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© 2000-12 PRINTED IN JAPANB51-7704-00(S) 2117SERVICE MANUALCD RECEIVERKDC-305RG/3018R/3090R/A/G/YA/YGl KDC-305RPTYMENUKDC-305RAUDPWR OFFLOUD SCAN RDM REP VOL ADJT1COMPACTDIGITAL AUDIO45Wx4Knob(RELEASE)(K24-3665-04)Knob(EJ)(K24-3653-04)Front glass(B10-3298-01:3018R)(B10-4002-01:/3093RG)(B10-4002-01:/3090RA/YG/YA)(B10-4003-01:305RG)Panel assy(A64-2214-02:3093RG)(A64-2214-02:3090RA/YG/YA)(A64-2215-02:305RG)Knob(Q)(K24-3652-04)Knob(VOL)(K25-1256-03)Knob(1-6)(K25-1253-03)Knob(CLK)(K25-1254-03)Knob(FM/AM)(K25-1255-03)DC cord(E30-4785-05:)(E30-4790-05:)Mounting hardware assy(J21-9641-03)Plastic cabinet assy(A02-1486-13)Lever(D10-4589-04)Antenna adaptor(T90-0534-05)KDC-305RG/3018R/3090R/A/G/YA/YG2BLOCK DIAGRAMKDC-305RG/3018R/3090R/A/G/YA/YG3COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONl SWITCH UNIT(X13-9872-XX)Ref.No. Component Name Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 LC75883E LCD driver Ready on key-matrixQ1 DTA114EKorKRA102Sor key-matrix permission SW Ready on key-matrix, ON when the base goes “Lo“UN2111l ELECTRIC UNIT(X25-8712-XX)Ref.No. Component Name Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 UPD780058GC232 System m -COM.IC2 TDA7407D E-VOL. & N.C. MPXIC4 TDA7386 Power ICIC6 TDA7479D RDS decoderIC7 BA4911-V4 Power supply ICIC8 HD74HC27FP Mute gate IC 3 input NOR gate x3IC11 S-80830ANNP RESET IC Detection voltage 3.0VIC12 BR24C01AForBR24C01AF-W E2PROMM24C01-WMN6TorS-24C01BQ10 2SC4081or2SD1819A B.U. detection Detect BU voltageQ20 2SC4081or2SD1819A ACC detection Detect ACC voltageQ40 DTA124EUAorUN5112 PREOUT mute driver Mutes when base is “Lo“ (controls Q221-224)Q50 2SA1036K SW 5V ON when the base is “Lo“.Q51 UMC2N SW 14V ON when the base is “Hi“ (controls Q55)Q53 UMC2N Switch for power supply IC ON when the base is “Hi“ (controls SW1 pin of powersupply IC)Q55 2SD2375or2SD2396 AVR for SERBO +B Output issued when SW14V is on (base is “Hi“)Q70 2SC4081or2SD1819A SURGE detection Detect SURGE voltageQ101 2SC4081or2SD1819A DSI SW DSI LED turns ON when base is “Hi“Q102 DTA114YUAorUN5114 PANEL 5V SW ON when the base is “Lo“Q201 2SC4081or2SD1819A NOISE BuffQ223,224 DTC143TUAorUN5216 PREOUT MUTE Mute applied to PREOUT (output) when base is “Lo“Q251 DTC114YUAorUN5214 Power IC SVR SW Turns ON when base is “Hi“ and capacitor on SVRpin dischargesQ301 DTC124EUAorUN5212 FM Lo/DX SW Turns ON during Lo. SEEK when base goes “Hi“KDC-305RG/3018R/3090R/A/G/YA/YG4MICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONl Terminal DescriptionPin Function I/O Description Processing Operation1 AV CONT O A/D converter reference voltage control output ”Hi”: ON / ”Lo”: OFF2 IC2 TYPE0 I IC2 setting terminal ”Lo”: Initial value3 IC2 TYPE1 I IC2 setting terminal ”Lo”: Initial value4 AVSS - Ground connection terminal connected to GND5 M MUTEL I Muting request from the MICOM. of CD mecha. ”Lo”: Mute request6 N.C O Not used7 AVREF1 I D/A converter reference voltage input8 ILLUMI O Illumination AVR ON/OFF control output ”Hi”: