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    This product uses Lead Free solder.This product complies with the RoHS directive for the European market.© 2008-5 PRINTED IN JA PANB53-0666-00 (N) 429SERVICE MANUALKDC-BT7539U/BT8041U/BT8141UY/BT838UCD RECEIVERKDC-BT7539UBluetoothKDC-BT8041UBluetoothKDC-BT838UBluetoothKDC-BT8041UKDC-BT8141UY(E type)KDC-BT838U(K type)SIZE AA BATTERY(Not supplied)Panel assy(A64-4447-02)MODEL TDF PANEL No. TDF NAMEKDC-BT838U Y33-2970-60 TDF-BT89DKDC-BT8041U/BT8141UY Y33-2970-61 TDF-BT8041UKDC-BT7539U Y33-2970-62 TDF-BT7539UCD MECHANISM EXTENSIONCORD (30P) : E39-1014-05DC cord (K,M type)(E30-6428-05)DC cord (E type)(E30-6671-05)Escutcheon(B07-3245-01)Mounting hardware assy(J21-9716-03)Remote controller assy(A70-2085-05)Lever(D10-7012-04) x2Carrying case (K,E type)(W01-1710-05)Compact disc(W01-1723-15)Screw set (K,M type)(N99-1757-15)Screw (K,M type)(N84-4016-48)Panel assyKDC-BT8041U:(A64-4445-02)KDC-BT8141UY:(A64-4446-02)RC-547Panel assy(A64-4444-02)Plastic cabinet assy (M type)(A02-2755-13)TDF SPARE-PANELMicrophone(W01-1718-05)KDC-BT7539U(M type)2KDC-BT7539U/BT8041U/BT8141UY/BT838UBLOCK DIAGRAMAM+BFRONT-ENDCD MECHAPON5VA8VA8VAGCE-VOLPREMUTEICPOWERPRE OUTAUX INIC451RDSDECODERBU5VA8VSERVO+BUPBACKRESETICBU5Vu-COMP-CONANT-CONACC DETILLUMIBU5VILL+BSW14VA8VSW5VP-CONANT CONILLUMIACCBACK UPLINE MUTESP OUT(FL/FR/RL/RR)FLRESET SWLEDBU5VPON5VSERVOA8VILL+BILL+B(F/R SW)WIRED REMOLINE MUTELX BUSCONNECTOR4PUSB5Vto USB u-COMUSB I/FSW16VSW16VSW16VUSBPAN5VBU3.3VIC1IC700IC601IC501SERVO+B+BFDCFL+BSW DC/DC(FL)(D5V)DC/DCSWPAN5VHI-SIDESWFL+BUSB5VVBUS OC(BT3.3V)DC/DCPAN5V BT3.3VDETB.U/SERGESWEJE/SRCKEY MATRIXKEYROMCORRROTARYENCODERREMOTECONTROLDRIVERLEDFL+Bu-COMPANELLEVELSHIFTAUTHENTICATIONiPodu-COM(USB/CD)SUBSYSTEMVBUS OCROM CORRPON5VROM CORRDRIVERMUTE(K,M TYPE)BU5VMODULEBLUETOOTHBOOKTELA8VPON5V+12dB/LPFMICBTBT3.3VPANELOPEN/CLOSEDETSW14VSW14V(K,M TYPE)E2PROMFSTFM/AMCDSPE ANAMUTE AMUTE 0,1,2WININ OFFSETMUTE APWIC MUTEforMPXRDSDC ERRMUTE 0,1,2AUXCHMUTE CMUTE CSTBYPREM/SW MI2SI2SDACMD(BT)RSTRST(X16- )(X34- )ANT3KDC-BT7539U/BT8041U/BT8141UY/BT838UBLOCK DIAGRAMDPU1CD PLAYER UNIT (X32-6130-00)BOARDMOTHER(X34- )EFACBTR COILFO COILAPCIC416.934MHzCLOCKIC3LOADING &MOTORDRIVERMOTORSPINDLES2S1S3SLEDMOTORDM1DM2X1Q1RF AMPSERVOMP3 DECODERWMA DECODER1M bit SRAMPROCESSORAAC DECODER+CR FILTERCR FILTERREVERSALCIRCUITQ13BU1.5V REGIC5IC6IC11SW3.3V REGSW1.5V REGLOADING &VREF12EJE-SWLOS-SWLOE-SWMOTORLO/EJA.GNDA8VA,B,C,E,FTR OUTFO OUTDM OUTFM OUTA3.3VLDSIGNALS.GNDS7.5VFO OUTTR OUTDM OUTFM OUTDRV MUTESOSRAMSTBSIBUCKCCEPIO0SRAMSTBBUCKCCEPIO0SOSIMRST MRSTC88,R82C87,R83R-chL-ch L-chR-chZDET MUTE L/RD.GNDD GND BU1.5V SW1.5VSW3.3V AGNDBU5VP.ONPDBSIF LRCKBSIF ST REQBSIF GATEBSIF BCKBSIF DATABSIF ST REQBSIF GATEBSIF DATABSIF BCKBSIF LRCK8EJE-SW4KDC-BT7539U/BT8041U/BT8141UY/BT838U SWITCH UNIT (X16-638x-xx)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC1 Panel -COMIC3 Remote Control IC Remote control receiverQ1 Triangle Red LED SW Triangle LED lights when Q1s base level goes Hi.Q3 