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    © 2005-8 PRINTED IN JAPANB53-0321-00 (N)1548CD RECEIVERKDC-W808/X689SERVICE MANUALThis product uses Lead Free solder.c oSWDISPC.S.OFFSET UPAUDANGVOLSWDISPPTYOFFSET UPAUDANGVOL TIBATTERY(Not supplied)MODEL TDF PANEL No. TDF NAMEKDC-W808 Y33-2360-60 TDF-W808KDC-X689 Y33-2360-61 TDF-56DXTDF PANEL INFORMATIONDC cord(E30-6408-05)Escutcheon(B07-3010-02)Compact disc(W01-1643-25)Plastic cabinet assy(A02-2747-03)DC cord(E30-6412-05)Remote controller assy(A70-2067-05)Bracket(J19-5051-03)Mounting hardware assy(J21-9716-03)Lever(D10-4562-04) X2Antenna adaptor(T90-0523-05)Screw set(N99-1773-05)Torsion coil spring(G01-2924-04)Screw set(N99-1774-05)Panel assy(A64-3693-02)Escutcheon assy(B07-3007-03)Escutcheon assy(B07-3007-03)KDC-X689 KDC-W808A unique identification number (Unique ID) is given to each unit, which is imprinted on the CD mechanism assembly. If and when the mechanism assembly or Flash ROM (IC17) on the mechanism board is replaced, it is necessary to write the Unique ID. For details, refer to “How to Write the Unique ID“ on Page 17. Panel assy(A64-3694-02)KDC-X689KDC-W808Compact disc(W01-1647-15)Bracket(J19-5052-03)RC-527CD MECHANISM EXTENSIONCORD (24P) : W05-0934-00KDC-W808/X6892BLOCK DIAGRAMBUSLXCDF/E AM+BIC400DECODERRDSUPBACKSERVOD5VA8VBU5VIC104ROM CORRINSTALLERMEMOSW5V A8VIC300AGCE-VOLIC101u-COMMUTEDRIVERIC750ICPOWERPREMUTE9VAMPOPPROTECTIONSURGEAUX INPRE OUTSP OUT(FR)SP OUT(RR)SP OUT(RL)SP OUT(FL)OPEL DISPWIRED REMO/P-CONP CONANT-CON ANT CONAMP.ACCLINEDIMMERTEL MUTEEXT AMPACC DETDIMMERSURGE DETB.U DET BACK UPBU5V BU5VA8VSW 14VSW 5VA8VSW5VMASKMECHA DRIVERMOTOR9V(5VPRE)DC/DCSERVO+BCD SERVOPANEL5VSW 16VCD 5VFL DCRESETICBU5VIC500Q402,403Q608-613IC103Q210Q208Q206Q207Q202Q203,204Q205Q20,21Q12Q10IC600Q40IC60Q64IC80IC450Q22IC100BU5D5VIC601-603CN550J2IC10,Q31,33Q50,52DC/DC(FL)RESET SWROTARYENCODERKEY MATRIXKEYKEY ILLRST ICu-COMPANELROM CORRREMO.CON.SPE ANAIC2IC1IC3IC5FL(REAR)CONEXT.FSTRDSforMPXE2P ROMFM/AMCHCDAUXANASPEMUTE A,CMUTE 0,1,2DCERRN/FMUTE A,CRSTPRE MUTEMUTE 0,1,2OFFSETREARFRONT/WININSPEANASTBY(X34-389)(X16-324) PANELKDC-W808/X6893BLOCK DIAGRAMTR COILFO COILCFABEPDLDSERVO DSPMOTORDRIVERSP MOTORLOADING &MOTORSLEDIC4IC2u-COMIC1MP3/WMA/AACIC15IC53.3V REG.3.3V REG.IC211.8V REG.IC20 IC193.3V REG.IC145V REG.SWDAC3.3 5V3.3 5V3.3 5V3.3 5VLPFIC18IC1316MBITSDRAMIC16ROMFLASHIC174MBITD5VS7.5VA8VBU5VRF AMPDECODERACD DECODER16.898MHzSW3.3V(712)S7.5VRESETSCKSISTBA0SOINTQPOWER ON26.88MHzBU3.3VD5VFLAGC16MBCLKDATALRCKSW3.3VSW3.3VSW1.8V(CS7410)(CS7410)(712)POWER ONBU3.3VSW5VBU5VA8VRESETDATA MUTESREQ BREQDOCSCLKDI PCM DATAPCM BCLKPCM XCKPCM LRCKDAC RSTDAC MUTEINFINITY 0 DET.L/RSER/GPIOL/RAUDIO MUTEI2CMSTOP,MRESETLOE/LIM SW8EJE-SWLOS-SW12EJE-SWL/RSW3.3V(712)CONTROLLERMEMORY8BIT0-2MBROMDRAM256k-8MB4,8,16BIT(CS7410)SW3.3V2x512kx16BIT512kx8BITSW3.3V(CS7410)SW5VEMPHI2SCD I/FDAC CONTROLSW3.3V(CS7410)SW1.8V&CD PLAYER UNIT (X32-5730)COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION SWITCH UNIT (X16-3242-70)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC1 