© 2001-2 PRINTED IN JAPANB51-7736-00 (N)2168MD RECEIVERKMD-673RSERVICE MANUALMDLPLOUD SCAN ROM REP M.ROMTI VOLADJ CLK NAME.SDISCMENU45Wx4KMD-673RPWRSRCDISCOFFPTYLAMFMAUDCD MD-CHANGER CONTROLMD RECEIVERFront glass(B10-4031-01)Escutcheon(B07-2181-02)Panel assy(A64-2262-02)Plastic cabinet assy(A02-1486-13)Screw set(N99-1610-15):M type onlySIZE AAA BatteryNot supplied as service partsRemote controller assy(A70-0883-05):M type onlyAntenna adaptor(T90-0523-05):E type onlyDC cord(E30-4785-05): M type(E30-4790-05):E typeStay(J54-0606-04):M type onlyScrew set(N99-1632-05):M type onlyLever(D10-3031-04)x2Mounting hardware assy(J21-9491-13)KMD-673R2BLOCK LEVEL DIAGRAMSDASCLAFSSCLSDASDS-METERREMOL DATASL CLKL CEL DATALL INHMD +BSW 5VP-ONILL ONLOE SW EJ LO LOS SW M STOPM RST A MUTE M SDAM SCL PANELDATACREQ HDATAHCLKMUTEREQ CAM +BFM +BMUTEVDDBUDET.ACC DET.PHONEP-ANTP-CONLOS SWLOE SWLOEJM SDAA MUTEM RSTM STOPM SCLAUDIOBU 5VS 5.0VAUDIO 8VMUTEAUDIOFM,AMCHSCLOUTMDVDDSDAAFSMPOUTQUALVDDPLL +BFM +BAM +BSCLIF2 +BAUDIOIF1 +BS-METERSDSDACLKREQ C MUTE DATAHDATACREQ HAUDIOSW 5V8VP-ANTP-CONTEL MUTEACCBACK UPPRE OUTSP OUTAUDIOBU 14V3529mV3529mV1258mV(E,M)773mV(E,M)588mV1819mV3795mV3795mV380mV1200mV1200mV1200mV724mV1200mVBU 5VRDATAR CLK QUALNOISEDSI200mV 678mV170mV170mV166mV166mV831mV1692mV(J,K)547mV(J,K)PAN 5V1353mVBU 5VAVRSW-REGS 5.0VILLUM +BAVRAVRAUDIO 8Vu-COMMD MECHAPANP-ANTP-CONACC DET.BU DET.TEL MUTEMUTEPRE OUTE-VOLF/EFM +BAM+BPOWER ICCD/MD CHKEY MATRIXWITHLCD DRIVERSW 5VREMOCONLCDPANAELMD MECHACD-CHAMFME-VOLPRE OUTATTPRE OUT LEVELANTNOISE DET.RDS DECODERDET.DSI5VREGREARLEVEL DIAGRAMBLOCK DIAGRAMQ1,2Q10Q13-15IC6IC3Q34Q7-9IC1IC8IC1Q24IC2IC10Q30IC2Q25-28IC4Q17,181245678931514IJABCDEF11 12 22 23 25 41 42 19APC APCREF EQADJ 3TADJWBLADJ FZCRFAUX1AUX2PEAKBOTTOMABCDFEVCSWDTSCLKXLATFOCONT114 11384 85 77 76112 111SPFD SPRD FFDR FRDR TFDR TRDR SFDR SRDR2528534152120MNT0MNT1MNT2MNT3XINTSQSYSENSSRDTSCLKSWDTXLATXRST444546621820191716FZCXINTSQSYSENSSRDTSCLKSWDTXLATXRST12 56 23 11 15 13 14 43 36 59 60LDON SDMUTE LIMIT SW P-ON AMUTE MSDAMSCL MSTOPMRST TYPE 1 TYPE 23378HOTESDAESCL20191716293023222625243233TRK+TRK-FCS+FCS-SLED+SLED-SPDL+SPDL-VCVREF0VCC2VCC1LOADEJECT10111213678928273145TFDRTRDRFFDRFRDRSFDRSRDRSPFDSPRDREG INREG OUTENREGLOADEJECT11108131219181417451202167A8VL-CHR-CHMRSTMSTOPMSCL (IIC BUS)MSDAAMUTEBU5VS5VS5VLOE-SWLOS-SWDET-SWLOADEJECT36302931343537333847 4648 4010282632171820271641 40MORF RFOAUX 1FOCONTXSTBYADFG22.58MHz67835161413109111041051061071028493808182836773727170859291511133112210648.38MHz4MUTE 1MUTE 212MUTE 336CH1,2CH3 CH42 167SW+5VDAVDDAUDIO +BJITTERRECORD INVCTESEVCVCVCVCPDLDSTBYTO CH5 OPS+BSW+5VS5V+3.3V+2.5V65BU+5V1.2V rms1KHz 0dBSW+5VTO SERVO DRIVERBU+5VILCCLDONRF AMPRF AGC & EQRF AMPCXA2523ARBPF P-PPEAK &BOTTOMABCD AMPIV AMPIV AMPCVBAMPTEMPVICCONVERROR AMPFOCUSATAMPBPFTRACKINGERROR AMPSERIALPARALLELDECODERBALANCEE-FFILTERPLLDECODERACIRCEFMMEMORYRESISTANTSHOCKCONTROLLERDYNAMIC RAMATRAC3ATRAC/DECODERDIGITALFILTERDIGITALAUDIOI/FCONVERTERD/APOST