© 2001-3 PRINTED IN JAPANB51-7751-00 (N) 3394CD RECEIVERKDC-X617,6090R/RYKDC-7018SERVICE MANUALSystem E's+47W 4XKDC-X617NFDABSystem E's+47W 4XKDC-7018NFDABSystem E's+47W 4XKDC-6090RNFDABK3iPTYTIVOL ADJKDC-X617KDC-7018KDC-6090R/RYESCUTCHEON ASSY(B07-3007-03)FRONT GLASS(B10-3269-01)PANEL ASSY(A64-2167-02)ESCUTCHEON ASSY(B07-3006-03)FRONT GLASS(B10-3265-01)PANEL ASSY(A64-2162-02)ESCUTCHEON ASSY(B07-3007-03)FRONT GLASS(B10-3272-01)PANEL ASSY(A64-2170-02)DC CORD(E30-4939-05): KDC-X617/7018DC CORD(E30-4943-05): KDC-6090RY(E30-4957-05): KDC-6090RANTENNA ADAPTOR(T90-0523/0534-05): KDC-6090R/RYBATTERY(SIZE: AAA)Not supplied asservice partsSCREW SET(N99-1704-05)SCREW SET(N99-1700-05): KDC-X617/7018STAY(J54-0606-04): KDC-X617/7018LEVERx2(D10-4562-04)ESCUTCHEON(B07-3010-02): KDC-X617/7018REMOTECONTROLLERASSY(A70-0894-05): KDC-X617REMOTECONTROLLERASSY(A70-0883-05): KDC-7018MOUNTINGHARDWAREASSY(J21-9641-13)PLASTICCABINET ASSY(A02-1497-03)The MECHANISM OPERATION DESCRIPTION is the same as model KDC-S3007 and KDC-5050RG.Please refer to the service manual for model KDC-S3007(B51-7029-00) or KDC-5050RG(B51-7099-00).KDC-X617,6090R/RY,70182BLOCK DIAGRAMPLL+BFM+BQ45,47Q46,48AM+BDIMMERMUTE2WAYDET.ACCBU DET.A8VA8VQ14,15Q16,17Q19-22SERVO AVRQ18SERVO+BSW5VQ13Q55,56Q33Q11,12SW5VBU5VBU5VP CONANT-CONQ28,31Q27,29,30Q32MUTEIC3Q7DRIVERMUTEQ1,2,5,6 (E TYPE)Q1-6 (K,M TYPE)POWER ICIC4u-COMCDCHF/EA1E-VOLIC2PRE OUTSP-OUTDIMMERTEL-MUTEACCANT-CONTP-CONTANT-CONTBACK UPP-CONTDECODERRDS(E)TYPEIC1IC7Q51EX.AMP CONTROLILLUM+BBUFFERNOISEQ43PRE OUT OUTPUT VOLTAGECONTROLEX.AMPQ25Q26Q34(E) TYPE(E) TYPE(K,M) TYPENAVI-MUTEPANEL 5VPANEL 5VSW14VPANELPOSITIONDET.CHQUALSERVO+BMUTE RSTOPSW2LO/EJMUTE LRSTSW3SW1SDASCLA8VBU5VSW5VRSTREQ CCLKCH-CONDATA HREQ HCDAMFMP MUTEMUTESW5VPANEL5VILL+B SRT-SW1SRT-SW2RDCK RDDAQUALSDASCLAFSAFSA8VPLL DATAPLL CLKIFC OUTS-METERSW5VDATA CBACK UPBU5V600mV3600mVCHANGERAM1800mVFM230mV1200mV1200mV251mV (E TYPE)470mV (K,M TYPE)AUDIO OUTFM+BNOISE3600mVCDK,M TYPEMODEL3600mV3600mV855mV1372mVE TYPEMO SWRESET ICIC8MATRIXKEYL DATALL CEL CLK/PANELDIMMERREMORESETDRIVERMUTELCD DRIVERIC1IC2Q5Q3,4ED1SWRESETLCD(BACK LIGHT WLED)DIMMERPWM CONTROLREMOG/R SWLCD AVRPANEL 5V(X13- )E'sIC5KDC-X617,6090R/RY,70183COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONRef.No. Component Name Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 LC75808W LCD driver with the key matrixIC2 RS-171 Remote sensor ICQ1 DTA114EUA or KRA302 Key-permission SW For the key scanning startQ3 2SD2114K Red LED SW When a base goes “Hi“, RED LEDs are turned on.Q4 2SD2114K Green LED SW When a base goes “Hi“, GREEN LEDs are turned on.Q5 2SC2412K or 2SD601A VLCD AVRQ6 DTA114EUA or KRA302 REMO SWWhile a base goes “Lo“, PAN 5V is supplied to the Remote sensor IC.Q7 DTC143ZK Dimmer SWUsually Q7's base goes “Hi“. When DIMMER mode is selected, pulse wave shape is applied to Q7's base.Ref.No. Component Name Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 UPD703033GC057 System MI-COM.IC2 TDA7407D E.VOL & N.C.MPX ICIC3HD74HC02FPor TC74HC02AFMute