detection ON : Lo / OFF : Hi61 P45/AD5 SRM_SW2 I SRM eject detectionÅ: Eject62 P46/AD6 FM_SD I FM SD inputStation detected : HiNot detected : Lo63 P47/AD7 NC O Open64 P50/A8 AFC O Noise detection time constant switchingDuring reception : HiDuring search : Lo65 P51/A9 Å O66 P52/A10 WIDE O K2I Wide output Active : Hi67 P53/A11 NARROW I/O K2I Narrow output Active : Hi68 P54/A12 AM+B O AM power supply Active : Hi69 P55/A13 FM+B O FM power supply Active : Hi70 P56/A14 NC O Open71 P57A15 NC O Open72 Vss - GND73 P60/A16 TYPE0 I Destination type switch74 P61/A17 TYPE1 I Destination type switch75 P62/A18 TYPE2 I Destination type switch76 P63/A19 ST_TYPE0 I IC2 Var. 3 destination type 0 Initial value : Lo77 P64/RD ST_TYPE1 I IC2 Var. 3 destination type 1 Initial value : Lo78 P65/WR NC O Open79 P66/WAIT PRE MUTE R O Audio mute Active : Lo80 P67/ASTB PRE MUTE L O Audio mute Active : Lo81 Vdd - Positive power supply82 P100/TI5/TO5 NC O Open83 P101/TI6/TO6 SVR O Power IC reset Power ON : Lo84 P102/TI7/TO7 NC O Open85 P103/TI8/TO8 P_MUTE O Power IC muting Active : Lo86 P30/TO0 ANT_CON O Antenna control Active : Hi87 P31/TO1 IC2_SCK O IC2, IC5, EEPROM clock line88 P32/TO2 DIMMER I Dimmer detection Active : Lo89 P33/TI1 P_CON O Power control Active : Hi90 P34/TI2 ACC_DET I ACC detection ACC OFF : Hi91 P35/TI00 REMO I Remote control input92 P36/TI01 P_ON O µ-com peripheral power supply Active : Hi93 P37 BU_DET I Momentary power down detection Momentary power down : Hi94 TEST Å - Test GND95 P90 IC2_SDA I/O IC2, IC5, EEPROM data line96 P91 MUTE O Muting output Active : Hi97 P92 SW5 O 5V power supply Active : Lo98 P93 MS_CL O CD mechanism clock line99 P94 MS_DA I/O CD mechanism data line100 P95 Å OKDC-715S/8015/80165TEST MODE1. Entering the test modeReset the unit by pressing the FM key and the Preset 6key at the same time.When the test mode is entered, all indicators light up.2. Releasing the test modeReset the unit by pressing the preset 6 key.Note: The unit cannot be reset by simply turning ACCoff, turning power off, or turning power off for abrief moment.3. Voltage adjustment on the FM S-meter(1) Enter the test mode.(2) While pressing the Preset 1 key, keep on pressingthe Preset 6 key.(3) When the adjustment is made, “ADJ OK“ is dis-played. When adjustment cannot be made, “ADJNG“ is displayed.4. Writing SD voltage for the AM(1) Enter the test mode.(2) While pressing the Preset 1 key, keep on pressingthe Preset 6 key, which results in writing SD.5. Forced switching of K2I Auto/ManualIn tuner-mode, keeping on pressing TI key, and the Autoand Manual modes can be switched. The initial condi-tion is in manual modes, which is indicated by flashingDUAL dots.6. Forced narrow/wide switching of K2IIn turner-mode, when Preset 6 is pressed, forced nar-row/wide mode switching is made. The initial condi-tion is in wide mode and the NEWS dot flashes.7. CD receiver test mode specificationBy pressing the track-up key, the unit jumps to the fol-lowing tracks:No.9No.15No.10No.11No.12No13 No.14 No. 9 (Goes back to the first position.)When the track-down key is pressed, the unit jumps tothe previous track.8. MD test mode specificationAfter loading MD, the unit plays No. 7. Then, the unitjumps as follows each time it trackups.No. 2No. 13No.23No.30NO.34No. 7 (Goes back to the first position.)When the track-down key is pressed, the unit jumps tothe previous