Panel µ-comIC2 Reset IC “L” when detection voltage goes below 3.6V or less.IC3 BPF IC 5ch band pass filterIC5 Remote Control IC Remote control receiverQ1, Q2 LED+B SW Q2 turn on when Q1'base goes “H”. (Q2 collector appears 5V)Q3, Q4 FL+B SW Q3 turn on when Q4'base goes “H”. (Q3 collector appears 55V)Q5 SW5V SWThe power supply for non-back up cct. It supply give to IC5 etc. whenQ5 base level goes “L”.Q6 FL BLK SW The FL doesn't light when base goes to “H”Q7 SC CON SWIC1 stat working when panel is attached.(The base goes to “H”, IC1 18pin goes to “H”)KDC-W808/X6894COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION ELECTRIC UNIT (X34-3890-11/2-70)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC10 Audio8V Ref Power Supply Output 1.27V.Power Supply for VFD & Mecha digital.IC60 Switching Regulator Controller CH1 : FDC (4.7V)CH2 : Mecha digital (5V)IC80 Switching Regulator Power supply for VFD Driver. (55V)IC100 Reset IC “L” when detection voltage goes below 3.6V or less.IC101 System µ-comControls FM/AM tuner, the changer, CD/MD mechanism, Panel,volume and tone.IC103 Muting logic IC Controls logic for muting.IC104 E2PROM For instraller's memoryIC300 Eelectrical Volume & Source Selector Controls the source, volume, and tone.IC400 RDS decoderPanel (MASK) mecha controlIC450 Panel (MASK) mecha motor driverIC500 Spectrum analyzer Buffer AMP & AGC It is buffer and auto gain control for spectrum analyzer.IC600 ±9V AVR Power supply for 5V Pre Out OP-AMP.IC601603 5V Pre-out AMP Output buffer and gain control.IC750 Power IC Amplifies the front L/R and the rear L/R to 50W maximum.Q10,11 Audio8V AVR When Q11 2in goes Hi, A8V AVR outputs 8.0V.Q12 SW14V When Q12 2pin goes Hi, SW14V outputs 14V.Q20,21 B.U.5V AVR While BU is applied, BU5V AVR outputs +5V.Q22,23 SW5V When Q23 base goes Hi, SW5V outputs +5V.Q31,33 Moter+B, Servo+B AVR (Panel Mecha) When Q33 base goes Hi, Servo+B AVR outputs 8.5V.Q34,40 Panel5V AVR When Q42 2pin goes Hi, Panel5V AVR outputs 5V.Q5052 SW16V (Surge Protection) When Q51 2pin goes Hi, SW16V outputs 13V.Q60 FDC AVR SW When base goes Hi, VFD AVR off.Q61 Switching Regulator frequency control SW (IC60)Q62 Mecha digital AVR SW When base goes Hi, Mecha digital AVR off.Q63 FDC AVR Switching Power DriverThis FET is governed by IC60.Frequency is decided at Q61.Q64 Mecha digital AVR Power DriverThis FET is governed by IC60.Frequency is fixed 400kHz.Q80, 81 AVR SW for IC80 When Q81 base goes Hi, VFD (55V) AVR outputs 55V.Q91 Panel 5V Discharge SW When Q91 base goes Hi, Panel5V is discharged.Q100, 101 Panel Detect SW When Q100 base goes Lo, panel is detected.Q200, 201 Pre-out mute driver When a base gose Lo, mute driver is turned on.Q202 Acc Detect SW When Q202' base gose Hi, Acc voltage is detected.Q203, 204 Surge Detect SW When Q204 base goes Hi, IC750 is changed into a standby state.Q205 B.U Detected SW When Q35 base gose Hi, B.U voltage is detected.Panel Mecha WAIT OPEN CLOSE STOPIN1 L L H HIN2 L H L H1pin2pinLHL 400kHz 650kHzH 600kHz 