Blue LED SW (Vol left) Blue LED brightness control (PWM).Q4 Blue LED SW (FL Top & ATT Key) Blue LED lights when Q4s base level goes Hi.Q5 Blue LED SW (FL under) Blue LED brightness control (PWM).Q6 Blue LED SW (Multi function Key) Blue LED brightness control (PWM).Q11 VFD Filament Voltage (-) VFD Cut-off bias (5-7.5V) supply. ELECTRIC UNIT (X34-597x-xx)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC11 Audio8V Ref Power Supply Output 1.27V.IC21 Regulator Power supply for IC700. (USB -com)IC61 Switching Regulator Power supply for D5V. (to USB/PANEL)IC71 Switching Regulator Power supply for FL+B. (to PANEL)IC211 Hi-side SW Detection of USB Over CurrentIC301 RDS decoder IC RDS decoder. (only E type)IC331 OPAMP For AGC of the Spectrum AnalyzerIC451 Eelectrical Volume & Source Selecter Controls the source, volume, and tone.IC501 Power IC Amplifi es the front L/R and the rear L/R to 50W maximum.IC601 System -com Controls FM/AM tuner, the changer, CD mechanism, Panel, volume and tone.IC602 Reset IC “L” when detection voltage goes below 3.6V or less.IC603 ROM CORRECTION For Main program correcting emergency (EEP_ROM)IC604 Muting logic IC Controls logic for muting.IC605 Logic IC Level Shift (3.3V5V)IC607 Logic IC Level Shift (5V3.3V)IC608 EEP_ROM Memory of TEL BOOK for “Blue Tooth”IC700 Sub -com USB/CD mechanism controlIC750 iPod Authentication Coprocessor iPod AuthenticationIC751 ROM CORRECTION For USB program correcting emergency (EEP_ROM)IC964 OP AMP +12dB Gain AMP & L.P.F for BT OutputIC965 Switching Regulator Power supply for BT3.3V. (to BT Module)Q11 Audio8V AVR When Q13 & Q12 go ON, A8V AVR outputs 8.0V.Q12 Audio8V AVR SW When Q13Base goes Hi, Supply current to IC11.Q13 Audio8V AVR SW When Q13Base goes Hi, Q12 & Q11 are ON.Q21,22 B.U.5V AVR While BU is applied, BU5V AVR outputs +5V.Q23,24 PON5V When Q24base goes Hi, PON5V outputs +5V.Q31,32 SERVO+B AVR When Q33 & Q34 go ON, AVR outputs 8V.Q33,34 SERVO+B SW When Q34Base goes Hi, Q33 is ON.Q41,42 Illumination+B AVR When Q43 & Q44 go ON, AVR outputs 10V.Q43,44 Illumination+B SW When Q44Base goes Hi, Q43 is ON.Q51,52 SW16V When Q9 & Q34 go ON, The voltage appears. (16V)Q71,72 FDC+B AVR When Q43 goes ON, AVR outputs 9V. (FL Filament)Q81,82 FL+B SW When Q81Base goes Hi, FL+B outputs 53V.COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION5KDC-BT7539U/BT8041U/BT8141UY/BT838URef. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityQ121 B.U Detected SW When Q121base gose Hi, B.U voltage is detected.Q122 Surge Detect SW When Q122base goes Hi, Surge voltage is detected.Q123 ACC Detect SW When Q123base gose Hi, Acc voltage is detected.Q141,144 P-CON SW When Q144base goes Hi, AVR outputs 14V.Q142,143 P-CON Protect Protect Q141 by turning on when P-CON output is grounded.Q145,146 Power Antenna SW When Q146base goes Hi, power antenna switch outputs 14V.Q151 Small-lamp Detect SW When Q151base goes Hi, Small-lamp is detected.Q321,322 AM+B SW When Q322base gose Hi, AM+B is outputs.Q331 AGC CONTROL (for SPE. ANA.) AGC