logic 2-input NOR x 4IC4 TA8263BH Power AMP. ICIC5 TDA7401 HPF & LPF & NONFAD IC System E's ICIC7 TDA7479D RDS decoderIC8 S-80837ANNP Reset IC When BU 5V voltage is less than 3.7V, IC outputs “Lo“.Q1 DTC143TUA or KRC410 Pre mute (Front L) When Q1's base goes “Hi“, Pre-output is muted.Q2 DTC143TUA or KRC410 Pre mute (Front R) When Q2's base goes “Hi“, Pre-output is muted.Q3 DTC143TUA or KRC410 Pre mute (Rear L) When Q3's base goes “Hi“, Pre-output is muted.Q4 DTC143TUA or KRC410 Pre mute (Rear R) When Q4's base goes “Hi“, Pre-output is muted.Q5 DTC143TUA or KRC410 Pre mute (Rear/INF L) When Q5's base goes “Hi“, Pre-output is muted.Q6 DTC143TUA or KRC410 Pre mute (Rear/INF R) When Q6's base goes “Hi“, Pre-output is muted.When BU detection SW or System RESET or MI-Q7 DTA124EUA or KRA303 Mute driver COM.'s Pre-mute is working, a base goes “Lo“, and Q7 is turned on.Q11 2SC4081 or 2SD1819ABU 5V AVRWhile BACKUP is applied, AVR outputs +5V.Q12 2SB1548(P) Q11 and Q12 are inverted Darlington connection.Q13 2SA1576A or 2SB1218A SW 5VWhile a base goes “Lo“, SW 5V is supplied to the microprocessor peripheral circuits.Q14 2SC4081 or 2SD1819AA8V AVR When Q14's base goes “Hi“, A8V AVR outputs 8V.Q15 2SB1548(P)Q16 DTC124EUA or UN5212 A8V AVR and SERVO +B AVR ON/OFF controlQ17 DTA124EUA or KRA303SW14V SW While Q16's base goes “Hi“, Q17 is turned on, A8V AVR and SERVO +B AVR are working. Q18 2SD2375 SERVO +B AVR When Q18's base goes “Hi“, SERVO +B AVR outputs 8V.Q19 DTC124EUA or UN5212 ILL +B AVR ON/OFF controlQ20 DTA124EUA or KRA303ILL +B SW While Q19's base goes “Hi“, Q20 is turned on, and ILL +B AVR is working. a71SWITCH UNIT (X13-99XX-XX)a71ELECTRIC UNIT (X25-87XX-XX)KDC-X617,6090R/RY,70184Ref.No. Component Name Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityQ21 2SB1184 While Q22's base goes “Hi“, AVR outputs +10.5V.Q22 2SC4081 or 2SD1819AILL +B AVR Works during POWER ON mode with a panel attached to the set. Q25 DTA123JK or KRA105S EXT. AMP CON. SW When a base goes “Lo“, Q25 is turned on.Q26 DTC144EUA or UN5213 Small lamp detection SW When vehicle small lamps turn on, Q26 is turned on .Q27 DTC114YUA or UN5214P-CON SWWhen Q27's base goes “Hi“, Q32 is turned on .Q32 2SB1277(Q,R) Works during POWER ON mode.Q29 DTA124EUA or KRA303 P-CON. protection inhibit SW Prevents Q30 tuning ON during start-up after power ON.Q30 2SA1576A or 2SB1218A P-CON. protection SW Protect Q32 by turning ON when P-CON output is grounded.Q28 DTC114YUA or UN5214ANT-CON. SWWhen Q28's base goes “Hi“, Q31 is turned on. Q31 2SB1277(Q,R) Works during TUNER mode.While BACKUP is applied, a base goes “Hi“, Q33 2SC4081 or 2SD1819A BU detection SW and Q33 is turned on. When momentary power down has detected, a base goes “Lo“, and Q33 is turned off.Q34 2SC4081 or 2SD1819A ACC detection SW While ACC is applied, a base goes “Hi“, and Q34 is turned on.Q42 DTC124EUA or UN5212 E. VOL mute SWWhen BU detection SW or MI-COM.'s mute is working, a base goes “Hi“, and Q42 is turned on.Q43 2SC4081 or 2SD1819A Noise