850kHzKDC-W808/X6895Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityQ206 Ext Amp Control Buffer It is buffer for IC102 output.Q207 Small-lamp Detect SW When Q207 base goes Hi, Small-lamp is detected.Q208, 209 Power Antenna SW When Q206 base goes Hi, power antenna switch outputs 14V.Q210213 Power controlQ402,403 AM+B SW When Q403 base gose Hi, AM+B is outputs.Q500 Spectrum analyzer AGC ControllerWhen this circuit has an excessive input, a return is hung and anoutput is reduced.Q600602 Pre-Amp +9V AVRQ600 and 602 works as a differential amplifier, Q601 works as adriver and +9.4V is supplied to OP Amp for Pre-out.Q603605 Pre-Amp -9V AVRQ603 and 605 works as a differential amplifier, Q604 works as adriver and -9.1V is supplied to OP Amp for Pre-out.Q606, 607 AUDIO 10.5V AVR When Q606 base goes Hi, AVR outputs 10.5V.Q608613 Pre-out mute SW When a base gose Hi, Pre-out is set to mute. CD PLAYER UNIT (X32-5730-00)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC1 µ-com for mechanism controlIC2 LSI for CD signal processing +RF AMPIC4 BTL driver SP, SL (including LO/EJ) motor and PU actuatorIC5 SW3.3V regulator 3.3V power supply for IC2, PU, and IC18 digital sectionIC13 Audio active filter Secondary LPFIC14 A5V regulator 5V power supply for DACIC15 Compacted audio decoding DSP AC drive decoder, MP3/WMA/AAC decoderIC16 Compacted audio expanding SDRAMIC17 Decoder software, unique ID storage flash ROMIC18 Audio external 24-bit D-A converterIC19 BU3.3V regulator 3.3V power supply for µ-comIC20 1.8V regulator 1.8V power supply for core section of IC15IC21 Decoder/SDRAM/Flash ROM 3.3V regulator 3.3V power supply for port section of IC15, IC16 and IC17Q1,4 Level shift (3.3V-5V) FETQ3,5,6 Level shift (3.3V-5V) transistor with 2 elementsQ7 Level shift (3.3V-5V) transistorQ8 APC (Auto Power Control) transistorQ9,10Transistor for preceding beam delaying SW duringnon-searchQ11 A5V power supply constant circuit FETQ12,13 SW8V SW transistorQ14,15 SDRAM 3.3V power supply SW transistor SDRAM power supply is turned off when /CSRST is “L”.D2UPD63712GC built-in resetting terminal staticprotection diodeD3 Protection diode for pick-up laser diodeD4,D5 Diode for securing audio L-R reference voltageD6Diode for control terminals “L” confirmation forIC20 and IC21COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONKDC-W808/X6896 System Microcomputer 30624MGPA51GP (X34 : IC101)Pin No. Pin Name Module I/O ApplicationTruthProcessing Operation DescriptionValue Table1 WIRED_REMO EXTRA I OPEL remote controller signal input Pulse width detection2 LX_MUTE LX_M I MUTE request from slave unit H : MUTE ON, L : MUTE OFF3AUD_SDA AUDIO O E-VOL data output terminal4AUD_SEL AUDIO O E-VOL control terminal5AUD_SCL AUDIO O E-VOL clock output terminal6 BYTE µCOM -7 CNVSS µCOM -8 XCIN uCOM I9 XCOUT µCOM O10 RESET µCOM -11 XOUT µCOM -12 VSS µCOM -13 XIN µCOM - 12.0MHz14 VCC1 µCOM -15 NMI µCOM I Not used.16 CN_DET EXTRA I Panel attach/detach detection H : Panel detached, L : Panel attached17 RDS_CLK TUNER IRDS decoder CLK input terminal(RDS