FILTERCONTROLMONITORANALOGMUXADIPDEMODULATORDECODERSPINDLESERVOGENERATORPWMAPCDSPSERVOCONVERTERA/DCLOCKGENERATORAUTOSEQUENCERI/FCPUPROCESSORSUBCODETC74HCT7007AFMECHA u-COMUPD780076YGKCH2DRIVERCH1DRIVERDRIVERCH4DRIVERCH3VREFDRIVERCH5NJM4565MDLPFSW+8VA3.3VREG.LIMIT SWLOE-SWLOS-SWDET-SWATRAC/ATRAC3 DECODERDET.REFLECTAPCCBDAFEJIDETECTORTRACKINGCOILFOCUSCOILMSLED MOTORSPINDLE MOTORMLOADING/EJECT MOTORMTHERMISTEREEPROMBR24C02FV-W256 8BITS-817A25ANBSW+5VEFM/ACIRC DECODERSHOCK PROOF MEMORY CONTROLLERDIGITAL SERVO PROCESSORDIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR1M-WORD 4BIT DYNAMIC RAMDIGITAL FILTER. D/A CONVERTERCDX2667RFOCUS/TRACKING COIL DRIVERSPINDLE/SLED MOTOR DRIVERLA6572LOADING/EJECT MOTOR DRIVERIC1Q1IC4Q3REG.2.5VIC2IC11IC9IC5IC8LP2982-3.3Q10IC12Q13Q7MOTOR ASS'YKMS-242BOPTICAL PICKUP BLOCKMOTOR BLOCKX33 UNIT34KMD-673R KMD-673RBLOCK DIAGRAM (MD)5KMD-673RCOMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONRef. No. Component name Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 LC75808W LCD driver with key-matrixIC2 RS-171 Remote control light sensorQ1 DTA114EK or UN2111 Key-matrix permission SW Ready on key-matrix, ON when the base goes “Lo“.Q2 2SD2114K Illumination SW(Red) ON when the base goes “Hi“.Q3 2SD2114K Illumination SW(Green) On when the base goes “Hi“.Q4 2SC2412K or 2SD601A LCD AVRRef. No. Component name Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 UPD784216GF531 System MI-COM.IC2 TDA7407D E-VOL. & N.C. MPXIC3 M5237ML AVR ICAVR IC is combined with Q5, and it works as the error detection, the driver.IC4 TDA7386 Power ICIC6 LM2595S-ADJ MD SERVO AVR A DC/DC Converter wiht the ON/OFF function.IC7 S-80830ANNP Reset IC “L“ : detection voltage below 3.0VIC8 HD74HC27FP Mute logic 3 input NOR gate x3IC10 TDA7479D RDS decoderQ1 2SC4081 or 2SD1819ABU 5V AVRInverted darlington connectionQ2 2SB1548(P)or 2SB1655(E, F) On during BU applied.Q3 DTA124EUA or UN5112Audio 8V AVR ON/OFF controlQ4DTC144EK or UN2213 Audio 8V AVR ON/OFF SWQ3 is turned ON when Q4's base goes “Hi“.or KRC104SQ5 2SB1548(P)or 2SB1655(E, F) Audio 8V AVR Output voltage 8.3VQ7 DTC144EUA or UN5213Q8 DTA124EUA or UN5112 Illumination AVR AVR output is ON when Q7's base goes “Hi“.Q9 2SD1760Q10 2SA1037K SW 5V ON when the base goes “Lo“.Q13 2SB1277(Q, R)Q16DTC114YK or UN2214 P-CON SW Q13 is turned ON when Q16's base goes “Hi“.or KRC107SQ14 2SA1037K Protect Q13 by turning ON when P-CON output is grounded.Q15DTA124EK or UN2112 P-CON protectionPrevents Q14 turning ON during start-up after power ON.or KRA103SQ17 2SC2412K or 2SD601ABU detectionON when the base goes “Hi“ during BU applied.