CASSETTE RECEIVERKRC-225/235SERVICE MANUAL© 2001-11 PRINTED IN KOREAB51-7854-00 (K) 1748KRC-265/SKRC-265/SKRC-235KRC-225Panel assy(A64-2505-02)Plastic cabinet assy(A02-1486-13)Lever(D10-3031-04)x2Mounting hardware assy(J21-9491-13)DC cord(E30-4783-05):KRC-225/235DC cord(E30-4784-05):KRC-265/SScrew set(N99-1610-15)Screw set(N99-1719-05)Escutcheon(B07-2124-02)Panel assy(A64-2506-02)Escutcheon(B07-2124-02)Panel assy(A64-2507-02):KRC-265(A64-2634-02):KRC-265SEscutcheon(B07-2124-02):KRC-265(B07-3049-02):KRC-265SKRC-225/235/265/265S2BLOCK DIAGRAMIC1KEYPAN 5VMUTEB.U. DET. B.U.ACCP-CONT.MUTEPREPOWER ICEQ. AMP.CH ISO AMPN.C.MPXE-VOL.CD/MDCHANGERFRONT LchFRONT RchREAR LchREAR RchJ2LCD DRIVERLCDMAINTAPE MECHA.IC51 Lch2 RchPRE OUTIC2IC4IC3 Q150,153SP OUTREARJ4RSTPAN IN SWANT-CONT.P-CONT.J2Q370,371Q450,451Q50Q350-353Q58-61Q54-57Q53Q320Q301Q51,52J5IC1ED1FM+BQ200,201AM+BQ202,203AM BPFFM BPFSW 5VCOM +BILLUMI.B.U.5VSYSTEM MI-COMRST SWANT-CONT.FM ANTAM ANTRF GNDFM+BAM+BOSC GNDOSC GNDOSC GNDVTPLL +BIFC OUTSDASCLDIG GNDIF1+BIF1 GNDS-METERIF2 GNDSDFM+BSW5VACC DETB.U. DETSCLMUTESDAP CONPANELHOLDLCLKLDATASLDATALFWD/REVMOTORCH CONDATAHDATACREQ HREQ CCH CLKRchCOMLchTAPEMP INAMMPXOUT RROUT LROUT RFRchLEVELSCLSDAOUT LFRchSTBYMUTERchLchT-MUTEFWDREVB.U.5VB.U.8VB.U.CHRSTS MUTE8465B.U.5VAM+BVDD 5VPACK INL CEANT CONCHMUTEBEEPSVRAMP. STBYSVRAC GND (BEEP)Lch LchRchLch1200mVTAPE :1681mVCD/MD-CH :3529mVAM :546mVFM :1781mV8VRF GNDOSC GNDIF2 +BAUDIO OUT8VS-METERSDPLL CLKPLL DATAHEADPLAYR55.6mVBU5VSW5V8VB.U.5VAM: 170mVFM: 400mVLPACK IN(FF/REW)AMP. MUTEFF/REWBU5VILLP-CONT./ANT-CONT.(X16-)(X14-)MKRC-265/SKRC-225/235KRC-235,265/SA1MOTOR SWQ260,261ACC. DET.5VQ1,Q151KRC-225/235/265/265S3COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONRef.No.Component NameApplication/FunctionOperation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1LC72366-9592System MI-COM.System controlIC2TDA7461NDE-VOL. & N.C. MPXControls sound volume. Selects each source.IC3HD74HC27FPMute logic3-input NOR gate x 3IC4TDA7384A orPower ICAmplifies power so that the speaker can drive audio signal.TDA7386IC5LA3161Equalizer amplifierEqualizer amplifier for cassette tape sound2SC2412K orBACK-UP detectionWhile BACK-UP is added, a base becomes Hi, and Q50 isQ502SD601A(Momentary power downturned on.detection) SWQ512SB1443While BACK-UP is added, AVR outputs +5V.Q522SC2412K orBACK-UP 5V AVRQ51 and Q52 is inverted Darlington connection.2SD601AQ53DTA114YK or UN2114P.ON 5V SWWhile a base becomes Lo, Q53 is turned on.or KRA107SQ54DTC144EK or UN2213While Q54's base becomes Hi, Q55 is turned on.or KRC104SCOM+B SWQ55DTA124EK or UN2112Works during POWER ON mode.or KRA103S2SA2057 or 2SB1548Q56(P) or 2SB1565(E,F)While Q57's base becomes Hi, Q56 is turned on.or 2SB1655(E,F)COM+B AVRQ572SC2412K orQ56 and Q57 is inverted Darlington connection.2SD601AQ58DTC144EK or UN2213While Q58's base becomes Hi, Q59 is turned on.or KRC104SIllumination +B SWQ59DTA124EK or UN2112Works during POWER ON mode with a panel attachedor KRA103Sto the set.2SA2057 or 2SB1548Q60(P) or 2SB1565(E,F)While Q61's base becomes Hi, Q60 is turned on.or 2SB1655(E,F)Illumination +B driverQ612SC2412K orQ60 and Q61 is inverted Darlington