© 2001-1 PRINTED IN JAPANB51-7723-00(S) 1947SERVICE MANUALCD RECEIVERKDC-PS9590RAUDOFFSRCDISCDABVOL ADJTIKDC-PS9590R System E's+EXCOMPACTTEXTDIGITAL AUDIO50Wx 4CLKLOUDK 3 iSCANMENU RDM REP M. RDMPTYD.R.I.V.E.4.5VPREOUTDISCNFANGNAMEDISPKnob(EJECT)(K25-1215-03)Front glass(B10-3260-01)Panel assy(A64-2157-02)Knob(VOL)(K25-1216-03) Knob(1-6)(K25-1221-03)Knob(FM/AM)(K25-1218-03)Plastic cabinet assy(A02-1497-03)Lever(D10-4562-04)Torsion coil spring(G01-2924-04)Antenna Adaptor(T90-0523-05)(T90-0534-05)Mounting hardware assy(J21-9716-03)Remote controller assy(A70-0886-15)Screw set(N99-1704-05)DC cord(E30-4956-05)Remote controller assy(A70-2015-05)KDC-PS9590R2BLOCK DIAGRAMPLL+BFM+B AM+BDIMMER MUTE2WAYDET.ACCSRMBUDET.SRM DRIVERA8VSERVODC/DCSW5VBU5VP CONANT-CONMUTEDRIVER4.5V PREMUTEE'sPOWER ICIC4u-COMIC1CDCHIC7IC10-12Q37-42IC5IC2F/EMECHAE-VOLPRE OUTSP-OUTDIMMER TEL-MUTE ACCANT-CONTP-CON BACK UPDECORDERRDSIC14IC8Q14 Q15 Q31Q26-29Q1,2Q3Q51Q9Q30IC15IC2IC1IC3EX.AMP CONTROLAVRDC/DC BOXPANEL u-COMRESETSWRESET ICVFD(GRADATED)REMOG/R SWSPEANAIC16BUFFERQ36NOISEPRE OUT OUTPUT VOLTAGESPEANA AGC OPAMPCONTROLEX.AMPNAVI-MUTEPANEL 5V4.5VPREQ4-6Q7,8IC6DC/DC REGKEY MATRIXBFPIF+BSW14VIC4IC5ROMREG3.3VCH S-METERQU A LSERVO+BMUTE RM STOPSW2LO/EJMUTE LM RSTSW3SW1MS DATAMS CLKA8V BU5VSW5VRSTREQ CCLKCH-CONDATAHREQ HCDAMFMMUTEPRE MUTEMC REQP ANEL RSTSC REQMC CLKSC D A T AMC D A T ARESETSRM SW2SRM SW3SRM DETSRM SW1RDCKRDD AQU A LSD ASCLAFS AFSS-METERA8V+B -B+B -BSCLSDAS-METERSW5VDATACBACK UPPANEL 5VPANEL 5VFACFL+B750mV4500mVCHANGERAM4.5V PRE2250mVFM230mV1200mV1200mV251mV (E TYPE)470mV (K TYPE)IFC OUTAUDIO OUTSW5VNOISEIFC OUT4500mVCDK TYPEMODE4500mV 4500mV1069mV1715mVE TYPE3600mV600mV1800mV 3600mVK TYPEE TYPE3600mV1372mV855mV3600mV1.8V PRESRM SUB-SRM SUB+DRIVERMUTEBU5VMO SWQ52BUFFFL(GRADATED) TYPE(X13-997)(X13-994)KDC-PS9590R3MICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONl Terminal descriptionPin Function I/O Description Processing Operation1 AM+B O AM power terminal H: During AM radio operation2 FM+B O FM power terminal H: During FM radio operationH: During FM radio operation if with RDS, RBDS3AFSO Switching terminal for noise detection L: During AF search, FM seekH: During receive4 PLL-DATA I/O Data I/O terminal to F/E5 PLL-CLK I/O CLK terminal to F/E6 Evdd - Positive power terminal7 Evss - GND terminal8 N.C O Open (not used)9 BEEP O BEEP output terminal10 N.C O Open (not used)11 PRE-MUTE L O L (during CD): when M MUTE L is L (low)L during momentary power downFixed at H only during 2 zone12 PRE-MUTE R O L (during CD): when M MUTE R is L (low)L during momentary power downFixed at H only during 2 zone13 IC2-SDA I/O IC2, IC5, CD mechanism, DATA line14 IC2-SCL O IC2, IC5, CD mechanism, CLK line15 N.C O Open (not used)16 N.C O Open (not used)17 N.C O Open (not used)18 TEST - Test terminal19 P-MUTE O Power IC MUTE terminal L: During Power-OFF L: During All-OFFL: During Tell-mute20 P-STBY O Power IC STBY terminal Power IC ON: H. Power IC OFF: L. During All-OFF: H21 MUTE O MUTE termianl ON: Open OFF: L22 N.C O Open (not used)23 N.C O Open (not used)24 ACC-DET I ACC detection terminal L: ACC H: No ACC25 DIMMER I Small detection terminal ON: L OFF: H26 SW5V O 5 volt power terminal ON: L OFF: H27 EXT-AMP-CO O External AMP control terminal (200ms) L 40ms: Bus boost OFFL 70ms: Bus boost LOWL 100ms: Bus boost HI28 P-CON O Power control terminal Power ON: H Power OFF: L29 ANT-CON O Antenna control terminal TUNER, TI ON: H Open if no ANT-CON30 P-ON O SW14V control terminal Power ON: H Power OFF: L31RESETI Reset IN terminal H: Normally H: During reset32 XT1 I Subclock terminal Time count Operation during Power-OFF33 XT2 - Subclock terminal34 REGC - Capacitor output terminal for regulator inside microprocessor35 