AVR ON9 L RES O Reset output to the LCD driver IC ”Lo”: Reset10 PANEL I Panel open/close detection input ”Lo”: Panel closed11 L DATAL I Data input from the LCD driver IC12 L DATAS O Data output to the LCD driver IC13 L CLK O Clock output to the LCD driver IC14 N.C O Not used15 N.C O Not used16 CH-DATAC I Data input from changers17 CH-DATAH O Data output to changers18 CH-CLK I/O Clock input/output with changers19 L CE O CE output to the LCD driver IC ”Hi”: Active20 N.C O Not used21 M RST O Reset output to the MICOM. of CD mecha. ”Lo”: Reset22 M STOP O Stop request to the MICOM. of CD mecha. ”Lo”: Stop23 MOSW O CD mechanism loading motor control output ”Hi”: Loading & Eject / ”Lo”: other24 PLL SCL O Clock output to the tuner pack25 AM+B O AM+B control ”Hi”: during AM reception26 FM+B O FM+B control ”Hi”: during FM reception27 M-SCL I/O Clock input/output with the MICOM. of CD mecha.28 DSI O DSI output ”Hi”: LED ON29 LO/EJ I/O CD mecha.Loading/Eject switching output ”Lo”: Loading / ”Hi”: Eject30 SW3 I Down & limit switch detection input ”Hi”: Chucking / ”Lo”: Pickup most inner position31 R DATA I Data input from RDS decoder32 R QUAL I Quality input from RDS decoder33 VSS1 - Ground connection terminal connected to GND34 SD I SD input from the tuner pack ”Hi”: Station detected35 IC2 SCL O Clock output to the E-VOL. IC36 M-SDA I/O Data input/output with the MICOM. of CD mecha.37 PLL SDA I/O Data input/output with the tuner pack38 IC2 SDA I/O Data input/output with the E-VOL. IC39 MUTE O Mute control output ”Hi”: Mute ON / ”Lo”: Mute OFF40 N.C O Not used41 AFC O AFC control output ”Lo”: during FM seek42 CH-REQH O Request output to changers ”Lo”: Request43 CH-CON O Changer control ”Lo”: Standby / ”Hi”: ON44 N.C O Not used45 P MUTE O Power IC mute control ”Lo”: Mute46 SVR O Power lC reset terminal When the momentary power down, after ACCOFF/ON is detected and after POWER ON/OFF, the output goes ”Hi” temporarily.47 STBY O Power IC standby control output ”Hi”: POWER ON mode48 P CON O Power control ”Hi”: POWER ON mode except ALL OFF mode49 P ANT O Antenna control ”Hi”: during FM/AM reception50 BEEP O BEEP sound output51 ACC DET I ACC detection input ”Hi”: ACC OFF / ”Lo”: ACC ON52 BU DET I Momentary power down detection input ”Hi”: When momentary power down detectedor BU OFF / ”Lo”: BU ON53 N.C O Not used5 6KDC-305RG/3018R/3090R/A/G/YA/YGMICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONKDC-305RG/3018R/3090R/A/G/YA/YGADJUSTMENTPin Function I/O Description Processing Operation54 N.C O Not used55 N.C O Not used56 SW5 O SW 5V control ”Lo”: POWER ON mode57 P ON O Microprocessor peripheral power supply control terminal ”Hi”: ACC ON or during CD Loading/Eject58 TYPE2 I Destination type input terminal 259 N.C O Not used60 RESET I Reset input terminal ”Lo”: System reset61 REMO I Data input from the remote control light sensor62 R CLK I Clock input from RDS decoder63 CH-REQC I Request input from changers ”Hi”: Request64 SW1 I Loading detection ”Lo”: CD chucking65 KEY-REQ I Key request