bufferQ45 DTC124EUA or UN5212FM +B SWWhen Q45's base goes “Hi“, Q47 is turned on .Q47 2SB1277(Q,R) Works during FM reception mode.Q46 DTC124EUA or UN5212AM +B SWWhen Q46's base goes “Hi“, Q48 is turned on .Q48 2SB1277(Q,R) Works during AM reception mode.Q51 DTC144EUA or UN5213 IFC buffer Waveform shapingQ52 2SC4081 or 2SD1819A Composite signal output bufferQ55 2SA1576A or 2SB1218APAN 5V SWWhile a panel is attached to the set, Q56's base goes “Hi“, Q56 DTC124EUA or UN5212 and Q55 is turned on.Ref.No. Component Name Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityGeneration of RF signal based on the signals from the APC circuit and pickup, and generation of servo error IC1 AN22000AA RF amplifier (focusing error and tracking error)signals. Detection of dropout, anti-shock, track crossing and off-track conditions, Gain control function building in.IC2 MN662773KF1 CD signal processor bult-in MI-COM.IC4 BA5917AFP 4CH BTL driverFocusing coil, tracking coil, spindle motor and sled motor driverIC5 TA78L05AFP 5V AVR AVR outputs +5V for D/A converter analogue part.IC6 NJM4565MD OP Amp. Low pass filterQ1 MCH6101 APC LD power controlQ2 DTC124EUA P ON SWWhen CD source is selected, Q2's base goes “Hi“, Q3 and Q4 are turned on.Q3 2SA1362 (Y) A.8V SW A8V ON/OFF control. When a base goes “Lo“, Q3 is turnde on.Q4 2SA1362 (Y) D.5V SW D5V ON/OFF control. When a base goes “Lo“, Q4 is turnde on.Q5 DTC124EUA MOTOR SWWhen CD loading or eject operation is activating, Q5's base goes “Hi“, Q4 is turned on.a71CD PLAYER UNIT (X32-5030-00)COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONKDC-X617,6090R/RY,70185a71IC1 (ELECTRIC UNIT : X25-87XX-XX)MICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin No. Pin Name I/O Description Processing Operation1 AM+B O AM+B control “Hi“: During AM reception2 FM+B O FM+B control“Hi“: During FM reception, “Hi“: Last FM mode (only RDS model)3 AFS O Noise detection time constant switching terminal “Hi“: During FM reception, “Lo“: During FM seek or AF search4 PLL-DATA I/O Data input/output with F/E5 PLL-CLK I/O Clock input/output with F/E6 EVDD - Power supply connection terminal Connected to BU 5V lines.7 EVSS - Ground connection terminal Connected to GND lines.8 NC O Not used(N.C.)9 BEEP O BEEP sound output10 REMO I Data input from the remote control light sensor11 CH-REQH O Request output to changers “Lo“: Request12 CH-RST O Reset output to changers : Reset13 IC2-SDA I/O Data line with IC2, IC5 and CD MECHA. MI-COM.14 IC2-CLK I/O Clock line with IC2, IC5 and CD MECHA. MI-COM.15 CH-MUTE I Mute request from changers “Hi“: Mute request16 CH-CON O Changer control “Hi“: Operation mode, “Lo“: Standby mode17 DIMMER-CON O Dimmer control output Pulse wave shape: DIMMER mode, “Hi“: POWER ON18 TEST - Test terminal Not used (connected to GND lines)19 P-MUTE O Power IC mute control output “Lo“: Mute (POWER OFF, TEL MUTE)20 P-STBY O Power IC standby control output“Hi“: POWER ON mode except panel detached or panel mask position21 MUTE O IC2 mute control output “Hi“: Mute on22 NC O Not used(N.C.)23 PRE-MUTE O Pre-outputs mute control output “Lo“: Mute24 ACC-DET I ACC detection input “Hi“: ACC OFF, “Lo“: ACC ON25 DIMMER I Small lights detection input “Lo“: During vehicle small lamps turn on.26 SW5V O SW 5V control output“Lo“: POWER ON mode or during CD loading / eject action. Bass boost OFF_“Hi“: 160msec, “Lo“: 40msec27 EXT-AMP-CON O External amp. control output Bass boost LOW_“Hi“: 130msec, “Lo“: 70msecBass boost HI_ “Hi“: 100msec, “Lo“: 100msec28 P-CON O Power control output “Hi“: POWER ON mode except ALL OFF mode.29 ANT-CON O Antenna control output “Hi“: During FM/AM reception or TI reception.30 P-ON O SW 14V control output“Hi“: POWER ON mode or during CD loading / eject action31 RESET I Reset input terminal “Lo“: System reset32 XT1 I Sub clock resonator connection terminal Clock count during POWER OFF mode33 XT2 - Sub clock resonator connection terminal34 REGC - C terminal35 X2 - Main clock resonator connection terminalOscillation stop: POWER OFF mode or momentary power down detected36 X1 I Main clock resonator connection terminal37 VSS - Ground connection terminal Connected to GND lines.38 VDD - Power supply connection terminal Connected to BU 5V lines.KDC-X617,6090R/RY,70186Pin No. Pin Name I/O Description Processing Operation39 CLKOUT O Internal system clock output Not used (N.C.)40 NC O Not used (N.C.)41 NC O Not used (N.C.)42 TYPE0 I Destination type input terminal 043 TYPE1 I Destination type input terminal 144 TYPE2 I Destination type input terminal 245 TYPE3 I Destination type input terminal 346 IC2TYPE0 I IC2 setting terminal “Lo“: Initial value47 IC2TYPE1 I IC2 setting terminal “Lo“: Initial value48 NC O Not used(N.C.)49 NC O Not used(N.C.)50 NC O Not used(N.C.)51 NC O Not used(N.C.)52 ILL-ON O Illumination AVR on/off control output “Hi“: POWER ON mode except panel detached or panel mask position53 M-MUTE L I Mute request (Lch) from CD MECHA. MI-COM. “Lo“: Mute request54 M-MUTE R I Mute request (Rch) from CD MECHA. MI-COM. “Lo“: Mute request55 BVDD - Power supply connection terminal Connected to BU 5V lines.56 BVSS - Ground connection terminal Connected to GND lines.57 M-RST O Reset output to CD MECHA. MI-COM. “Lo“: Reset58 M-STOP O Stop request to CD MECHA. MI-COM. “Lo“: Stop mode, “Hi“: Operation mode59 NC O Not used(N.C.)60 LO/EJ I/O CD MECHA. loading/Eject switching output “Lo“: Loading, “Hi“: Eject, “Hi-Z“: Stop or Break61 MOSW O CD mechanism loading motor control output “Hi“: CD loading/ eject action or Break, “Lo“: other62 NC O Not used(N.C.)63 CD-SW3 I Down & limit switch detection input “Hi“: Chucking, “Lo“: Pickup most inner position 64 NC O Not used(N.C.)65 L-CE I/O CE output to LCD driver66 NC O Not used(N.C.)67 NC O Not used(N.C.)68 NC O Not used(N.C.)69 NC O Not used(N.C.)70 AVCONT O A/D converter reference voltage control output “Hi“: Active, Connected to AVREF terminal.71 AVDD - A/D converter power supply connection terminal Connected to BU 5V lines.72 AVSS - A/D, D/A converter ground connection