X2 - Main clock terminal Oscillates: During Power-ONOscillates stop: During Power-OFF, duringmomentary power down36 X1 I Main clock terminal37 Vss - GND terminal38 Vdd - +B terminal39 CLKOUT O Internal system clock output40 N.C O Open (not used)41 N.C O Open (not used)42 TYPE0 I Destination selector port43 TYPE1 I Destination selector port44 TYPE2 I Destination selector port45 N.C O Open (not used)46 IC2TYPE0 I IC2 destination terminal L: During defaultSystem m -com: UPD703033GC051KDC-PS9590R4MICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin Function I/O Description Processing Operation47 IC2TYPE1 I IC2 destination terminal L: During default48 CH-REQH O Request output to changer49 CH-RST O Reset output to changer Normally L, after system RST reset is ”H” for400ms and then ”L”50 CH-MUTE I Mute request from changer ON: H OFF: L51 CH-CON O Changer control output ON: H OFF: L52 ILL-ON O FL, illumination output ON: H OFF: L53 M-MUTE L I Mute request from CD mechanism ON: L54 M-MUTE R I Mute request from CD mechanism ON: L55 BVdd - +B terminal56 BVss - GND terminal57 M-RST O Reset output to CD mechanism Normally H, L:During resetPer mechanical control specs.58 M-STOP O Stop request to CD mechanism Stop: L H: During CD59 N.C O Open (not used)60 LO/EJ I/O CD mechanism, LODING, EJECT selector Stop, Brake: Hi-z, LOADING: L, EJECT: H61 MOSW O CD mechanism, MOTOR, SW LOADING, EJECT, Brake: H62 N.C O Open (not used)63 CD-SW3 I CD down SW detection terminal Chucking: H64 PAN-RESET O Reset output to panel microprocessor Normally H, L: During reset, momentary power down65 MC-REQ/PAN I/O REQ terminal/panel detection for panel microprocessor L: During panel use66 N.C O Open (not used)67 N.C O Open (not used)68 N.C O Open (not used)69 N.C O Open (not used)70 AVCONT O AD reference voltage control output Same timing as P ON H: During operation71 Avdd - +B terminal72 Avss - GND terminal73 Avref I Reference voltage supply terminal for A/D converter74 PHONE I PHONE detection terminal Tel mute: Min 1 volt, Navi mute: Max.2.5 volt75 SRM-SW3 I Mask mechanism position detection input See 01mask mechanical position detection chart76 SRM-SW1 I Mask mechanism position detection input See 01mask mechanical position detection chart77 SRM-SW2 I Mask mechanism position detection input See 01mask mechanical position detection chart78 SRM-DET I Mask mechanism detection input L: Mechanism H: No mechanism79 NOISE I FM noise detection terminal80 S-METER I S meter detection terminal81 R-DATA I RDS DECODER DATA input terminal Connect to GND: On models without RDS,RBDS82 R-QUAL I RDS DECODER QUAL input terminal Connect to GND: On models without RDS,RBDS83 IFC-OUT I F/E IFC OUT input terminal L: When station present84 N.C I Open (not used) Connect to GND85 N.C I Open (not used) Connect to GND86 SRM-B O SRM mechanical submotor output terminal87 R-CLK I RDS DECODER CLK input terminal Connect to GHD: On models without RDS,RBDS88 CH-REQC I Input request from changer ON: L89 SC-REQ I Communication request from panel microprocessor90 CD-SW1 I LOADING SW detection terminal LOADING start: L91 CD-SW2 I 12cm disk detection switch terminal 12cm DISC: L92 SRM+B O SRM mechanical submotor output terminal93 BU-DET I Momentary power down detection terminal L: B.U H: No B.U (momentary power down)94 CH-DATAC I Data input terminal from changer95 CH-DATAH O Data input terminal to changer96 CH-CLK I/O CLK I/O terminal used with changer97 SC-DATA I Data line from panel microprocessor98 MC-DATA I/O Data line to panel microprocessor99 MC-CLK O CLK terminal to panel microprocessor100 PAN5V O Panel 5 volt control terminal L: Panel H: No panelKDC-PS9590R5ADJUSTMENTTest Mode1. How to enter test modeWhile holding the FM key