(Momentary power down detection)Q18 2SC2412K or 2SD601A ACC detection ON when the base goes “Hi“during ACC applied.Q19DTA124EK or UN2112 Mute driver for Audio mute SW ON when the base goes “Lo“.or KRA103SQ20DTC144EK or UN2213 E-VOL. mute SW E-VOL. is muted when the base goes “Hi“.or KRC104SQ21, 22 DTC143TK or UN2216 Audio mute SW Audio pre-outs are muted when the base goes “Hi“.Q23 DTC114YK or UN2214 SVR SW POWER IC RESET is activated when the base goes “Hi“.Q24 DTA114YUAor UN5114 Panel detection SW ON when the base goes “Lo“ during the panel closed.Q25DTC124EK or UN2212 or KRC103S FM+B SWQ26 is turned ON when Q25's base goes “Hi“.Q26 2SB1277(Q,R)ON during FM receptionQ27DTC124EK or UN2212 Q28 is turned ON when Q27's base goes “Hi“.or KRC103S AM+B SWQ28 2SB1277(Q,R)ON during AM receptionQ29 2SC4081 or 2SD1819A Composite signal output bufferQ30 2SC4081 or 2SD1819A Noise bufferQ33DTC144EK or UN2213 RESET SWSystem RESET is activated when the panel reset SW or KRC104S is pushedQ34 2SC4081 or 2SD1819A DSI driver ON when the base goes “Hi“.a71SWITCH UNIT (X13-9702-71)a71ELECTRIC UNIT (X25-884X-XX)6KMD-673RCOMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONRef. No. Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityRF amplifier (Pit-groove switching, AGC, EQ Gain switching, I-V Amp, IC1 RF Matrix Amplifier for MD light amount signal output, Peak-hold output, Bottom-hold output, FE output, TE output, SE output, ADIP dual-value output, Vref output, APC PD amplifier, FZC generation comparatorEFM decoding, EFM digital PLL, ACIRC decoding, Automatic LINK processing IC2 Digital signal processor for MD ADIP decoder, Memory control, Digital servo, (focus, tracking thread, spindle CLV), 1 bit D/A, ATRAC/ATRAC3 decoding, 4M(1Mx4) DRAM Analog post filterIC3 +2.5V regulator Power supply for 2.5V system of IC2IC4 5chBTL servo driver Various actuator, Motor drive, Disk loading, Eject motor driver, +3.3V regulatoreIC5 low-pass filter 3-times active filterIC6 3.3v regulator D/A audio+BIC7 CMOS buffer 3.3V/5.0V level shiftIC8 Mechanism micon Servo control, Memory, control, System control, Various interfacesIC9 E2PROM Servo coefficient, Servo adjustment data backup memoryQ1 APC IC1, IC2 APC ON and ON while Q2 is OFFQ2 LD SW ON when laser is OFF (when micro com LDON “L“)Q3 Detection of disk reflection amount ON when focus is passed during UP searchQ4 +3.3V regular ON when SW+5V “H“ (when Q7 is ON)Q5 A+8V SW ON when Q6 is ONQ6 SW for SW+8V ON when SW+5V “H“ (When Q7 is ON)Q7 PON (SW+5V) ON when Pin 11 of IC8 is “L“a71MD Unit (X33-3120-00)KMD-673R7System µ-com: (X25 : IC1)a71Terminal DescriptionMICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin Name I/O Function Description of Processing1 TYPE 0 I Destination type input terminal 0 Pull down to GND2 TYPE 1 I Destination type input terminal 1 Pull down to GND38 N.C. O Not used9 VDD - VDD connection terminal Connected to BU 5V lines10 STBY O Power IC standby control output “Hi“:POWER ON mode11 SVR O Power IC reset terminalWhen the momentary power down, after ACC OFF is detected and after POWER OFF, the output goes“Hi“ temporarily.12 N.C. O Not used13 P-MUTE O Power IC mute control “Lo“:Mute14 ANT-CON O Antenna control “Hi“:during FM/AM reception15 IC2-SCK O Clock output to the E-VOL. IC16 N.C. O Not used17 P-CON O Power control “Hi“:POWER ON mode except ALL OFF mode18 ACC-DET I ACC detection input “Hi“:ACC OFF, “Lo“:ACC ON19 REMO I Data input from the remote control light