track.9. Tape test modeIn the initial step, the blank skip is turned off.10. Audio-related items The volume is -10dB (on display, it is 30). The loudness is off and CRSC is off regardless of func-tions. Buss/treble and balance/fader are to be adjusted bythe up/down key to full-boost/fullcut and fullfront/fullrear respectively. The high-pass filter is adjusted by the up-key tothroughput/100Hz/200Hz and, by the down-key, to200Hz/100Hz/throughput. Other adjustments are the same as before.11. Backup current measurementWhen reset in ACC-off condition (backup is on), the muteterminal goes off after 2 seconds instead of 15 seconds,when the ACC is turned off in the test mode. (In thiscase, the panel/CD/C/MD mechanisms are not activated.)12. Registering security code after changing E2PROM atthe services (Only for type M. However, RDS modelsare excluded)(1) Put the unit into the test mode (Refer to 1. Abovefor how to enter the test mode.)(2) Press SRC key to put the unit into the tuner mode.(3) Press Audio key for one second and put the unit intothe menu mode.(4) Press FM/AM key and then select “SECURITY.“(5) Press track up/down key for full 2 seconds.(6) Press Preset 1, Preset 2, Preset 3, and Preset 4 andthen input codes.Example: Inputting “3510.“ Press 1 key 4 times. Press 2 key 6 times. Press 3 key 2 times. Press 4 key once.(7) Press DISP key for 3 seconds and confirm that“APPRODVED“ is displayed.(8) Release the test mode. (Refer to “2. Releasing thetest mode“ above.)KDC-715S/8015/8016TEST MODE13. Simplified method for clearing the security code(Only for type K)(1) When code is requested, continue pressing VOL UPkey for three seconds while pressing the DISP key.(- disappear.)(2) Input “KCAR,“ using the remote controller (the sameas the 98 Model) Press Tenkey 5 twice and then press track-up key.(Inputting “K“) Press Tenkey 2 three times and then press track-up key. (Inputting “C“) Press Tenkey 2 once and then press track-up key.(Inputting “A“) Press Tenkey 7 twice and then press track-up key.(Inputting “R“)(3) Then, the security is released and the unit goes intothe Tuner Mode.14. Writing MASK KEY on line (E2PROM in initial condition)(1) While pressing the FM key and Preset 6 key, pressreset key to enter the test mode.(2) Press AUDIO key for full one second to put the unitinto the menu mode.(3) Select the “MASK KEY,“ using the FM key or AM key.(4) Press on the track up/down key to display “TRANS-MIT 1.“(5) Point the MASK KEY to the light receptor and pressit for 0.5 second or longer.(6) When “TRANSMIT 2“ is displayed, press MASK KEYfor 0.5 second or longer. When this is conducted,the counter codes for the first time and the secondtime will not be compared.(7) When “APPROVED“ is displayed, writing is com-pleted. time the demonstration mode is set and thetest mode is released.Note: After an elapse of 30-minute period, duringwhich no code is written, an error is effectedand the device will power off.15. Releasing MASK KEY requests (When reset or backupis off when MASK KEY is approved)(1) When power is turned on, “TRANSMIT 1“ is dis-played and the unit goes into MASK KEY requestmode.(2) Point the MASK KEY to the light receptor and pressit for more than 3 seconds (until the level displayindicates full)(3) When “TRANSMIT 2“ is displayed, press the MASKKEY again for more than three seconds. At this point,when “TRANSMIT 1“ is displayed, repeat the pro-cess in (2) above for the second time.