and the Preset 6 key, reset theunit.2. How to exit from test mode.While holding down the Preset 6 key, reset the unit.Note: Does not exit from test mode ACC-OFF, Power-OFFor Momentary power down3. Test mode reset status Sources are all OFF All display segment lit up Volume at -10dB (shows 30 on display) LOUD is OFF. CRSC is OFF regardless of whether switching function isprovided. SYSTEM Q is in FLAT Blank skip is OFF. (C/R model) LEDs are white, no scanning. (VLCD model)4. Special displays in TunerWhen the following displays appear in tuner mode it showsa problem with the front end. “TNE2P NG” . F/E is not aligned and EEPROM is inreset (no settings) such as when shipped. “TNCON NG” . Cannot communicate with F/E (frontend).5. K3I switchingEach time the Preset 6 key is pressed in Tuner mode,switches one at a time through the following sequence:AUTO fi Forced Wide fi Forced Middle fi Forced Narrowfi AUTO. When reset, displays the following in AUTO. AUTO . FMA Forced Wide . FMW Forced Middle . FMM Forced Narrow . FMN6. CD receiver test mode specifications No automatic ejection during reset-start. Does not make aCD check in reset with a CD loaded. Using the Track up key jumps to the following tracks.No.9fi No.15fi No.10fi No.11fi No.12fi No.13fi No.14fi andback to No. 9 Using the Track down key moves 1 track downwards fromthe track being played.7. Audio items Momentarily pressing the Q key calls up audio adjustmentmode. Pressing the * key on the remote control calls up audioalignment mode. Continuous forward is disabled on the remote control. Bass/Middle/Treble are settable in 3 steps of MIN/CENTER/MAX with the Track up/down keys. Balance is settable in 3 steps of Left MAX/CENTER/RightMAX with the Track up/down keys. Fader is settable in 3 steps of Rear MAX/CENTER/FrontMAX with the Track up/down keys. HPF is settable in 2 steps of THRU/220Hz with the Trackup/down keys. LPF is settable in 2 steps of THRU/120Hz with the Trackup/down keys. Bass f/Bass Q/Bass EXT/Middle f/Middle Q/Treble f donot appear in the audio alignment.8. Menu items Momentarily pressing the CLK key calls up the Menu mode. The DNPP/SBF keys on the remote control calls up Menumode. Continuous forward is disabled on the remote control. Calendar adjust, calendar display switching and calendarmemo are eliminated from forward (FL model) In color alignment mode, Preset 1 is red, 2 is blue, 3 isgreen and 4 is white. (VLCD model). Contrast is set in 3 steps of 0, 5, 10 and the reset value is5. (VLCD/LCD models) Brightness adjustment is set in 3 steps of 0, 5, 10 and thereset value is 10. (Normal FL model)9. Backup current measurementThe MUTE terminal turns off 2 seconds (not 15 seconds)after being reset in ACC off (backup on). (The panel, CDand tape mechanisms are disabled during this time.)10. Special displays during All-Off with all lamps onThe following displays appear when the preset keys arepressed with all display segment lit up.PRESET1 Version display (8 digits; Mo. Dy. Hr. Mn.)(Display) SYS XXXXXXXX system microprocessorPAN XXXXXXXX panel microprocessorPRESET2 Serial No. display (8 digits) Note: CD/RK type eXcelon model(Display) SNo XXXXXXXXPRESET3 Press once: Power-on time display (Does not count during All-Off)Press long: Clears the time display during power-on.(Display) PonTim XXXXX (C/R) MAX 65535(time)PRESET4 Press once: TAPE/CD/MD operating time display.Press long: Clears TAPE/CD/MD operating time.(Display) CDTime XXXXX (CD/R)TapTim XXXXX (C/R) MAX 65535(time)PRESET5 Press once: TAPE/CD/MD eject count display.Press long: Clears TAPE/CD/MD eject count display.(Display) EjeTim XXXXX MAX 65535(count)PRESET6 Press once: PANEL open/shut count display.Press long: Clears PANEL open/shut count display.