connection.2SD601ADTC124EK or UN2212When BACK-UP detection SW or CHANGER RESET SW orQ150or KRC103SElectric volume mute SWMI-COM.'s mute works, a base becomes Hi, and Q150is turned on.Q151DTC114YK or UN2214 SVR discharge SWWhen POWER IC RESET is activated, a base becomes Hi,or KRC107SQ151 is turned on.DTA124EK or UN2112When BACK-UP detection SW or CHANGER RESET SW orQ153or KRA103SPre-out mute driverMI-COM.'s mute works, a base becomes Lo, and Q153is turned on.Q200DTC124EK or UN2212Q201 is turned on when Q200's base becomes Hi.or KRC103SFM +B SWQ2012SB1277(Q,R)Works during FM reception mode.Q202DTC124EK or UN2212Q203 is turned on when Q202's base becomes Hi.or KRC103SAM +B SWQ2032SB1277(Q,R)Works during AM reception mode.¶SWITCH UNIT(X16-1490-XX)Ref.No.Component NameApplication/FunctionOperation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1LC75853NELCD driver with key-matrixQ1DTA114EK or UN2111Key-matrix permission SWReady on key-matrixor KRA102S¶SYNTHESIZER UNIT(X14-6850-XX)KRC-225/235/265/265S4COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONRef.No.Component NameApplication/FunctionOperation/Condition/CompatibilityQ260DTC114YK or UN2214When Q260's base becomes Hi, Q261 is turned on.or KRC107SMotor +B SWQ2612SB1443Works during TAPE mode.Q301DTA144EK or UN2113Changer reset SWWhen a base becomes Lo, Q301 is turned on.Q3202SA1037KPanel 5V SWWhile a panel is attached to the set, a base becomes Lo, andQ320 is turned on.Q3502SB1277(Q,R)P-CON. driverWhen Q353's base becomes Hi, Q350 is turned on.Q3512SA1037KP-CON. protection SWWorks when P-CON is being short-circuited on GND.Q352DTA124EK or UN2112P-CON. protectionInhibits protection SW function when P-CON works momentary.or KRA103Sinhibit SWQ353DTC114YK or UN2214P-CON. SWQ353 is turned on when a base becomes Hi. Works duringor KRC107SPOWER ON mode.Q3702SB1277(Q,R)Q370 is turned on when Q371's base becomes Hi.Q371DTC114YK or UN2214ANT-CON. SWWorks during TUNER mode.or KRC107SQ450DTC143TK or UN2216Pre-out mute SW (R ch.)When BACK-UP detection SW or CHANGER RESET SW orQ451DTC143TK or UN2216Pre-out mute SW (L ch.)MI-COM.'s mute works, a base becomes Hi, and Q450,451are turned on.¶SYNTHESIZER UNIT(X14-6850-XX)KRC-225/235/265/265S5MICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin No.Pin NameI/ODescriptionProcessing Operation1XINIMain clock resonator connection terminal2GND-TEST terminal 2Connected to GND lines.3LDATA LIData input from the LCD driver IC4LDATA SOData output to the LCD driver IC5LCLKOClock output to the LCD driver IC6LCEOCE output to the LCD driver IC7SDAI/OData input/output with the E-VOL. IC8PLL DATAI/OData input/output with the F/E9PLL CLKOClock output to the F/E10SDISD input from the F/EHi : Station detected11DATA CIData input from changers12DATA HOData output to changers13CH CLKI/OClock input/output with changers14-O-N.C.(Not used)15MOTOROCassette motor on/off outputHi : Motor ON16SCLOClock output to the E-VOL. IC17-24-O-N.C.