sensor20 P-ON O A.8V AVR ON/OFF control terminal “Hi“:POWER ON mode or during MD Loading/Eject21 BU-DET I Momentary power down detection input“Hi“:When momentary power down detected or BU OFF, “Lo“:BU ON22 TSET - Not used Connected to GND23 IC2-SDA I/O Data input/output with the E-VOL. IC24 MUTE O Mute control output “Hi“:Mute ON, “Lo“:Mute OFF25 SW5 O SW 5V control “Lo“:POWER ON mode or during MD Loading/Eject26 M-CLK I/O Clock input/output with the MI-COM. of MD mecha.27 M-DATA I/O Data input/output with the MI-COM. of MD mecha.28 IC3-SDA I/O Data input/output with the F/E(tuner)29 CHCON O Changer control “Lo“:Standby, “Hi“:during the movement30 IC3-SCK O Clock output to the F/E(tuner)31 REQH O Request output to changers “Lo“:Request32 ILL-ON O Illumination AVR ON/OFF control terminal “Hi“:POWER ON mode33 DSI O DSI output terminal Not used34, 35 N.C. O Not used36 MD+B O MD servo +B ON/OFF control terminal “Hi“:MD source is selected or during MD Loading/Eject37 VDD - VDD connection terminal Connected to BU 5V lines38 X2 - Main clock resonator connection terminal39 X1 I Main clock resonator connection terminal40 VSS - Ground connection terminal Connected to GND41 XT2 - Sub clock resonator connection terminal42 XT1 I Sub clock resonator connection terminal43 RESET I Reset input terminal “Lo“:System reset44 N.C. O Not used45 R-CLK I Clock input from RDS decoder Not used46 REQ C I Request input from changers “Hi“:Request47 KEY-REQ I Key request terminal “Lo“:Request48 N.C. O Not used49 LOS-SW I MD insertion detection terminal “Lo“:MD insertion detectedKMD-673R8Pin Name I/O Function Description of Processing50 N.C. O Not used51 AVDD - VDD connection terminal Connected to BU 5V lines52 AVREF 0 -VDD connection terminalConnected to BU 5V lines(A/D converter reference voltage input)53 PHONE I PHONE detection input Not used54 N.C. I Not used Connected to GND55 NIOSE I Noise detection input56 S-METER I S-meter input from the F/E(tuner)5759 N.C. I Not used Connected to GND60 M-MUTE I Mute request from the MI-COM. of MD mecha. “Lo“:Mute requested61 AVSS - Ground connection terminal(A/D, D/A converter) Connected to GND62 N.C. O Not used63 M-RST O Reset output to the MI-COM. of MD mecha. “Lo“:Reset64 AVREF 1 -VDD connection terminalConnected to BU 5V lines(D/A converter reference voltage input)65 DATA C I Data input from changers66 DATA H O Data output to changers67 CH-CLK I/O Clock input/output with changers68 L-DATAL I Data input from the LCD driver IC69 L-DATAS O Data output to the LCD driver IC70 L-CLK O Clock output to the LCD driver IC71 M-STOP O Stop request to the MI-COM. of MD mecha. “Lo“:Stop, “Hi“:during the movement72 BEEP O Beep sound output7375 N.C. O Not used76 LOE-SW I MD loading complete detection SW input terminal “Lo“:MD loading completion77 EJECT O MD mecha. Loading/Eject switching output terminalStandby :(EJECT, LOAD)=(Lo, Lo)Eject :(EJECT, LOAD)=(Hi, Lo)78 LOAD O MD mecha. Loading/Eject switching output terminalLoading :(EJECT, LOAD)=(Lo, Hi)Brake :(EJECT, LOAD)=(Hi, Hi)79 