terminal Connected to GND lines.73 AVREF I A/D converter reference voltage input terminal74 PHONE I PHONE detection input 1V or less: TEL MUTE, 2.5V or greater: NAVI MUTE75 NC(GND) I Not used(pull down to GND lines)76 NC(GND) I Not used(pull down to GND lines)77 SRT-SW2 I SRT position detection inputPanel: (SW1, SW2)=(Hi, Hi) Slide: (SW1, SW2)=(Hi, Lo)78 SRT-SW1 I SRT position detection input Mask : (SW1, SW2)=(Lo, Lo)79 NOISE I FM noise detection input80 S-METER I S-meter input from F/E81 R-DATA I Data input from the RDS decoder IC Except RDS model: Not used (pull down to GND lines)MICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONKDC-X617,6090R/RY,70187Pin No. Pin Name I/O Description Processing Operation82 R-QUAL I Quality input from the RDS decoder IC Except RDS model: Not used (pull down to GND lines)83 IFC-OUT I F/E IFC OUT input terminal “Hi“: Station detected, “Lo“: Not detected84 NC(GND) I Not used (pull down to GND lines)85 NC(GND) I Not used (pull down to GND lines)86 NC O Not used (N.C.)87 R-CLK I Clock input from the RDS decoder IC Except RDS model: Not used (pull down to GND lines)88 CH-REQC I Request input from changers “Lo“: Request89 KEY-REQ I Communication request input form LCD driver IC90 CD-SW1 I Loading detection “Lo“: CD chucking.91 CD-SW2 I 12cm disc detection terminalWhen 12cm disc was detected, the input becomes “Lo“ temporarily.92 NC O Not used(N.C.)93 BU-DET I Momentary power down detection input“Hi“ : When momentary power down detected or BU OFF“Lo“ : BU ON94 CH-DATAC I Data input from changers95 CH-DATAH O Data output to changers96 CH-CLK I/O Clock input/output with changers97 L-DATAL I Data input from the LCD driver IC98 L-DATAS I/O Data output to the LCD driver IC99 L-CLK I/OClock output to the LCD driver IC /Panel detaching detection input(LCD Driver)“Lo“: Panel attached100 PAN5V O Panel 5V control “Hi“: Panel attached, “Lo“: Panel detachedMICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONKDC-X617,6090R/RY,70188TEST MODETEST MODE1. How to enter the test modeWhile holding the FM and Preset 6 keys, reset the unit.2. How to exit from the test modeWhile holding the Preset 6 key, reset the unit.(Note) The test mode cannot be terminated by ACC OFF,power OFF or momentary power down.3. Initial status in the test mode Sources : ALL OFF Display : All segments are lit. Volume : -10 dB (displayed as “30“) Loudness : OFF CRSC : OFF regardless of the presence ofswitching function. SYSTEM Q : Flat LED : White for no scanning. (VLCD model)4. Special display in Tuner modeWhen any of the following messages is displayed inTuner mode, the F/E may be abnormal. “TNE2P NG“ : The EEPROM is set to the default(unstable values) because the F/Ewas shipped without passing throughthe adjustment process, etc. “TNCON NG“ : Communication with the F/E is notpossible.5. Forced switching of K3IEach press of the Preset 6 key in Tuner mode shouldswitch K3I from AUTO Forced Wide Forced Middle Forced Narrow AUTO.The initial status is AUTO and the displa