(Not used)25AM+BOAM+B ON/OFF outputHi : during AM reception26FM+BOFM+B ON/OFF outputHi : during FM reception27PACK INICassette tape Pack-in detection inputLo : Pack-in28FF/REWIFF/REW detection inputLo : FF/REW, Hi : PLAY29GNDI-Connected to GND lines.30GNDI-Connected to GND lines.31VDD-Positive power supply connection terminalConnected to B.U. 5V lines.32REQ CIRequest input from changersLo : Request33MUTEOAudio mute on/off outputHi : Mute ON34CH CONOChanger controlLo : Standby, Hi : ON35REQ HORequest output to changersLo : RequestWhen the momentary power down, after ACC36SVROPower IC reset terminalON/OFF is detected and after POWER OFF,the output becomes Hi temporarily.37AMP STBYOPower IC standby control outputHi : POWER ON mode38AMP MUTEOPower IC mute controlLo : Mute39P CONOPower controlHi : POWER ON mode40ANT CONOAntenna controlHi : during FM/AM reception41SW5VOSW 5V controlLo : POWER ON mode42ILLOIllumination AVR ON/OFF control terminalHi : POWER ON mode43-O-N.C.(Not used)44BEEPOBEEP sound output45-47-O-N.C.(Not used)48ROLL OFFIRoll off inputPull down to GND lines. (Not used)49NOISEINoise canceller inputPull down to GND lines. (Not used)CANCELLER50SEL1IDestination input 1Lo : KDC-225, Hi : KDC-235,265/S51SEL2IDestination input 2Lo : KDC-265/S, Hi : KDC-225,23552SEL3ODestination input 3N.C.(Not used)53EQ MUTEOTape equalizer mute on/off outputN.C.(Not used)54FWD/REVIFWD/REV mode detection inputLo : REV mode55-O-N.C.(Not used)56REMOIData input from the remote controlKDC-225/235:Pull up to PON5V lines. (Not used)light sensorKDC-265/S:Pull down to GND lines. (Not used)57-60-O-N.C.(Not used)¶Terminal Description ( IC1 : X14-6850-XX)KRC-225/235/265/265S6MICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin No.Pin NameI/ODescriptionProcessing Operation61ACC DETIACC detection inputHi : ACC ON62B.U. DETIMomentary power down detection inputHi : When momentary power down detected orB.U. OFF, Lo : B.U. ON63S METERIS-meter input from the F/E64PANELIPanel detaching detection inputLo : Panel not detached65GNDI-Connected to GND lines.66GNDI-Connected to GND lines.67HOLDIMI-COM. HOLD inputLo : Hold68VDD-VDD connection terminalConnected to B.U. 5V lines.69GNDI-Connected to GND lines.70GNDI-Connected to GND lines.71,72-O-N.C.(Not used)73VDD-Positive power supply connection terminalConnected to B.U. 5V lines.74GNDI-Connected to GND lines.75GNDI-Connected to GND lines.76VSS-Ground connection terminalConnected to GND lines.77,78-O-N.C.(Not used)79GND-TEST terminal 1Connected to GND lines.80XOUTOMain clock resonator connection terminal¶Terminal Description ( IC1 : X14-6850-XX)KRC-225/235/265/265S7TEST MODE1. How to enter the test mode Reset the unit while holding the FM key and preset 6key. All indication segments go ON at the beginning ofthe test mode.2. How to release the test mode Simply reset the unit. (NOTE) The test mode is not canceled by ACC OFF,power OFF, momentary power down or the paneloff.3. Audio adjustment Set the volume level to -10dB (which is shown as“30“ on the display). Loudness OFF. The BASS / TREBLE and BALANCE / FADER con-trols can be set to the full boost / full cut and full right/ full left and full front / full rear respectively by press-ing the Track Up / Track Down keys. Sound coordination doesn't appear for the Audiomode feed.KRC-225/235/265/265S8ADJUSTMENTSet the controls and switches as follows.BALANCE : center