L-INH O INH output to the LCD driver IC “Hi“:Active, “Lo“:LCD indication OFF80 L-CE O CE output to the LCD driver IC “Hi“:Active81 PANEL I Panel detaching detection input “Lo“:Panel not detached82, 83 N.C. O Not used84 QUAL I Quality input from RDS decoder85 R-DATA I Data input from RDS decoder86, 87 N.C. O Not used88 SD I SD input from the F/E(tuner) “Hi“:Station detected, “Lo“:Not detected8991 N.C. O Not used92 AFC O Noise detection time constant switching terminal Not used9395 N.C. O Not used96 AM+B O AM+B control “Hi“:during AM reception97 FM+B O FM+B control “Hi“:during FM reception98 ST TYPE 0 I IC2 stereo data setting terminal “Lo“:Initial value99 ST TYPE 1 I IC2 stereo data setting terminal “Lo“:Initial value100 VSS - Ground connection terminal Connected to GNDMICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTION9KMD-673RADJUSTMENTTEST MODE1. To enter test modeWhile holding the “FM“ key and preset “6“ key,reset the unit. All indication segments are ON atthe beginning of test mode.2. To relese test modeSimply reset the unit.(NOTE) The test mode is not canceled by ACCOFF, power OFF, momentary power down.3. MD receiver test mode specificationPressing the “Track Up“ key jumps betweentracks in the following order.No.7 / No.2 / No.13 / No.23 / No.30 /No.34 / No.7(Same as the beginning)Pressing the “Track Down“ key jumps to the pre-vious track to the being played.Pressing the preset “1“ key jumps to No.28track. Again pressing the preset “1“ key jumpsto No.22 track.4. Audio adjustmentThe volume is set to -10dB (which is shown as30).Loudness is OFF. CRSC becomes OFF regard-less of the functional excuse, too.The BASS/TREBLE and BALANCE/FADERcontrols can be set to the full boost/full cut andfull front/full rear and full right/full left respective-ly by pressing the “Track Up“ / “Track Down“keys.Sound coordination (system Q) doesn't appearfor the Audio mode feed.MDS-2500 Service Test Mode(Manual Adjustment Mode)In order to adjust the focus bias (balance) ofMDS-2500, automatic adjustment is conductedat factory and bias value is written on theE2PROM. When conducting adjustment on theset, the data in the E2PROM is read. Therefore,when changing the pickup for servicing, it isnecessary to conduct focus bias adjustmentagain. If you are equipped with MDS-2000 AT3Commander and jitter meter, it is possible touse automatic adjustment. We have preparedthe service test mode (manual adjustmentmode) in case MDS-2000 AT3 Commander andjitter meter are not available. a71 Adjustment Procedure(Note: During the adjustment procedure, besure to turn off the power supply to the set.)1. Pull up the IC11 50pin (LADJ1 (CheckLand L1) of the X33 Unit to BU5V (CheckLand BU 5).2. Pull out the Check Land ARF of X33 Unitand Check Land SAG (Servo GND) usingwires so these can be monitored with anoscilloscope.3. Turn the power on the set while resettingthe set.* Adjustment should be conducted on total ofthree places: low-reflection pit and groove ofthe recordable disk and high-reflection pit