model only)17 NC O Not used. With out RDS/RBDS output : L18 LX_REQ_S LX_M I Communication request from slave unit19 ACC_DET EXTRA I ACC and power supply detection With ACC : L, Without ACC : H20 LX_REQ_M LX_M O Communication request to slave unit21 TUN_IFC_OUT TUNER I F/E IFC OUT input terminal H : With station, L : Without station22 BU_DET EXTRA I Momentary power down detectionWith BU : L, Without BU, Momentarypower down : H23 ILLUMI_DET EXTRA I Dimmer ILLUMI detection L : ON, H : OFF24 ANT_CON EXTRA O Power antenna controlTUNER ON : H (K Type)Other than STBY source : H (E Type)25 P_CON EXTRA O External amp control terminalPOWER ON : H, POWER OFF : L,ALL OFF : L26 PWIC_BEEP PWIC O Beep output27 TUN_SCL TUNER I/O F/E I2C clock input/output terminal28 TUN_SDA TUNER I/O F/E I2C data input/output terminal29 SYS_DATA To PANEL O SYSPAN communication data output Data output30 PAN_DATA To PANEL I SYSPAN communication input Data input31 SYS_REQ To PANEL O 1 : SYS_DATA output request terminal32 PAN_REQ To PANEL I PAN_DATA output request terminal33 CD_SDA CD I/O CD mechanism I2C data input/output terminal33 ROMCOR_SDA EXTRA I/OE2PROM I2C data for ROM correctioninput/output terminal34 CD_SCL CD I/O CD mechanism I2C clock output terminal34 ROMCOR_SCL EXTRA I/OE2PROM I2C data for ROM correctionoutput terminalMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONKDC-W808/X6897Pin No. Pin Name Module I/O ApplicationTruthProcessing Operation DescriptionValue Table35 PON_PANEL Power supply I/O Panel 5V control terminalON : H, After momentary power down,panel attach/detach and ACC_OFF : Hi-Z36 P5V_DIS Power supply O P5V discharge circuit control terminal H : P5V discharge37,38 PM_MOT1, 2 P-MECHA O Panel motor control1, 2 w Refer to Truth Value Table.39 ROMCOR_DET EXTRA IE2PROM write requestH : Write(FLASH EPM input terminal )40 OEM_DISP_CE EXTRA O External display control request External display41 OEM_DISP_CLK EXTRA O External display CLK External display42 OEM_DISP_DATA EXTRA I/O External display DATA External display43 PON_FL+B Power supply O FL+B AVR control terminal H : ON, L : OFF44 PON_FDC Power supply OFL FDC AVR control terminalH : OFF, L : ON(FLASH CE input terminal)45 F_SEL1 Power supply OFL power supply SW frequency controlterminal 146 F_SEL2 Power supply OFL power supply SW frequency controlterminal 247 CD_DISC12_SW CD I CD disc detection terminal (12cm)48 CD_LOS_SW CD I CD loading detection terminal49 CD_MUTE_R CD I CD MUTE(Rch) request terminalH : Normal, L : Rch MUTE requestEffective only when CD50 CD_MUTE_L CD I CD MUTE (Lch) request terminalH : Normal, L : Lch MUTE requestEffective only when CD51 CD_MRST CD O CD mechanism µ-com RST terminal H : Normal, L : Reset52 CD_MSTOP CD O CD mechanism µ-com stop terminalH: Mechanism µ-com operationL : Mechanism µ-com stop53 NC CD O Not used. Output L-fixed54 CD_LOE_LIM_SW CD I CD detection terminal (chucking SW) H : Loading complete, L : No disc55 CD_LOEJ CD I/O CD motor control terminal q Refer to Truth Value Table.56 CD_MOTOR CD O CD