positionBASS : center position LOUDNESS : OFFFADER : center positionTREBLE : center positionOUTPUTRECIEVERALIGNMENTSETTINGSSETTINGSPOINTS1)During FWD transport adjust and ' so thatline Aof 2-LINE TAPE passes through the centerof the head shield plate (core center area)2)During RVS transport adjust and ' so thatline B of 2-LINE TAPE passes through the centerof the head shield plate (core center area)3)After the alignment above, reverse the transportdirection and check the FWD alignment again. If itis deviated, perform alignment again. (Tape used :SCC-1659, manufactured by A-BEX)2HEADAZIMUTHTCC-15310kHzConnect an ACvoltmeter andoscilloscope toSPoutputs.TAPE PLAYHead AzimuthScrewAdjust the azimuth for each Lch/R ch or FWD/RVSbecomes maximum.CASSETTE DECK SECTIONHEADHEIGHT1No.ITEMTAPEALIGN FORHead HeightScrewTAPE PLAY-SCC-1659FRR F(2-LINE TAPE)BABA(FWD)(RVS)HEIGHT(FWD)HEIGHT/AZIMUTH(FWD)HEIGHT/AZIMUTH(RVS)TAPE SPEEDHEIGHT(RVS)F''FRRABDFHJCEGI2 1357 46Refer to the schematic diagram for the value of resistors and capacitors.PC BOARD (Foil side view)109REMOGNDW100W28W75W85W22W33W73W67W72W65W13W96W35W200W36W68W64W15W8W31W71W69W27W79W76W34W39W43W46W51W98W99W23L3R50R65R351R353R66W48W10X1C50C17C18C160C152C55W40W20C15C16C161C350C352C162C450C451C150C159C56C58C53C57W58W94W95W101W54W41W53W29W12W16W18W7R261L5R260L4C402C400C401W5W14W17W11C4C3C9C250C10W92W9W70W59W30 W25W50W24W87W80W97W93W89W88W103W86W90W78W61W3 W2W1W56W82W44W47W83W19W74W81W49W77W37W63W32W55W102W57W52W60W62W38W84W42W21W45L14.5MHzR202R55R67R350R370W105R371L8C206L9R373R1 16W26C320R138R1329161825122421765109384111213LR1242 1611518111122EBEB B EBEB EB EB E B E(J74-1317-12)CN1Q60 Q56D411D405D352Q51Q350D401D400D56D52D51D55D54D402D408D409 D403D350D351/W104D53Q201Q203D200Q261D404D260IC5J4J5J2J3J1A1D370IC4D50Q370D371D151D150D152P1WH1D100CN2D261X14-6850-xxW122R58R155R15W112R14R62W113R152R129R59W133W119R413C202R16R13W 111W121R372R151C101C600R324C163R161W135R102R1 18R119R115R1 14R126R52R54R105R106R103R207 R206C164R352R320C155C154C157C156C153C151C506R127R154R150R153R322R401R400R408R409R407R406R412R410R41 1R303R304R306R305R403R301R402R321W129C54R63R64R57W1 14C52W116R201R203R200C200C452C201R205R455R453R454R451R450R452R104C1C2C6C5C7 C8R6R7R5R2R3R4C14R8C13R1C251R251R323W131W125C102C103W128W130R160W124W118R158W117W115W123R157R156R159R250R405R404R137W134W120R122R125R120R121R123R 111R109W126R1 10W127R108W132R131C321TH1C351EB171481142815180642540244165EBEBBEBEEBBEEBEBEBEBEBEBBEEBBEBEBEEBEBEBBEBEQ61Q52Q371Q59Q58Q57Q153Q151Q150Q55Q54Q53Q50Q353Q301Q320Q352Q351Q202Q200Q451Q450Q260IC3IC2IC1Ref. No(X14-6850-xx)AddressIC15EIC25GIC35FIC42EIC55CQ504DQ514CQ524CQ534CQ543CQ553CQ562BQ573BQ584BQ594CQ603BQ613BQ1504GQ1513FQ1533HQ2004GQ2014HQ2025GQ2034HQ2606GQ2616GQ3016DQ3206DQ3503EQ3514FQ3524EQ3534DQ3703EQ3714EQ4503HQ4513H9KMOLN2 1357 46Refer to the schematic diagram for the value of resistors and capacitors. PC BOARD Component side viewFoil side viewAMFMAUDPL1RST 6 5 4 3 2 1PL2ATTCLIK AUTOSRC129D2D1D4D3D5D6D7D8 D9D10D11D12D14D15D13X16-1490-xx (J74-1298-02)R13R14R18R8R1 1R12R19C4C2C1C5R3R4R2R1 R21 R20R5R6C6644948123316117321112EBQ1IC1D17J1X16-1490-xx (J74-1298-02)(X16-1490-xx)Ref. NoAddressIC13NQ14N