terminal ”Lo”: Request66 SW2 I 12cm disc detection terminal ”Lo”: 12cm disc67 VSS0 - Ground connection terminal connected to GND68 VDD1 - VDD connection terminal69 X2 - Main clock resonator connection terminal70 X1 I Main clock resonator connection terminal71 IC(TEST) - Not used connected to GND72 XT2 - Sub clock resonator connection terminal N.C.73 N.C I Sub clock resonator connection terminal connected to BU5V lines74 VDD0 - VDD connection terminal75 AVREF0 I A/D converter reference voltage input76 SMETER I S-meter input from the tuner pack77 PHONE I PHONE detection input 1V or less: TEL MUTE,2.5V or greater: NAVI MUTE78 NOISE I Noise detection input79 TYPE0 I Destination type input terminal 080 TYPE1 I Destination type input terminal 1Test Mode1. How to enter test modeWhile holding the FM key and preset 6 key, reset the unit.All display segments light up when the test mode is entered.2. How to exit from test modeReset the unit.The test mode is not terminated by turning ACC off, poweroff, momentary power down or panel detaching.3. Test mode specifications of CD receiver Pressing the Track Up key jumps to tracks in the followingsequence:No.9fi No.15fi No.10fi No.11fi No.12fi No.13fi No.14fi No.9(Repeats the cycle) Pressing the Track Down key jumps to the trackimmediately before the track being played. Pressing Preset 1 key jumps to track No. 28. Forced ejection is not provided.4. Test mode specifications of cassette receiver Blank skip (B.S) is off. Pressing the ATT key ejects the cassette.5. Audio functions Pressing the AUDIO key or the OPEN/CLOSE key on theremote controller initiates the Audio mode. In the Audio adjustment mode, the Seek Up/Down keyson the remote controller can only be pressed shortly. (Theycannot be held depressed.) The volume is 10 dB (which is displayed as “30”). LOUDNESS is OFF. The Bass/Treble Up/Down and Balance/Fader Up/Downbuttons function as full-boost/full-cut and full-front/full-rearrespectively.6. Menu mode Pressing the CLK or the DNPP key on the remote controllerinitiates the Menu mode. In the Menu mode, the Seek Up/Down keys on the remotecontroller can only be pressed shortly . (They cannot beheld depressed.) With the models incorporating RDS, the first operation inthe menu becomes local seek.7. Version and operating hours display The following table shows the key operations and resultingdisplay information.Key Operation DisplayPressing Preset 1 Version (Date and time display)Pressing Preset 3 CD (or TAPE with C/R models)operating hoursPressing Preset 5 CD (or TAPE with C/R models)ejection count Holding Preset 3 while the operating hour information isdisplayed clears it. Holding Preset 5 while the ejection count information isdisplayed clears it.Adjustment ModeAdjustable items1: Stereo Decoder Subaddress: 92: Configuration Subaddress: DDefault valuesIf they are not written in the EEPROM, the default valuesspecified by the IC developer are set in IC2-3.Adjustment procedure1: Enter the IC2-3 Adjustment mode by resetting the unit whileholding