motor control terminal q Refer to Truth Value Table.57 NC O Not used. Output L-fixedWhen CD source : H, Other than CD58 PON_CD Power supply I/O Power supply control terminal for CD WMA source : Hi-Z, At reset Hi-Z earlier thanM-STOP59 PON Power supply OPower supply control POWER ON : H, POWER OFF : L60 VCC2 µCOM -61 EXT_AMP_CON EXTRA I/O EXTERNAL AMP control (eXcelon only)62 VSS µCOM -6365 TYPE_31 TYPE I Destination switching t Refer to Truth Value Table.66,67 TUN_TYPE1, 2 TYPE I Destination setting 1, 2 r Refer to Truth Value Table.6870 MECHA_SW31 P-MECHA I Panel mechanism position detection SW31 w Refer to Truth Value Table.71 PM_DET P-MECHA I Panel mechanism detection L : With panel mechanism72 RDS_DATA TUNER IRDS decoder DATA input terminal(RDS model only)72 NC O Not used. Output L when no RDS/RBDS73 NC O Not used. Output L-fixedMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONKDC-W808/X6898Pin No. Pin Name Module I/O ApplicationTruthProcessing Operation DescriptionValue Table74 RDS_QUAL TUNER IRDS decoder QUAL input terminal(RDS model only)74 NC O Not used. Output L when no RDS/RBDS75 RDS_AFS_M TUNER I/O Constant switching at noise detection e Refer to Truth Value Table.76 RDS_AFS_L TUNER I/O Constant switching at nose detection e Refer to Truth Value Table.77 PON_AM Power supply I/O AM power supply controlWhen in AM operation : H, When AM notin operation : Hi-z78 (PWIC_SVR) PWIC O SVR discharge circuitAt time of power OFF and momentarypower down, for 5 secs.: H, thereafter : L79 PWIC_MUTE PWIC O Power IC MUTE terminalWhile in STANDBY source, At momentarypower down : L, While TEL MUTE : L80 PWIC_STBY PWIC O Power IC standby control POWER ON : H, POWER OFF : L81 LX_CON LX_M O Startup request to the slave unit H : Slave unit ON, L : Slave unit OFFWhen M MUTE R is L, L (when CD)82 MUTE_PRE_R AUDIO O PRE_OUT MUTE Rch At momentary power down : L, 2-zone andNAVI interruption only are H-fixed.When M MUTE L is L, L (When CD)83 MUTE_PRE_L AUDIO O PRE_OUT MUTE Lch At momentary power down : L, 2-zone andNAVI interruption only are H-fixed.84 MUTE_0 AUDIO O E-VOL FRONT MUTE terminal L : MUTE ON, H : MUTE OFF85 MUTE_1 AUDIO O E-VOL REAR MUTE terminal L : MUTE ON, H : MUTE OFF86 MUTE_2 AUDIO O E-VOL OTHER MUTE terminal L : MUTE ON, H : MUTE OFF87 LINE_MUTE EXTRA I Line MUTE detectionTEL MUTE : 1V or lessNAVI MUTE : 2.5V or more88 NC O Not used. Output L-fixed89 PWIC_DC_DET PWIC I DC offset detection terminal90 LX_RST LX_M O Hard reset to the slave unit H : Reset, L : Normal91 MUTE_C AUDIO O E-VOL MUTE terminal L : MUTE ON, H : MUTE OFF92 MUTE_A AUDIO O E-VOL MUTE terminal L : MUTE ON, H : MUTE OFF93 RDS_NOISE TUNER I FM noise detection terminal94 AVSS µCOM -95 TUN_SMETER TUNER I S-meter input96 VREF µCOM -97 AVCC µCOM -98 LX_DATA_S LX_M I Data from slave unit99 LX_DATA_M LX_M O Data to slave unit100 LX_CLK LX_M I/O LX BUS clockMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONKDC-W808/X6899Truth Value TableqCD MechanismCD_MOT


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