GAIN CONTROLQ401406 Pre-out mute SW When a base gose Hi, Pre-out is set to mute.Q407,408 Pre-out mute driver When a base gose Lo, mute driver is turned on.Q602,603 LEVEL SHIFT System -com (5V) to Sub -com (3.3V)Q680 Invertor When a base gose Hi, BT RESET is ON.Q681,682 PANEL +5V SW When Q682base gose Hi, PANEL +5V is outputs.Q683,684 LEVEL SHIFT CD mechanism (3.3V) to Sysytem -com (5V) Q702,703 3.3V_AVR_for_IC700 (fl ash_type) When base of Q702 is “H”, 3.3V_On.Q704 Decoder SRAM standby control Buffer When base of Q704 is “L”, SRAM_STBY.Q705 CD “LOE_LIM” SW_Buffer When base of Q705 is “H”, Loading_End.Q900 L.P.F L.P.F for BT Output (Rch)Q901 L.P.F L.P.F for BT Output (Lch) CD PLAYER UNIT (X32-6130-00)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC3 4ch BTL DriverDriver for focusing & tracking coil, driver for sled & spindle motor, and operation for disc loading & ejection.IC4 Servo DSP with built-in Audio DAC With built-in MP3/WMA/AAC decoder and 1M-bit-SRAM.IC5 D1.5V REG. Power supply for digital 1.5V.IC6 D3.3V REG. Power supply for digital 3.3V.IC11 BU1.5V REG. Power supply for back-up 1.5V.Q1 APC (Auto Power Control) Drives LD (Laser Diode).Q13 Inverter Inverts ZDET signal.D2 Laser Diode Protection Prevents reverse bias which is applied to laser. Laser destruction prevention.D3,4 Static Electricity Countermeasure Prevents malfunction by static electricity.COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION6KDC-BT7539U/BT8041U/BT8141UY/BT838UMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTION SYSTEM -COM: 30626FHP3A7GP (X34-597: IC601)Pin No. Pin Name I/O ApplicationTruth value table Processing Operation Description1 WIRED_REMO I Remote controller input Pulse width detection 2 RDS_QUAL I RDS decoder QUAL input terminal2 NC O Not used (Models without RDS) Output is fi xed to L3 S_SYS_DATA OData from system -com to SOC (System -com SOC) 400k3 CD_SI O CD mechanism serial output4 S_SOC_DATA IData from SOC to system -com (SOC System -com) 400k4 CD_SO I CD mechanism serial input5 S_SOC_CLK I Host is SOC, CLK from SOC 400k5 CD_CLK O 6E Mechanism serial clock output f=1MHz6 BYTE7 CNVSS8 XCIN 32,768Hz9 XCOUT 32,768Hz10 RESET11 XOUT 12MHz12 VSS13 XIN 12MHz14 VCC115 NMI I Not used16 RDS_CLK I RDS clock input terminal RDS clock input terminal16 NC O Not used (Models without RDS) Output is fi xed to L17 PANEL_DET IPanel connector attach/detach detection terminal H: Panel detach, L: Panel attach18 SRC_KEY I Source key input H: OFF, L: ON19 RDS_DATA I RDS decoder DATA input terminal19 NC O Not used (Models without RDS) Output is fi xed to L20 CD_DRIVEMUTE O CD motor driver mute output 20 NC O Not used (Models with USB) Output is fi xed to L21 EJECT_KEY I Eject key input H: OFF, L: ON22 PANRST O Panel reset terminal H: Normal, L: Reset23 CD_PIO0 ICommand I/FCommunication request terminal from mechanism DSPH: Data request 23 NC O Not used (Models with USB) Output is fi xed to L24 PON_CD I/O CD mechanism power supply control H: CD mechanism power supply ONHi-Z: Power supply OFF24 NC O Not used (Models with USB) Output is fi xed to L25 F_SEL1 I/OSW_REG frequency setup terminal 1 (Models with BT)H: When receiving MWHi-Z: When receiving other frequency than MW25 NC O Not used (Models without BT) Output is fi xed to L26 PWIC_BEEP O Beep output 2kHz 1kHz27 TUN_SCL I/O F/E I2C clock I/O terminal MAX 400k28 TUN_SDA I/O F/E I2C data I/O terminal MAX 400k29 PAN_SYS_DATA OData from system -com to panel (System -com Panel) UART MAX 500k7KDC-BT7539U/BT8041U/BT8141UY/BT838UMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin No. Pin Name I/O ApplicationTruth value table Processing Operation Description30 PAN_PAN_DATA IData from panel to system -com (Panel System -com) UART MAX 500k31 PAN_SYS_REQ OCommunication request from system -com to panel (System -com Panel) 32 PAN_PAN_REQ ICommunication request from panel to system -com (Panel System -com) 33 BT_SYS_DATA OData from system -com to BT module (System -com BT module) 33 NC O Not used (Models without BT) Output is fi xed to L34 BT_BT_DATA IData from BT module to system -com (BT module System -com) 34 NC O Not used (Models without BT) Output is fi xed to L35 NC O Not used Output is fi xed to L36 PON_ILL I/OPanel LEDFL bias power supply controlH: Power ONHi-Z: When panel is detach and power is OFF37 NC O Not used Output is fi xed to L38 PON_PANEL I/OPower supply for panel -comSupply FL_VDD H: Power ONHi-Z: When panel is detach and power is OFF39 ROMCOR_DET I ROM correction writing request H: Can re-write ROM correction (I2C open)39 EPM IEPM input terminal for re-writingRewritable when EPM input terminal is “L” when starting to re-write.40 CD_MOTOR O CD motor control terminal41 CD_LOE_LIM_SW I CD detection terminal (Chucking SW) H: Loading completed, L: No disc42 CD_LOS_SW I CD loading detection terminal L: Ejection completed 43 CD_DISC12_SW I CD disk detection terminal (12cm) L: 12cm disc44 PAN_SC_CON OPanel operation control terminalCE when re-writing system -comH: In normal condition, L: Stop the panel45 CD_LOEJ I/O CD motor control terminal46 S_SOC_REQ ICommunication request from SOC to system -com (SOC System -com) 46 NC O Not used (Models without USB) Output is fi xed to L47 SOC_SSTOP O SOC stop terminal H: Normal, L: Stop SOC47 CD_SRAMSTB ODecoder SRAM STANDBY control (Models without USB)L: SRAM standby (6E*)48 SOC_SRST O SOC reset terminal H: Normal, L: Reset (Bolero)48 CD_RST O CD mechanism -com RST terminal H: Normal, L: Reset49 S_SYS_REQ OCommunication request from system -com to SOC (System -com SOC) 49 CD_CCE OCommand I/FCD mechanism chip enable terminal50 SOC_MUTE I DAC mute request H: Mute request, L: In normal condition50 CD_MUTE I DAC mute request L: Mute request, H: In normal condition51 PON_D5V I/OFor USB /FDC 5V power supply control terminalH: ON, Hi-Z: OFF52 PON I/O Power supply control terminal H: ON, Hi-Z: OFF53 OEM_DISP_DATA I/O External display DATA External display 53 NC ONot used (Models without BT/Models without OEM_DISP)Output is fi xed to