d + h.2: Select the TUNER source by pressing SRC.3: When the adjustment mode is entered, the display shows a2-digit hex number.4: When preset a or s is recalled, the setting valuescorresponding to the pressed number are displayed. (Thedisplayed values are those in the RAM.)5: Vary each setting value using 4 or ¢6: Store the values in the corresponding preset number.7: The settings can be performed individually for each item. (Itis not required to store all the values together.)8: After storing the values, reset the unit to exit from theadjustment mode. The values set in the EEPROM will beread during the resetting.9: When the band is switched, there may be cases in whichthe preset number being displayed does not coincide withthe stored setting value. To check this , be sure to recall thepreset number after you switch the band.Notes1: The items which are not stored will be set to the defaultvalues.2: Once a value is stored in memory, the value will always beused later.(It is not allowed to modify the setting values by switchingthe destination type.)A B C D E F G IH12345677 8Refer to the schematic diagram for the values of resistors and capacitors.SWITCH UNITPC BOARD (Component Side View)C225 C501C500W161W162W151R221R222C30R32R73R31W169R72C60R54C618 1417W167R115R111R113R140R13920R110R58R109R107R121R103R104R102R132R144W159R116R415R413C404R4128514281514140 41211 806160CP1W171W172W173W174R122R126R218R129R130R127R414C102C104R131CP2CP3R204R205C302C303R302C3541 8916C356 C355C142R143W155R224 R223C226C228W156R254 R251TH1R256R260R263 R261W158R258C21R11R22R10R51R71R57R52C64R53C59R56C62R55R125C103R264R119R12R23W168R118W157W165R133C106 R134C105R106W150R114 R112R138R137R136R135R255R117R203C209C207W152R202R201W160C206C210C211C305C307C352W164W163EBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBBEEBEBEBW166C202R108R67R105R257C308C401 234E EBE EBQ224 Q223Q221Q222Q40Q251Q20Q50Q51Q70Q10IC11IC1IC8IC12IC2Q53Q201IC6D11D13D3D4Q301Q101Q102D102W53W54W66W79C58W38C1W82L1W108W119W85W112W132W81W137W58W44W55W37R404W16R408 R411 R409 R410 R407 R405 R406R403 R401R231R232W91W1R227R228W3W47W14W87W120C403C402W61C253W39C252C254C251W83C401R253W50R252 W86W90W93W124R301C63W114W84R28R25R21R20R30R165 R166 R167R101R163R164 R168R172R229R230R169R170R171X1X2W41W129R145W56R352R351R259R353R226R225W17R50L4L305L306L304L101L303L201C222C221C223C51C52C53C55C56C54C205C204C353C257C351C224C258C203C255C101C304C201C256C57C301C306W6W5W51 W57 W60W45 W48W25W35W31W23W30W27W22W28W40 W42 W43W13W15C50W67W115W102W133W122W136W135W113W125W134W111W104W103W88 W89W70W74W65W68W80W19W46W75W52W49W96W92W101W71W69W18W12W29W2W20W4W10W11W7W21W9W100W72W32W26W95W121W73W77W76W59W24W33W34W36W138W105W62W64W78W130W128W131W94 W99W116W117W98W97W106W110W127W107W63L2R173R141R402157610913 11 12 6 4 3 2 212425169811211231124121222121415BECN1J5J4J1A1CN3CN2J2J3Q55D1D403D14D12D251D101D103D104D253D252D106D107 P1D30D202D201D10D50D20D404D402D401D407D411D410D409IC4J4D70D51IC7D40X25-8712-XX(J74-1122-12)ELECTRIC UNITELECTRIC