(Display) PnCnt XXXXX MAX 655350(count)KDC-PS9590R6ADJUSTMENT11. Others Automatic panel close is disabled when tape or CD isinserted. (M&T model) Panel operation is disabled at Power-ON or Power-OFF.(M&T model) Panel open and closes with the ATT key. (M&T model) No displays such as “CODE OFF” during Power-ON. Pressing the TI (AUTO) key during changer operation turnson 2zone. Cancel by pressing the TI (AUTO) key again.The P/S dot is lit during 2zone. Pressing the CLK key for 1 second or more during All OFF,calls up the Mask Key (security) write mode.Security items Forced power-ON mode (all models)Even when writing is permitted by the security function (maskkey), Power-on can be set for a 30 minute period each timethe reset key is pressed while holding down the ATT keyand Preset 4 keys. After 30 minutes elapses, can only berestored by using reset. How to register the security code for EEPROM (F/E)replacement (coded security models)1. While holding the FM key and the preset 6 key, reset theunit.2. Call up security register mode by pressing the CLK key.3. Enter the code with the Preset 1/2/3/4 keys.For example, to enter the number, “3510”.- Press the Preset 1 key 4 times.- Press the Preset 2 key 6 times.- Press the Preset 3 key 2 times.- Press the Preset 4 key 1 time.4. Hold down the DISP key for at least 3 seconds and themessage, “RE-ENTER” appears, so once again enterthe code according to Step 3 above.5. Hold down the DISP key for at least 3 seconds, and themessage, “APPROVED” appears.6. Cancel test mode. (See, 2. How to cancel the test mode.)Note: All clear cannot be performed on the security codefor this model. Simple way to clear the security code (K type only)1. During code request mode, press the VOL UP key for atleast 3 seconds while holding down the DISP key.(- will disappear)2. Enter, “KCAR” with the remote controller as describedbelow. (Same as on 00 model.)Press the remote controller 5 key twice, and press theTrack Up key. (Enters a “K”)Press the remote controller 2 key three times, and pressthe Track Up key. (Enters a “C”)Press the remote controller 2 key once, and press theTrack Up key. (Enters an “A”)Press the remote controller 7 key twice, and press theTrack Up key. (Enters an “R”)3. Security function is canceled and unit sets to All-Off mode.4. Code request mode appears if a mistake was made inentering the numbers. Mask key write method on initialized EEPROM1. While holding the FM key and the preset 6 key, reset theunit.2. Press the CLK key to call up mouse key register mode.The message, “TRANSMIT 1” appears. The display atthis time shows “ rather than “ ”.3. Face the mask key towards the photosensor and holddown for half a second or longer.4. When “TRANSMIT 2” appears, again hold down the maskkey for at least half a second. The first and second countercodes are not compared at this time.5. When the message, “APPROVED” appears, the writingis complete. The demo mode is set at this time and testmode is canceled.Note: Just as with the previous model, if 30 minutes elapsesand the code is not written, then an error is issued andpower-OFF is triggered. How to initialize the mask key (Return to factory settingsfrom mask key write permit status.)1. While holding the FM key and the preset 6 key, reset theunit.2. The message, “TRANSMIT 1” appears and mask keyrequest mode is called up. The display at this time shows“* * ” rather than “ ”.3. Cancel the mask key on the remote control by holdingdown for at least 3 seconds.4. When “TRANSMIT 2” appears, again hold down the maskkey for at least 3 seconds.5. When the message, “APPROVED” appears, the maskkey is canceled, demo mode is set, test mode is canceled,and the factory settings restored. How to All-Clear the mask key