L8KDC-BT7539U/BT8041U/BT8141UY/BT838UMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin No. Pin Name I/O ApplicationTruth value table Processing Operation Description54 OEM_DISP_CLK I/O External display CLK External display 54 NC ONot used (Models without BT/Models without OEM_DISP)Output is fi xed to L55 OEM_DISP_CE I/O External display control request External display 55 NC ONot used (Models without BT/Models without OEM_DISP)Output is fi xed to L56 P_CON I/O PCON control terminalPOWER ON: H, POWER OFF: Hi-ZSTBY source: Hi-Z57 ANT_CON O ANTCON control terminalTUNER source (including while receiving RDS): HPOWER OFF: L, STBY source: L58 NC O Not used (Models without EXT_AMP) Output is fi xed to L59 ILLUMI_DET I Dimmer illumi detection L: ON, H: OFF60 VCC2 -61 MUTE_0 O EVOL FRONT MUTE control L: Mute ON, Independent setup of time constant 10ms, H: In normal condition62 VSS -63 MUTE_1 O EVOL REAR MUTE control L: Mute ON, Independent setup of time constant 10ms, H: In normal condition64 MUTE_2 O IC-2 SW MUTE control L: Mute ON, Independent setup of time constant 10ms, H: In normal condition, Shall be shared with MUTE_PRE_SW, IC2 shock noise measure65 LINE_MUTE I Line mute detection TEL MUTE: 1V or less, NAVI MUTE: 2.5V or more66 NC O Not used Output is fi xed to L67 BT_RST O BT module reset terminal H: Normal, H: BT reset67 NC O Not used (Models without BT) Output is fi xed to L68 NC O Not used Output is fi xed to L69 MUTE_SA I/OIC-2 MUTE_A controlSpectrum analyzer MUTEL: Mute ON, Independent setup of time constant 0.5ms, Hi-Z: In normal condition70 PWIC_DC_DET I DC offset detection terminal71 ACC_DET I ACC detection ACC detected: L, ACC not detected: H72 BU_DET I BU detection BU detected: LBU not detected/Reduced voltage/Over-voltage: H73 LX_REQ_S I Communication request from slave unit 73 NC O Not used (Models not-supporting LX-BUS) Output is fi xed to L74 MUTE_AFS I/OIC-2 MUTE_C controlAFS MUTEL: Mute ON, Independent setup of time constant 0.5ms, Hi-Z: In normal condition74MUTE_AFS(Not-used)I Not used Input is fi xed to Hi-Z75 SDA/EVOL_SDA I/OData output from system -com to E.VOL (System -com E.VOL data output) Communication speed 200-400k75 PBOOK_SDA I/O Data for BT telephone book memory 75 SDA/E2P_SDA I/O I2C data for ROM correction Communication speed 200-400k76 SCL/EVOL_SCL I/OOutput from system -com to EVOLCLK (System -com EVOLCLK output) Communication speed 200-400k76 PBOOK_SCL I/O Clock for BT telephone book memory 76 SCL/E2P_SCL I/O I2C clock for ROM correction Communication speed 200-400k77 PWIC_MUTE O Power IC MUTE terminal While in STANDBY source, or momentary power down: LWhile TEL MUTE: L78 PWIC_STBY O Power IC standby terminal POWER ON: H, POWER OFF: L9KDC-BT7539U/BT8041U/BT8141UY/BT838UMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin No. Pin Name I/O ApplicationTruth value table Processing Operation Description79 LX_REQ_M O Communication request to slave unit 79 NC O Not used (Models not-supporting L


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