UNIT(X25-8712-XX).ON.feRsserddACIQ1H42H61H5.ON.feRsserddACIQ1F52C44D26B57F38E411F521D401E302E304C305E415G335E455G207E3101F620 6102C412 3222C3322B242 2152D3103B4SWITCH UNIT(X13-9872-XX)LDATALR15R2LED+BR14REMOKS4KS3PANEL SWD-GNDR6ILL-GNDSW5VL-CLKR4LDATASR3R5R1L-RESER16BL-CER1080R8C1R7C2C3C4KI51KI4ESD-GNDRSTPAN5V14152CP1R9165KI364CP22425KI1LAMP+BR17R18R21KS5KS2R19CP34140KI2D22D23Q1IC1J1KS4KS5KI513637RSTATT1234KI35AM56KS2dBKI1FMKS3CLK6SRCAUTOKI2PL1PL2D1D2 D3ED1D4D5D6D7D8D9D10D28X13-9872-XX(J74-1116-12)D13D27D25D21D26D24D20D11D12D14J K L M N O P RQ12345679 10Refer to the schematic diagram for the values of resistors and capacitors.SWITCH UNITPC BOARD (Foil Side View)W156TH1R412R4139C35616C355C14215C202288C3541C307C352C305R302C308C303EBW159W165W157C207R203W160R201C210C206 C211C209W152R202R205BE14R204W168R116R11814158C228C302R223 R224C226EBW161 W162R222BEBEBER221W151EBW155W163W164EBBEC40R127R414R122W171W172W173W1746120R143R144R121R58R107R134 C106R133R132R10680R103R102R1041R105R131C105C104C102R139R140R113R264R11121W150R112 R114R109R415R137 R136 R135R110R108R13887C404W167R119114R11541 4060CP3CP2R67BE ER117R255CP1R126R130R129R218C103R12532 14R56C62R11R73R31W169R32C21R51R258EBR12R23W158BER263R261R22BER53C59BEC60C61R55R54R10BER52C64C30R256R260R257W166R72R71EBER57C225R251 R254C501C500IC6Q301Q201IC2IC12Q40Q223D3D4Q224Q222Q221Q102D102Q101IC8IC1Q53IC11Q20Q50Q251Q10Q70D13D11Q5124 2 28131112643W133W136W53C252W67W65W75X2R1681514R171R167 R166 R165 R164 R17012R169C304W6W4C35124C306L306L305W5W12W24R353R352 R351W32W26W28C353W18W17W15W20W33W36W34W4121W47W42 W40W43W64W54 W49W59W62W11R301W13W7W21L304W10W9W29W56W61C205C203C204C2231C301W1L4123R173R226R2301R225R229W2C224W3R228R227R231 R232W23 W22 W19L303W31W25W30W27W35W14C221C222W51W57W60 W45W48W38W46C201L201W39C256R406C402C401C403R408 R402R401 R403W166 10 9R410 R409 R411R405 R40751 7R253C251C254C253R252W50R4041W52W128W127R172R163W91W94W99W83W107W112W110W106 R145W117R101W131W13412C55W72W125W97W822122R141W105W116W98W121W138W120X1W87W79W78W85W76W63W77W66W73W96C57W103W132W129W130C101L101C561R20W119W114W101W74W71W69W68W100W95R50W92W80W70R259R21C52W124W115C53W113W108W104W111C54C51R30W84W90W88C258C255W86C257W89W9325W102C50C58R25R28L2W135W122L1C63C1EBW58W55W44W37W811169W137J2P1D106D107J3D104D103CN1D202 D201A1CN3CN2J1D401D40D403D407D410D402D411D409J5J4D404D50D101D20D251D252D253D30D10D70D12D1D14IC7D51Q55X25-8712-XX(J74-1122-12)J4IC4ELECTRIC UNIT.ON.feRsserddACIQ1K42K61K5.ON.feRsserddACIQ1M52P44O26Q57M38N411M521O401N302N304P305N415L335N455L207N3101M620 6102P412 3222P3322Q242 2152O3103Q4SWITCH UNIT(X13-9872-XX)ELECTRIC UNIT(X25-8712-XX)KI4 R2KS4R14LED+BREMOR15ESD-GNDRSTPAN5VKS3PANEL SWC2R16LDATASL-CLK ILL-GNDR3R4R1R5BER1080R8R7C1C4C31R6D-GNDSW5VLDATAL1415L-RESL-CE2KI3R9CP1KI565164R19R182425LAMP+BR17R21CP3CP24041KI1KI2 KS5KS2D22D23Q1J1IC1KS5KS4KI51RSTATTPL213637234KI35CLKKS356dBPL1KI16SRCKS2AUTOAMKI2FMD1D2ED1D3D4D5D6D7D8D9D10D13D27D25D11D12D14 D21X13-9872-XX(J74-1116-12)D20D24D26D28AAZYW XVUS T1234567/MUTERD.OUTR125RWLDONFBALR233RF GNDARFIOP-IOP+FTETRTBALTEFE+-+GCTLAR234CDB1VrefER54R38R37C26C85R36R34R