(4) When “APPROVED“ is displayed, MASK KEY is ap-proved and the unit turns power on.16. Initializing MASK KEY (returning to the default condi-tion from MASK KEY approved state)(1) While pressing the FM key and Preset 6 key at thesame time, press RESET to enter the test mode.(2) “TRANSMIT 1“ is displayed and the unit goes intoMASK KEY request mode. The display at this pointwill be “*“ instead of “ “.(3) Use MASK KEY release remote controller for morethan three seconds.(4) When “TRANSMIT 2“ is displayed, press the MASKKEY for more than three seconds for the secondtime.(5) When “APPROVED“ is displayed, the MASK KEY isreleased and the demonstration mode is set. Then,the test mode is released, returning the unit into de-fault condition.17. Clearing from the MASK KEY(1) While pressing FM key and Preset 6 key at the sametime, press RESET to enter the test mode.(2) Press the AUDIO key for full one second to put theunit into the menu mode.(3) Select MASK KEY, using track up/down key.(4) Press on the FM key or AM key for full two secondsand the unit will display “TRANSMIT 1.“(5) Point the MASK KEY release controller to the lightreceptor and press it for 3 seconds or longer. (Untilthe level display indicates full.)(6) When “TRANSMIT 2“ is displayed, press MASK KEYfor 3 seconds or longer for the second time. If“TRANSMIT 1“ is displayed, start again from (5)above.(7) When “APPROVED“ is displayed, E2PROM is cleared.The unit goes back to the condition described in Line14: Writing MASK KEY on line (E2PROM in initialcondition)18. Other Automatic panel closing does not occur in case aTAPE, CD, or MD is inserted. Panel is opened/closed when ATT key is turned On/Off.( A remote controller is used when turning ATT on.) The DNPP/SBF key of the remote controller (RC-510)is used for tuning the menu mode On/Off. The OPEN/CLOSE key of the remote controller (RC-510) is used for tuning the audio mode On/Off. The feed on the menu will be feeds only for neces-sary features. “CODE OFF“ and other displays will not be issuedwhen the power is turned on. The dimmer of the FL model and contrast on the LCDmodel can be adjusted only for 0/5/10 by the UP/DOWN key.6A B C D E1234567PC BOARD (COMPONENT SIDE VIEW)R219R23C85C41CP1R117R101X1C63R121R103C77R45R125C71R104C78R122 R118R126C67R102R107R108C79C80R32C68C34C72C24R36C26R34R22R77R37 C28R38 C25R46R73R74C21R75R80CP2CP3R50OGIR54C22C43C23R72R71R31C44R81R79R83C45R82L2R47C32C31R78R76R44R18R6R3R13C17R15C15C14R16R12R10R14C7C6R11C5R1C35R2R218W81FETEIOP+GNDARFVrefFERFTETRD.GNDTVDVcFMOTORRchAC BTRK-LDPDVRFCS+TRK+FCS-A.+B/MUTEL/MUTERSLED-EJECTLOADSLED+A.GND/MRST/MSTOPSPDL-S.GNDS.+BSW3LDONLchSPDL+LO/EJA.5VD.OUTSW1/CLKSW2ECSBU.5VDATA/RSTD11IOP-VccEBEBEBBEBE2216458D4IC5Q8CN2IC6Q3Q4D2CN1Q2Q5D3C4W4L1R35R5BEC29C46R52R49C33C51R9R217C20C19R20R8C1C8C12C10C9 C11C3C2C18R17 C16C13R216R19R202C55R21/RFDETOFTBDOTRCRSVDETSMCKST-OFCLKTOFSTBALFBALDQSY111STLDFLAGCLVSIPFLAG14 152818 19362526 50517576100IC1IC4D1S3S2Q1IC2S1X32-47XX-XX (J74-0992-12)DC 12456address 5B 5C 2D 3D 4DQ 123458address 5A 5D 3D 4C 5D 5CRefer to the schematic diagram for the values of resistors and capacitors.F G H I J1234567(FOIL SIDE VIEW)/MUTELBER107R117BU.5VR219E C6 R13R2ELDONTEIOP-IOP+ARFGNDRFTRFTER14C7AR18R16C15C14C23C17R23R15R1R22DCB1VrefC85C24R54C26R3


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